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Posts posted by SunBlind

  1. Aw dude, that is horrible! I know exactly how you feel though, I've been through 2 computers with hundreds of my works on them that I couldn't recover or recreate. I think you should let a professional take a look at that hard drive, too... Trying to fic things myself is one of the reasons why I'm on my third computer Lol And you should be very of your Photoshop skills! I, too am a self-taught Photoshopper and although I've been at it for a little over a year, sometimes I almost pee my pants over some of the stuff I come up with LolIs there any way you could recreate the design? I mean, whenever I'm working on a layout, or a header for someone, I tend to save major components of the graphics seperately as .png's or .gif's so I could throw them all together in case anything happens to my .psd. I also have a 1 1/2 yr old who likes to climb on my computer and emulate some of the stuff I do, so I've learned to save my crap as often as possible. Like, scanlines would be one file, the green background would be a file, etc.Well, good luck with the hd and keep up the great work!

  2. Hopefully, he's just using his Xisto space as a place holder for a near future hosting site? I personally plan on using my Xisto space so people can sign up for remotely hosted tools and space, but I'm only going to accept signups... Nothing is actually going to be hosted.If I'm wrong, and he really is trying to resell asta's space then I just have one thing to say: What a douche.

  3. Sunblind, by the way, livejournal does not go by ljcodes anymore, it is an "apply" and get an account thing now. They did away with the whole lj-code thing a few years back... Just for your information.


    Holy crap, now I feel old. Well, I haven't tried to get a LJ since I was in 9th grade, and that was 5 years ago. So I guess that makes sense Lol Good for them, I've seen people post death threats over LJ codes before, a very ugly sight.

  4. To be honest with you, I'm not quite sure what "sunblind" means... Possibly being blinded by the sun? My friend Adam is a rapper and the word is a part of his lyrics in one of his songs. He also had a small "record label" (The Underground Nation) which turned out to be nothing more than a booking outfit, but anywhos, I was doing web design for all of the bands under TUN and he said I needed a cool name, so he dubbed me with SunBlind :P It's actually Nocturnal SunBlind, but I was started to see too many "nocturnal" usernames out there, so I dropped it.

  5. I had to stare at a huge white box on a black page for 5 minutes... I think you should try having a loading/progress bar or the option to skip the intro graphic. I was just about to close the window when I saw that is was fully loaded. Other the the wait, looks great :P Nice effect on the text. Let us know when it's all done, I'd love to see it.

  6. Yeah, I was thinking about doing that... Is it possible to have Package 2 for myself and then when I get enough people for the group package, switch accounts? With all the stuff that I plan on doing with my site, I'll need graphic designers, coders, help and support people, mods, and all that and I think having enough space for everyone to have their own little thing would be incentive enough for them to join. With my son almost in the "terrible twos" and trying to find another job, I'll need all the help I can get with the site :lol:

  7. I'm a mutt. I don't exactly know how it's possible, but I believe in a little bit of every religion. I neither accept nor deny the existence of Christ, so I'm agnostic... I believe in the aesthetics of satanism, the reincarnation and karma aspects of some eastern religions... so I don't really know what I am.

  8. I personally, I prefer myspace because of the whole music aspect. It's great for finding local bands, and it makes you feel a little "closer" (for lack of a better word) to your favorite bands since 90% have myspace accounts. My little brother's band setup a myspace account and a week and a half later one of their songs got played on the radio because of all the exposure they got. So all in all, I pick myspace. Oh, and anohter very important aspect... It's a hell of a lot easier to get a myspccount than a livejournal. I remember begging people for 3 months to get a damn LJ code, and ended up never getting one :lol:

  9. These are just some promo pics for my little brother's band, There's Always Forever. (he's the hooded one) Click on the thumbs for fullsize.


    For this one I used a blue/grey duotone, but left their faces, hands, etc in regular color.

    Posted Image


    I don't even remember how I made this. I just kept duplicating the layers and changing blending modes.

    Posted Image


    No effects for this one, but I still like it.

    Posted Image

  10. This tutorial is based on a webpage generator I made (for my users with little or no HTML knowledge) after spending about 3 months collecting javascripts, code snippets, layouts, and all that other good stuff. Since this takes quite a few steps, and I'm dead tired, I'll be posting this tutorial in 3 parts:


    Part 1- Create The Template

    Part 2- Make The Form

    Part 3- Fill The Template


    When a form using the "post" method is submitted, the values that are entered into the inputs are stored in variables. These variables are defined by the name given in the input tag of the form. But how to we get the variables to be displayed on the next page? We grab them from the form and put them in more variables! It's really not as difficult as it sounds, I just suck at explaining things... Which is why I don't even know why I'm attempting to make a tutorial, but hopefully someone will be able to decipher all of my ramblings and learn something. Anywhos, this is the final step of the tutorial: filling the template


    1. Open your html template file with the pre-filled variables(you should have created this in the first part of the tutorial). Example:

    <title><?php echo $title; ?></title>

    2. At the very top of the page, insert the opening and closing PHP tags:

    <?php ?>

    3. For each webpage attribute you generated, insert the following code in between the php tags:

    $variable_name = $_POST ['variable_name'];For Example:$bgcolor = $_POST['bgcolor'];$header = $_POST['header'];$news = $_POST['news'];

    4. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to the variable names. Make sure you use the same EXACT name for the variable as you did for the input. You also have to be sure that the echo tags you placed in the template in part 1 match the variable names you assigned at the top of this page. For instance, if you call for
    <?php echo $txtcolor; ?>
    in your template, but assigned the text color attribute to
    It won't work!


    5. Like always, make sure all of your attribute variables have been called. Save the file as "generate.php" or whatever filename you specified in form.html and upload it to your PHP enabled server. Visit http://ww38.yoursite.com/form.html to see your new webpage generator in action! Or you can just go see my finished product.


    If you would like a textbox containing the html code you generated...


    1. Place a textarea at the end of your template like so:

    <textarea cols="50" rows="25"></textarea>

    2. In between the textarea codes, insert the full html of your template (with the echo tags filled in).


    3. That's it, Enjoy! If you have any questions, just ask or PM me :lol: I'm always happy to help.

  11. This tutorial is based on a webpage generator I made (for my users with little or no HTML knowledge) after spending about 3 months collecting javascripts, code snippets, layouts, and all that other good stuff. Since this takes quite a few steps, and I'm dead tired, I'll be posting this tutorial in 3 parts:


    Part 1- Create The Template

    Part 2- Make The Form

    Part 3- Fill The Template


    The form is what collects all the data from the user to be passed into the template. Hopefully, you have some basic knowledge on html forms, so I'm not going to go into a lot of detail on how to make one. Try checking out htmlgoodies.com if you are inexperienced with the latter.


    1. Create a new html page named form.html. It's not really vital, but I like to divide my forms into a table to keep it a little neater and easier to read. Like this.


    2. The page we will be posting the data to be processed to will be called generate.php... Therefore, your form tag should read like so:

    <form action="generate.php" method="post">

    3. For each webpage attribute you would like to generate, create an input with a corresponding variable name. Example:

    Background Color: <input type="text" name="bgcolor">Text Color: <input type="text" name="textcolor">

    4. After all of your attributes and their inputs have been accounted for, insert your submit button, close the form tag, and proceed to the next step because you're finished your form! :lol:
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