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Posts posted by hazeshow

  1. I do agree ... BUT ... if you put your content in an image, it can't br ead by search engines anymore. And it can't be 'watched' by blind people anymore! Ah yes, and it uses much more space (and so much more loading time).


    So in my eyes the best solution would be a nice alternative font for the non Office users. One that kinda fits your needs and maybe looks a bit similar.


    "<font face="rareofficefont, verdana, arial">"


    Then at least the office users would be able to watch your website the way you want it to be watched. And the second font face you put there then would be a compromise for the non-office users.



  2. it is obvious that ie attracts people doing thicks on it and i think it is less secure than firefox. but ive learnt that a recent report by symantec shows that there are more dangerous bugs in mozilla than ie. it is just hard to say.


    I don't think that one browser is safer than the other. It's only a question of being targetted. As soon as the majotity of Internet users would use Firefox, Firefox would become the more interesting target for the 'exploit finders'. Until a while ago, Internet Explorer was the only real interesting target for security hole finders, but meanwhile this situation has changed.


    I also read about the new found security holes in Mozilla a while ago, I'm sure this was not the last time we can read news like this. As soon as it will come to people's mind that EVERY browser is in potential danger when hitting the web, the popularity of Mozilla and Firefox might sink down a bit again. Let's see. :mellow:



  3. Microsoft offers an own little tool for validating XML:

    "Internet Explorer Tools for Validating XML and Viewing XSLT Output"

    Download and information HERE


    All it does is adding two entries in Internet Explorer right-click dropdown-menu. The download is only 218 KB in size and consists of four files: msxmlval.htm, msxmlval.inf, msxmlvw.htm and msxmlvw.inf. After installing you will find "Validate XML" and "View XSL Output" commands added to your right-click menu. So one click and you can see whether you have valid XML or you can watch the XSL output. Fast and easy, try it out.


    Of course this requires Internet Explorer I guess. :mellow:



  4. 2.  If using XML to run a Web site, the transforms have to be server-side.  Client-side handling by browsers is too inconsistent.

    Internet Explorer's client-sided transformation from XML with XSL to HTML is perfect! And it's very simple. IE is always critisized to not fit the standards, well I critisize the other browsers, why don't they finally implement a nice working xml-parsing engine which makes it possible to use xsl-stylesheets, and so let the transformation take place on the client? :blink:

    Microsoft always "powered" XML, right from the beginning it seemed to be kind of part of their policy. Meanwhile MS Office is xml-based, and there's many xml-files in the system directories of Windows Xp. The next MS Office version will come with a new XML-filetype, I'm very curious what it will do to manifest Microsoft's power. :mellow:

    As said here before, the great thing about XML ist that the applications of XML do not necessarily have to be limited to conventional Internet applications, that's where XML's great potential lies. XML is everywhere and everyday, you just don't see it. Big transport systems like railway stations, airplanes and so on are xml-based. If you look on the big departures board of your local railway station the data you see are coming from the same XML-file that the website of the railway company uses. That's the great 'universality' of XML.

  5. Yes, sure everybody has got to do what his consience tells him. In case of unlicensed software I have absolutely NO consience of doing something criminal. I don't have the feeling that I'm taking away anythig fron anyone. If I steal an old lady's purse, I sure would feel like a robber, like a thief. Bit in this case I absolutely don't. In using this software I do increase the power of the software company, so in a way I could say I work for them, I am kind of an embassador for them. With every Microsoft Word document I sent away as an email-attachment, I spread the power and the profit for Microsoft. So to be perfectly honest, I think that they should pay me money for using their software! :mellow: GreetingZ

  6. Opera, Firefox, Safari and Konqueror beats Internet Explorer anyday. Microsoft products are becoming more unreliable as they go down the chute because all they care is the money that people invest on crappy software.




    Maybe these browsers beat Internet Explorer everyday, but if so, then they beat IE only on their user's desktops and not on mine and on the other IE user's desktops. Everybody's free to choose an alternative browser, but everybody should be tolerant enough to let IE users use IE. In a forum, if someone posts an IE problem, then there's three answers by Firefoxers saying "change your browser". :mellow:

  7. I think it wouldn't look good having a gap in the middle of your desktop, in between the monitors. LOL.


    :huh: Hehe ... :mellow:


    Hmm ... what if I have three graphic cards in my computer? Can I use three monitors? Can I use four monitors if I have two dual graphic adapters? I have seen a dual monitor system, it looked pretty cool, but a three of four monitor system would be sooo much cooler, wouldn't it? :blink: Ok ... if we forget the two or three gaps in the desktop.



  8. Well, it's very good to know the both of you deal in Warez, a "civil wrong".  While I don't approve, it is and can only be a "civil wrong", and nothing more.


    In any case, I'm not a pirater and thoroughly enjoy when stuff is fed to me on a sliver spoon -  :mellow:!


    Talking about silver spoons, the last thing taht I licked from the silver spoon was "Hummingbird Exceed PowerSuite 2006", if I lick it from the golden spoon it costs me 745 US-$, so I really do prefer the silver spoon. :blink:


    I think ALL software should be free for private use. Some companies do so and give away their software for free for private use only, and still take money for professional/commercial use. Sun Solaris for example or Oracle Database software or Ragtime DTP program.


    If NOONE on this planet would use pirate software on his desktop, the power of companies like Microsoft or Macromedia would be much smaller. Their power lives through the high number of illegal installations. That's why they don't really act against private MS Office installations for example. In other words, even if I install cracked software, the software companies still earn money through me.

  9. In my opinion Internet Explorer is FASTER than Firefox and Mozilla, I haven't tried Opera since years. And in my opinion it looks better than all other browsers, I like the way of placing the symbol bars in a way I want them to be placed. If you turn off ActiveX, everything is fine. To talk about the W3C standards ...what about XML and XSLT? In you throw an XML-file against an XSL-stylesheet, in IE a nice HTML-site is shown. What about Firefox? :mellow: Can't wait to see what will happen when IE7 Final comes out. Will people move back from Firefox to IE? Or will Firefox keep the boom?Happy browsing anyway ...! :blink:

  10. Well, one thing I can say for sure is: I really don't know! :blink: Even if one million of scientists will have proved that there is absolutely no mysterious animal in the Loch Ness, people will still talk about it and keep speculating and sometimes they will still see and photograph it. Anyway, what I find interesting is that the name "Nessie" somehow gives the feeling that the creature is a girl. Nessie doesn't sound like a boy's name. If you then keep in mind that the Loch Ness is really deep, the whole Nessie message can be reduced to "women's thoughts and secrets lie so deep that men will never discover". That's the philosophic view of Nessie. :huh::P:mellow:

  11. :blink: if I wasnt a complete Pirater I would probaly try the freeware but....


    Yeeeees ... :P:huh::P ... that's the point! Deep down in my heart I can feel exactly what you're talking about!


    Even if a freeware program is better than a commercial program, where's the fun? The triumphant feeling you get when you read "Thank you for choosing Pagemaker" after you've entered the serial that your keygen generated for you. The more complicated the activation routine, the better the feeling you get when the whole thing is installed. But with freeware .. NO FUN! :mellow:

  12. Great Site! Thanks a lot!


    If you search Google for "abandonware" you will find several sites with old ganes and programs. Acrobat Reader 4 is so much faster than today's version, and you won't be able to install Photoshop CS on a 233 Mhz PII, but you can use Photoshop 3 on old machines like that.


    Here again my favorite:

    Notepad 2.03 32-bit XP-compatible, 18,8 KB!


    Posted Image


    Downlaod here



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