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Posts posted by katif

  1. I would first recommend you to use WYSIWYG editors. But those websites don't come out very nice. You should first check out some html tutorial pages, then use some templates on your html website where you can edit some stuff. but first check out tutorials. Maybe at first your pages don't come out very good and professional, but if you learn then they'll start to come out better and better.First learn html and css. If you can make quite good pages in html then you can learn php if you want to.I first started with a WYSIWYG editor and then started trying to make html pages with the help of tutorials. And after trying and making pages they just started to look better and better. Now i'm trying php a little.You just have to learn a little and try. And if things don't work out at first then don't quit, just try again!

  2. Well, I must say that I don't believe in ghosts. I haven't seen any but I've heard stories about poltergeists, guardian angels. Some stories can be true. When things are moving and there is no other explanation. But I'm sure there is no ghosts with with sheets around them flying around. Maybe if there are some, then they are just the spirits of the dead looking upon us, punishing or guiding us. It's the same for me as aliens. Some things just can't be explained and all kinds of thoughts and beliefs are about those things. Most of them are just stories but in some of them there can be something that is true.But I won't change my mind until I have seen a ghost with my own eyes. Ghosts are so unreal to me...

  3. You have to put in your css tags this:A:link { text-decoration: none; color:#000000 ;A:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #000000;A:hover { text-decoration: none; color: #000000;}Or whatever you want. This: text-decoration: none; keeps away the underlining of your links :) So this must be in, and you have to put the colour as well, without it the link will appear blue :D

  4. Photoshop.I have used both. Firs I had PSP. I liked it very much, I had got used to it and so. Then i wanted to try photoshop. first i didn't understand anything there, but soon i understood everything in photoshop. it has more features than psp. and it's very easy and professional.

  5. I haven't had so scary experiences as you, but they were scary for me that time when they happened...But i think the scariest was about three years ago when i decided to go out at night with my friend. it was midnight and there was a forest quite near and so we decided to go there. i don't know why, just to do something crazy. so we started going, it was quite scary...it was dark and all kinds of voices were out there...and suddenly a man walked towards us...there were some houses near this forest so he was going there i think...anyway he was very drunk and when he noticed us he started following us. we were quite young then and imagined all kinds of things and so we started running from him. it was very dark and we really thought he'd do something horrible with us, cause he was just so drunk...

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