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Everything posted by loganbest

  1. DUDE!!!! The difference is already extremely large, Firefox is sooo much better then IE and will most likely always will be, its that simple:Step 1) Lose IE Step 2) Get Firefox Step 3) Live life easier
  2. no no its all wrong it is clearly: Broken Registry = trashed computer = beat Bill Gates with a titanium baseball bat = wasting time reinstalling M$ crap = beating Bill Gates again = enjoying a fresh install of your prefered OS = repeat if Applicable!
  3. Godaddy.com is not very cheap compared to 1and1.com the domain name are only $5.99/yr there. If you had the choice the better one would be with 1and1.com!
  4. HEH hEH how did you find out about this Rejected?lol, I can picture on TV in front of the nation saying with a serious voice "Virual is no longer with the Xisto community, you should email him.. virual@gmail.com."yea that was pretty random leave me alone
  5. DUDE!!! why is there even a discussion over whether PHP is better than ASP? Its obvious...PHP is the overall ruler in web scripting languages! There should never be another question about this stuff, its already implied that PHP is better than ASP.
  6. Yea, My install of FC4 on 2 different computers was EXTREMELY easy, although I am a "computer geek" my 12yr old brother (who is a complete idiot) watched and even thought it was easy! And of course there are no problems with my linux nor will there ever be, cuz Linux ROCKS!!!!
  7. Yes Xisto is about hosting; On the other hand, When you do get hosting on Xisto you can make a website about Hacking and making design templates for OSCommerce. Which would be good for those who don't like the default layout and want to change it without having to learn CSS and going through the trouble of getting the right design.Good Luck man, All you need is a few good posts to reach 10 credits (or 30 if you want a bigger package) and *BAM* you have your hosting for OSCommerce Designs and Hacks.
  8. ha ha right now I'm on a 45 mb/s T3(I ran a bandwidth test this is the result). At my house I have Cable internet.
  9. Lets say I have a dual boot comp, One OS is WIN2000 Pro the other is WIN Server 2003. is it possible to Kill the WIN2000 Pro OS by partitioning that part of the HDD?Just thought I'd ask before I messed up my HDD.
  10. Thank you, I'll make it glow ASAP. and for all who have applied, As soon as I get to a comp with flash on it I'll changed the NAV bar and take the sound off
  11. yes it is a pretty powerful piece of software as well as very user-friendly. you will be impressed as to what it will do for you. good luck on you website and all the power to you.
  12. you might want to make sure you have a system that is compatible with running Longhorn before you think about buying it, since even microsoft is stuck on how to issue it to the public because of system requirements.You should try Fedora Core 4 or Gentoo Linux if you want a good linux system nextime. Mandrake isn't worth the trouble of learning.
  13. First things first: D-link is trash, use SMC or Blitzz. Second: you might be trying to put too much of a load on the router when you try to transfer files via internet. Third: t also might be the Firmware, I suggest going to the D-Link Website and looking for your router and downloading a firmware upgrade if possible.
  14. You might want to lay up on all of the pictures in the design, people that have dial-up may have difficulty loading the site.but overall its not too bad, but could use a few touch-ups here and there. Keep up the good work and you'll do great!
  15. Here is a Screenshot of the Cpanel with my personal stuff Censored of Course.
  16. what it looks like you need to do is keep this code the same in Index.php so that it displays news.php, flashes.php, etc. but in order to get another Iframe what I'd do is put the same code as above in "news.php, flashes.php, etc." so that it will display an Iframe inside of that page which is actually a second Iframe inside of Index.php
  17. OK so I have the forums up now and I have changed the background to be a little darker as well as changing the forum link.I am currently working on the Shopping Cart for the T-Shirt sales. When I do get it up it will not be ready to order anything until I get all possible information from this BSA Troop about the products they want to sell.After the Shopping Cart is up I will soon begin working on the Pictures section (which might be in Flash). It might take me until next Friday to do everything.
  18. Very nice I must say. What exactly did you make of it in Photoshop if you dont mind me asking?oh yea and is Blender free or is pricing a concern...post some links for others to enjoy also.PS: its probably better to post a link for every piece of software you mention in Xisto, just for the sake of someone that may not of ever heard of the software and may want to know more about it.
  19. I would personally rather you make a Forum in PHP/MySQL than anything, some premade forums have things that sometimes you just dont need those extra features. If you want to learn PHP I suggest going here and for SQL go here. By the way, why the crap is this topic in the Javascript forum anyway? (credits to everyone else that said it)
  20. I used to go here all the time for https://l'>Photoshop Tutorials. Great for beginners and have many special effects that you can use with your own Photoshop drawings. Enjoy!!
  21. Yes Flash is a program and a quite pricy one at that. and No there is no way you can do it with MS Frontpage, my suggestion is to learn DHTML to create dynamic Nav Menus. Another good place to look is Dynamic Drive for some free menus that you can edit to your needs and also use them as practice in learnning how to do it yourself.
  22. oh yea I almost forgot, I'll see if I can make something cool in flash for the "BIG red text" I'll get back to ya on that... Thanks for the tip though!
  23. Thanks man, I did the nav menu in Flash, and all I did was set the mouse-over property to display a slight green box over the link with some alpha transparency added to it so that you could still tell what the link says... I did make the background blue a little darker for all of those who were blinded I almost have the forum done so it might be tomorrow (friday) before I get it uploaded.
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