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Posts posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Actually u mean free as in opensource and not free as in free beer, because there are distributions that require you to pay. Something like Linspire or Xandros.Anyways, Mandriva DOES require you to pay a subscription to update the internal system files like KDE or GNOME or even get the kernel updates, unless u wait for about 6 months for the next version.SuSE is different because it's easy as it is professional, and no stupid subscription. Pay for it and you get support, a large manual and a sticker :D. Else, you can download for free, but no support, large manual and no sticker.Gentoo will take you days to install even on Pentium D computers. Also, without Linux experience, you won't get anywhere, since you need to know the basics on how UNIX works. You must know how to use emerge and know your computer inside out in order to use it.xboxrulz

  2. KDE: It is a free desktop that is written in C and uses the QToolkit for the front-end. It has a great iCandy feel. It is easy to use too! https://www.kde.org/

    GNOME: It was planned to replace KDE because of licensing issues which are now resolved. It is like KDE but it uses the GTK as the front-end. https://www.gnome.org/

    I use KDE.

    There's no "best" desktop, you have to choose yourself.

    Also, sorry for the double post.


  3. dhandesh, that list only shows the hits per day. It doesn't mean which one is better.You should start out with Ubuntu (or Kubuntu if u like KDE better) or Suse. Note, 10.0 is in beta, the current stable version is 9.3 which is also available for download.I recommend SuSE because it's easy. It's great for both newbs and experienced users. I can always choose to use command line setup or graphical setup and configuration whenever I want.SuSE is not only for newbs.xboxrulz

  4. Initially I didn't support Apple switching to x86, but if it is able to kick M$'s *bottom*, then for sure, go ahead. Else, I would like them to stick to PPC as it is one of the world's best processor and it beats PPC in calculation, math and best of all can handle more tasks then Intel and AMD processors. x86 still uses CISC which stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer and it's slower and process less than RISC, Reduced Instruction Set Computer.Even M$ has switched their new XBOX from Intel to IBM's PPC processor.xboxrulz

  5. Everybody can be a scientist, yet they might have different theories. I think that the Big Bang DID NOT created space and time, it only created fragments that we call stars. It created the elements, but space and time was always here. To refer to the guy who said God has been here all along, we can prove that it's not true at all, just like all beings we know, everything has a start and end except for matter. Since stars have lifespan too, then so can "God". Matter cannot have start and end because it is the creator of the objects that we have. It groups up to become what we see today. You can ask me, what created matters, why don't you just wait for a while, I'm sure that we'll find in within this century.That's IMOxboxrulz

  6. The universe was never created, remember this: "matters cannot be created nor can it be destroyed" Therefore, that proves that it can't be created, there could be more than 1 universe. I don't know. Yet, the Big Bang theory might be composed of these matters that grouped up and got too heavy, then it exploded causing the fragments to become stars.DigitalDingo is right, science has proven religion wrong. Just like how did the guy created the ark to carry 2 of each animal to be 600+ years old? It was before the medieval ages!xboxrulz

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