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Everything posted by doudou

  1. I like Microsoft Media the best, although I still need divx codec to play my files. It could be that I am used to the navigation and I love all the features.
  2. CMS can manage a part of your website instead of the whole. However I am not sure about single pages. Why would you want a CMS for single pages anyways? You can definitely incorporate registration/login page, images and text boxes into CMS.
  3. I prefer FTP for my files. I find it faster than File Manager and easier to navigate. It’s especially helpful when you need to upload multiple files. But there is really no reason why you can’t use both.
  4. Hah, it is so simple! Thank you Vyoma! I can't believe I didn't figure out something like that!
  5. I would love to have an "affiliate button" too; I want to thank Xisto for their wonderful service. Once it's approved can you please post it on the forum? Thanks!
  6. I feel stupid for asking this but I can’t figure out how to use file manager. How do you open folders and view the file in it? When I click on a certain folder the options does not include opening it. And can you upload file from the file manager? I’ve been using FTP to manage my files so far.
  7. I love Window Media Player, great library archive and manage all my music and video files. But I can’t do without Divx either!
  8. Vyoma - Although the drupal installed through Fantastico is not the latest version of 4.7.2 but it is 4.7.0. So it is still supported. I’ve definitely worked with databases before (cold fusion & SQL) but I still have no clue with Drupal, so this is a learn as I go kind of deal.
  9. Most people probably already know this, but it took a little while for me to figure it out. 1. Configure your Public_html folder Access your files through FTP, Under folder “public_html” rename file “.htaccess” to “ORIGNAL.htaccess” Right click on the renamed file “ORIGNAL.htaccess”, select “File Attributes” and uncheck “Group Permission” so that the total is 600. 2. Install Drupal From your CPanel home, under “Fantastico” click on Drupal (under Content Management) Click on “New Installation”, fill in the information except for leave the directory filed empty and it will install under your root directory. If you didn’t go through the first step and attempt to install Drupal under root directory right away, you will get an error message. Hope this is helpful.
  10. Then what is the Modify Mail Exchanger Option on Email Mangement? Does that have something to do with receiving mail in another email?
  11. Thanks! I might just take you up on it. But I really want to learn more before doing anything. There doesn't seem to be a lot of good tutorials for beginners out there. Although it is frustrating, I am not ready to give up yet!
  12. This might be cheating, but I found this great website that helps you pick your web palette. All you have to do is pick out your favorite colour and it will pick the whole palette for you a total of five colours. You guys should really try it out. With the palette it has the html code for each colour listed. http://www.website-colors.com/
  13. Instead of checking my Xisto webmail, is there a way to forward my emails to my existing email account? For example, my default email address is doudou@doudou.astahost.com and I would like to receive it through my gmail or yahoo since I will check it more frequently. How do I do this? Note, this is not the same as setting up a forward/alias email, I know how to do that. Thanks
  14. After a few days of Firefox, although I love it and do not want change back, I discovered a few things about it. It doesn’t display everything they way IE does, like some small JavaScript functions. Also it leaves a lot of temporary files that needs to be cleaned off periodically (most because I like to clean my hard drive). I wish there is a better way to display bookmarks instead of the bookmark bar on the top.
  15. Email forwarding is a great way to prevent spam. Because so many website require you to sign up with your email address to see certain contents and etc… All you have to do is to give them a forward email address, which can be switched off if you get a lot of spam from that one user. I found a couple of really nice ones online: http://www.e4ward.com/ http://mailnull.com/
  16. Yesterday I had my account setup and the first thing I did was to install Drupal Content Management System from my cPanel. But I am at a loss as to what to do next! I looked at the themes Drupal offered on their website and didn’t really like any of them. I found some other PHP themes on the web, but I don’t know if they will work for Drupal. Are there specific requirement for Drupal themes? Their manual and documents are so confusing; I wonder if someone on the forum can answer my questions?
  17. I have signed email accounts with both hotmail and yahoo, but after a few years the spamming was so bad that I am receiving hundreds of email a day. I do use spam control, but sometimes important emails get filtered too. I am really tired of it. I started looking at free email forwarding services. I found Bigfoot.com, but their free service only offer 50 emails a day! Can anyone recommend a better free service?
  18. I doubt I can actually sell any books, do they care if you are only using their database as long as your provide a “buy” link? Have you had any success with your Amazon ads, vujsa? Thanks
  19. I am sure numerous people have already praised the power Mozilla Firefox, but I’ve only discovered it today! Before now I thought I would never use anything other IE because I’ve always used it and love all the feature it provides. But recently after installing and uninstalling of IE 7 Beta, my IE freezes up all the time. So I’ve decided to try out something else. Here is what convinced me within minutes to switch! It’s super fast – I download the same website at least 5 times faster than IE, and I have a fast cable connection! Features – only more and not less than IE. I found all the similar features IE offers and more. Plugins – absolutely awesome! From different theme to email notification, pop blocker…
  20. I think it’s great that you can talk to your friends in different instant messenger programs. But what I am most concerned about is if you can talk to all of them at the same time? For example, talk to a friend on Yahoo Messenger and another on MSN?
  21. Thanks for the replies! I am still in the conception stage of this website and exploring my options. It’s nice to know that I can find a way to save some of the information on my server for quick search. I guess I really have to brush up on my PHP, SQL and XML. Thanks!
  22. I came across the associate program offered by amazon.com when I was surfing their website. Basically they offer a 4% commission on anything that is sold through a lead from your website. But more important, I am interested in their vast collection of book database. I am thinking of starting a book swap website, and really want to tab into ready made database. They do offer something called ECS (E-Commerce Service) that will let you do that. Has anyone had any experience with this? How difficult is the programming involved? I have basic knowledge of PHP and has done programming in Cold Fusion before.
  23. My experience with Google translation is limited to the translation on individual words when my mouse is pointing at a specific word. So far it seems pretty accurate surprisingly even in Chinese. But I’ve not tried using it to translate a whole sentence so don’t know if grammar will also be accurate.
  24. I think some people preferred window 98 is because that was the last version intended for single users. All the versions after 98 came with network capabilities which caused all sorts of problems. When people updated after the 98 version, most people regretted it. Many people didn’t upgrade for a few years after. Although now 98 isn’t able to support most of the software out there, so you really don’t have a choice.
  25. I think the main issue I have with switching to MAC is the cost and availability of software. Not only is the machine more expensive, all the software associated is also more expensive. There are less freeware out there for MAC than for PCs. The truth is I started out with MAC when PC wasn’t even around, although I loved it, I found a cheaper and more convenient alternative.
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