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Posts posted by Giniu

  1. so let me explain :P


    rights to files are writen in three octagonal numbers (from 0 to 7):


    first one, gives info about owner,

    second about group

    and third about all others.


    Also every number is taken from three other walues that you sum up - it is:



    2=writable and



    when you sum them up, you can get for example:




    So permision to file that looks like this:


    711 would mean: owner can do anything wile group and others can only execute.


    It is usefull for scripts that cannot harm system, and are usualy called by normal users. So when you want to change permision, just


    chmod permision file


    and everything would work... but when you are using fstab all file permisions are masked with umask, so:


    umask=000 would mean give all to everybody

    umask=007 would mean give all to owner (root) and group (vfatusers), but don't give it to any others


    this is some basics from security in Linux. It is hard for fist few days/weeks/months, but you would get used to it. I would mention also command


    umask permision


    that would umask all new files created by user that called it with specific permision.


    Hope that answer suits you, and everything is clear now, if not, just ask :P

  2. Hi...

    What for?? so... I want to use it for Fallout 2 - and before you ask I would answer - yes, Wine runs Fallout better than Cedega, but, from some time it was running it realy slow, but CVS version of Wine and Cedega are reported to work again fast... I don't want to use about one year old wine, so I decided to download CVS - I tryied to compile wine and got cdrom.h warning, then I thought that maybe Cedega fixed this, or just uses other method to obtain this, but unfortuneatly this also went down at same point, so I decided to ask there for help...

    ps.: on builded snapshot of wine, when I run it in separate xserwer it runs realy slow, maybe I did it wrong? I made startup script that looked like that:

    xinit /usr/bin/wine /usr/locale/games/fallout2/fallout2.exe -- :1 -depth 16
    To avoid running in 24 depth, since all Fallouts are running very slow, when depth is scaled up... It doesn't work in 8, so as it was recomended for Fallout BoS, I choose to run in 16... maybe it is just wrongly configured? if yes then if someone managed to run Fallout 2 in wine and can post his config, I would be graetful :P

  3. Hi...


    You can allow access to all by adding:

    /dev/hda1 /mnt/winc vfat rw,user,auto,umask=000 0 0
    but your security would be weak, since all would have access to this drive...


    so better is to make a group that would have access to it, and lock access to all others:


    1) create new group, called for example vfatusers:

    groupadd vfatusers
    2) add your users to this group, edit file /etc/group under vfatusers so it would have users divided by "," at endo of it, note that number 104 can (and probably would) be different:
    3) change group of your vfat directories to vfatuser, also make sure that root is owner of those files:
    chown root:vfatusers /mnt/winc /mnt/wind
    4) in fstab allow group to access it, edit it to look like this:
    /dev/hda1 /mnt/winc vfat rw,user,auto,umask=007 0 0
    I think that this would be enough, same way you can use to allow some users to access some directories, and other not... remember to give access to fstab and group only to root, so users wouldn't be able to change what you set...


    Probably there is other way, but I always do it like that... hope this helped...

  4. Hi, thanks to your reply qwijibow, and now to answer your questions:- yup, /usr/src/linux is pointing to right (only one, I removed old after new one worked) source...- nope, this kernel is stright from my Slackware distribution- I know that this is only for testing, but as I said the same happend to me when I was trying to compile regulat Wine CVS or even any Wine sources (also from stable)...- and at least - to pay for software, you musn't live in my country - I cannot afford monthly paymeny, besides there are many more important things, so I decided to test this CVS a liitle, and since my Graphics Card doesn't have copy protection related code and texture compression (and this is as I remember only part removed from CVS, for now...), this doesn't make me any difference for me, so sending regular bug reports when I would find something, wouldn't be hard to me... and I have some experience in doing this kind of stuff when I manage to get the program running...

  5. I doubt if anyone would want those anymore... I personaly have 19 of those invitations left and no one to give it to, so it is becoming rather poular... besides if someone needs gmail, he usualy goes to [isnoop GMail spooler], you can type email there and get one of 686956 invites, also you can put yours there... (I putted there 20 to thanks for one that I got..., just left 30 for black hour :P)... and GMails is larger than 2GB... take a closer look at their site :P

  6. this long list of errors as far as I know is related to "present but cannot be compiled" (for my situation), and yes I was thinking about it as bug in glibc or autoconf, but I wasn't able to find any constructive help... For now on, I sent error log to Cedega support, also tryied Wine CVS today, and I got same error :Pand you can be sure - if you get error or warning while configure, you probably would get error while compiling or it would probably segfault while trying to run... first of all make sure you get clean configure log, and then type make, without this, it is loss of time...

  7. Hi...I think there was some similar topics, but those were question about best distro, so usualy people posts their own distros, but I can allways speak about it :PI'm old Slacker, was trying many distros, but no one was able to give me what Slack does, so... Slackware... Even my own Penguin (this one from my avathar) that I'm using on all Linux related things is called Slacklock Holmes :P

  8. Hi to all, this one would be long, but it's worth :o...


    In our times there are more and more great looking games... but a lot of us forgot about old times... I want to mention FPS game Black Shades, an uDevGame award winner in 2002. It's hard to compile, also as far as I know there is only Linux and Mac OS version... I can't tell anything about windows version... let's get back to case...


    In Black Shades you control a psychic bodyguard, and try to protect the VIP from a horde of assassins. - Simple idea - simple graphics - but that playability :P you can disapear from real world for long hours... There is home of [black Shades], also a site where you can see few screenshots and get precompiled Macintosh binary, just go to [Wolfire Software]and look around...


    I would include small tutorial on getting it running under Linux including downloading and compiling OpenAL (sound library) and the game itself, since orginal instruction aren't reacheble (or just I wasn't able to found it)... ok:


    1) First of all you need OpenAL sound library, so download it:

    cd /usr/srccvs -d:pserver:guest@opensource.creative.com:/usr/local/cvs-repository login
    use password: guest and do
    cvs -d:pserver:guest@opensource.creative.com:/usr/local/cvs-repository co openal
    then you need to compile it (prequilities for this package is listened in readme, so I would skip this...):
    cd openal/linux./autogen.sh./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-optimizationmakemake install
    then upgrade dynamic links:
    Now when you installed OpenAl, make sure you also got Ogg and SDL support in system - there are many guides to it, so I would left this as done.


    2) Now times came to download/install Black Shades:

    cd /usr/local/games cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.icculus.org:/cvs/cvsroot login
    use password: anonymous and do
    cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.icculus.org:/cvs/cvsroot co blackshadescd blackshadesmakecd Datawget http://filesingularity.timedoctor.org/Textures.tar.bz2rm -r ./Textures/*.pngtar -xjf Textures.tar.bz2rm Textures.tar.bz2touch /usr/bin/blackshadeschmod 711 /usr/bin/blackshades
    and add to it, by editing it with your favorite text editor those lines:
    #!/bin/bashcd /usr/local/games/blackshades./objs/blackshades
    also remeber to edit your config file, the /usr/local/games/blackshades/config.txt, from now on you can run it by typing blackshades. Don't worry if there would show up a lot of warnings - remember - warning isn't error, so let them be... :o


    You would probably want to know some keys that aren't listetned in file /usr/local/games/blackshades/Readme and are needed to play (for more of them refer to Readme):


    Alt+Enter - Full Screen

    Ctrl+G - Grab/Ungrab mouse pointer


    Also remember to change resolution in config.txt


    So... I - try it and what you think about it? I can say that this is one of those games that don't need more :P As I know there is way to enable debug mode in this game, but I was unsuccessfull in this, so I left it out (Debug mode gives you chance to run in third person perspective just like on those screenshots...) If someone would be able to run it on Linux in debug mode, please post it, so all of us would be able to use it :P

  9. Hi...

    this is becouse display :0.0 is used by another user and when you try to run it as root (by su) you violate the security, since it work like you want to run it from another computer... first you must know what display you use (usualy :0.0, but who knows...) as normal user (without su, just like that), do:

    echo $DISPLAY
    , then you should add your host (again as usual user), do:
    xhost +localhost
    and you should see something like:
    localhost being added to access control list
    then switch user (do su :P ) and export display (take value that gives you echo... do
    export DISPLAY=:0.0
    if it was :0.0.

    that should make the case, hope this helped :P

    PS.: Yes, I think it will continiue to run it it is console aplication, but as I remember firefox also got gtk graphic based installer, and there you must get access to display it...

  10. Hi...

    yesterday I downloaded CVS snapshot of Cedega (formely WineX) Windows API implementaction for Linux... I encountered only one problem while compiling:

    checking linux/cdrom.h usability... nochecking linux/cdrom.h presence... yesconfigure: WARNING: linux/cdrom.h: present but cannot be compiledconfigure: WARNING: linux/cdrom.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?configure: WARNING: linux/cdrom.h: see the Autoconf documentationconfigure: WARNING: linux/cdrom.h:     section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled"configure: WARNING: linux/cdrom.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's resultconfigure: WARNING: linux/cdrom.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedenceconfigure: WARNING:     ## --------------------------------- ##configure: WARNING:     ## Report this to the Cedega lists.  ##configure: WARNING:     ## --------------------------------- ##checking for linux/cdrom.h... yes
    have someone encountered something like this? I would be happy if I can get any help :P


    PS.: I'm using vanilla 2.6.9 kernel, my gcc version is 3.3.4, and glibc version is 2.3.4.

  11. well yes - you can use unix kernel (I think so), but then it wouldn't be linux but unix, so ask yourself what you want :P (remember that term Linux refers only to it's kernel... linux kernel + packages = linux distribution)...

    Of course... the question - where to start - first of all you need some knowledge - you can get it building your own running Linux, go there: [Linux From Scratch] - Linux From Scratch isn't realy a distro, but book! that gives you info how you can build your own linux... First go though LFS, then you should read Beyond Linux From Scratch, you may be also interested in Hardened Linux From Scratch... when you get through those "step-by-step tutorial books" you can say you are ready to start thinking about creating your own distro, since you must adopt or invite some package managment system and instalation scripts that someone would be able to boot it from cd... but LFS is enough... so you can get some bootable live cd or dvd, put onto it packages and build scripts, and this is it - you install it by running linux and starting build scripts that you made...

    I'm not expert in those things, I'm still just learning... but for sure LFS is best place to start... :P

  12. maybe I spelled it wrong, but vanilla kernel is kernel just from Linus - standard kernel without any patches that Debian or Gentoo are including - vanilla kernel sometimes if slower than patched and optimised one, but gives you most compatibility... and yes - I agree with you - Slack is realy great - that's why I'm using it right now, but you never wanted to have something that you made yourself? Just be able to say... My Distro?? :P this is great to know what and where you have putted something... you never use search command or wait for distro packages to show up - you are your distro packager and you can do whatever you want :P Also you would install just needed software, you won't have one unnecessary file on your hard drive...

  13. Creating a Game – milestone 1 – Development Stage 1

    or: “Before first Tech-Demo”



    or: “What you have..., what to do...”


    So you wrote design document... you can have it in any form... you think that this is “1.0 premium gold master” release? No! It is just “0.1 beta test” release... now you have to work with it and you should spare some time to convert it to some nice, easy editable format. You would ask why, but the design would change many times... it is bible of development... but just as real bible, this also isn't read every day... so things would change, some new ideas would come up with time and this is why your design should be easy editable... So you have to choose format... first of all – it should be viewable by whole team... also notice that large documents are hard to keep clean... it is your choice, but from my personal experience I can tell you that using wysiwyg editor is bad to this... try automatically add something to document written in it without running editor... hard enough to give it up... and that's why we choose to create our Design Document in TeX system (exactly TeX using LaTeX scripts...) it is running on all platforms, so everybody was able to edit it, also *.tex files can be edited in notepad, vim or any other text editor, so we created few automatic process to edit it and everything was running like charm, also results was impressive... so now you have your document ready to change...



    or: “How to keep it up and running”


    Now you have your team... you should discuss with them your and THEIR ideas... before this they should read your design document to know about what you are talking... there shows up another problem... the way of organize this show, they must to know what thy are supposed to do, I would introduce there three ways to keep your people together...


    First method I would call “cage” - this method requires a lot of resources, exactly a huge amount of money... you gather them all in one place, where they work at computers... you must buy computers, rent local, pay them monthly, you give them a full-time job, and in most cases they hate you, they feel like in prison. This isn't best way, but it's chosen many times, because of control that it gives you... You watch at their hands and makes them keep working – for sure it's fastest method and your people doesn't need to have computer in home.


    Second method can be used when your people are from one region and you can meet each other in some calm place, I call this “camp” - one time in week they gives you results of your work, but you should meet in place with computer or always have a laptop with you... This is good way, but is impossible to realize even when your people comes from different cities, and what when from different countries? What I can say – very good when you are “local developer”, but requires from your people to have computers and phone or Internet connection...


    Third method I call “pajamas” - because your people can work, wherever they want, whenever they want, and even in pajamas... just like they want :P... back to case... it's when you have to manage many people from different countries, now they need to have Internet connection! You cannot work any other way... you must create forum and some ftp to let them contact with each other... this gives them freedom, you must have responsible team, but best models/functions/anything can be created when author have vein, and as all of us knows, it comes and goes, cannot be turned on for 8 hours of work, so this is plus of this method... minus is very small control over them.


    Bring it on...

    or: “Who should work, who can rest...”


    For sure scenario writers and concept artists can take long holidays or start working on new project, now there are hard times for programmers... they would have a lot of work, since before graphics are made, you must have something to put it into, so first of all create engine... meanwhile few graphic artists can create some eye candies that would be used to test with engine and would sell your product, maybe some sponsoring, or advertisements would come by your nose if you would have great engine with weak graphics in tech-demo... so – programmers creates engine, editor and all tools, while graphic artists would try to make best with some graphics to demo. At this moment think about tech-demo it should contains best technology that engine would offer and most interesting parts of game... like give plain white territory, put on it one hero, and many enemies, and show how combat looks... (with slowdowns at key pressed and ability to rewind so someone would be able to look closer at what is going on, this isn't required but can be usefull)... also create some particles, and some nice location, show how physics work, maybe let someone drive a moment or run through city... to show what would this be when it would be finished...


    Let's say you just created your tech-demo, this is first time you can present your work to someone, to publisher, to public, you can place it somewhere in the net... remember to be careful with showing design document too early, it can be stolen from you or just be point to “creative inspiration” and you would have hard times releasing your game... just give first part of design, right now concept papers are enough, just show publisher you have it, but you don't want to show it now... he would agree with that if you would let him see your tech-demo.



    this is what you should keep in mind while creating your tech-demo, just like last time, for more information check:





    So... that's all for this milestone... and there would be others :P just to day you would have box in your hand...






    Thanks to all that helped me with this part, but most to my friend - Nelle - for great name of third working method - "pajamas workers" - orginal name was unable to translate, without this, this wouldn't be the same... :o


    Notice from vujsa:
    Posts Merged at Giniu's request.

  14. Hi...I just got my first real short-time job in Flash... I have to do 7 baners, 2 screensavers and 1 site menu (xml-driven)... the problem is - my future boss said to me:so, decide how much you want and if you would be able to do it... I'll call tomorrow...and this is a pain, I was never doing oficial job like that, I don't wan't say too much, becouse he would run away and find someone else... from understable reason I also don't want to undercharge for this... so if anyone there did something like this earlier, what are current prices? please give me some high and low limits of this... I would be greatfull for fast response :P

    Notice from szupie:
    Sorry... I changed your topic to an even more descriptive one. It was ok before, but lacks a little, doesn't tell what the topic REALLY is about. Hope more people will read this now...

  15. Hi... :)

    Most of us remember this great game - Fallout, Fallout 2... kind old now, hard to run on new operating systems, native ports other than Win? Forget! But... that was yesterday :(

    some time agot hungarian programmer Sztupy decided to create his own engine for running Fallot 1/2 ;) and it will reach 0.5 beta preaty soon giving Linux users to run it as native app! There are also many improvements... of course this is only engine and you still need to have orginal CD, but... now you can comfortly use it:)... just look at screenshots from their site... [ianOut] what do you think? I personaly realy enjoy it, we can call this Fallout Resurection ;)

  16. I would think about parsing a configure script... but Slackware package managment doesn't have dependecy check, and it works just great, I'm using it for long years and, it is most clean and easy PMS that I saw... back to LFS...

    I have two hard drives, so it would be easier to do my experiments, since I would keep my Slack install and all compilation/installation of LFS would be made from LFS live CD, to keep maximum of compatibility while compiling... also this would secure my base OS...

    you would not believe how annoying it is to make a mistake, and have to start again after 30 hours downloading, configureing and compiling.

    I know :) so i always first download all needed things and then install them from second HD...
    results of my work wouldn't be fast, since I'm still on -1, collecting needed information, 0 would be download... so this would take some time... If it works, I would probably write some "LFS with that and other... - success story" :(

    and GRSec question is still actual...

  17. I looked around a little in ftp, and i found files .ftpquotta in each ftp user directory... those file contains two numbers like:

    0 0
    8 2359
    and now I think that it works, but cPanel just can't display it... can this be true? If yes, what means those numbers, and can they be setted manualy? Should this be reported somwhere, or maybe this happend only to me?

  18. Thanks for reply, you helped me to make a decision with glibc/uclibc... I know that LFS doesn't have package managment, but I was thinking about something like this...just before make install save list of files to one file (just some directories, I would manualy set those), then make install, save list of files to another file and then the diff of them would be files installed by that package - when I know what files was installed and where, upgrade and un-install would be much easier. Of course then large files would be removed and diff of them would be stored in separate directory, for example /var/packages or just whatever... what do you think?later I was thinking about something similar to Slackware package managment (without pkgtool, just makepkg, installpkg, removepkg, upgradepkg)... but this would require a lot of experiments on ready system... (of course I don't want to use ready package system, this is Pat's work, and only thing I wanted to borrow is gzipped tar as package, and philozofy of 4 scripts to do anything...)oh - I have one more question... does GRSecurity has some restrictions to Root File System, as SE Linux has? SE Linux for example cannot be used with Reiser FS...

  19. I also used symetry... but remember about such thing like putting it under meshsmooth... I also heard (not confirmed) that it is useful to put betwean symetry and meshsmooth a turn to poly... so modifier stack would look like this:Mesh SmoothTurn to polySymetrEditable Mesh / Poly / Whatever :)probably you would get slight better result, at symetry line, if not, just pull back some points and it would look a lot better... just don't move them in other axis, but for sure you already know that :(

  20. Ok...I did some researches and decided to post my (still poor) results, since no one was able to help me, maybe someone would have similar problem... So:first: I was right, GRSecurity and SE Linux shouldn't be used to secure same thing, since they offer role based permisions, and using them to secure same thing can mes in our system (if seted wrong, it can even make it unusabe by securing everything for everyone)...socond: if you have to choose - take GRSecurity, since it easier than SE Linux and offer more features... SE Linux lack of network security improvements, chroot lock-down, lock-down of "ps aux" and "dmesg"There isn't much more to say... I choose GRSecurity :)-------------- informations taken from various mailing lists including Debian Mailing List

  21. besides - that part is interesting...

    TRH Extreme
    Unlimited GB Disk Space
    Unmetered Bandwidth
    Unlimited MySQL DBs
    Unlimited Postgre DBs
    Unlimited Email Accounts
    Unlimited FTP Accounts
    Unlimited Subdomains/Parked/Add-ons
    cPanel X 10 and Fantastico Deluxe

    +200 posts upgrade (575 Posts Total)

    "unlimited space"? so what would happen if everyone would want this hosting plan? that would be interesting, if they got hard-drive with unlimited space, I want one too :)... This is still young offer, so probably that would be cut in few days/months... time will show, maybe year?
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