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Everything posted by ELTan

  1. my hotmail have 2GB storage, i join the window live mail program. and i notice that my hotmail storege became 2GB. it happening 4 month ago and until now still the same
  2. wow, cool.... it look like a great software, anybody try it? can share some experience with me? like it stablity, software available?if this really work, i plan to install it in one of my pc...any other combatible software available?
  3. the following is my most frequent used application:1. Ms excel2. Ms word3. Adobe golive4. cyber link power DVD5. Peachtree accounting 2005 (i am an accountant)6. Opera 97. TVU player (watch online TV)8. Foorbar 2000 to listen to music9. msn messager10. Kaspersky antivirus (i wont online without it)11. Symantec win fax pro
  4. i like banner no 4. look more special compare with other, it show some 3D feeling to viewer. eventhough i also prefer banner number 1
  5. yes. opera build in google search engine at it web browser. however it didt support certain format of web pages such google spreedsheet. but i think this is not a big problem as we can notice that the developer of opera update this browser constantly.
  6. i love google search engine, but recently i noticed that the result i search most of them are commercial site, it means that i need to read several pages behind to get the information i really seek for.
  7. I think very soon we can see google free word processing system, did you all notice google already intergrated their free spreadsheet in their gmail? it is wonderful.since it can intergrated spreadsheet in gmail...i can say free word processing is a "sure" from gmail
  8. yup, that is the one i looking for. i looking for a site people can peach people. a site where a new learner can get new knowledge without being critises a lot.... at my age at 31, i know not easy to learn new thing but i will try my very best
  9. i read the forum, i get a lot people discuss IE vs Firefox. i wonder why nobody mentioned about Opera?personally i being the user of the 3 browser listed above and would like to share my opinion to all members about Opera.IE is my first using broswer after netscape navigator. i really impress by IE stablity and speed compare with netscape. therefore i being using it for more than 5 years.After IE i try firefox for few month after get it information on newspaper, i download it immediately and try it. well ... it is much more stable than IE but i cant feel it provide me the speed faster than IE. Now i would to recomend Opera, i being using it for more than one year. now even i install 3 browser in my computer but i just using OPERA. the main reason is like below:1. Opera is the 1st browser which support Tabbed browsing, where i can Surf the Web easier and faster by opening multiple Web pages within the same application window.2. It build in Pop-up blocking. Opera lets you control whether to block all pop-ups, or open only the ones that you have requested.3. It intergrated with google search.4.BitTorrent, You don't need a separate BitTorrent application to download large files. Simply click a torrent link and start the download.5.Thumbnail preview....It is easy to have many tabs open at once in Opera. But exactly which tab had that video you wanted? Hover your mouse on any tab to see a thumbnail preview.6.Zoom the contents of any Web page from 20%-1000% using the zoom dropdown or the + and - keys.7. It provide me the speed...i feel my computer never lag when i using Opera compare iwith the other 2 browser.8.It never go crash so frequently compare with IE9. The best ting i like is it can save the seasons i use the opera, so everytime i open opera i can go to the previous pages automatically....even i open 10 tab before...therefore i no need to re-type the address...just like my Xisto forum will always at one of my tab once i open opera.The point i listed up above just some point i feel great as i am an ultimate end user. howerver i not so good in tecnical aspect.i hope u can have a try at http://www.opera.com/
  10. I am agreed with ur opinion. i will go for a paid server after i gain enough experiences. i am learning some technique to do web site, from different channel. off course here will be only one of them. i have enough free time so i plan to invest it in web design.I have some ambition to do some web design for small company. now in my country still a lot of this kind opportunity. (develop my time on something i am interested)I join this forum because it say that provide a space for young talent....
  11. i put my post in wrong site? i though this is a sub forum under How to's and toturial... because i am really new and might do some mistake during learning. so please message me about my mistake. and i trying to seek some sample web site done by our members. but until now i still not get it.... is there a sub forum for member to share their web site store in Xisto? thanks for all the guide.
  12. So far i know the problem battery use by dell is produce by sony. is that means that other labtop battery produce by sony also in danger... we cant wait till the battery burn.... how to check?
  13. norton ghost is a good back up software? complicated to use?is there any realiable free backup software for download?
  14. i have a problem, my company computer being infected by a spyware name 3721, it is a chinese spyware which make my internet explorer. a lot of chinese link.i would like to know that how we can remove it?wheather it is a dabgerous spyware?how to advoid? i dont know how it infect my PC, i am using AVG antivirus free eddition.thanks
  15. hai, everybody... i highly recommended foobar 2000.foobar dont have pretty skin, only simple window on playing menu. even it dont have impressive looking but u sure will impress by it audio quality. since i use foobar 2000 i already uninstall winamp. believe me...if u looking for best sound standard, try foobar 2000.beside that...can somebody help me as i looking for some plug in for foobar 2000? so far i only managed to get some pre set equilaser
  16. i will go for kaspersky, 4 month ago i using norton but it eat my system memory a lot. slow down my system some more it will make my TV card no response.... now i using Kaspersky, i really impress by it. 4 month problem free even when scaning it will slow sown my system... but i still feel kaspersky is 20% better than norton
  17. if possible u should provide the link so that i can compare and compare. but i think i will enjoy in travian word for next few month
  18. i from malaysia, i just know msn, yahoo, google talk, icq. but i dont know what is GT, GAIM, AIM. can someone tell me the detail? because i never heard about it, can they communicate with msn? because i just use msn
  19. May i know why u comment using msn is a shame? previously i hate msn because it not support offline message, how ever with new live messager, the problem already solve. therefore i doubt is there any reason msn is not good? one more is i think msn is great because now almost everyone have it account....u need not to be hotmail account for using this. even gmail user can use it. for me... now msn need to improve is it call n video call quality, much poor compare with skype
  20. hai, anyone play travian online? a web based strategy games. i playing that for 6 month already.Games feature is:1. this games running 24 hour as actual life.2. a really strategy games whis u given a chance to build your own village.3. u no need to be very sporty.... it just a web based games and not a action games.4. work together with your alliances to conquer or build new village.5. any where any time u can play as long u can get online..... no installation is required, u just need a web broswer.6. more than 20k player in a server.... u wont feel lonely
  21. ok, thanks for your reply. i never learning any programing, therefore i dont know those programing languease.however i am very interested to learn how to do a website.the main purpose other than that is that i hope can bring my business online. bring it to more customer.at begining stage i hope at least can learn how to present my company to public and promote my company services and product.oyu may ask me why i dont employ some web designer to do that for me...the answer is that i am interested on it and i hope can do it by myself.
  22. hai, i am new and i am a totally newbie.i would like to know between microsoft frontpages 2002 and publishing 2003. which one is more suitable for me?actually by common sense, i know how to use this 2. but which is more stable?or there is another free software available on market?thanks
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