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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I love it! It's not a good platform. But it's the best we have!
  2. An old thread, yes. They seem to have solved their problems. But they lost my account. and they are currently down.
  3. Simply open a ticket at Xisto - Support, saying that you need ksh access to your account, and you will get it.
  4. OK, the startpoint of the documentation is inside the downloaded file.Download the "i386 cygwin" package and read the readme.txt file. This is the charming part of the opensource things, it's free but you have to work a little bit. Fortunately, once you started, you see that each time the job to be done is the same. So, if you read the (too short) documentation you see that it's a a tool to be used with cygwin. So, you need to download and install cygwin, mainly the X-windows package and the QT3 package (which is part of the "doc" part of cygwin). I would suggest that you first perform a "copy only" install, because the donwload time is rather long. Then, first install cygwin and it's X-windows part, and then copy the \usr part of the pdf distro to c:, adding it to c:\cygwin\usr. Here is how the GUI appears on my Windows XP PC, when I started modifiying a downloaded pdf file:
  5. Sorry, it's totally against the forum rules. You cannot post copied text on this forum. The text you post here must not have been posted somewhere else. Or it has to be put between quote tags. Even if you really are the author, you have to quote the text if it has already been published somewhere else. You have to quote yourself if it's the second time you publish your text. Personal technology blog posts are allowed. But you have first to publish it here, and secondly on your blog mentioning that it has already been published on Xisto. Here at Xisto we only want original texts. Only original texts give mycents. Copied texts, if not properly quoted, can give negative mycents, and can even lead to a ban. By the way, please avoid double-posting. A tutorial remains invisible until it is approved, no need to post it several times.
  6. Have a look at this : https://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfedit/
  7. Thanks, OpaQue. I confirm that now I can see my Account Credit Balance.
  8. Did you try this ? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. first of all, simply try installing two of the most famous anti-virus, you will see that the first one will install normally, and the second one will tell you there is a problem and will stop, or will ask you to remove the other one.Personally, I use McAfee on some systems and Norton on the other ones.And I have ClamWinPortable on my USB stick. So, in case of doubt, I start ClamWin from my USB stick. So, technically, I don't have two anti-virus simultaneously installed because ClamWin is not installed (the main interest of the portable version). However, I am able to cross-check a folder with two different anti-viruses.
  10. This is correct, you only want to access gamma.I don't think other sites can see what you are doing under your capanel, the warning message says that the certificate mechanism is not controlled being fully secure, and nothing says that what you are doing really concerns your site. However you can check that the files you are sending are really sent to your own website, and no money-related infos are given to your cpanel, so nothing dangerous can occur. The error message simply says that Microsoft Internet explorer does not really love the way your browser security settings manage this certificate. On my IE8 Xisto cpanel certificates are accepted correctly, but my office's mail certificates are not Microsoft-compliant and I had to go back to IE6.
  11. You can also get it on your iPhone and put it on your PC, or probably your PC is able to perform an unattended non-interactive browserless connection. Just imagine a "net use" command in a not-displayed batch file, it can attach a Microsoft read-only shared resource and copy the .cab file to a temporary file on your PC. The only technical problem would be that you would have to be warned that this is not compliant with the current european rules, and you have to send $0.99 to Microsoft and accept the TOS.
  12. first of all, just re-try, it could be a hang-up problem with no retry-after-timeout in the setup script.Secondly, could it be a firewall settings joke ? Just try shutting down the firewall during re-install (I guess stopping the firewall is not so easy with Windows7). And it could be a funny behavior of your anti-virus too...
  13. Please do not post copied text on this forum. If you really want to post text copied from somewhere else, please put it between quote tags and mention where the text was copied from.
  14. Sorry for mistyping. You are right, we should talk about IE8 now. IE8 on Windows7 for private users, Windows 2008 for enterprise business, how confusing these numbers are.
  15. yordan

    Safari 4

    And we also need to define what is a "fast" browser. Fast to open Xisto main page ? Fast navigating from one page to the next one ? Downloading fast?Then, we effectively should, for each hardware, and for each operating system, connected of course to the same Ethernet plug on the same router, define which browser is the fastest one.Google claims that chrome is the fastest one for gmail. Will gmail be your reference site for browser testing ?
  16. That's probably the real full thing. We have learned about the first part, the browserless part for Europe only. The second part will probably arrive soon.
  17. You are right, it seems stupid. However, if a Judge tells Microsoft that he has to stop giving IE6 for free, this means that you have to buy your browser and stop getting it for free bundled with your OS.
  18. This is the first real question. What is your project ? Do you wish to sell the results of your project ? Do you have problem giving the sources for free ? You know, that's the goal of the whole opensource thing : you use opensource tools, but the results have to be opensource. If you want to do commercial business things, you have to buy commercial tools !
  19. I was talking about the cvs command-line syntax, in order to add a file (or a folder), rollback things, and so on. If I were not so lazy tonight, I would have a look for instance here : http://badgertronics.com/writings/cvs/command-line.html or here : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=cvmp;aq=f&oq=
  20. OK, now I understand what you want. And, of course, I understand the "command line" thing : most cvs users use it in command-line mode, and you need command-line access to your Xisto account.
  21. Hi,Self-advertising is only allowed in the "introductions and welcome forum". That's why I moved your topic here, where it's place most probably is.RegardsYordan
  22. I'm not sure I understand what you name "a repository" for your files.On which system will the people from your project work ?If it's for your school, everything must be on your school server, and you can use your Xisto account as backup server.And a simple browser will give access to all your files, for display purposes.And in order to be able to put your files from your school's PC to your Xisto account, you only need to create a ftp username and password on your Xisto account (keep your own cpanel password secret, don't give it to anybody.And, of course, in order to do the job putting the files on your account server, you simply need a ftp client like portable Filezilla on your flashkey, you don't need to know Unix command-line things.
  23. That's slightly off-topic in a "Windows 7" distro discussion. Yes, we need more standardization. Today for my Office I have an application which works only with IE6. And, strangely, my gmail is currently freezing with IE6, but works correctly with firefox, and claims it works better with chrome. Which would mean that I must simultaneously use three different web browsers on my PC.Nevertheless, you are legitimately talking about Linux, because when everybody will have to use Firefox as a browser and will use OpenOffice for text and spreadsheet processing, there will be no need to stick to Microsoft Windows as OS, Linux will do the same job the same way.
  24. Exactly like most of us. Fortunately, Herbert tells us which games we should try first, if we happen to have time.
  25. Please do not post copied text in the forum, or at least put them between quote tags. Your post has been copied from somewhere else, probably from https://www.winvistatips.com/threads/best-iphone-video-converter.336208/ or from https://www.winvistatips.com/threads/best-iphone-video-converter.336208/
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