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Everything posted by chiiyo

  1. It affects all operating systems? How does it do that? Some of the operating systems have different ways of handling a file, and that would mean some viruses won't be able to work on them, am I not right?
  2. It looks like you have a problem with either Perl or your database. I know MT instructions has instructions for three different types of databases, which one did you use? I'm not that good at all these, so kinda need to know what you did for the database instructions.
  3. Hehe the only reason why I know this game was because my gamer friend liked it so much he bought the artbook for it (very expensive !) and I fell in love with all the pretty pretty artwork. So gorgeous.
  4. Soleq: Yes, I know that the colour casts are an effect of the white balance, I think I didn't get the point across, that I felt the Nikon and Pentax auto white balance are much better than those in Sony and Olympus (this was some time ago, it might have changed since then), considering that even if normal people use it, Nikon and Pentax consistently produce pictures without much colour casts, and Sony and Olympus consistently produce pictures with. I know you can override the white balance, when I use other people's cameras I do so often, but it still doesn't change the fact that at that time, Olympus and Sony did not have a good auto white balance, when apparently it could be done, seeing how Nikon and Pentax fared. Which is why, for beginners and lower-end consumers, I would still direct them to brands I knew had a consistently good auto white balance, because not a lot of people would think of adjusting white balance themselves.Yet another disclaimer, this was last year, brands, machines and auto white balances must have changed quite a bit by now, but still something to watch out for...DSLRs wise... I've heard rave reviews about Fuji S3Pro. It's good that it takes Nikon lenses... *wink* Of course, all the medium formats digitals are gorgeous. Gorgeously good, and gorgeously out of almost everyone's budget... >_<
  5. Yes it is possible. I personally have installed it once on my website (deleted it later because the free version didn't have enough capabilities for what I needed) and it worked fine for a while. Just follow the instructions that came with the movabletype download to the dot and you should have no problems. Any other questions just drop me a PM? Or post again~
  6. You took that picture Maybe? O_o. That's a nice picture. It looks commercial. Very nice framing, you've captured the movement just right, so it looks like the guy is still skating even though it's a static picture. Did you convert it to sepia? Or does your camera shoot in sepia automatically?
  7. Hmm. I'm viewing it at 1024x768, and I'm looking at the site url you passed us in your second post, but I still think your left navi bar buttons should be made clearer. It's a cool effect, but it's really tough on the eyes. You might have to sacrifice some of the coolness for better readability.
  8. By the way I was surfing through the Whatpulse Signature generation site (whatpulse.afraid.org) and they had a little section where they teach you how to do what you just did. I haven't read through the entire thing yet (I don't know PHP) but I'll just give the link here for other people interested in doing this but also like me, don't understand PHP... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. One quick opinion, since you look like you're on your way to having a really great template, is that your navigation bar words (the ones on the left) are really not that easy to make out. It's the font, I can't really read it unless I squint. You might want to make them slightly bolder?
  10. Cool, sounds like you have a plan! If I understand you correctly, if you actually set up this thing, you'd be able to offer the services J-sig offers without requiring people to download and install any software, is that correct? That'll be really cool, since currently J-sig only caters to people using Windows software, and that's really sad!If you ever intend to set it up, and need graphics, just give a holler! People around here are very helpful in that. I should be able to hook you up with a few bases.
  11. One thing I think would come out of this would definitely be more integration between the products. Probably we should be able to use illustrator paths and input them straight into Flash as vecor based images (not sure whether this is already happening), or input editable psd files with layers into Dreamweaver and create rollovers from Imageready and integrate them into Fireworks or something.Cool. I'm more of a Photoshop purist (no money left to buy Flash?) but this looks good, so long as Adobe doesn't screw up the current Macromedia products, because they are all really fine right now.
  12. This is really cool! Question: Is this what J-sig does? Because everytime I see M^E's signature I'm like, I want one.... but there's no client for Mac for J-sig, so I might have to resort to making my own?
  13. Hi Dream~ Hope I can learn graphics from you, I dabble in it too, but probably not as much as some people...Hope to see you hosted soon too, your posts have been very good and informative so far~(I am a girl though... heh heh)
  14. It looks really great, looks like one of those sites that can be integrated into Flash very nicely, or with javascript. I agree that rolling down menus and transitions would make your site look very professional indeed. If you have more pictures maybe you can change the picture for each section, so like for portfolio, it's one picture, for contact us, it's another? Lost of professional sites use this effect.Not much to comment, you're really good at this!
  15. Some people treat their computers badly, but others pamper them, like me! >_< I just went out and bought my baby Powerbook (called Kana-chan!) her belated birthday present (her first birthday was March 15, just passed more than a month ago), a RadTech ScreensavRz, which cost me like S$30. Previously, when I first bought Kana-chan, I really splurged on the accessories. A nice comfy travelling case from Tatonka, new relatively portable Altec Lansing speakers, a Barracuda mousepad, a Logitech Mouseman Traveller mouse, Radtech Wildeepz, and a Roadtools Coolpad. Now I'm looking at laptop sleeves... really tempted to get the Radtech PowersleeVz or something from Acme Made... So, what have you done to pamper your computer? Hope I'm not the only one here that takes care of her computer~~
  16. Jguy101: Why aren't you getting it? Any particular reason? Soleq: I went to check out the ADC Student thing. Whilst I'm happy to announce my country does have it, the terms seem to have changed? According to the FAQ, student ADC programs don't get pre-release software? And there's no mention of the 3-monthly software packages? Although ADC looks cool, I'm really not programmer material, so not much help I give to Apple... Anyway the $149 was in Singapore dollars... US$99 is around that price anyways. *wink* If I'm not wrong the educational price for Tiger is around US$79 only? Really a sweet deal if you think about it.
  17. I know I'm a bit slow about this, apparently it was released on April 5th, but does anyone have any opinions on just specifically Photoshop CS2? I currently own Photoshop CS (bought it at educational pricing), and to buy CS2 as an upgrade will still be around S$299, which is quite a bit for me... Looking at all the new features didn't get me all excited, except maybe the WYSIWYG font preview (which is super overdue, I think), and the new and improved file browser called Bridge, and MAYBE the whole Vanishing Point thing (which I don't forsee myself using much, really.), but other than that, I don't see how the upgrade would be worth the money... Anyone has it already? Or any other opinions on CS2? Anyone upgrading? For now, I think I'll hold onto my money first, and wait maybe for CS3...
  18. I know some of us were digital photographers from the start, but there are others who were once film lovers, and switched to digital as time goes by. And then there are the obstinate ones (like me! heh heh) who refuse to budge, cradling their rolls of film. Much like one of those Apple Switchers story websites, share your story about switching to digital here! Because love it or hate it, digital is here to stay!For me, I really have no story to tell, because I'm still sticking to film, but a good friend of mine just went through the heart-wrenching process of deciding whether to switch or not. Just today. He's a fellow film lover like me, only he has even more reason to stay with him: slides. He shoots slides often, but slide processing and scanning costs a bomb, so he was actually putting aside a sum of money to get a good high-end dedicated film scanner, and continue into the digital age armed with his Nikon F90, Minolta XG7, and a film scanner.Today he just went for a job interview (he has one year till he goes to university), and successfully procured a job as a wedding photographer for a company. Problem is, he has to shoot in digital for this job. Borrowing was out of the question, since the job meant he had to pick up the camera and run to the wedding at short notice. So he thought he might want to get a digital camera after all. Now for Nikon, you currently have the D70, the D100, the D2H and the D2X to decide between. He wants Nikon because he already has quite a few Nikon lenses. Or he could get the S2 or the S3pro from Fuji. Problem is, his budget would only allow the D70 or the D100, and both are due to be updated soon, and he makes a good argument against them: he's buying this DSLR to keep, and will probably sell off his F90 body, what's the point of getting these two models, soon to be updated, and lower in quality than his current camera? So that leaves the S3Pro, which is a lot out of his budget. Say $1000. At this point, he still wants to get the film scanner, but a cheaper one, because he still needs to digitise his slides, and he will probably continue to take slides, because digital simply does not offer him the colour tonality and vibrancy that slides have.So comes the mulling as we leave the photography shop and hang out at the MacShop (I'm buying the Radtech ScreensavR for my powerbook), and I was like, obviously, the way you put it, you have to get the S3Pro, it's a good camera, got rave reviews. But he's like, it's expensive. Sure it's expensive. The high-end scanner he was saving up for was around $2000, and the S3Pro was $3300. The point, he said, is that the job was supposed to bring in extra income, not make him spend even more. At this point I even contested him on whether he wanted the job at all? It was going to be a source of good experience for him, but the rate he's mulling over to switch or not, it was more undesirable than he thought it would be.In the end, it was settled that he would try to shoot using the boss's Canon DSLR, although he quite dislikes having to use another system altogether (we're both not big Canon fans, more of Nikon traditionalists here), but the whole chain of events today, if anything, has solidified both our convictions to stick with film. He's going ahead with the scanner, possibly the high-end one still, but I told him, finish the job, get the experience, get the money, and save up for your S3Pro. Who knows, by then maybe the D70 or the D100 replacement/update would be out.Not a successful switch story, but I think, it really reflects my own feelings towards switching too. A more of "cannot-help-it-the-boss-needs-it" rather than a "wow-digital-cool" type of feeling, because in the end, I'm really too much in love with film.
  19. Hmm... maybe use absolute URLs? Instead of using relative urls like "../directory/index.html" you could use "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; in your embedded file (in this case, file.php) so that you won't have to worry about the script staying in the first file and not budging.Not a very elegant solution, but it might work if you only have a few files with this problem.
  20. This board isn't all that mac-centric, but you should check out the macrumors forums. They have an entire subforum for Tiger, and we have like around 50 people who had their hands on a developer copy of Tiger from last year's WWDC, and they've been posting up stuff ever since. Which is why by now stuff like Dashboard and Spotlight seems old to me. Funny moment there, I forgot that multi-person video chatting was only in the new iChat, because I watched it on the WWDC video a year back, and when I read the new iChat page, I was like, yeah but this isn't new? Took me a while before I realised it WAS a new feature for Tiger. Was already so geared up for Tiger and so used to seeing it everywhere that I forgot it was a new feature! *amused* Yeah, I really liked the upgrade page, because there are lots of small things that matter to only a few people (like I REALLY REALLY wanted slideshows on Finder) that the Apple copy writers probably wouldn't write about much, and basically going down the list got me all excited for Tiger all over again. I'm talking euphoria, similar to what I felt when Tiger was first talked about on the boards. Get a new iBook! But watch out, they say the entire hardware line might be getting a small upgrade (maybe speed bumps and lower prices) before Tiger is released, except maybe for the Powerbook line. So you should probably get the iBook and get Tiger free! *bounces*
  21. Hmm, the thing I usually find is that you can find the more "graphics" based web-books in a different section than those that teach you code. Often you can find them in the graphics arts section, near Photography and Advertising Art. The ones within the "computing" section are usually the more technical ones.That said, I don't think I can recommend you a book, most of the time I go to the library and borrow a few "tips and tricks" kind of books on Photoshop. That's another avenue, it won't teach you graphics in terms of webdesign, but more on the graphics themselves. Sometimes when I have time I sit in Kinokuniya or Borders and just flip through the webgraphic books. None so far have been tremendously useful, better to just flip through and get a basic feel of what kind of graphics and layouts work, and what doesn't.
  22. Happened to look through the site and saw this. Got it from the X11 page on the Apple homepage. From what I gather, and you already know this, you can replace Aqua with X WindowMaker. I really don't think iChat and the like would be able to run in WindowMaker, but if you read the quote above, maybe you can use Aqua and X11 and WindowMaker at the same time... Just a suggestion. I'm no expert on this, just happened to see the text on the page, hope it helps.
  23. Argh you announced it here first! I was going to announce it! Unfortunately I spent the time in between your post and this one studying for exams and reading the 500+ posts on the macrumors website about the release of Tiger. Is anyone going to get it? I'm a student and the education discount on this baby is SCHWEET! Was S$249. Educational discount brings it down to S$149.10. Gorgeous. They even have this bundle thing where they sell Tiger, iLife '05 and iWorks '05 at a discount if you buy them all at once, over here it's S$488, although if you're a student using the educational discounts for all three software would get you an even lower price. Woot! If you're too amazed by the pure plethora of information on the official Apple website on Tiger (they updated and it took me three whole hours to read through it and I didn't even read every single thing!), check out the upgrade page, it gives a quick run-down of most, if not all, of the changes made since Panther and Jaguar. Just going down that list got me so excited. I mean, Grapher? A graphing calculator in my laptop? That just saved me 100 bucks (that's what a real graphing calculator would cost for me). Dictionary and Thesaurus inbuilt? VPN on demand is going to be really useful for me, since my school server switched over to using VPN. Some more new firewall measures, new inbuilt PDF support (read and write using Preview 3!!), Safari's supposed to work a lot faster now, just all the bells and whistles is getting me drooling. And I'm not even talking about Dashboard, Spotlight, Automator and the like, which are the big features. Can't wait to get it, pre-ordering it as soon as I get my hands on a credit card... Anyone else share my enthusiasm for this baby??
  24. I think by Classic you mean OS 9.x? Classic is actually an environment built into OS X to emulate OS 9.x, whilst still being on OS X.Aqua is the interface, the GUI of OS X, is it actually possible to install OS X without using Aqua in the first place? I had the impression it was integrated into the OS. I don't think it's possible in the first place so maybe you should give Aqua a chance?
  25. If they're determined even embedding the picture in a flash file or putting the no-right-click script won't work, they'd just screencap the image. Javascript can be circumvented in many ways. There are so many freeware out there made for the sole purpose of screencapping. My suggestion would still be to put low-res versions of the images online, so that even if they are stolen they are not good enough to be used elsewhere. Besides, the javascript annoys visitors. Most javascript annoys me. Trying to stay away as much as possible from it for my website at all times. But since you asked, might as well provide the answer. Did some googling for you. Try here, here[/url and alternatively, another kind of script (actually it's a html attribute) that does a similar thing, but is much more potent, it blocks the context menu from ever popping up using the mouse or the keyboard (but still doesn't block the humble screen-cap button) here. Again a warning, I can pass you the links of tons of different scripts to prevent people from saving, and still you won't be able to foil most of the efforts, because the moment you put your images online, and just make it visible to other people, you've lost the battle. If they're determined even embedding the picture in a flash file or putting the no-right-click script won't work, they'd just screencap the image. Javascript can be circumvented in many ways. There are so many freeware out there made for the sole purpose of screencapping. My suggestion would still be to put low-res versions of the images online, so that even if they are stolen they are not good enough to be used elsewhere. Besides, the javascript annoys visitors. Most javascript annoys me. Trying to stay away as much as possible from it for my website at all times. But since you asked, might as well provide the answer. Did some googling for you. Try here, here and alternatively, another kind of script (actually it's a html attribute) that does a similar thing, but is much more potent, it blocks the context menu from ever popping up using the mouse or the keyboard (but still doesn't block the humble screen-cap button) [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Again a warning, I can pass you the links of tons of different scripts to prevent people from saving, and still you won't be able to foil most of the efforts, because the moment you put your images online, and just make it visible to other people, you've lost the battle. Notice from microscopic^earthling: Consecutive posts merged.
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