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Posts posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. My Desktop is currently running SuSE 9.3 w/ KDE 3.4.0, upgrading it this weekend, so here's my screenie I took last week. I like KDE over GNOME because it looks and handles better than GNOME. I did some test on my laptop (701 MHZ Pentium III, 192 MB RAM) and I found that GNOME WAS SLOWER THAN KDE.


    Posted Image


    This screenshot contains a game screenshot which I placed on my desktop. If you're a Canadian, you should know that there's a problem in the screenshot.


    I'm gonna post my laptop screenshot later, it's running SuSE 10.0 and GNOME 2.12.2..



  2. From what I heard that if u changed your system hardware, you're required to contact Microsoft about it so they can change your profile. But, I guess it's just a rumor or something. Anyways, that's why I prefer Linux. No one's forcing you to upgrade to use the newest software. (Well, sometimes, because they can't help but tell you to swap from 2.4.x to 2.6.x) or you can use other Opensource Operating System.xboxrulz

  3. lol, Windows is bloated in coding in itself, they add more code than they need to. Notice that no matter if u switch it to classic mode, it's still pretty slow, but if you run Windows 2000 it's much faster. Other operating systems like Mac OS X and anyother *NIX systems (like Linux) will perform better because there's less clot, Having their base opensource, anyone can clear out the clot and make the operating system more liteweighted and could still have a great desktop environment like Aqua, KDE, GNOME, XFCE and etc.Windows Vista and it's desktop environment, Aero will take even more memory than Windows XP.xboxrulz

  4. the RPM isn't hard to use @ all:rpm -ivh = installrpm -Uhv = upgraderpm -e = remove (erase)rpm -qi (query)rpmbuild --rebuild = rebuild your source RPM.I say that RPM is the best package management, IMO. The TGZ, PORTAGE and DEB aren't easy to use and configure. Portage takes forever, TGZ ... why don't I just use KInstaller and compile that source myself, DEB is just plain old and not really user friendly although you do get apt-get by default.When optimizing your RPM thru the source RPMs, it is much faster and it will be built at your specification like portage and tgz.xboxrulz

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