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Posts posted by demolaynyc

  1. I'm currently taking a C++ class in school and we use Lawrence Ville Press books for C++. The IDE we are using is Visual C++ (VC96). Now at home, I'm using Dev-C++ as my IDE because it's free. The problem occurs when I have to use Libraries by LVP.I downloaded all the LVP libraries to my computer and included the libraries I needed to my source code. However, unlike Visual C++, it won't let me use it. I always end up with the compiler telling me that the libraries in LVP have errors in it. All the syntax in my source code is good but not the libraries.What's wrong with this IDE?Should I change the compiler?

  2. Alright cool. Do you know any good sites I can learn from that offers Java help? I've been using Sun's Java Tutorials but they're worded with so many words that I just get lost and don't get the whole point in what they'r'e trying to say.

  3. Hi, I just recently found out PHP's capabilities of being OOP. Since I had learned Java's methods, I've adapted its methods and applied it to PHP. Since then, I've been avoiding procedural PHP scripting and moved to OOP instead. Like Java, I have divided the codes in classes. I have a commented package namespace to show which project it's from. It's almost like Java.I want to know, does anyone use PHP's OOP in different way? Well I believe you can form PHP in C++ way.

  4. Well I'm simultaneously learning Java and C++ (C++ in school and Java by myself). I like C++ because once compiled, it can run stand alone without having to download any extra software to able to run it. Unlike Java, I will need a JVM to run .CLASS programs. Java loads pretty slow but runtime speed is as fast as C++ programs. Java seems to be faster to produce programs and the bugs are easier to find.I'm a web programmer and want to move on to software development. So... which language should I put focus on?

  5. Recently I came over the adobe site and found a product I've been passing by and ignoring. It turns out that Flex 2 is a pretty good web application and has an attractive GUI for the "unartistic" developer (such as myself). The thing I'm worried about is that because it's on a flash engine, how can you achieve live results when making requests to the server and back?Right now I'm relying on AJAX to achieve fast results when I make requests to servers and back. I think I should stay where I am because to me, Flash is behind other languages. I used to think not but when I got to know that Client-side scripting is able to connect to server-side scripting in an instant via AJAX, I just fell in love with it.So what are your thoughts about Adobe Flex 2?

  6. Sorry Mark420, I wasn't aware it was illegal. My sole purpose was to let everyone from both forum know about it. I won't do it again.

    I think I will use it, as I am not really into javascript, I currently use something similar, but if you are posting it here, when I think your Object is much better, the only thing I am willing to know, if it is works under all these browsers? Opera, Firefox, IE and Safari, Konqueror?

    Yep, there's a function that tries to create an XMLHTTP request object on all browsers such as Mozilla, IE, Opera, etc.

    I'm planning on adding "POST" method option to send the variables for added security.

  7. Well Last night, after a week of irritation and errors I finally created an easy Javascript object that easily and quickly allows you to develop an AJAX program in just 5 easy steps!

    Here's the link to the object I've created: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Download it and read the Readme file that's under the same directory: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Basically what this object does is to connect to a server-side script (".php, .asp, .jsp, etc"), and what ever this script displays is sent back to the AJAX object and calls a function you designated and handles that response. (usually a string of codes, text or boolean)

    The steps are all in the Readme file I've provided. I hope you like it and find it useful.

    Please take note: This is for developers who have knowledge in Server-Side coding and Javascript.

    For questions or concerns or comments, please don't hesitate to post.

  8. I agree with you, since we (Christians) are His children, and He is our Lord, what gives us the right to blame Him for the punishments he's given us? If we were to keep on doing these wrong deeds while he just sits back and not lead us in the right direction because he can't punish us, then what kind of God would he be? What kind and loving parent does not lead their children to the right path of life without teaching them?

  9. Knowing all things about the Bible and reading it completely does not make you a Christian. Although some people seem to think that it is, it's not. The way to become a Christian is accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior do the best we can to live like Him. I myself haven't read the Bible entirely. I even have not finished any of the books in the Bible. But as long as I know that Jesus is my Lord and Savior, and that he lives in me, I am saved. But that knowledge alone should not stop me from reading. I try to find ways to encourage myself to read the Bible by listening to audio verses and other alternatives such as listening to Christian music. These are other ways to learn more about the Word. Reading the whole book is not a must-do to get to heaven.

  10. However, there are those who proclaim there are Christians but don't have a close relationship with their Lord.Going to church every Sunday doesn't make the person a Christian. Although he/she can say they're Christian but they are not true Chrisitans.If the parents which you talk of smoke, drink, and they have no remorse or guilty feelings towards it then they must reconsider what the true definition of Christian really is.What makes a Christian is their faith in God.

  11. Oh wow, well that is obviously a joke. Okay first of all, I don't think the guy who wrote that knows nothing about the crucification and the reason behind it. All the writer knows is that he was crucified because he testified that he was the Son of God and the Jews didn't believe him so they punished him.


    People say if Jesus was God then why didn't he save himself from crucifiction? It was because that He loved us so much that he gave his life so that through it we are saved. It is ONLY through this can we go to heaven.


    Jesus was not killed, he chose to die. He chose to die to give his life as sacrifice so that we may go to heaven.


    John 3:16


    “One is three and three are one. One of them was crucified and because of their unity the other two also died. Now there is no God.”

    Isn't God invincible? He cannot be killed. Yes Jesus died but didn't he rise back up on the third day?


    We cannot base everything on human logic because God is not human! A human cannot be three in one, but who is to stay that stops God from being able to? We did not make God, he made US.

  12. If Jesus wasn't a man what was he?

    He was a man alright. But he was from God. He was sent by God.


    He was born of a mortal mother.

    Yes it's true, he did come out of the womb of a mortal, but that can't disprove that he is God.


    SilverFox, you've told us that you believe Jesus, I don't mean to disproof your relation with him instead help you grow in faith in Him by sharing with you His word.


    Isn't this Jesus? The one you and I believe? :

    14The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only,[d]who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    The Word became human and he came from the Father. Now who came from the Father, wasn't that Jesus?


    If it is Jesus, then this verse proves he is God.

    1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning.

    Because the Word was God, and the Word was Jesus, then wouldn't that mean that Jesus was God. Jesus was not just a human, he is the Son who was sent by God to save us from our sin, to free us from it.

  13. well for me is kind of simple,,God loves us so much that He did not care to become a fragile being as a human, just to be able to be in touch with them and to warn them in their language that a hope had come..."come on,,, He is God" He can become anything in he wants to, but as for humans He decided to interact with them in three ways, The Father, The Son, and The Spirit...It is not about God having the possibility of having different ways to interact with humans..It is more about humans not having the posibility of understanding God fully, much less to see him fully, because our eyes are not perfect..Our eyes just see light reflections...
    I hope I made myself understood...it is not about God being three persons,,is about the body of humans and its capacity to recognize God...The whole bilbe tells us that God presented himsel to humans in three ways, as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    A well used example would be water, vapor, and ice...These three are H2O. Our problem is that we are not able to see atoms or molecules...Because if we were able to see atoms and molecules,,then we would see H2O rather than ice, vapor and water...is not about the H2O. It is about us and our lack of capacity to see atoms and molecules.

    Of course, you wont find the word trinity..or holy trinity..But you will find a lot of passages that shows God as one of these three persons..If somebody tries to modify the bible as to present God in just one person, will come to very big contradictions..needles to say, that it would take a very long lasting work to modify every single verse of the bilble to present God as one person...And I am sure,,,that if someone does that,,he will sure forget to change some verses...

    I can't make that any more clearer. I agree with your statement. I like the way of using water as an example, it is really clear.
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