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Posts posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. What are friends, this is my theory. There IS NO definite definition of friends. A friend is to share, a friend is to make you fell better when you're down. A friend is to support you, a friend is to advise you. A friend is important as we're social animals. Our society is fixed so we would have friend to help one another and to find entertainment and having a good time. A friend is someone that you share interest with. A friend doesn't have to look good in order to BE your friend. Once a friend has your utmost attention and that you both like each other, you become true friends that never split. Yet, you DO NOT always follow your true friend because it will annoy them. True friends may also go further to husband, wife or etc. Friendship is the foundation of human. Without friends and with isolation, one will go insane and may have the will to kill, do street drugs, crack into computers and other illegal activies.SO, IN CONCLUSION, YOU DO NEED FRIENDS, IT'S THE BASICS OF LIFE.xboxrulz

  2. Since mankind hasn't been in the Universe for a long time and I do think the Big Bang does exist but when we also question about aliens, what if a species created a spark of Hydrogen to create a universe and they are observing us as test subjects. You would never know. This God figure is in my theory created by mankind to be the reason to create the universe since there's nothing for them to support the "truth". According to Christians, they say that someone like me can't seek the truth and come up with millions of theory. Which this is false. It is religion that humans created and not religion created us. The artificial figure of God is just a reassurance to fill the void of knowledge. It just a temporary filler until the final block has been discovered.Yet, if there is God, then my theories are automatically void.xboxrulz

  3. well, this debate has gone for years, probably for hundreds of years. There is a theory stating that if one finds out what was the creation of the universe and finds out why we exist, the universe will quickly collapse and a new and more complicated one appears. (Source: The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy, book version)I do believe that the universe is created by the Big Bang, and there are solid proof that it did happen. The Big Bang was caused by the most basic element, which we all know is Hydrogen. When the massive hydrogen body assembled, the mass was too big, and it had to explode (like when clouds hold too much water and rains) causing other elements to form and stars to also form. If you look through the telescope and find a start composed with pure hydrogen, then you have found an old star. (Source: my theory and Guiness World Records).I do believe in evolution, why do u ask? It is because our bone structures are very very similar to apes and they're not that stupid as we might think. Viruses (bio) often evolves, like SARS, AIDS, and other major diseases from smaller ones. Our immune system has also made the common cold from a deadly disease to a common infliction that is easily cured, why? It is because our biological DNA only picks the best set of chromosomes to create a new baby instead of the bad ones.That's IMO,xboxrulz

  4. Funny OS X, is actually built from the Mach and the FreeBSD. It is not built on Darwin. Darwin is for Mac OS 9 and under.Anyways, I like TheKnowledge's post because it pinpoints most of what I usually say but not all. I agree w/ his points because I have been using Windows for 3/4 of my life. I started to start using Linux on my desktop/laptop since 2004.xboxrulz

  5. lol, that's the funniest thing I've read in this category. I can't stop thinkin bout it. Here's another thing, when I brought my laptop to school and my screensaver popped up, everybody was saying "Hey, your computer just crashed" or "your computer is acting up", I simply laugh and showed them it was merely a screensaver. Little did they know, Linux has that installed when you have xscreensaver installed and they think they're computer literate.I guess wrong.xboxrulz

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