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Posts posted by katif

  1. Well...i hate the add at the top...it disturbs me very much...first you should change the font..use verdana or tahoma..it's too big at the moment and it doesn't look nice..you should leave some space between the left edge and your content...it's not so good to read everything because there is no room between the letters and the edge...the layout is quite good only it should be smoother... the text on the right sidebar is too dark..change the font colour. it's too hard to read it..but anyway nice layout and site...and switch quickly to Xisto and ofcourse make your site and layout better!

  2. I have nothing against tv-shows which are for kids, i don't watch them...But when i was younger i sometimes watched teletubbies...they are a bunch of creatures that sing and dance and there is nothing interesting for me..but maybe they're good for kids who want to learn to speak and learn new words..because teletubbies always repeat what they say and so on.. i don't know...i don't really care what kids watch..But i know how annoying it is when younger sister or brother comes to you and says: "play with me, i want you to play with me." i really hate it.. like i have nothing better to do...but just put the cd away or "loose" it and show him something more interesting than teletubbies..

  3. I checked the site with both, internet explorer and firefox.I have google toolbar and this blocked most of the pop-ups only some pop-ups, the floating ones and some more, came up.....Firefox blocked even more pop-up windows..only two of them appeared..sticky pop-up and the drop-down popup came up..So i'm quite satisfied with my pop-up blockers..of course it would be great if the blocked more pop-ups..but i don't need it that badly

  4. on the whole it looks good..the menu should be a bit more to right...some space between the edge and the menu should do good...the colours are nice and look good..but you should use frames...maybe it's only my proble but it took some time to load the page and when i want to look around on your site then it takes time to load to whole site again...that's a bit bad..and also the pop-ups are a bit annoying..try to get the new ad-service quickly :angry:

  5. The best would be if you installed your own forum..but then you need to have php and mysql hosting..phpbb is an easy and nice looking forum, and it's free....xmb is also free...and there are some others as well, you only have to search... ipb and vbulletin are also great, but they aren't free...if you have Xisto hosting then you can have ipb
    but some free forum hosting places:
    One I know Myfreebb, there is a phpbb forum hosting
    Another phpbb forum is in Jconserv, that comes with some mods..
    Invisionfree is a good IPB hosting place...
    Actually you should go to google and search for free forum hosting, then you'll find a lot of pages...
    ofcourse they all have some adds....and you cannot configure some things..but they are ok..

  6. Actually i've thought a lot about that... why there is life on earth..because the conditions are right..but there are a lot of solar systems in the universe..there just has to be another planet or other planets where also the conditions are right and there is life..it just can't be that there is only one planet where's life...so whenever there's that kind of an other planet where some creatures live then we may call them aliens...there have been also all kinds of incidents when people claim that they have seen an ufo...some ofcourse lie..but there have been very believable cases..people have seen unknow objects in the sky..so what are these things? they could be aliens...but if they really are aliens then they have developed really great...because humans can't travel in space...aliens are just some thing that some people believe in...it's good to believe in something that may not be real but is something from above...something greater than us...but i still don't believe in aliens..there is no proof that aliens excist...and i don't believe in things that don't excist...

  7. definitely winamp..it's always open for me and music is playing...it just calms me down and it's so great to listen to music..and also i use firefox..because i surf in the net a lot...and photoshop because i've been working on some new designs for my website...oh and also msn messenger..but not so very often..

  8. Skype is a quite good program... you can easily call other people form other countries..they only have to have the program....so i like it...i have even used it for communicating with my friends from other countries...but i don't have it any more...there was just this point when i realized that i don't use skype that much....and so i uninstalled it and don't miss it either because most of my friends don't have it..

  9. I think that the worst is that your brother doesn't realize that he has a problem...i would also be worried about my brother if he used drugs..but since i don't have any brothers i don't know what it feels like when somebody of your relatives does so...it's awful...i think that your parents did the right thing by sending him away...if the boy even doesn't want to help himself then he should go away...actually it was pretty sure that he would have come back....but i really hope that everyhthing goes well with your brother and he'll be better

  10. It's nice.. but it really needs a border as someone already said..the font isn't bad, but it's too blurry..the border shouldn't be so wide...the background should be a bit lighter, it would be better then..but at the moment it isn't bad...quite normal signature :D

  11. Oh no..it's geocities :D you should get a better hosting somewhere..without ads..they're really disturbing..but anyway.. the template looks nice, the menu is cool and the colors suit well together..it's a bit dark..i mean the blacks and blues but it looks nice on your site..the animations are cool and the whole content is OK.. you should improve it more and more then it will be much better!good work anyway, cool site :D

  12. The second one is the best in my opinion, the background and the text are good..Now about the first one, it's quite good, not bad, but i don't like the font at all..it is a very common font you should have used another font for that signature..it's quite dark buton the whole it's normal..The third one..i don't like it... it's too rough and simple and plain...i mean the text should be a bit smoother and i don't like these yellow lines on the edges too....but your signatures are not bad..quite good and normal especially the second one...and the first one is also normal only the font should be different!

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