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Everything posted by katif

  1. I have tried only Animation Shop and the animator with Photoshop...so I don't know, but it depends on what u want to do...I recommend using flash if you can...
  2. I use Hotmail, it's enough for me, I have tried Yahoo as well,but i didn't like it very much...i don't know why...but i have had hotmail quite long so..
  3. I mostly use Ad-Aware, but i also have Spybot. sometimes i use them both, because sometimes one can't find all adware.....and i don't have any complains about spybot, it has done a great work for me
  4. I use Photoshop. I have never had problems with it and it's really professional and good.I have used Paint shop pro as well but when i started to use photoshop i realized that photoshop was much better
  5. katif

    Need Free Ftp Client

    I use WS_FTP because it's easy and i have used it for a long time..
  6. I wanted to find a good and reliable webhost, which is quite fast.I searched from free-webhosts.com and didn't find anything good then i started seaching from forums and i looked all sites that seemed good. then i found a link to Xisto and i came here, joined the forum and i started to like this place very much and now i'm not planning on leaving :)Xisto is really good!
  7. I haven't tried this easymod yet...but I'd like to install some mods for my phpbb, i have tried to do this before, but i have always messed things up... how does it exactly work and does it work for all mods...and what are the setbacks?
  8. I use IE, because this has been on my computer from the beginning and i haven't even thought of changing it and trying other browsers...but maybe i'm just too lazy...i don't know:P
  9. I'd also like to use mods for phpbb...i have searched for them, even found some good ones, but i always mess something up when i try to install them and must change some files for it So now I haven't tried messing with them..But I also think that birthday mod would be great..
  10. I usually buy cd's from shops, but only when i really like all songs of the band. but i don't buy cd's often, i listen radio and watch mtv
  11. I have seen about two seasons of it, then i had no time to watch it.the show is quite good, but it got boring for me later because always the point of the episode was the same, clark saved the day! So i don't miss it very much, but i'd still like to see some of the newer episodes....
  12. I'm using PhpBB, because it's easyer and I quite like it, but I think that IPB is much better.But choosing a board depends what for you will use it. If you don't have high demands and want just an easy board then choose phpbb, but if you want a really good board then go for ipb!
  13. I have seen it...well it's quite funny, it can be watched only for entertainment. but yeah, it's good and i'd like to see it again sometimes
  14. I hate school as well...they give a lot of homework and then there are all those tests and stuff...it's awful...
  15. I think it is a good poem :(It's long and written well. I like it very much
  16. i read it many many times but i still don't get it. i think i must read more because i want to understand it :(Or is there anyone who could tell me the point? I don't know anything about chinese culture so i don't know how to figure the point out :(sorry i'm just very dum and don't understand things like that:P
  17. Australia seems like a beautiful country. i have learned about it in school and i'd really like to visit it. I'd like to see kangaroos and koalas and platypuses. the animal life is really wonderful and the things to see. it's a really great country.
  18. katif


    I'd really like to go to USA. I think it's a nice country with lots of opportunities. I'd like to go to Los Angeles and New York, see the Great Canyon and other things.Oh and i'd also like to visit Hawaii it's one of the places i really want to go very very much
  19. My best vacation was in Hungary. it was really nice and warm there and we also went to vienna, which is a very very beautiful city. It has beautiful architecture and lots of things to see.It was one of the best vacations i have ever had and i'd like to do it again
  20. I like running and swimming. Actually i'm not very fond of doing sports, i like to watch it. But i like to ski in winter and go cycling in summer. i consider them favorite sports too. I also like soccer and basketball.
  21. I like soccer very much, I often play it.I watched Euro 2004, almost all the matches i think. I didn't miss the final and semi-finals.I was really sad when Greece won, because I liked Portugal. They played very well and should have won. Sad, very sad. But i enjoyed the games, it was really exciting
  22. I haven't heard french music so much, so i must say i like german music.i hear it a lot, because i have german music channels at home viva and viva+.i like oomph the best, because i like the style and songs and it's a good band i must say.
  23. I like Eurotrip. it's one of the latest movies i saw, so i remember it well :(it was very funny and that's why i like it :(but there are other good movies too
  24. My favorite actor is Eddie Murphy, because he is very funny :(And my favorite actress is Cameron Diaz
  25. My favorite songs are the songs of Evanescence and the Rasmus which are my favorite bands. But at the moment my favorite is Maroon 5 - She will be loved.It's a good song. other songs of Maroon 5 are good too.
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