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Posts posted by moonwitch1405241479

  1. Uhm those answers are actually given on several places on this site.- Yes you can go up to as many credits as you want, I am hosted here and have 250 or more credits.- You will lose a credit a day when you are HOSTED, and only then.- You are not required to post daily, the only requirement is that you keep your credits at a good rate.

  2. The credits given per post depend on the lenght of the post, repetition of words too I think. OpaQue wrote the credits system so he may be able to answer it better. What I do know is that the more credits you already have when posting the less credits you will receive. Eg. For a LONG tutorial - and you have less than 30 credits you can get uhm 10 credits I think as maximum. While when posting the exact same tutorial in lenght, and you have over 30 credits, you can get 5 credits max.

  3. Wireless or not shouldn't matter. I don't recommend this ti a Dial up user. Broadband users may benefit from it, but BACK UP YOUR REGISTRY BEFORE EDITTING IT!!!!!!!!!! Broken Registry = reinstall of windows.So be very careful when attempting to do this "mod". Personally, I wouldn't do it, because I don't know much about registry editting. Vizskywalker knows enough LOL if he says it's ok, then I do trust him.

  4. Nate posted this on trap last night, where I tried it. I had a few serious issues.It eats away resources up to a sluggish comp (mine has 1024MB RAM, AMD Athlon64 3400 CPU, ATi Radeon 9250 128MB graphics card). My taskbar which you can 'hide' with YZDock disappeared but never came back, YZDock froze and didn't let me work with anything on it. My MSN Messenger 7 couldn't open anymore. Etc, I was forced to use taskmanager to shut down most processes and then go to the CP to uninstall it. My suggestion : Get StyleXP, the MALE version (the chick version is ugly LOL and I am a chick, we are not all Paris HIlton fans -- makes obscene signs with the thought of Paris Hilton) and run it to set Panther Skin. It's the same LOL. Only it keeps your taskbar on the bottom.

  5. By CPU, I mean the whole box.


    Well, we checked the processor, the hard-drive, power-supply, and the speaker that was inside the CPU.  But, there was no real remedy to it because there was no display.


    Memory: 612 MB (before like a week ago, we had 512, but we jammed another one from an HP Computer)

    Windows XP Pro


    Ok, a CPU is the lil square thing inside that box. 612MB memory is impossible, since they make it only in 128, 256 or 512 and higher pieces now. With memory you have to be careful to insert it, that it's the correct part (compatible with your motherboard). And static electricity, believe me, I've fried my ram like that once.


    You could have fried just about any part of your computer box LOL, going from the motherboard to the graphic card. But going by no HD sounds, no display... PSU is ruined (PSU Power Supply Unit)


    My best advice, take it to a shop. If you're calling the big box a CPU then I don't think you know how to do hardware diagnostics so keep it safe, to make sure YOU don't get fried or break other stuff while trying to fix it, just take it to a shop. They have special tools to find out what part is broken.


    PS. I recommend against using XP Pro on a 950MHz, I've done that and Win 2K Pro runs much better.

  6. Well X-Wes, I can feel your pain. I am used to qwerty, which in Belgium is NOT standard. Belgium standardly uses the azerty lay-ouyt. On my old laptop I had qwerty, which I find immensly easy for coding, however I am now stuck with azerty, which truly makes coding slow and an agony. How is Dvorak different?

  7. This may sound like an odd question, 2 logitech products. But here's the clou.I have a 4 yr old Logitech Cordless Desktop iTouch model. This hold a keyboard and a mouse. Both are cordless and "share" the receiver (the wire of the receiver gets splitted to go to USB for the mouse (or PS/2 with a switch) and then the normal KB port. I also have a recent Logitech MX1000 Laser mouse, which connects to the USB or PS/2 port (same situation as the other mouse that came with the desktop). Now I want to use the Logitech Keyboard AND my MX1000. But will that cause any issues? Since the receiver is semi-shared. This is just the hardware section of course.However in this story, there's a software side too. Since the software is a bunch of drivers and config software for the hardware, I will stick to this post :PFor the Logitech Desktop iTouch, there is special software (named iTouch - how creative) that allows you to use the extra keys on the keyboard (such as buttons for "play", "stop", a volume controller, Favourites etc. Basically I have 9 keys to which I can assign let's say Photoshop, FF, TB etc. So that they open when I hit those keys. The mouse that came with the KB also has special software, which I don't think I'll need now :PThe MX1000 Mouse has something called "SetPoint" which allows you to again use a few extra features. Such as side to side scrolling, back browsing, forward browsing, change document (like pressing Alt+Tab in Windows)Has anyone ever left out the mouse of a "set" by Logitech to replace it with a different Logitech mouse? How did that go? Does the software packages conflict? PS. The laptop that i've been using for so long has a qwerty keyboard layout, which to me is far handier to write code, and I am used to it. But the keyboard I have for the new comp has azerty layout (Belgian Azerty to be exact). And the kb that I will use is white with dark blue while everything else of my comp is black or silver. So I am thinking about buying a qwerty edition of the Logitech Elite kb? Any advice there? Would you stick to qwerty if you were me?

  8. Well there's no one tutorial that will make you go from newbie to advanced Macromedia User. I've been using DW for 4 yrs now and still don't utilize its full potential. My best advice is, in each Macromedia program under HELP there's a part for tutorials, go do those. Or try the Macromedia website itself. And then goog for tutorials, which should have been your first idea as to how to find em :P

  9. Well the way I see it.. there's two possibilities, which thanks to trekkie came to me. (So infamous, you are in serious debt now with trekkie)...Or he wrongly moved the forums from asta to another host, which is what trekkie told me. Or he's doing this from the asta servers. Nonetheless, he's got some explaining to do about this, because I would like to see this cleared up.

  10. Well, I don't like the color scheme much, orange and blue seem weird, unles you'd use silver too. But let's talk content.

    You're hosted on Xisto, in the TOS it's clearly stated that no services concurenting with Xisto will be hosted on these servers. Your site is a paid/free webhost. Your site also stated that it's hosted on bravehosting.

    We are currently on a new host, Bravehosting. I like this host and as long as I feel it is reliable we will be sticking with it!

    The sad thing is... you are hosted on Xisto. A free hosting service when claiming to have your hosting company. I don't know if your intention is to resell asta's space or not. But I would like to know.

    THe least YOU could have done/do is put Hosted by Xisto on EVERY page, since that's the truth.

    Frankly you're very very lucky OpaQue or NilsC aren't here, but this will probably cost you your hosting.

    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;
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