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Everything posted by IWroteCode

  1. Try Thomas' Myspace Editor. It's a basic code generator that anyone could figure out how to use. I don't personally use it but for the HTML newbies - it's a godsend.
  2. Yeah, going with the crowd here and saying GIMP. Although I love PS - you can't beat the fact that GIMP is free. I think you can download a trial of PS off Adobe's site. Not sure about that though - you'll have to look into it.
  3. Haha, dialup....Blasphemy, I would have to shoot myself if it came to that.Well, BitComet uses multiple seeders huh? Maybe I'll check that out. Is there a way to get an acceptable download rate if I have to disable uploading? Reason for asking is that he:1. Finds out by uploading.2. Has it blocked or made it veeeerry verrrrrry slow by closing ports.Thanks. V
  4. Thanks a bunch! The Evercool pad looks like exactly what i want. I hope it will be big enough for my laptop, since its pretty big with its 15" screen.
  5. I have seen all over the place (even in BJs) USB powered cooling pads for notebooks. I was just wondering if anyone had any incite on the topic. Are they worth it? Does anyone use them? Also, what would be a good price or brand to look for if they are indeed worth it?Thanks a bunch ahead of time.
  6. I have heard the same thing from other people who have used that version of windows. They all found it more sluggish than XP pro before the upgrade. I do agree that 64 big technology is coming into bloom and that a lot of software just doesnt take advantage of it. My thoughts are that i would try and stick it out since if you buy a new Pro key now you will probobly just upgrade back to the 64 bit OS in a year or two, so it would end up a waste, unless the slowdowns seem unbarable, that is.
  7. Hahaha, if I die from WoW...MY CHARACTER STILL LIVES ON!!!Yeah, I'm addicted.And I accept that.Pity is, I'm only lvl 41.
  8. Comon' people. Gmail without a doubt. Once you use it you never turn back. Only con so far is the fact that you gotta be invited. Other than that it's a webmail dream come true. Hell, I'm gonna set mine up to act as a drive/server storage for my webspace - if I can figure it out. If that works out then I'll have upwards to 2gigs or more FREE WEBSPACE!
  9. Just for general reference, i would look into this site: http://www.frozencpu.com/ They have tons of cooling solutions. Fans, water cooling, and also upgraded heatisinks. I actually know the owner personally. If you have any questions, their phone # is on the botton of the page. They are very nice people and will help you to figure out what kind of cooling would work best for you.
  10. Wow, damn you are good.I could have sworn you used a 3D rendering program for some of those.All in Photoshop eh? I wish I had CS - still stuck with 5.0 atm.Legal, of course....
  11. Sounds as though when it fell, the little arms of the HD scratched across the surface of the disc, or were even bent a little. I would say buy a whole new HD to format and install your OS all over again. From what you describe, it sounds as though the HD is hosed.
  12. Very nice tricks. All of them are useful, especially the defrag one, as most other people have said. I just copy and pasted the full contents into a notepad doc for quick reference. Thanks!
  13. Niiiiiiice.Although I would never buy one (if I could) they seem pretty nifty.I like the hand crank idea. Kinda makes me wish for an accesory for my notebook that would do that.
  14. Haha, I don't think I could ever switch over to a new keyboard. ...although, the FrogpadFrogpad looks pretty nifty. I'd only use for stuff where I needed another hand free though. And especially not for gaming.
  15. Google Hacking Guide For all your searching needs.
  16. I myself have a deep rooted hate for all things Microsoft. That aside, i do find SP2 to be reliable. I havent had any exposure to SP1 since i went from running 98 (which i still prefer) to XP SP2 on my new laptop. It hasnt given me even a bit of trouble, aside from being almost to user friendly. I dont have any problems, then again, SP1 may run better, but ill never know.
  17. So you didn't need the JDKsetup.bat? I wonder what it was for then... My outputs of java and javac? What do you mean? -both of the .exes are in the folder in programs files. I'm running Windows XP Home. PS: What code would I put in to catch the window close event and exit?
  18. Hey guys, I just have a basic question about Java - the teacher I have at school just isn't getting her point across. I have the JDK and JRE 5.xx version installed into my Program Files folder. I have a folder in My Documents named "Java Programs" where I store the .java and .class files. Supposedly I need a batch file called JDKsetup.bat that my school provided. I don't know where to place this file in my computer or what it's used for. I can compile my program but cannot run it - I know I'm supposed to set some environment variables and paths but am not sure how to go about it. My code is as follows: /* Program DisplayMessage The program displays messages*/import javax.swing.*;class DisplayMessage{ public static void main(String[] args) { String name; JFrame myWindow; //declare a name myWindow = new JFrame(); //create an object myWindow.setSize(400,300); //send a message to it myWindow.setTitle("My first Java Program"); myWindow.setVisible(true); //output messages JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(myWindow, "I love Java"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Goodbye"); //input name and display a message with the name name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter your name: "); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello " +name+ "."); }} Thanks for the help.
  19. Purely for educational/entertainment purposes. I wanted to try my hand at something different - and this was what came up.
  20. Haha....I feel like such a newbie. Starting from my notebook running XP home right now, how would I partition about 5gigs to run a flavor of Linux? Do I use Partition Magic like Slasher said or do I boot from the Gnoppix CD and go from there?
  21. Ahhhhhh ok. Thanks. That makes sense. I'll have to try it out - for the moment though I'm just having a friend dl the progs. Works just as good - even better since it doesn't tie up my bandwidth.
  22. Whoah...I have no clue with what to do with that. I'm familiar with what a proxy is, I've used Proxify and Ultrareach many times. How do I use this for BitTorrent?
  23. The link doesn't work...are you sure it's correct?
  24. Ah ok, thanks. Is it possible to use my boot disc of Gnoppix for the partition? Only time I've ever used it was to boot from the CD drive to fool around but I could never save anything.
  25. Bleh, iPods are overpriced and overrated. I got my Creative Zen Micro for cheaper than the iPod mini and it came with 1gb more storage, a radio, AND a built in microphone and recorder. Simply put, although the iPod is a good product...its become more of a fashion statement now than a music player.
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