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Everything posted by ASR1405241491
I certainly think the best way for us is go back to bicycles or something... maybe that way Americans wouldnt be soo fat... We've became so dependent on technology that its making a enormous percentage of people obese.....Or maybe a better way is: since we gage the strength of our cars on Horse Powers, why not just have horses again... So in order to have a tranportation that have 200 horse power, you raise 200 horses.. hahaha.... nah im just kidding... I just hope we find something to save us from our doom one day...Chin chin..
Voip Choices Discussion about VOIP Service
ASR1405241491 replied to OneStopReefShop's topic in Science and Technology
Im not sure if any of you ever heard of it... But when voip first came out, Lingo.com was one of the first to offer the broadband phone service... It was probably around the time Vonage first came out as well... I certainly think if youre investing into something like voip phone service, you should check out Lingo.com... Based on my research before, Lingo.com was the cheapest one out there, its like $15 bucks a month of something... Well hope that helped...Chin chin -
Psp Web-browser Using Wipeout Pure
ASR1405241491 replied to PathofNeo's topic in Science and Technology
Thats pretty cool... So you dont have to pay for internet service then??? Does it really work? Have you tried it yet??? or youre just curious if other PSP owners are able to do it??And where could I view this guy's website? You should hot link it... Thanks.. -
I never seen a giant squid myself, but from some of my friends these squids are humogous. Its crazy how they grow from a 2 inch baby squid into a squid that measures over 60 feet. These squids are really fasinating. These squids are always an interesting animal to see, especially big ones. Squids seem like a ugly animal but they are a beautiful animal to see out in the ocean. The biggest squid ever caught is 65 feet in length. That seems pretty big huh?, but i think under the deep ocean the squids are much bigger than what we think they are.
Mambo Going Crazy I need help someone
ASR1405241491 replied to ASR1405241491's topic in Web Hosting Support
Okay, I figure out part of the reason why its going crazy... for some reason the wysiwyg in mambo isnt working very well...I tried replacing it with another wysiwyg but it still didn't work as well...When I paste something from MS Word into the text field and try to save,it wouldnt do it.. but when I type in the text field, it would save... If anybody having the same problem please let me know... if anybody knows how to fix it please let me know as well, thank you!!!Chin CHin -
Hey... I am not sure if it is the server or what but occasionally I cant do anything to update my website...When I try to configurate some of my components or perhaps use the wysiwyg in mambo, the html section and adding tables dont work... they just pop up with another screen with all these codes, instead of the interface itself... could somebody help me??I know it is not the cms itself, cuz sometimes it works.... I am in desperate need for help thanks!!!
Physics Behind The Lightsaber Can it become true
ASR1405241491 replied to Amadeus1405241494's topic in Science and Technology
Yup... what his name is correct... laser is impossible... for one, it is light it cant just stop at a certain distant assuming the fact the laser itself could hold such length of power to slice people up in two... Yes dragong... you were probably misinform but just cuz laser is probably the closest guess many people have...I say it would not be possible to emulate a real light saber... no way would a little small handle like that able to generate enough energy.. and thats not including the fact stated at the beginning... How would you be able to customize the beam to different lengths you want...??? its just impossible... sorry ..Chin chin.. -
Massive Oil Pipeline Opens Oil starts pumping today
ASR1405241491 replied to saxsux's topic in Science and Technology
Well, its a little sad to say, but that is what we need for now... it is something that is completely mandatory... I am sure the majority of people on this forum drives... and for their vehicle to be able to accelerate is by using gas and obviously everybody knows where gas come from...Hopefully one day they would find a new way to create enough energy to push a car... I couldve sworn a long time ago I heard of a research scientist hopeing to using hydrogen to push a car... What ever happened to that? I mean that seems to be a great idea, but the only problem I assume it would have would be the fact it is a driving nuclear bomb ready to explode after one accident... I also heard of another research ( it might be a bogus one ) about using old recycled newspaper to fuel a vehicle...We all know of electric cars, hybrids and all that.. but is there any other ones out their that would actually make sense to mass produce in every car at the same time help the environment and still give the power like gas from petroleum as well???Chinc hin -
Are We Missing Out On The Old Times?
ASR1405241491 replied to evion's topic in Science and Technology
Yeah... basically in time we will be so technology dependent in life that we probably will rot and die without it. I could not imagine myself right now without a car. There would be so many things going wrong with just one technology machine taken away from me. I think as we grow exponential as a whole, in order to keep it organized and civilized we rely on technology to store files on computer, to print out nice and clean essay papers, to drive to work (in my case), and so on.... Even though we are becoming more and more lazy now that we have technology to do all the hard work, we still seem to work hard like the old people did back in the days. I agree that its a path of no-return; for no reason that people will stop investing their time in technology because instead of having to waste my time and write this all out, all I have to do is press a couple hundred key strokes and I have this message out to everybody on the internet. Speaking of internet, it is probably the greatest technology discovery for mankind. I couldn't imagine myself without internet as much as my car. But all and all, hopefully the purpose of all these technology advancement would come to great use in saving our planet somehow from a big enormous comet... Until that day (which I highly doubt is going to happen in our lifetime), lets just rejoice that we do have technology and that it obvious expedite our jobs and make more jobs in so many different ways...Chin chin -
I do agree, I doubt we'll ever have a World War III, its just impossible... The people that decide to utilize the nuclear bombs are all politicians...All politicians are very smart when it comes to themselves... I mean, unless all politicans in the world have a death wish, then I highly doubt theyre that stupid... chin chin..
Keo - A Time Capsule
ASR1405241491 replied to Glockmeister1405241492's topic in Science and Technology
Well that sounds like a good idea, if earth is still gonna be around for another 50,000 years. I certainly think technology is gonna kill earth before we reach 10,000years... But thats just me... I saw terminator again yesterday, and the more I think about it, the more I believe it is true... We are beginning to be more and more dependent on technology, soon the computers are going to rule the world... I just hope we think of a way to prevent that from happening before its too late.Chin Chin.. -
Disposable Phone Facias that grow sun flowers
ASR1405241491 replied to Seaworm's topic in Science and Technology
plaster is a composite of petroleum... petroleum is not good for the environment.... I agree with verman on that... It is a good idea and all, but plastic should be melt and recycle for other plastic parts instead of using it for the environment... On another note, like mentioned by some guy up there about the Japanese solution. By having their own decomposing container of their own. It's pretty cool, and I see a lot of them hydroponics places are starting to carry stuff like that. And the best way I hear to expedite the processs of decomposing is putting worms in there, they are nasty but apparently help out with giving the dirt back its nutrients.... Anyway, back to the topic, phone faces and sunflowers has nothing to do with each other, that is the most irrelevant idea I have ever heard... but thats just me... Chin chin -
Solar Energy Tower The newest development
ASR1405241491 replied to iGuest's topic in Science and Technology
I guess thats a solution, I saw on some channel a group of people were inventing a new type of solar panel. The panels were made of small little photo sensor glasses which turns in different directions to aim and hit a solar energy absorber. By doing that, you are saving tons of money on having to buy original solar panels, as well as, it captures all the light that hits that area of solar concentration. Now, all we have to do is probably make a big panel with photo sensor mirrors to reflect into the absorber, we would never have to worry about energy crisis again, not that we have ever. Excpet for television scare to get people to not waste energy.Chin chin... -
New Periodic Table Of The Elements
ASR1405241491 replied to Billwaa's topic in Science and Technology
I dont really understand what you mean... If every element has different atomic masses... they already discoverred or predict all elements on earth... how could you predict more by just spiraling the table... unless it goes decimals of proton and neutrons.... Oh well, please find if you could so we could see ourselves... maybe its just another theory.... chin chin -
Content In Mambo Problem Help
ASR1405241491 replied to ASR1405241491's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Yeah it seems to me like the theres something wrong with the TINY MCE... I tried reinstalling it, yet its still not working like before. Does anybody know how to first this problem? Much thanks.. -
Hey folks, for some reason my mambo content editor is not working like it supposed to. There seems to be a corruption in the codes... I dont know, please help me out.When I enter a sentence into one of the content area, it works when I save it.But I was trying to enter a whole calendar or anything with more than a sentence's worth of memory, it wouldn't let me save it. I dont know what to do, if anybody can help me out, thatll be great...I think the only way to solve this problem is to download the content and edit it on desktop and upload back to website. Could anybody tell me how I could access a specific content to write it in dreamweaver? I tried loggin into ftp, but cant find location of content to do it. Or should I just reinstall the whole damn thing?THanks in advance...!!!
Why Is Astahost Loading Slow ?
ASR1405241491 replied to l337 Nurse Pedestrian's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Yup, its only the forum due to too much information accessed constantly... eventually itll get better... On the other hand, hosting is great... it is fast and reliable, I havent had any problems with it. I remember my old web host, that piece of junk sucks... Its always down for whatever reason... It got to the point where there no point in developing a website if nobody is able to actually visit it and check it out... I was reading a couple weeks ago, that the server is being updated... hopefully this is something they are looking into and make it better... But no worries, if you have any suggestion just go to suggestion and let them know... headbuilder and the guys at Xisto are great people and they will try to accomodate all our needs...PEACE -
Blu-ray Disc Anyone heard of it?
ASR1405241491 replied to Xacrosancxion's topic in Science and Technology
That sounds great... That's like 10 times better than a dvd... I was starting to wonder what other game console that is going to come out after dvd player game console.... Perhaps one day, We will have an XBOX 3 or something with capability to read blu-ray disc... Thanks for the info, if anybody know when it is going to be released, please share.. I would like to find out more about how it is accomplished... -
I am glad you are trying to be deep and all, but honesty its a known fact that mankind will be doomed by their own destruction... Now I do agree with you that technology could be bad, but in reality it is much more helpful as well... We've got to learned so much about life on earth due to technology.. Eventually mother earth is going to destroy herself with natural disaster world wide, but not anytime near our life-span, our childrens' life-span, and perhaps not even our grandchildrens' lifespan... It is something we are concern about, and there are researches to make human habitat less harsh for mother earth (obviously not what we want, but itll happen)... Yes, atom bombs, etc... shouldnt have been discovered, its insanely dangerous; but honestly, without the atomic bomb, Japan might've conquerred America... We would now be called New Japan or something... Like they say, everything happens for a reason, and the atom bomb was invented for a reason.. Now to mention that nuclear warfare is possible, I doubt that very much so... By starting a nuclear war, everybody would begin to shoot their missile heads and destroy their enemies: all we'll end up is an exploded earth in minutes.... Now, politicians are smart... theyre not going to sacrifice themselves and their family and friends; hence, nuclear warfare is impossible.. Unless every ruler and politicians of every countries have a death wish at the same time... Now why would they do that if they hold the power and the money?? They will not!!!In regards to computer... people should hold themselves more accountable... your back is your own thing, yes you sit on your chair too long and your back is screwed, but thats on you... who told you to sit there and never stand up for a stretch or anything? Or maybe just stand the whole damn time... Anyways, when it comes down to it, computer has contribute to our world in so many ways... you would not be able to do anything, from calling your family out of state to even use your toilet paper (tp's are made by machines ran by computers)...Nakul... you sound like a person that is concern about the earth... and you have two choices... get out there and find a solution to heal mother earth or continue with your argument and not use technology at all... Finally, everything in this world is dangerous... Lighting is dangerous and its not from our technologies... It happens often, you just never hear about it cuz its too common to be on the news... everything has a risk... now I believe we all weighed out the pros and the cons, and the reason technology is still around is because positives are many more than the negatives... But all and all.. nice essay... let us know what grade you got for that...
Nanobots The Future of the World
ASR1405241491 replied to ASR1405241491's topic in Science and Technology
"I would love it if we live in a utopia world where nanobots work only for the good of mankind"If you read correctly I rather save millions of lives.... even if I didn't... saving millions of of cancer patient lives is not important to me as saving every single human on this earth.... So before you quote me and put your input to get some hosting credits, think first... But its not really gonna matter anyway, the the individual mentioned previously, based on our technology right now, we are still trying to get a transistor down to a nanometer? I personally think the only thing thats stopping us is bonding density of atoms... Every element on earth has a limit to its ability to bond to another element; after a certain extent, itll just break off, and by building things that small, thinner than say... foil.. even a blood cell could damage it and destroy it... Thats just my theory, but please dont criticize my input, cuz I not anywhere near a scientist or anything like that... Well keep us all updated if you know anything new with the nanotechnology.... Thanks in advance... -
Uh-oh, Disk Hda1 (/boot) 93 % server status page on cPanel
ASR1405241491 replied to saxsux's topic in Web Hosting Support
I know you guys get this question a lot, but earlier, I cant even log onto the site & admin site, now I could log onto my site but not cpanel... does anybody know what I did wrong? I mean if the site is working, why wouldnt the cpanel be working?If anybody and give me more information on that, that would be great...Sorry if its a stupid question, I am newbie at all this web developing and cpanel stuff...Thanks in advance... -
Hey there, Im not sure if this is the right thread, but for some reason, I cannot even load my website... is there a downtime right now? I was about to send my friends the link, and right before I did it, I wanted to make sure it works, and long behold, the website for some reason isnt loading, even cpanel isnt loading for admin... If anybody could help me out thatll be great... That would have been an embarassment if I sent the links to my friends and it could not even load... that would suck big time...Thanks in advance... :P
I dont think anybody asked for information on where to find atlantis huh? looks like to me plagiarized it from some website just to get enough credits for hosting... thats not cool... but all and all, pretty cool article, except Ive seen so many stuff about Atlantis and all of them suck because they dont really tell you where it is, they are all theories....Welp... see ya...
Nanobots The Future of the World
ASR1405241491 replied to ASR1405241491's topic in Science and Technology
I didn't say stop the research... I said it should be reconsiderred to make it a safer technology for the world... I would love it if we live in a utopia world where nanobots work only for the good of mankind, but if I have to sacrifice thousands of people for the sake of one cancer patience (with all due respect), then I would not do that.... ps: I hope youre doing well... peace out...