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Everything posted by Neverseen

  1. Kinda annoyed with this game after the hype and wait. Great control and lots of cars but stupid layout and progression. If you start n the beginner area you run out quick of races. Of the first 5 cars I won 2 are concept cars and not usable and have no value to sell. Wnat to know the wheelbase of you car? Gotta go buy one and back out at the last screen just to find out. Need a truck for the begineer truck class? Gotta go buy it new. Who's got $35K as a beginner when you are learning. Just won the mazda series 6 concept car from the FF class in the beginner series. Hell if I can find anyplace to race it and it has no sale value. Did Sony actually test this game before releasing it? Great control and simulation. Crap unless you sit and do all the licenses right off the bat and most beginners can't or don't want to.
  2. maybe he (she) would like to compare with others search engines to see the difference in their popularity ? who knows
  3. Firefox and Opera are my favorite browsers so far. I prefere Opera's layout, but Firefox can view some sites (especially java scripted ones) which Opera cant. So it's usefull for me to have both browsers programms. I really hope the newest version will be worth using it
  4. If they really think that this kind of upgrade will help to improve their service, so why not:) But I'm sure there will be more updates soon
  5. Very strange there isn't already a topic about this one. I was checking CNN lately and saw a lot about it. There's already 67 dead already confirmed (mostly in Mississippi) And there's still more bodies floating in the floodwaters all over New Orlean. Katrina caused widespread flooding across the region, and floodwaters were still rising Tuesday in New Orleans after a hole opened in a levee protecting the city. Thousands of people have lost their homes. More than 1.3 million homes and businesses in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama are still without electricity... About 80 percent of New Orlean is currently flooded and some areas are under 20 feet of water ! This is just unbelievable ! The city's airports are under water aswell. It will take at least three or four weeks to repair the massive power outages caused by the storm. I'm really sorry for people who are suffering from this disaster
  6. there's some news scripts like CuteNews which can be installed on server. go and search for some NEWS script and you'll find some interesting stuff
  7. thats really funny when n00b admins (or moderators) start to considere someone's posts as junk or spam when they don't really understand the point of the post. Well .maybe I'd agree that posts like "yes" or "no" or "LOL" e.t.c.. are not really important in the forum, but just think.. maybe the guy (or the girl) is shy when talking to other people... maybe he's got any complexes e.t.c.. you gotta considere it all.. maybe he has no friends. and instead of make him feel alright in your forum you will disturb him by saying "you're the worst user in my forum" that's really lame. just grow up and try to understand people. and please be nice with them. don't be so rude
  8. I'm so used with msn messenger now. but who knows, maybe google will be sooooo good that it will own all the rest of instant messengers we just need to test it otherwise, I don't see the reason of releaseing the software which is at least the same as the other ones...
  9. Haven't got any blog actually... haven't any time to loose for that though... It's seems not really usefull to me so I don't see the reasonwhy I should start a blog ..peace out
  10. seen and heard about that on TV today, indeed... but they said that this isn't done just to make some pain in the *bottom*, but it's more to make some profit out of it. I don't know how exactly, but I think it's true..
  11. oh well, wasn't there already enough of topics about how great gmail is ?actualy I've got an account at gmail, but I don't even use it.. to be honest, dunno why... I'm now using only my own mail server with my own domain and stuff... well, yeah, it's good for big files, but I rather use ftp for sending really big files... all this is just in my humble opinion
  12. I'll start off by saying this game was great! I am not normally a fan of racing games, but when I played Burnout 3, I loved it. Most racing games you can't destroy your car or any thing, but in Takedown, it is a good thing to do. There are lots of modes, one where you aree tryong to make a huge accident. There is also another where you try to take out the cars as fast as possible. Then, you can always do some normal racing, except it isn't really normal. You get points and speed boots for being a bad driver including driving on the wrong side of the road, and smashing another car.Despite the downfall that you start with few cars, there are lots more to unlock! You can get racing cars and then trucks to go in. It make the game really fun and last longer to get everything. You can also get tons of levels to race and crash in, also making the game more enjoyable.In conclusion, it is a great game, and even if you don't like racing game, you could still like
  13. When you observe the world around you, you can see that it couldn't all appear by itself. Just look how well human is made... we have eyes to see, ears to hear, mouth to eat, brain to think e.t.c.. the system is very well organized... who has organized it ? I hardly believe that it came by itself as an hazard. Let's see an example. You all have a PC... the componets of a PC are all very well organized... video card, sound card,hard drives,cd and dvd players have to be connected to your mainboard... if NOONE has connected this stuff, the PC would never work... SOMEONE has connected it all, put together, installed and tuned... it could NEVER happen by itself. The world is the same thing but MUUUUUCH more complex... there's so much thigns that was tuned with a very high precision (like gravity e.t.c..) Someone arranged the world so it all works very good. Just try to guess who did it
  14. wow! the pictures are really top notch! when I look at them I almost imagine myself there. so good the space is represented. Loving lonely trees here and there Damn, this must be really awesome to be there...
  15. Neverseen


    Fractals are good ! btw another very good software for making interesting fractals is Ultra Fractal. But I'll definitely try this freeware out to see how far it can go
  16. heh you better learn first how to use a search engine and only then complain if it doesn't work good enough. Google is great imho.. don't see anything bad about it. Why do you think it's so popular ?
  17. Hm, actually I think people should take care about our own planet Earth instead of searching something somewhere far from here... they don't even know what they're serarching for... they just EXPLORE... now we all know that the global warming is becoming more and more important for all of us (especially for the youngest generations) and instead of doing MUCH more for stopping it they're still CURIOUS about what happens there in space... I think this is so damn stupid. Of caurse it's good to know that we have Mars,Jupiter,Neptune e.t.c. around our planet Earth... good to be able to send sattelites and stuff... but there's a lot of money spent on useless researches and this money could be much more usefull if it was spent for new researches on global warming and on how to prevent it. Also there's a lot of illness like AIDS or cancer that people still can't really cure.. why not doing some MORE research on that ? This is really something that would help humanity... and Space exploration.. well doesn't really help.. Now if people find some water on Mars, so what ? we will be just happy to know that there's some water there... how would it help people on Earth ? In no way it will help anyone. The scientists will be even more curious and then they'll want to find if there's any life form on Mars... and this will take even more time and money and human brain to find out if there's something alive there... So imho people gotta think about more important things first.
  18. heh.. the answer is very simple.. too much cars and not enough of roads.. yup, that's it only the rich cities are actually having this problem.. go to some village in Russia or Africa and ask them if "traffic jam" is a big problem for them you'll see that a lot of them don't even know what that means. In fact it's all about money. Car dealers want to sell cars and rich people want to buy them. Here in Europe almost every family has more than one car. One for the husband, another one for the wife, if their children are old enough they have their own cars as well... that's how it works. I think the solutution would be: taking one car for several persons instead of one car per person... or another solution would be building more roads.. but the last one isn't as easy as that because there's not enough of space for that in the big cities.
  19. nope, your credits are not shown in days.. they're shown in CREDITS as simple as that 1 credit = 1 day so, if you see that you have enough of credits for 30 days this means you have enough to upgrade... but be carefull, because all 30 credits are going to be taken for the upgrade, so if you've got let's say 30.07, just after your upgrade you'll have only 0.07.. this means your account is only some minutes from being suspended.. be carefull with that good luck.
  20. Thanks God noone is dead ! But I've seen on TV that a lot of people were shocked psychologicaly.. well I can understand them. And besides that the company Airbus never had any accident caused by a technical problem before... si this might be the first one, which could lower their reputation.
  21. In my humble opinion, now it looks really muc better than a couple of days ago. With the previous skin it was soooo slow !! And now it works very well, so more fun to browse around
  22. I think I've already heard that there should be another planet in our solar system, and the scientist though it was strange that it's not presend And now here it is ! Finally discovered! Well done! Although when I see the orbit it looks veeery different compared to other planets' orbites... heh, quite unique tho...
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