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Posts posted by Giniu

  1. Well... I wouldn't be able to beat people for eating meat like my friend do so probably I wouldn't also find my way in this... and as I saw last time he had those X's on hands... (well... I just don't get it how someone can kick someones *bottom* for doing something that he doesn't like... this is STUPID... also walking on sreets with those signs maked witch cheep marker... why not add one don't... don't wash???) this is what I see... and I don't like people that do something like this...

  2. Hi...something happend with my password to c_panel (also ftp...) I cannot login... It says: "Login Attempt Failed!" like if I would change password, but I haven't... yesterday I was using ftp, loged out, turned computer off... today I turned it on and... poof... I can't login :P This is not server otage since usual users (users I created in cPanel have access to ftp, also whole page is working...) what happend? Can someone explain it to me?

  3. You say old?? :P

    so how about that - I have still running C64 and SX64 (SX64=C64+CP1541+5" color monitor + flat keyborad and everything in suitecase that weight about 20kg - I don't know but I would say rather rare thing [there are some pictures...:P], unfortuneatly description is in deutch, so I cannot even read it, but I have it so I need to) till I bought SX64 (that was some year ago - I saw it and I said I have to buy it - it cost me 70$) I had only usual C64...

    those two stays near my i686 on which I work... Of course I'm not using it every day since I don't have much time to play with it, but something about once in week, they are 100% working and I'm making all repeirs and conservations allone... :P

  4. Go to your local library (real one... not on computer but that one with books :P) and get some books with pen and paper RPGs - they have their battle system describec carefully so you would see how it can looks like - then you should play for a while some computer RPGs and decide about all things... Good is article on [Gamasutra] - " Applying Risk Analysis To Play-Balance RPGs"... to view ityou must regiester...

  5. Fianly!! It is finaly there!!! GCC 4.0 was released yesterday... at 20th April 2005 (strange, they placed official release, but doesn't give us news... but it is in stable download so probably everything is ready as it can be for this moment) - first major release since 3.0 (June 18, 2001)!!! I'm gonna test it tommorow evening... as soon as I get it working I would post results :P


    There is aslo Kernel 2.6.12-rc3, but they didn't make it with stablilizing 2.6.12... but anyway - while tests like this I probably would like to build whole system second time :P

  6. Hi...You probably missed one letter in boot manager configuration or drives changed and you doesn't inform boot manager about that changes... (from what you said it looks like it is "L"...) or something else - right now there can be many reasons also wrong fstab... try to catch all files you edited... if you edited it with some reasonable good editor (gedit, kedit, almost anything but don't know if all) you should have old fstab on hard drive under name f.e. fstab~ and if you delete old fstab and reneme that copy you should have working system again... You probaby would need to get into shell - you can do this using rescue cd (if your distibution have one) or download any floppy mini-distribution that have only basics... you don't even need text editor - you can cat old and new file, then rm old and mv new... also you can start your computer from some live linux like knopix or slax... If you have Boot manager you probably can also try to run computer in single user mode... Hope you would get it running soon and don't loose your data... good luck...

  7. Well...Diablo you say... don't mind saying my opinion... I played Diablo and well... It had more from arcade dungeon crawler than role playing... you got old style schem: surface + many floors of dungeon... it was made good of course, but for me rpg is more like real - story telling (pen&paper) rpg's in which fights was only addiction to great story... of course this is only my opinion and maybe I'm wrong... :rolleyes:

  8. Hey, easy... calm down... this happens sometimes... my site is also down, but it isn't big thing for me... besides this is first "large" outage for some time... and probably technicians are already trying to make it running - so we should wait and everything would get back to normal... :rolleyes:

  9. Hi... thanks for answer...

    so - first thing - my card don't support SBA... I would turn it on if it would :]... Second thing I have nVidia's client and server both in versions 1.3 (also glu 1.3) I have all extensions aviable for my card... some time ago I had diferent, but now it works better... I'm running NVAGP since I got nforce2 motherboard... But wine isn't pointing to any Open gl as I see... ldd wine in proper directory returned:

           linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xffffe000)        libwine.so.1 => /usr/local/lib/libwine.so.1 (0x4003a000)        libpthread.so.0 => /lib/libpthread.so.0 (0x40054000)        libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x400a6000)        libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x401c3000)        /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x40000000)

    The other thing I know people are running it up to 20 fps with something about 15 fps as average, but no one say how - there are some how-to's, but they says...: install wine (long section) and now configure it (only two or three lines without eaxmple and anything about making it run faster...)

    How do you thing would it run under QEmu? If not I can always spare 2gb for windows and fallout, but I don't want to put "this" on my hard drive :rolleyes:

  10. Hi...

    I know that Fallout 1/2/BoS works under wine, but I can't get it to work good... it is verrrry slow... I thougth that it is wine... was trying all precompiled versions, nothing... then I compiled wine from CVS (today, just hour before this post) with optimisation for my processor (Athlon Barton 2600), with OpenGL optimisation (Using nvidia driver 66.29, fastwrite is enabled and direct rendering works, i get 1350fps in GLXGEARS on my nVidia Geforce 2 Ti Ultra 64MB)... and yes - it runs fallout few frames/sec faster, but still unplayable... I tryied look into config file and set few things... still nothing... I installed F2 patch 1.02 and then fanmade F2 1.05 - nope... same thing... I run it with command:

    xinit /usr/local/bin/wine /usr/local/games/fallout/fallout2 -- :1 -depth 16
    Since I knew that it should be run in 16 bit depth mode to work fast since in 24 it works slow, but nope - still nothing... Tryed to run it in window - nope...

    There are symproms (right now I'm trying to make the beast run fallout 2)...:

    - when there is fade like on please wait, I have to wait something about one minute with 0.5 frames/second
    - when it is in-game it is something about 5 frames/second - unplayable (on package, not compiled it was something about 2)
    -movies are playing in right speed and sound is also great

    I don't have right now any other windows game to check if it works with something else...

    So I think that I have configured it wrongly (what else?)... can someone guide me throug wine configuration for Fallout 2? I would be graetfull... :rolleyes:

  11. Oh... by the way - I just read what Linus and others said about versions on KernelTrap about the new numbering method... so now I would for sure wait for 2.6.12 - he said that now odd numbers are also aplied to third version number... something like:

    2.6.12, 2.6.14, ... would be "stabilizing" releases without many new features... but time to stablilize features that shows up in 2.6.11, 2.6.13, ... also small patches now are inluded into vanilla kernel - fourth number (z in 2.x.y.z) is small patch - without need to update, but usesfull if you are updating from earlier y...

    I found it in [this] and[this] article on Kernel Trap...

    Also personaly I prefer vanilla kernel since I have bad feelings about patched kerel after working on Debian... especialy now it also has patches included, and there is no need to wait month for new release...

    Anyway - thanks for info...

  12. Hi...

    actualy editor of that kind are good for learning, but if you want make game without programing skills I would rather sugest looking at Realm Forge GDK (engine based at Ogre 3D) to get better results, there is its [page at DevMaster.net] and their [homepage]... Best things about it are that it is fully Open Source, contains all needed editors, physics, and is using not best but preaty good technology like pixel/vertex-shaders and preaty soon normal maps... If you want to know what it can do, look at this [screenshot] (taken without antialiasing, but this is for show how it looks without it) where you can find nice refractions/reflections/waves in pool... I would say very nice... also one more time - remember - this is Open Source project :rolleyes:

  13. Hi...

    in most cases I'm trying to get everything working myself, but this time I wont move without help... I realy want to use all my printer features and I know this is possible - but let's get from the begining...

    My printer - Canon i560 (Japanese name - Pixus 560i)

    so I've tryied all Gimp print "other recomended for this printer" but results was weak... then I found this driver... instaled text frontend and Cups backend - worked fine - finaly larger resolution, nice colors and no border :) but... it can't be so sweat...

    Many options is made so - it requires graphical frontend given under GPL by Canon with drivers... but - it was designed to work on Red Hat 7.x and Libraries like LibGlade, GTK, Glib was in version 1.x while my system runs on 2.x (exactly: LibGlade 2.4.1, GTK 2.4.14 and glib 2.6.1) - I tried to compile - configure went ok - versions was aproved - but includes still was linking to old versions that don't exist on my system... I still got gcc options pointing to "-I/usr/include/libglade-1.0 -I/usr/include/gtk-1.2 -I/usr/include/glib-1.2" I tried to rediredt them to new libs, but still nothing... Tried to convert glade file to v2 structure - not even moves... still crap... Now I don't know what else I can do...

    Plllz if someone know what have to be modified/instaled/converted - I would realy apreciate any help... (moving to Red Hat 7.x or uninstalling libraries in 2.x and instlaing 1.x aren't option...)


    This is site where drivers can be found...: [Japan Canon Download], to my printer there I need to compile:

    bjcups-2.4-0.tar.gz (works)
    bjfilter-2.4-0.tar.gz (works)
    bjcupsmon-2.4-0.tar.gz (nope :rolleyes:)
    printui-2.4-0.tar.gz (nope :))
    stsmon-2.4-0.tar.gz (nope :))

  14. Hi...also remember Savatage and their alter ego - Trans Siberian Orchestra... first - Savatage made many graet concept albums like Streets, Dead Winter Dead, Wake of the Magellan and Maorphine Child (all four just graet... rock/metal with classical sound) but Trans Siberian Orchestra - especialy Beethovens last night - this is full opera, ready to play... slited into roles... just as graet as it can be... my favorite :rolleyes:

  15. So... you mean that thing compiled with other gcc 3.x won't work with libraries compiled with 4.0 and things compiled with 4.0 won't work with libraries compiled with 3.x... but yes - I'm going to compile whole os... if you say everything would be working if I compile it myself, so decision is made :rolleyes: I'm still compiling every single package - never used rpm eventualy sometimes tgz for things that would compile more than few hours... but this is only few hours more... thanks for info qwijibow :)

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