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Posts posted by katif

  1. Wow, nice signature.. i really like the colours of the signature, they are very suitable and this white area in the left corner doesn't disturb me, i think it's nice... the text is nice, only this 'simply beautiful' is too bright..you should have added a bit more colour, it cannot be read that good.. but 'sora' is much better...Anyway the background and everything is great.. you're talented!Oh and i wanted to check out your website, but unfortunately it didn't open for me..not working or i don't know..maybe it's my computer's fault..but i think that you have nice graphics there too...

  2. I prefer XMB, i'm using it right now and it's really great!Ofcourse ipb has a lot of features and is very powerful..lots of opportunities and stuff..so it's better for bigger communities but the layout is kinda rough for me and it's also expensive..phpbb is very easy and has lots of templates and so on.. there aren't very many features and it finally bored me..it's better for smaller communitiesat the moment i like xmb the best, i can make my own themes there and it has more features that phpbb...and it looks good too..the plus of phpbb and xmb is that they're free and easy to use.. but if you want to have really a huge control over the members and want to make a really big community then choose ipb...but if you want a smaller community and just a nice forum then choose xmb or phpbb ;)

  3. It was a quite good band... i liked some of their songs, but newer bands are coming and coming, some are much better than the old ones and so on.. maybe it's just time to go... i wasn't a big fan of them, lately i started liking other kind of music and other artists but i still thought that it was a normal band... but as someone else already said, even the good bands break up at last... so life goes on and newer bands are coming..so i'm not gonna miss them so much..the songs remain...

  4. It has such bright colours around the buttons..companies usually use other kind of colors like grey and ligt blue... i mean calmer colors..I also don't like the background so much.. actually i don't like the site because it's a flash site.. i don't like flash sites much, some are good and this one isn't so bad but i just don't like it very much..but anyway it looks quite nice

  5. I really like them, I mean I can't do it in ImageReady..I really like the first one..the background is nice. But the text should appear a bit more smoothly..it disappears much better..fading away..you should have used this fading in appearing too..and all this appearing and disappearing process should be a bit slower..it just appears and then it's gone...but anyway it looks really nice..The second one is also nice, only the text should be more clear...but anyway well done..you're good ;)

  6. The first one is a bit scary at the beginning all this blood and that kind of stuff, the second one is somehow very simple, i mean the construction of the poem...and that makes it so nice..But about the first poem..I don't like these blood related topics so much that's why i like the second one a bit better but the first one is also written nicely..i'm not a poem writer/reader so I can't say how good yours are but they are easyto read and understand and that's why i quite like them...but ofcourse you can always write better poems, so keep on trying

  7. Well it seems to be quite easy and more suitable for smaller communities..I don't like the interface very much that's why I won't use it and the features don't seem to be that great too... I really care about the look of the forum because when I don't like the design I don't want to use that one on my site..i only consider it when that forum has some really good feature others don't have...At first I used phpbb but it was too plain and simple i wanted something more, then came xmb it was really pretty but the community got larger and larger and now i use ipb and i'm really happy with it.. it has lots of features and the look isn't so bad either..So I think that myphp seems to be better for smaller communities..I just don't like the look, but it's not so rough as some forums have it's smooth as someone already mentioned...I don't like the icons either..well you can always make some yourself but i'm usually too lazy for that..But it doesn't look bad i'd use it if i had a nice little site with a smaller community....

  8. I voted 'yes'. I believe Jackson is guilty, because I think he is capable forthis kind of things. And he's really weird, I mean he wanted to be white, but this how he looks now is really awful.. and i think those boys don't lie... It's really weird that he calls children to his house, well he may be a star, but usually stars don't ask someone they don't know to their house for night...and since jackson has done weird things i really believe his guilty

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