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Posts posted by katif

  1. Well I've heard of Ian van Dahl and Safri Duo. I even liked some of their songs once, but I'm not into that kind of music... I don't say it's bad but just my taste is a bit different, but it totally depends on the mood, some day I can listen to that kind of music as well :D

  2. Since I have 800x600 then I'll make it look okay with 1024x768 as well. I also check it in Firefox to make sure everything looks okay.But the worst thing about some sites is that they look awful with 800x600, because the owner has 1024x768! I can't click on the menu links because there isn't any, but with 1024x768 it works fine. I really hate it when people make such layouts which just won't work for me!

  3. I think you should make longer posts? Not jsut some sentences.,..I also get the mysql error. But I still can see a little something although the error replaces the text..My monitor's resolution is 800x600, so it's not so good to browse the site. And the sidebar with the menu is too wide, maybe it's because of the error, I don't know...The design is simple and plain and it's quite well done, but it should be a bit more colourful, it's somehow too boring for me.Also you should add some more content. Well I can't see the content but still, the look of the site doesn't make me really want to see the content. It's not an interesting site.. Well maybe the content is...I don't know this..But anyway it's nicely done..:P

  4. My problem isn't exactly the same but it's so weird.. I can access my forums, their address is mysite.trap17.com/forums, but I can't access my main site ...(mysite.trap17.com)...It leads me to xisto.. but the weirdest about it is that my friends can see the main page of my site..Well I guess it's my computer's fault, but it jsut seemed weird..:P

  5. Wow, they're nice! I really love them, the graphics and designs and everything are very well and tastefully done. You're really talented!And your webiste has nice things on it.. the avatars are very sweet and other graphics too..I'd really like to see your signatureOh and you should fix the 'templates' link because after www there is a coma, but should be a dot :PAnyway, good site, good graphics!

  6. I learn foreign languages at school, but you must have a really good teacher and you must want to learn the language..But the best way to learn a language is to go to that country where that language is spoken and stay there for some time. You'll understand it soon..When you have a friend who speaks that language very well then you can practice that language with your friend. He/she corrects your mistakes and it's just fun too I guess.. Try to read something easy at first or watch tv..But the most important thing is whether you really want to learn it or not!

  7. I downloaded Firefox some days ago, because some pages didn't work with IE..At the beginning it's hard to get used to firefox, so i sometimes still use IE, like now...I've seen some pages that look a bit different in firefox...But I still like IE best because I've used it for so long, but maybe it's that I don't need any really good features, just that I can browse around the web..But firefox is really good as well...

  8. Actually I'm not into brands so much.. I don't care if it's adidas or nike or something else. I have some things from adidas, some from nike.They are holding on good, with good quality but so do others.I first look at the design, price and then I'll buy it if it's good and not very expensive. I don't buy only adidas or nike..But I like adidas more, I have more adidas things and they're good...

  9. No unfortunately there weren't any warnings so that people knew about for some time...there was a little girl who told everyone that tsunami was coming just a bit before it when she saw the sea go backwards because of the big wave and then she saved some people...I think it's horrible, people lost their homes, friends, family...it's awful to loose your home and all the things, but even worse is when you loose your friends and family...so I'm feeling really sorry for those whose friends & family died and happy for those who survived :rolleyes:I think I wouldn't have done anything just would have tried to escape somehow...nothing could be done, it was so suddenly...But it's really sad that that kind of disasters are happening in the world :)

  10. Well, the colours are good, they're not very dark, not very bright, but mild..The font on the menu should be a bit smaller I think...But actually I don't like the design very much, it's boring. It looks a lot like those freewebsites kind of templates. It would be more interesting if you made a good template which is more interesting.. There is just anything catchy for me on the site, just something is missing...If the content is really very very good then I'd like the site a bit more maybe, but I don't understand a word about it!So try to add something to your site and improve it....

  11. An automated script is now up, and susspends accounts of inactie members or members who have not set their cpanel name in their profile...



    I know it's a wrong place to ask, and i don't know where to search it, so please don't be mad... ;)

    But I just have a little question about this script..

    It suspends the accounts of inactive members, but how long is this inactivity period? A week, two weeks or more?

    I ask it because I have no internet for about a week..

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