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Everything posted by ignition

  1. These guys wanted a simple, easy to navigate layout for their clan site. They are going to get some "real" paid hosting soon, and a .com domain, but for now they are using a subdomain of my Xisto account. I made the layout and coded it using Photoshop and notepad. Remember, the main purpose of this site is for a splash screen to intro into their forums, rather than navigating around other pages I may make a real splash screen for that though, similar to the one on MY page. Comments/criticism appreciated: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ --------------------------------------------------------- Wrong forum - this should go to Website Reviews. Moved. m^e
  2. Nice list...thanks :DEverybody knows about .tk (which isn't that great, with the popups) but one of my favorites is r8.orgr8.org is a free redirector service, similar to dot tk. You can register as many domains as you want, either as r8.org or ne1.net - there are no popups, ads, or anything whatsoever, and I tend to like it the most.If anybody else knows of url redirectors/forwarders...please post them!
  3. Hi. I'm creating an ftp account, but I only want to be allowed to upload 2 mb of stuff into the account.Under the "Quota" option, would I put 2, 2 mb, 2 megabytes, or what?I assume that's what the Quota option is for...but I just need to know what to put for 2 megabytes
  4. In the email, it gives you this link: https://support.xisto.com/ Go there, and enter your regular forum username and pass. Scroll down, enter the domain name you wish to use (for example, I entered unrealwp.astahost.com). Then, enter a username and password for your cpanel account (whatever you want them to be). Once it is all set up (click create), log into your cpanel account with the user and pass you supplied.
  5. You rang? :DActually I have never played it, I didn't even find out about the game until about a year after I started using this nickname (while randomly browsing downloads.com)I'll give it a try now though...because of this thread
  6. Most everybody on here probably already knew those, but good post anyways
  7. Heh thanks Rudy, I don't care now. I'll just stick with Firefox, it works great - was looking for more opensource browsers though, like programs you find on Sourceforge. Maybe I'll search around on there...see what I can find
  8. First, Half Life 2 along with CSS are great and are both definitely worth the money. As for the requirements, make sure you have 512 mb of RAM first. If you have 256 or less, don't even think about it. The game will be skippy, and load times will seem like ages. Processor, anything above 2.0 ghZ should do fine (so anything bought within the past 2 years). I have an nvidia geforce FX 5200 which is a POS graphics card, but I can still run the game fine in 800x600 with medium details. So if you have anything above that in the Geforce series, or Radeon equivalents or Ti ones then you should be good to go.
  9. The only forum I've had experienced admin'ing on and setting up is IPB. It was a fairly straight-forward process, and easy to use. As for posting though, I seem to prefer vBulletin. It just seems more "professional" to me..I don't know why. Maybe the name?
  10. True. An simple iframe could fix that, or just add the nav bar to each of the individual pages. It makes browsing the site much easier though to always have the navigation there
  11. I use Photoshop, Imageready, and Notepad to make my websites.Design the layout/template in Photoshop, slice it up, maybe make some mouse over animations with Imageready, then do the rest with notepad.I don't like wysiwyg editors like Dreamweaver...to me it's much easier to edit with a text editor. Plus things like Dreamweaver cost 600 bucks or something...why would you pay for something like that. Just google for some html tutorials, and BAM dreamweaver becomes obsolete
  12. Taught it to myself in the 8th grade (a looooong time ago) using whatever online guides I could find. HTML is such a simple "language" (if you can even call it that)...extremely basic in almost every aspect. Just learn the tags, and you're set.
  13. Hmm..P2M sounds cool. Similar to Newsgroup filesharing, I guess (where files are split into several small pieces and uploaded to email accounts for others to download)? And now that I think about it, there is also the thing called Gmail drive: http://www.viksoe.dk/code/gmail.htm .... which is basically an online expandable drive for your pc. You drag and drop files into the Gmail drive, with a max filesize of 10 megabytes, and the drive automatically uploads them to your gmail account as an email with the attachment. You can set a filter on your gmail account to not show those uploaded items in your inbox so they don't spam it up, and then you have an additional gig of space for online storage. Pretty handy But still, I doubt very many people use that. I only used it for a week or so because of the novelty...it just seems pointless now. Anyways...<3 to google!
  14. Nah, I don't know PHP (which is why I found that site very useful ) I'm working on learning Javascript right now...it's not going so good though. I may take a class on it over the summer though, which would be fun and help me a lot. I do want to learn PHP sometime in the future though...html is just too ... boring, or simple, ya know. It's like a 3rd grader could figure it out in no time at all.
  15. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The program linked to above is a simple app that instantly uploads a printscreen to an ftp directory once you press the "Print Screen" button. The problem though is that you have to enter the directory from the ftp root where the program should upload the file. Sorry for my n00bishness, but how do you find out the directory? What would it be on a site hosted by Xisto, for example? I hope that post made sense...hard to explain something like "ftp root" and "directory" when I don't know what I am talking about. Can someone explain a bit about it, please?
  16. I still don't get the hype about the original Half-Life...I played it through and didn't enjoy it at all. That was after I bought Half Life 2 though...which is probably why I didn't enjoy it nearly as much. Nothing like playing through a game with nice graphics, then going back to 1998-era engines. It wasn't just the graphics though...it felt long and drawn out to me. Fortunately the second was like it =)
  17. I'll post ones that you don't see as often: Media Player Classic - a small program I found while browsing Sourceforge...plays pretty much every filetype you can think of (image, movie, and music) VirtualDub - A small, handy application for compressing, or slightly editing, movies. Adobe Premiere - hands down, kickass movie studio. Fraps - Easiest way to record videos of games Steam - Some hate it, I love it. Valve's mass file distribution system.
  18. I seriously doubt google will ever make us pay. It is probably one of the most profitible web enterprises on the net...and gmail is making it even larger and I'm sure they are making a small profit off it at least. As for how they can afford to give out a gig of space to each user...well at the moment I doubt they can. If everybody used up there full gig in a day, they would probably be screwed. But look at your gmail account right now - most of you are probably using less than 2% of your space (I'm using 20 mb..and I've had the account since last August with over 200 inbox items).
  19. That links to a linux operating system. http://lynx.browser.org/ is the text browser one. By "barebones" though I meant it could do all of the basic stuff (like displaying images ) but didn't have all the fancy bells and whistles like firefox or any other "common" browsers. Thanks anyways
  20. Just found out about this a couple days ago. It's nothing serious, just a small little app that lets you easily manipulate stick figures and make animations. You can make any shape and size of stick figures...or anything. You can draw the lines, points around which the lines rotate, etc. It's a pretty fun way to waste time...feel free to download it and post your gif's http://www.snapfiles.com/get/stickfigure.html It's very easy to use and figure out.
  21. First FPS game I ever played was Shadow Warrior.I'm not sure when it came out, but I remember playing it back in 2000 or so. SW was a great game...very atmospheric (uncommon at the time), it had a large assortment of weapons, enemies, levels, bosses, etc.The game was terrific...I'll have to see if I can find the floppy discs for it and boot it up again.After playing SW I got into Duke Nukem, and then as the years progressed I kept buying more FPS games. Now I'm into Half Life 2, Unreal Tournament 2004, and I even play a bit of Call of Duty.FPS has grown into my favorite genre of PC games
  22. Put what you want to search for in parentheses :DFor example, to search for Map of Asia it would only return sites with "map" and "asia" unless you had "Map of Asia"...in which case it would only list sites that contained those 3 words in that exact order.You can also use other Boolean operators on google, such as the "+" sign.
  23. If you play or have played Half Life 2, then I'm sure you've heard of this. Garry's Mod is a tiny (3 mb) mod that lets you mess with the physics in HL2. You can do pretty much whatever you want to do...it is very addictive. You can view more about the mod here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And a couple videos I have creating using the mod here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ^ I'm not sure if the rapidshare.de link works or not...it doesn't for me. You only upload to it through your browser, and I'm not sure whether it timed out or not. Anyways...enjoy the mod/videos
  24. A few of my all time, favorite smileys (which I have organized into an html page, since I use them so often on forums that don't have them): You can bookmark my page below if you want to have quick access to those smilies http://ww2.rampagesession.com/?folio=9POR7JU99
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