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Posts posted by Giniu

  1. Hi...what do you think about dividing operating systems into subcategories (be operating system)? This would make life easier - there are many posts and they aren't anyway sorted... this would make it easier to read... ( OS is my fovorite part of Xisto... :rolleyes: ) then in Linux subcategory there can be "distro wars" (without post count) that are started so many times... one place to lead all wars - this would be interesting if it would be all in one...What do you think about that? this is still just a sugestion :)RegardsGiniu

  2. Hi to all...wasn't posting some time, becouse of exams... any way - keep introduction short, so...I was wondering about moving toward GCC 4.0 - final release was set to be in two weeks, perhaps also new 2.6.12 kernel would be ready to this time... would it be worth to move toward them now, or still wait and let them became more stable? Does anyone know how would look compatibility for GCC 4.0 with earlier versions of GCC? I know that 3.4.x are slightly uncompatible with 3.3.x... how it looks with 4.0?In month or so I would be moving my box toward something similar to LFS, but I'm working on some modifications so I would be better suited to my needs, so packages and anything aren't borders... I had plan to change system in month, so I would do it anyway - but maybe it is worth to wait for new kernel and gcc? What do you think?

  3. Thanks for replies...right now I wrote all those five ideas on our board... Unfortuneatly I probably would move this pool to some more game-specific forum, since I got only 3 votes... anyway - given ideas would ba an option to vote and I would remember who post it first, so don't worry... of course this is still active, but I won't except more votes...that's for the beginning... from what I see there now I would probably sit in medieval, maybe with fantasy, maybe with real line or time mixed line... right now I don't know... still must colect some more info, but this is also opinion of few people... like I said must go to some game-oriented forum... I know few local game forums... anyone know some global gaming forums??

  4. Hi...OpenSouce software can be made by anyone: companies that wants free comercials, groups that want help people get somenthing of equal quality to "good" comercial software or individuals that are crazy enought to keep working allone :]... The best thing in it is that:One thing is that you don't have to pay for it (So every "open source" is also "freeware", but not every "freeware" is "open source"), but there are donations - if you like product you are free to donate some money so creators of it would have something to eat... those sums are just "any" - exactly "any" you can even give them 1$ or less... just how much you can... there are also sponsors - they may want to put their baner at project site as "partners" and are helping in development... sometimes larg companies that must pay for software without alternative invest in opensource project so they won't need to pay for it in future... there are many ways...Second thing is that everyone have access to souce code, so when some bug is spoted, it is fixed very fast (sometimes by user) and is sended beck to server so all people would be able to use better version - you don't have to wait year for fix - it is usualy few days... To "edit" it you have to edit source code of application - and this means: Know programing language in what it was made wery well and also study source for some time so you would know what-do-what... then you cand send fix or modification... If you register yourself as developer you probably would get access to server by CVS (stands for (Con-)current Version System) or SVN (stands for SubVersion System) ### if i'm wrong with it please correct me someone ### and you would be able to upload your fix straight to server... if not - you have to prapare patch (even diff is enought) and send it to developers explaining what it does... But usualy edit source code is not enought - you would need to test it a bit - so you must compile it and make robust tests so you know if that bug dissapeard and any new doesn't show up...This is how it is... Open Source projects are growing faster than any others becouse of this and bug tracking is easier, so they are better and better day after day... Personaly I love that kind of projects and I'm contributing to few and right now I'm totally-any-payed-license-free-also-known-as-full-legal :P Hope that explained a bit of nature of Open Source... probably you would also love it...

  5. Hi...there is something not right with that version of yours... if this is version 1.6, download official Firefox from Mozilla, rather that using this version... if not, so it is good :P ok... you say you cannot get flash plugin to work... I remember that my Firefox wasn't able to initialize flash plugin when I moved form Mozilla suite - the answer was - remove .mozilla folder for all home folders of all users... there are old configuration files that was causing this behavior for me... but make sure you make a copy of importand to you bookmarks and all settings of that kind... I think that this may be something like thai what happend to me... hope this helps... :P

  6. Hi...

    I'm there for not very long time, but on main site there is small button "site uptime" that leads to [this] page where uptime is measured... as you see in March there was only two registered downtimes and first 5 days of april are clean right now... unfortuneatly this is counted at some time distances, so you can interpret it as downtimes longer than few minutes... of course I'm not saying that there are some... for now I'm very happy with my account and it look like I will be for a long time :P

    remeber to collect more opinions... I may be secret agent :P you never know who is behind what :o

  7. Hi...



    Slackware? Is that one a little easier to learn? I know RedHat is used a lot by web hosts because it is professional right?

    first of all I'm also Slacker, and I think that what the empty calorie mean was that, that Slackware is hard os for a newb, but when you jump to water it more secure when you got a lot of water under you, than empty pool :P - sorry for that... when you install Slackware you get command line login, you must configure your X's, add users, make it flying from running... all from command line... and that's why you learn a lot while using it... Also it's more orthodox-classic Linux over there... and it's over there since 1993 (actual there is Slackware 10.1)... so when you learn it, you learn most unix-like linux distro, you learn what should be... but this is way up and you probably won't get it running without help... If you want I can give you some links to good tutorials about Slackware, I also writen some tutorial (now it is 35 pages) but it is in Polish... maybe I would translete it and post it there...


    is red hat proffesional?? well I got Red Hat 7.1 some time ago... and it wasn't then, now when Red Hat is commercial and their software is practicular only for servers it is choosen widely for it, becouse of "name" and that it has simple installation/use... there are many Red Hat packages, also it is "father" of many other Lins... if point and click mean to you proffesional, it is, if speed, power and cofigurability, there are three... (Gentoo/Slackware/Debian) OSes that like I said somewhere else on this forum, that has some magic in it :P


    And if you are asking about modem... does your provider support ADSL connections?? They are working realy fast in linux, and when you use internet a lot, you don't get many difference in bills... if not, looking around for another provider or real modem is good choice...

  8. No problem... :PI would sugest to tweak this in two places...:1) make it use also command line arguments... you won't nead to tweak code every time2) you probably would like to change way the number of lines if give, just change last echo, to something else, or send stream to file... this would be probably more usesfulll than now... probably you can get it easier, but I just like bash, since it is portable at all Lins :P

  9. Hi...let me explain - this isn't exactly a package managment in usual sense - I call it Source Package Managment (SPM)... it is thing that would allow (when would be done):- uninstall package, even if make uninstall isn't provided- upgrade package and remove obsolote files- revert package to earlier version if possible(of course, this would be distribution independent :P)and all for thing installed from plain tar.gz or tar.bz2, by running addictionall commands before and after make install, or substitute for make install, that would run it, and also run make install... Slackware's checkinstall works similar way...

  10. Hi...I saw that you are Regiestered Linux user, so it must be in Linux :P... We TuxLikers should help each others, so I wrote some bash that would make it for you :P hope it would be enough...

    #!/bin/bashEXTENSIONS=".tex .abc"DIRECTORIES="design flash"if [ -e /tmp/countertemp ]; then	echo "delete /tmp/countertemp to continue"	exit 1fimkdir /tmp/countertempCOUNTERALL="0"COUNTER="1"LINESALL="0"for DIRECTORY in $DIRECTORIESdo	for EXTENSION in $EXTENSIONS	do		COUNTERALL=`expr $COUNTERALL + 1`		find $DIRECTORY -name *$EXTENSION -fprint /tmp/countertemp/_"$COUNTERALL"_.files	donedonewhile [ $COUNTER -le $COUNTERALL ]do	FILES="/tmp/countertemp/_"$COUNTER"_.files"	LINES=$(wc "$FILES"|awk '{print $1}')	LINE_NUMBER="1"	while [ $LINE_NUMBER -le $LINES ]	do		FILENOW=$(tail +$LINE_NUMBER "$FILES"|head -1)		LINENOW=$(wc "$FILENOW"|awk '{print $1}')		LINESALL=`expr $LINESALL + $LINENOW`		LINE_NUMBER=`expr $LINE_NUMBER + 1`	done	COUNTER=`expr $COUNTER + 1`doneecho $LINESALLrm -r /tmp/countertemp

    You enter directories that contains your files (it would look in sub directories to), and file extensions that you want get counted... the result is number of lines from all those files... is this what you mean or you was talkin about something else?PS.: you can modyfi it of course... - "all right are given to all" :o

  11. I agree with you...Fallout 1 was easy, but I enjoyed it (on what difficulty level was you playing? If it was high, this wasn't as easy...), and Tactics also wasn't in my type, but was you trying Fallout 2?? It is much larger than 1, and also it is still RPG, not some kind of tactics crap... So... If you are dissapointed with F1, try F2, it can be something for you... :P

  12. Hi...

    some time ago I posted in my LFS/SE Linux topic [bash script] that is my candidate to be something that can be used to build Source Package Managment for any distro, but it didn't realy fits there, so I decided to move to separate topic...

    Unfortuneatly running it would take long time, so then I was thinking about something like running make install with -n option and send results to file, then parse it for mkdirs, cps and other commands that installs aplication in file system, then if files already exists, ask to copy them, and then run make install without -n... but this would work only for usual make && make install, or any other that ends with make install, but would allow us to revert version, if changes crushed something (it wouldn't always be working correctly, but would just give a chance, since bugy aplication can already crash some other files)...

    my questions right now are:

    1) what do you think about those two ideas (from that post and about parsing results of make -n install)? I know that second method is fast but cannot be used always, so maybe join this and have two methods in one SPM?

    2) what other than "make install" instalation "from source" methods you know? can you post examples and link to one of those source tarballs? This would be very helpfull...

    and I would answer one thing...: I know this is primitve and there are many package managment systems, but like I said this is for educationall purpose, so for this it is just grat :P

    Hope that someone would add there some infos, I would be very, very... graetfull :P

  13. Fy favorite game for SNES??

    It is NAMCO's "Tales of Phantasia" - great humour, I had much fun with it... :P of course it is jRPG... there is link to [fan site] where you can see some screenies (it was one of few 48-bits games and one of two jRPG's - just near ENIX's Star Ocean - that was on 48-bit cartidges... that was released in 1995 - so very late as for SNES, so it doesn't got much fans... there was also PSX remake... but it's not about that...)

  14. Hi all, I have one question...

    first of all I want to add that I don't know anything about php, but my phpscripter told me to ask if there is or could be installed PEAR class and especialy HTMP_template_IT and HTML_template_ITX...

    ( I don't know even what that means... :P )

    btw. if it is installed, he also asked what he should put in there... on last his host this was: "PEAR/HTML/Template/ITX.php", but there it gives just [this] result...

  15. Hi...

    well, as far as I know there are few comercial engines that keep their secrets, and few projects that explains ai in general, but in my opinion best way to get information is to study Open Source engines and it's documentation... I also was searching for some of it, but for long time I wasn't able to find anything - finaly I stumbed at this:

    F.E.A.R. - Flexible Embodied Animat aRchitecture

    as their [home site] says, FEAR is a language independent open-source project providing portable support for the creation of genuine Artificial Intelligence within realistic simulated worlds. So this may be for you if you know something about programming :P

    It's author - Alex J. Champandard - have a lot of sucess in AI matery - he is author of book "AI Game Development: Synthetic Creatures with Learning and Reactive Behaviors", has a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and a Master of Science by Research in Artificial Intelligence. He was workin in game industry for a while, while right now he is Senior AI Programmer in Rockstar Vienna (responsible for Max Payne and GTA)... Those information cames from site [aiGameDev], whitch is leaded by Alex himself, there are also some tutorials...

    I believe that in this mather, you can trust him, and also his project (FEAR) is Open Source... few days ago it reached 0.40 - so as you can see it is under heavy development, but still usable :P hope this is what you are asking for :o

  16. Hi...

    I was wondernig how many of you have seen Technology preview for [unreal 3]? I won't talk much, just take a look :P - those Normal Maps, Pixel Shaders... oh my Doom 3 is nice kid :o (for those that don't believe - Creators of this engine said it is real time rendering, not prerenders with ray-tracing...) oh my... can't wait :o

    PS.: if you don't have time, just look at this [berserker] screenshot, you would find time to take closer look :P

  17. Hi again... :P

    moment ago we was talking about Package Managment for LFS, I do some research and there is one, but base of it writen in C or C++, besides I wanted to create it myself (or with little help, but rule first: don't use, create :o) so I was learning by trying, and I managed to do something that could be a base for it (also remember, not Package Managment, but candidate for base of it :P)... First of all how it works:

    just before running make install or anything else that would install files on hard drive, but when you have compiled it, create a test flag file, so system would be able refer to it's date of creation, and won't affect older files... then make install and run my script, it would search through specified dirs (now hard coded, this is only testing) and generate two files, one with files that changed, and second one, with dirs that changed... then when we would uninstall it further, we can remove files from one file, and if directories from second one is empty, also remove it... but if not, inform user about that... but what would I say - there is it:

    #!/bin/bashPACKAGE_DIR="/var/packages"INSTAL_FILE="package.gpkg"PATH_TO_SEARCH="/bin /usr/local /usr/bin"TEST_FLAG="some_file.tf"if !(test -d "$PACKAGE_DIR"); then	if test -e "$PACKAGE_DIR"; then  echo "/var/packages exists, but it isn't directory, change your package dir!"  exit 1;	else  echo "welcome for the firs time, hope you would like this."  mkdir "$PACKAGE_DIR"	fifiDIR_LOG=$PACKAGE_DIR"/d_"$INSTAL_FILEFILE_LOG=$PACKAGE_DIR"/f_"$INSTAL_FILEINSTAL_LOG=$PACKAGE_DIR"/"$INSTAL_FILEfind $PATH_TO_SEARCH -newer $TEST_FLAG -fprint $INSTAL_LOGif test -e "$INSTAL_LOG"; then	LINES=$(wc $INSTAL_LOG|awk '{print $1}')	LINE_NUMBER="1"		if test -e "$DIR_LOG";then  rm "$DIR_LOG"	fi	touch $DIR_LOG	if test -e "$FILE_LOG";then  rm "$FILE_LOG"	fi	touch $FILE_LOG	while test $LINE_NUMBER -le $LINES	do  FILE=$(tail +$LINE_NUMBER $INSTAL_LOG|head -1)  if test -d "$FILE"; then 	 echo $FILE >> $DIR_LOG  else 	 echo $FILE >> $FILE_LOG  fi  LINE_NUMBER=`expr $LINE_NUMBER + 1`	doneelse	echo "cannot find any changes, adjust your search path!"firm "$INSTAL_LOG"
    I'm still learning, what you think about it? comment would be nice, can something be done easier/faster? I'm looking forward to answers :o
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