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Posts posted by Giniu

  1. yup you are right with that 2 instead of 1 - stupid error, just wrong typed number :) ... but about that Pi i think that I wrote right thing... that was how I got this:first:1 / (1+x^2) = sum {from 0 to infinity} (-1)^n * x^2n - that's easy...second:arctg x = integral {from 0 to x} dt/(1+t^2) = = integral {from 0 to x} sum {from n=1 to infinity} (-1)^n * t^2n dt == sum {from n=0 to infinity} (-1)^n integral {from 0 to x} t^2n == sum {from n=0 to infinity} (-1)^n * [t^(2n+1) / (2n+1)]|{from 0 to x} == sum {from n=0 to infinity} (-1)^n * (x^(2n+1) / (2n+1)). - some elementary knowledge about integral of sequence...finaly:PI = 4 arctg1 = 4 sum {from n=1 to infinity} (-1)^n / (2n+1) = 4 * (1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - ...)am I right? anyway - that's what I remember... I'll recheck this one more time, but I'm prety sure that this is correct... And wouldn't this be easier than calculating arctan one after another? - this is about geting most acurate values without using math libs or any other premade support like functions arctan... how do you find what I wrote? If this is correct would be this fast or slow?

  2. and what do you think about multiple endings? would they boost up ratings and makes you - players to come back and see another ending, or you would just ignore it?(I agree with noCD - this is realy pain and make those scratches on CD... but in plan there is multiplatform game (Lin/Win/Mac) so this is actual result - Linux user don't like something like this - I know that, becouse I'm one of those Linux users :)) - rest? I'll keep them in mind and maybe even in credits :( - Vagodeoz - thanks, people like you - that knows what they want - helps make games better!!!

  3. If you are able to conver .mov to .avi - there is a solution - OpenSource package SwfTools have very usefull utillity called avi2swf - it is working on Lin/Win/Mac, so there shouldn't be troubles running it :) - I can trully recomend it - wit this package you are able to create whole flash site or anything else without buying licencs from MM...

  4. Hi... I was wondering if there are some freeware and even better - OpenSource - progams that will help create instalation frontends for Lin, Win and Mac? (like comercial BitRock installer...). it would be best if it would use GTK or Qt when running on Linux... is there any hope?

  5. Hi all,


    First for PL... I'm wondering what alghorithms are best for counting PI... very accurate... I know about two methods:


    first - easier, but I think itn't fast enough, is - divide quater of circle to n small pieces and count it... like this:


    PI/4 = sum from i=0 to n of sqrt(1-(i/n)^2)/n


    and as large n we take - we get better accuracy... but this isn't best I think... there is also other way:


    second - needs some math to know about that... when we take Maclaurin Sequence (Taylor Sequence with base point x_0 = 0) for arcus tanges x, with range [-1;1] in point x=1 we get value of PI/4 (couse of arctg 1 = Pi/4) and when we compare it with Maclaurin Sequence we got harmonic sequence like this:


    PI/4 = sum from i=0 to n of (-1)^(n-1) / (2n-1) = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - ...


    again - large n => acurate pi...


    Same is for e... I know two methods:


    first - from definition...


    e = (1 + 1/n)^n


    so as large n - more accurate e, and second (with Maclaurin Sequence):


    e = sum from i=0 to n 1/n! = 2 + 1/2 + 1/6 + 1/24 + ...


    this also looks better for me, but I want to know if there are any other methods? maybe some of them can be easier coded or are faster? (note that i should write everywhere n->infinity, but we computers can't understand this so I decided to write aproximations...) :)... so how about it?



    thanks to vizskywalker for pointing out my typing error in Maclaurin e^x formula...

  6. oh my, I can't forgive myself!! ZANGBAND and other of Angband clones, also NetHack... and for those that don't like best RPG ever, there is official client for Neverwinter Nights for Linux, that can be downloaded from Bioware's site and all you need is NWN installed on Windows (to copy files) or fast network connection (to download game data) and Serial number from your Windows version... It works even beter!!!

  7. Hi... what I know from my "theoretical math" study, the most efficent way to find prime numbers is Sieve of Eratosthenes. It gives you chance to get them counted very fast, and memeory usage is one bit per prime number, so this can be it... I will post there small code (maybe wrong, couse i'm mathematician, but I tested it with gcc... remember add math library when compiling, you should also add optimalistation - like this:

    gcc -O2 test.c -o test.o -lm

    this method works fine and result of:

    time test.o

    is something about 0.001 ms for all prime numbers from 0 to 100000 - this is limit of this example and my coding knowledge ;)), I can give you some rules and theory, so if know some language, you would be for sure able to build it yourself... so let's start:


    First of all we are generating methods to store information, we are using table of long long integer, since we need many bits with possible less indexes (in example I used char...), and creating few functions that will put 0 or 1 to bit represented by number (prime, or not prime) and read value of bit that represents it, then we need to put that values:


    number 0 - value 0

    number 1 - value 0

    other - as far as we can - value 1


    when we have this ready, the main generating function...


    we are taking first number that have value of 1, but is before sqrt of largest possible number, lets call it p like prime and we are putting 0 to all numbers that looks like a*p, where a=2,3,4,... till end of all numbers, then we are taking first number that have value of 1...


    this is how you can do it with C:


    // program 3.06 - Erasto// by Giniu#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>#define SIZE 1000000char erasto[(int)(SIZE/8)];void putErasto(int number) {	int position, inside;	char value;	position=number/8;	inside=number%8;	value=(1 << inside);	erasto[position]|=value;}void delErasto(int number) {	int position, inside;	char value;	position=number/8;	inside=number%8;	value=~(1 << inside);	erasto[position]&=value;}char checkErasto(int number) {	int position, inside;	char value;		position=number/8;	inside=number%8;	value=(1 << inside);	if ((erasto[position]&value)!=0) {  return 1;	} else {  return 0;	}}void clearErasto(void) {	int flow;	for (flow=2; flow<=SIZE; flow++) {  putErasto(flow);	}	delErasto(0);	delErasto(1);}void countErasto(void) {	int flow1, flow2, countTo;	clearErasto();	countTo=sqrt(SIZE);	flow1=2;	while (flow1<=countTo) {  flow2=flow1*2;  while (flow2<=SIZE) { 	 delErasto(flow2); 	 flow2+=flow1;  }  flow1++;  while ((flow1<=countTo)&&(checkErasto(flow1)==0)) { 	 flow1++;  }	}}char isPrime(int number) {	return !checkErasto(number);}int main(void) {	countErasto();	//there what you need... just like:	printf("\n\n 123123 is");	if (isPrime(123123)) printf("n't");	printf(" prime number,\n");	printf(" but 7 is");	if (isPrime(7)) printf("n't");	printf(" prime number.\n\n");}

    This maybe isn't best example, but how I said I'm mathematician not a coder, so this is only viewing of an idea... I tried as much as I could... just try it and remember - it always takes same time - to generate sieve of given size... hope this will help :)





    oh, and this example was made on "introduction to math in algorythmic", thats why 3.6 - list 3 exercise 6 ;) - havent time to change this... and: "You can copy and do with it whatever you want, as long as you left line: // by Giniu at top of this, you can add something like orginal version or whatever... I don't realy care... just left autor... :(

  8. Hi...I'm using Wings 3D and I consider it best free subsurface modeling application, but i wonder what thinks other persons... If you used it, wrrite down what is good and bad in wings... I'll start :]good:- very intuitive interface- extreame speed of modeling- amazing tool: edge loop - realy helps- very, very customizable shorcut keys- version for Win/Lin/Macbad:- zero animation support- weak material and rendering support- still some small bugs in 0.98.29a

  9. you can try https://www.kirupa.com/ - great tutorial archive... but it is aimed at Macromedia Flash... there is also Open Source toolset called Swf-Tools, it contains few usefull things like avi2swf, gif2swf that can help you - also swfcombine that will help you compose your site... and most important - swfc - utillity to generating swfs from easy and intuitive script language... I can surely recomend it if you don't have "not so cheap" Macromedia Licence...

  10. what software? of course best :) :Office - OpenOffice 2.0 BetaTypesetting - TexMaker and TeTeXVideo Editing - Cinelerra3D animation - Blender3D modeling (sub-surface) - Wings 3DVideo Playing - mplayerbitmap editing - Gimpvector graphics - InkscapeWeb Browser - FirefoxMail client - ThunderbirdMusic Player - XMMSMessages - Gaim, Kadu, Skypewell a lot more, but stop it, enough :(

  11. maybe you are right... the content of soulseek network is impressive... but Herrco, what is the strong points of BitComet? Maybe i'll give it a try... Why I choose Azureus?? It got selective file download (I don't have to download whole directory, just select files) and it has builded IP blocking utillity with daily upgraded IP-lists from PeerGuardian page... that's why I choose Azureus... what can you tell me about bitcomet?

  12. there is one thing that I used to do in dual-booting phaze of my OS evolution :) - I was leavin one BIG or even HUGE partition in FAT-32 so both OS'es can easly access them for read and write, since ext's or reiser is not seen in Windows and there are troubles wit writing to nsfs from linux...

  13. I think best download accelerators are Prozilla (comand line utillity) with Prozgui (Gui for it) - it is clean, fast and gives all needed function... just some strange interface, but it is not about that, it just have to download :)

  14. I agree... for realy beginning Mandrake is good, it is easy and most menu-driven with easy instalation in many languages... but when you will look around inside, you would probably want to switch to something that is most powerfull... there are of course mentioned earlier Gentoo and Debian, but don't you forgot Slackware?? I'm Slackware user for 7 years now... I't is mature, powerfull, clasic and fast distribution that gives you large control over your system with small effort... it is also well documented over the web... I can recomend it as "second distro" - just after trying Mandrake... don't try Gentoo/Debian/Slackware too early - you can scare yourself and make worst thing - give up linux!

  15. for bit-torrent I was always using Azureus - it's java bit-torrent client keepd on sourceforge, it was even a project of month septemcer in 2004! Maybe there are better ones, but I liked this one and I won't change it... I don't use other p2p nekworks, but I know you can look around for something called MLDonkey, their site says: "MLdonkey is a multi-platform multi-networks peer-to-peer client... Currently, with eDonkey , it supports several large networks, such as Overnet , Bittorrent , Gnutella (Bearshare, Limewire,etc), Gnutella2 (Shareaza), Fasttrack (Kazaa, Imesh, Grobster), Soulseek (beta), Direct-Connect (alpha), and Opennap (alpha). Networks can be enabled/disabled, searches are performed in parallel on all enabled networks, but each file is only downloaded from one network (wait for next release !), but from multiple clients concurrently." it is nice choice if you use a lot of networks and have all-in-one solution... oh and I forgot - I'm also using muSeek for SoulSeek network.

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