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Everything posted by ignition

  1. Graphics? Poor? They were as good as you could get back then :DYes, it is in every way a classic and one of the best N64 games released by far, with the exception of the Zelda games.I still have an N64, though I haven't played Goldeneye in quite some time.There are a couple total conversions coming out in 2005 for the game Unreal Tournament 2004, which are going to basically copy goldeneye directly to the Unreal engine - just something to look out for :DCheers!ignition
  2. Holy ****...3 gb of RAM? Is that even possible lol? Most have like around 2 gb, and 1 gig is about all you could ever need for today's games and programs (unless you love having photoshop, 3ds max, and other resource hogging programs open at the same time )I have a 3 ghz processor15 inch LCD monitor5.1 sound system (which kicks *bottom*, btw )512 MB RAM120 gb harddrive (full...only around a gig free lol I really need to uninstall some stuff)and a horrible Geforce fx 5200 128 mb. Ouch...I need to upgrade my vid card
  3. The problem with Gamemaker is that 90% of the games made with it are little 500 kb apps that lack any story or imagination.I've tried it out before, and figuring things out in it is extremely easy. I admit it is a very cool program :DAnybody care to link to GOOD games that have been made with Gamemaker, though?Cheers,ignition
  4. I believe 3ds max is around 500 right now, I believe. I have used it, and have a very limited knowledge of it though I can make basic, boxy models. I've also heard milkshape was very easy to use, and it only costs around what...$25 for a license to use it? @trekki - don't start big though, start learning how to make simple shapes and everything before you advance to animation.
  5. I bought Mercenaries the day it came out, and just finished beating it through the second time. I can honestly say that this is the best console game I have played - ever. The gameplay is very polished, and extremely fun. You are a Mercenary, in a Playground of Destruction. You can do whatever the hell you want to do - run around in the giant maps and kill pedestrians, run over them in cars, jack tanks or helipcopters, blow up buildings, call in airstrikes, plant C4 under cars and watch them shoot up like rockets, etc. It takes the GTA series' freeform gameplay to the next level, and lets you do pretty much whatever you want. This is one of the only games I can think of in which I have asked to myself if I could do "x", and then be able to do. This game is simply amazing..if you don't have it I highly reccomend buying it. The best XBOX game by far Happy destoying and cheers! -ignition
  6. I like your site...very smooth and clean As for horrible flash sites...well just look at http://my.xfinity.com/?cid=BBI -ignition
  7. Thanks for the font suggestions, and others I'm not going to change to much though, especially not the layout. That would take way to much time, when they probably don't even care about the homepage that much Their original site was a Geocities one, with a black background and some red text links on it. Yuck - I gave them something better, at least
  8. Just make sure the page is easy to navigate, and you should be good to go :DAnd since you're making it for a professional use, don't clutter it up with graphics. Make it easy on the eyes, and easy for users to find their way around -ignition
  9. Dark room photography is awesome. I went to a 3 week program over the summer specializing in lab sciences, but we took an "off day" one of the days to do some black and white photography. We developed the prints ourselves in the lab, though I don't remember the exact process for it. It started with like putting the negatives onto the silver-sided photopaper, then putting it in some chemical...then drying it and sliding it around in another chemical.. :DIt was awesome seeing the actual photograph just appear out of nowhere onto the paper though in around 10 seconds. It was a fun experience, I'm looking into taking a couple classes on photography at my school.We only get 2 electives, but I'll probably take a photography class - developing the photos yourself is so fun :DCheers,ignition
  10. Heh, that's the thing, I DON'T have enough room right now :DI've used up almost 17 mb of the 20, and I don't even haev any files above 600 kb on my site.I'll apply for an upgrade soon though
  11. Free File Uploaders http://fastuploads.com/ - no hassle here. Just go to the mainpage, click browse, and upload away! A personal favorite for uploading random files. Filesizes are limited to 3 mb, but you can upload whatever typ you choose. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - a handy place to upload videos 10 mb or less, along with swf files. Has support for several other filetypes also, the only downside is that when you want to view your files they are embedded into the page. There is no direct link to the files, unless you view the page source and copy/paste the file's url into your browser. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Allows 30 mb free uploads. No registration required for rapidshare.de (or for other 2). To download files though, clients are put in 60 second long queues. Be patient, and enjoy the 30 mb uploads. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Great place to upload images (all web-compatible types) and videos less than 12 mb. Images are limited to around 2-3 mb, which is larger than most other free uploaders. http://imageshack.us/ - who hasn't heard of Imageshack? 1 mb image uploads, provides you with various linking codes afterwards. This site is loaded with ads, now, though, so I suggest you use either the pichost.hexxxen.net or fastuploads.com Free 1 gig Email Services https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue= https://mail.google.com/mail/ - Of course...no need for explanation http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - now this is the star of this thread. Spymac gives you a free 1 gigabyte email account, along with 250 mb of space to upload images and 100 mb of space for uploading files. This site is great, and registration is free. Sign up for your free 1 gig email and 100 mb storage space - and lose the gmail! http://www.walla.co.il/ - An alternative to the two listed above, but I don't recommend it. I tried it, and found out that you can only send messages using IE the way the email pages are scripted. With Firefox or Netscape, nothing happens at all on the page and the email does not get sent. ----------- Those are the only categories and links I have at the moment, but most everybody on here should find them useful had they not already known of them. All of the above links are bookmarked (except for walla), and I use most of them nearly daily. (Such as my spymac account, and fastuploads.com). If others have useful links like the ones listed above, feel free to post! I may edit this first post, also, if the need arises. Cheers, and happy bookmarking! -ignition
  12. Thanks I haven't installed it yet, and I'm not going to until I get the full package but I'll be sure to disable attachments (no point having them enabled...so many free hosts out there ) but allow avatar uploads. You CAN set a max filesize on avatars, right? (like 10 kb or something) I doubt the forum's going to get very big, I'm estimating around 50 members maybe. As for skins, I wish there were a lot of custom ones but the 2 included don't look that bad from the thumbnails included in the download. Hey...maybe I could make my own skin! Never tried making a forum skin, I suppose SFM would be a good place to start Cheers! ignition
  13. I'm still hoping XFire will kick Yahoo's *bottom* in the court.It's always good to see the smaller companies take down the larger ones
  14. I have a couple of questions about SMF. First of all, I'm thinking about adding it to my site for forums, though not until I get the upgraded package of course.About how much free space should I have on the site though? I know it will take about 5 mb just to install the board, but how much extra space is recommended? This is going to be a small forum, by the way.Also - are there any alternative skins for it?SMF looks great from the "readme" and from what I've heard of it...but I can't wait to actually set it up and get it running on my site :DCheers ,ignition
  15. I still play it occasionally, mainly when I download new mods for it. The original gameplay has gotten a bit old in my opinion, it's the mods that keep it alive now. I play Desert Combat the most often...any other suggestions for good BF1942 mods?
  16. If you're talking about just designing the layout, here is what I always do.1) - open up Photoshop, and make a blank document with a transparent background. I usually make sites around 750x550, but the length of the site varies. I will never go above 1024x768.2) - The first thing I do after that is black out an area where I want my banner to go. I then copy the dimensions of that area, and start a new image where I can make my banner seperate from the rest of the layout. Once completed, I put the banner back into that black box. I design the rest of the template using the color scheme or look I choose for the banner.3) - Next I'll creat a navigation bar or box, this usually goes at the top or some other prominent place where users will be able to see it easily. You don't want users confused as to how to get around your site...so the navigation bar usually goes right below the banner on my sites.4) - After creating the nav bar, I'll make other necessary items on the site. These include an affiliate box (if needed), a login box, or whatever else I may need for the site.5) - I'll then make the main box (if I plan on using iframes) where all the pages will be displayed in. If I don't plan on using iframes, I'd make an area where the news posts would go (I prefer iframes to expandable pages, though, for my small sites)6) - Finally, once everything is finished, I'll add a watermark (usually) and then slice it up. Once sliced how I want, I save it for the web (file>save for web). 7) - I then use notepad to code it and create pages...but that doesn't have to do with creating the layout :DJust make sure the layout is easy to view, easy on the eyes, small in filesize (don't make it too graphics heavy), and easy for users to navigate. The worst possible scenario is a beatiful looking layout that is gigantic in filesize, or too cluttered for the average user to find there way around. IMO, if the viewer can't figure out where to go within 10 seconds then you've designed the site poorly.I hope this helps whoever reads it, if they want to know how I make my templates. 8)
  17. Find out where you want to put your link to the forums on your main page (index.html)then put <a href=yourforumsurlhere>blah blah blah</a>
  18. LOL. Dude, Gmail went public a couple days ago Yay, GMail has finally migrated out of public mode and become open to the "public". Though everyone and there mother had one like...at least 6 months ago haha. I've had mine since last September, personally, and I've loved it ever since - I've used only 22 mb of space, but have 285 inbox items. I get a lot of use out of my Gmail account
  19. Look in the sticky posted up at the top of this forum by NilsC.Configure smartftp using that, and to upload folders and files click the little folder with a magnifying glass icon on the top icon bar. Drag and drop from that window into your connection window (in the public_html folder).If you need any more help, post.
  20. I personally like iframes, and I use them on both of my sites (look at my sig). They are easy to implement (sp?), easy to use, and makes the site look more "compact" as long as you only use one or two. I simply use them for a content box, so that the nav bar loads the pages in the main iframe. I think they work wonderfully for digital art sites, and for smaller sites of any type. All you need is one index.html with the main table, then a bunch of smaller pages containing only text that will load in the main iframe. 1 thing with Iframes though, is IE's lack of support. Not for iframes as a whole (IE supports iframes) but IE's lack of transparency support. That means, if you want your site to be viewable by Internet Explorer users then the iframes will have to be a solid color. You cannot have an image in the background, and the iframe color as "transparent" - the iframe would just show up as white in IE, which does not look good at all. I wasn't thinking of that when I made my main site, unrealwp.astahost.com , but for the Team nO clan site I made ( teamno.unrealwp.astahost.com ) I set the iframe color to just a plain color that blends in perfectly with the color of the image behind it anyways (which is just a single color rectangle). If you need any help/suggestions with iframes, just post...I'm sure I or some other person could help out - just make sure you don't make them transparent (like I made the mistake of doing) if you want everybody to be able to view your site correctly. @moonwitch - link to site!
  21. To change the home page of your site, just replace the index.htmlIndex.html should be located in the /public_html/ folder...replace it with your own.For forums, go to your cpanel and click on phpBB near the bottom under the category "pre-installed" scripts, I believe
  22. Thanks for commenting on the layout As for the font, well I always leave it at default. I always forget about messing with <font face=> ...but yea Times New Roman isn't that good. Telling me that doesn't help much though....do you have any suggestions for a font that WOULD look good on the site? (a default windows font, that is)
  23. XFire is a gaming instant messenger, used mainly for the purpose of seeing what games your friends are playing, and joining them in the exact server witout ever opening the game or going to a server browser. I'm not going to describe it in detail, but you can read more on the site.I personally don't use it much anymore (I'm not a fan of instant messengers, no matter how useful they are) but I think the lawsuit by Yahoo is *BLEEP*. XFire didn't copy or use any of their stuff...I agree that Yahoo probably just wants the Xfire technology
  24. After you create the account, go back to the main page where you manage your ftp accounts.You should see all the accounts that were generated automatically when you signed up, and also one called "Trekkie101@yoursubdomain.astahost.com"The user name is not "Trekkie101", it is the "Trekkie101@yoursubdomain.astahost.com." I had that problem also when creating an ftp account, until I went back and looked at the FTP account manager
  25. 2 worked perfectly. I have now allowed the subdomain, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, to allow 2 mb of stuff to their clan website Thanks for the reply
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