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Red Rabbit

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Everything posted by Red Rabbit

  1. Hi I recently submitted a request for the Advance Hosting account (30 credits) and it got approved. I received 2 emails. 1 said that an admin had changed my name from |2ed |2abbit to Red Rabbit, and the 2nd one saying that my request had been approved and it gave me the link: https://support.xisto.com/ I went there and filled out all the info, of course I read the instructions of how to do it. And the problems are: I fill in the domain part with a Sub-Domain because I have no domain of my own and then when I click submit a pop-up comes up saying that my desired subdomain is not an Xisto domain and that if it's my domain the I should direct the domain thing to n1.astahost...etc And then the 2nd problem is, where under domain says enter a Username and password, I enter the desired hosting username I had, redrab, and a password without special characters, and then I click submit, and the Xisto page appears, saying the following: Username passed validity tests. Connecting to database.. Connected. Verfying member status.. INVALID USERNAME AND PASSWORD! Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
  2. Yes their site doesn't look very professional... but you never know how good it can be! The e-mail feature is pretty neat! I like it, just that if I upload a lot of images then I will get tons of e-mails that I don't necessarily want to read. I use imageshack because it has a Mac OS X widget for Dashboard which makes it extremely comfortable and fast to upload images, so I don't even have to visit the website directly anymore! I recommend the iShack to anyone on Mac OS Tiger because it really is a great and fast*est* way to upload images to imageshack!
  3. Well, you might say that videogames make kids violent, but I've read an article pretty recently in The Economist analysed that and revealed that actually crime rate has decreased in the last few years while videogame use has increased. They say that videogames prepare kids for certain situations in life, and although virtual they give the kid an idea of what the consequence can be. So videogames can result in being a positive thing after all... and removing the rating system is just plain retarded. It doesn't help anyone. Eventually the games will have to be rated like it or not.
  4. O.o That looks nice! It looks like a full mail client but online! The layout looks excellent, now we'll just have to see if the space and efectiveness, etc is also as good. And Google is the strongest rival. The space is a key object in e-mail, and Gmail is clearly winning that war. And remember that GMail is still a beta too!
  5. This is a good article and perfectly describes the personality of Clue-less users. I have met some people that don't know much about computers and have a Windows and a xDSL, which means they are 100% exposed to viruses and malware. There are such clue-less users that need instructions even to find the "back" button on their browser. Now I have never used a Windows computer at home, or longer than one day, I've only used MS at school, or at a friend's, etc. I've always used a Mac OS, and now that I think about it 4 years ago I was just about to get the first computer in our family. As you can imagine I knew nothing at all, as it was the first time I ever got a computer. After a year of dial-up I got ADSL and then suddenly started being one of those "clue-less" people too, just that I didn't have a MS but a Mac, which made the risk so small that it nearly wasn't even there. Well, ...I ended up crashing my HD completely and I had to Erase + Install the OS completely. Then, I had a friend (MS User) who was pretty experienced with computers, I mean he didn't know C or HTML or PHP or whatever, but he knew his way around with Viruses and so on, so he knew what he was doing. Of course he was always saying that Mac sucked... but whatever, that has nothing to do. I started reading online tutorials and I have a pretty advanced knowledge of website making with HTML and also graphic capabilities with programs such as Photoshop, I've learned some C++ but I have found that I don't really need it for anything so I have stopped learning it. And now I am very careful while downloading anything from e-mail attachments or websites and know what it harmful and what isn't, and I think that MS totally sucks
  6. Well did a previous version run on your machine? I don't have a x86, I have PPC but it is kind of weird that they haven't released a universal binary yet... I mean after all half of the WWDC was on "How easy it is to make it a Universal Binary...", so Apple should have some binary out there! Anyway, I think iTunes 5 is much better, the new layout is awesome, I hope all Apple Apps adopt that layout style!
  7. Yes... I don't especially like when my dog does that... I mean if you watch it then it is funny, but if you think about it then it is absolutely sick. I mean even puppies do it, even when they're really young! It's just as if some man would come up to you naked with a erect and excited "Mr. Johnson" and start "hittin" on you... and I mean LITERALLY hitting you with it. I don't even want to think about it... And #10... believe me that is not the most ridiculous law! There are laws on things that you would never think about as against the law... weird USA Laws! There's a book on that!
  8. Very nice tut! Not like it was hard or anything... Still it was nicely done! You could've also included other different border styles and not just one, but well, I like it! It's genius!
  9. That looks very good nice job! I don't really like the font much, but the rest is excellent! Now I know what is meant by pixel stretching... The Tutorial is very good since it's done visually, and I prefer that way of doing a tutorial. Again, nice job!
  10. Release what faster? You mean the 2nd Gen iPod Nanos? Lol It wouldn't make any sense to release them much faster than that, otherwise everyone who immediately bought the 1st Gen will feel incredibly stupid, because if they had waited just a little longer they could've gotten a more "polished" iPod.
  11. I've read that Apple got into some trouble because of some part of the OS that wasn't really authorised by the Open Source distributor or something... does anyone know more about it? And I have a Mac A iMac G4 but it's terribly bad as in RAM, as it only has 256Mb. When I get older and I have more money I will buy myself a G5, and much much RAM. But well, let's stop dreaming...
  12. I like the whole animation concept, it looks good, but it just isn't my style of making sigs. It's way too simple in my humble opinion, but a tutorial on how to make the animation would be extremely usefull. I don't really like the white layer overlaying the background, it just looks... i don't know, way too simple. And I don't like the font very much... and especially I'm not a fan of inner glow on fonts...but well, as I said, it's just not my style in general, but I love the animation. I would rate it : 7/10
  13. I as an Apple Mac user am really excited about Apple's new releases, and I personally think that the idea is great, but they should have a little more space on it. A 4GB iPod Nano costs $249.00, and a 20GB normal iPod costs $299.00. Now think about it... for only $50 more you can get 16GB more, and although it may be a bit bigger and heavier... after all you don't really notice the tiny difference. And forget about the Mini... it's nowhere to be seen on the Apple site. So, although a Black iPod looks awesome, and I would love to have one myself, it is much more rentable to buy a conventional iPod for JUST $50 more, and you get 16GB more. But that's just my opinion. And the "iPhone"... how much? $249.99. That's how much. Now think about it. You could just keep your old conventional mobile phone and buy yourself an iPod, even the "nano" if you wish, and have the same result. Now I don't know how much space the mobile has, but I don't think it has more than 10 GB.... not even 5GB in my opinion. But I may be wrong. Anyway, that's just my opinion.
  14. I think it wouldn't make much sense. Making an OS takes A LOT of hard work, A LOT of money and A LOT of dedication. Plus, it wouldn't making anything special, as it would probably be like any other OS, probably more like Linux at the moment, which was very User unfriendly, and then it would need all the applications, etc, and A BUNCH of followers, which, unless they made it free, they wouldn't get. And by the way, I'm pretty sure it's practically impossible to be able to run an application on any OS without an emulator, except if it's Java, which I think also needs some changes for the different OS.
  15. 2PacThe GameWu Tang ClanThe Game 4 Life!
  16. A Calorie is an energetic value that stands for the "heat" that is produced by the nutrition you eat, and if not "burnt" turns into fat. The Daily recomendation of calories is around 2000, so you shouldn't eat mor than that calor means heat in spanish and in latin too i believe, so the word is pretty much self-explanatory <- That was my own definition of the word calorie, if you wish a dictionary definition: (small) calorie: (abbr: cal) the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 ºC (now usually defined as 4.1868 joules) (large) calorie: (abbr: Cal) the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water through 1 ºC, equal to 100 small calories and often used to measure the energy value of foods.
  17. I use:Poisoned: very nice, fast, but doesn't download very fast.Cabos: absolutely the best p2p program I have ever used. It downloads at common rates of 100 kb/s and sometimes even 200 kb/s, very simple and fast, you just have to love it! I believe this app is only available for Mac OS X, but maybe I'm wrong.
  18. I have also tried the Google submitting thing, but it has been a long time and there are still no results. But I think that even if my site would've made it onto Google's site database, I would've only found it by searching for it specifically, which doesn't help much, because if you're just casually searching then it would probably be one of the last sites.
  19. I am a bit confused. So we don't get space to store our .html and .php or whatever they are? What DO we exactly get? Could someone clear this up for me because I did not understand very well. Thank you.
  20. @ Yordan: How come you have so much occupied! I only have like 10 MBs occupied of my GMail account... lol Imagine when I will reach the 2 GBs at this speed rate.
  21. I use GMail and I have to say that I love it! Not only because of all those features you already mentioned, but because for us Mac users it is possible to use the Rich Text Formatting if you use FireFox, an option that is only available with GMail + FireFox as far as I'm concerned. I have many invititations, and somehow they get reset to 50 every week, so if anyone needs/wants an invitation, just PM me.
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