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Posts posted by moonwitch1405241479

  1. I use Image Ready to make the actual gifs, but use Photoshop to make the layers (which in turn can be used to be frames).If you want to create 8bit color gifs, then you just have to select 8bit as color option :D which should work in most animator programs.I once tried Ulead Gif Animator, but I can't for the life of me recall if it had that option. Fireworks is pretty good too, actually to create webgraphics, it's probably excellent :P and yes, it does crete gifs as well.

  2. What drives me in my life?Well this may be stupid or dumb...I live, because I have to. Because of the hurt I would cause to those that do care about me. THat is why I am still alive. If those people wouldn't be there, then I'd make it easy on myself and 'take off'. I just hope to make the difference in ONE person's life. And to show my dad that I am the winner, that I survived. Ok, this is more of rambling actually. Hey can I help it that it's my birthday and actually no one knows or remembers?Happy 22th birthday me.

  3. We won't approve it. Here's the why :If you host copyrighted material that is not your own work, WE can get sued. (well not we, but Xisto as it is the company that owns Xisto). That is why the rule is there. As far as our non-lenience on this topic, that will stay. To answer the question about live performances of copyrighted songs, I think that should be ok. This however does not cover you singing on top of the original singing (when looking at a song in channels LOL) So don't all of you go sing while playing a song and record it with windows sound recorder.... Won't work.Now, about the flashplayer... If the files are ON your hosting account, then NO. Music files (mp3, wma, wav, midi, mpeg, mp4, ogg, vorbis, whatever extension music files, videos, can have) are not allowed on the Xisto servers (and that goes for trap as well, before you all ask a transfer to trap). You can only host them IF YOU OWN THE COPYRIGHT or if the file is freeware and you are free to distribute it. Now one more comment... So many ask about music files and how it works, READ THE RULES AND TOS. It IS in there.

  4. A few remarks...A lot of people are already listening to music while surfing the web, so music on a site is extremely annoying. Some people still have dial up, so downloading an entire song takes ages; thus you just lost a visitor who could have been valuable.And in most of the cases, playing music on a site (unless it IS your own music, you composd it, you wrote it) it is ILLEGAL.

  5. Well, LaTeX (you need to use the caps that way :P) is NOTHING like word.
    LaTeX is actually a type setting system, Word is a text processor. What the difference is?

    Word depends on what fonts are installed, which OS you have etc. THe look of the document changes depending on the system on which it is displayed.

    LaTeX is ALWAYS the same, on every OS. I can make a tex document and have it look identical on Linux and on Windows, there's no difference :)

    LaTeX on windows is not as easy as it is on Linux, and the entire objective of LaTeX is that the writer only worries about the text and not tha looks, so a visual tool for it is not ok.

    For starters you need the system, MikTeX does that, as editor I use NotePad ++ because it has syntax highlighting, you also need a DVi viewer and PDF viewer. I believe Yap, which is a DVI viewer, comes with MikTeX. Don't be mistaken it is a MASSIVE download, it's HUGE on Windows. The file you download first is tiny, but that's just the installer.


  6. Hi and welcome :) Don't worry about the rules, just don't post illegal stuff and you should be ok. The biggest issues we have here are people copying things of the net and posting it as their work for credits and people posting one liners (a post with only one or 2 lines of text). As long as you don't break those, you should be ok :PIf you have any questions, just toss em our way, someone here will answer.

  7. Thanks for the replies.  How about if I have no webpages there at all?  Currently I only have my forum and a CMS up.  Both are in folders in public_html.


    Right now when I go to my site directly (root), I only get the  Welcome to your Hosting Account! webpage.  I guess they can't view my folders after all right?


    Ah but that is the standard preloaded index.html :) So you're all good WeaponX :P

  8. I like that, but on hover is nicer :) (just personal preference)Also you can achieve the same effect with CSS, but saying CSS I mean CSS2, which then sadly also means that IE doesn't support it. It's all nested lists really, just like you did it, but then in the CSS you define li.hover or something (bad memory when I just get up)*mumbles something about lack of cofee and the need to write a tutorial*

  9. Maybe they combined VISA (as in ya gotta pay every year with a credit card because it has to happen online?) and VESTA (a roman Goddess)Frankly, I am not excited though I did see Longhorn in action on a friends computer. To Vista or not to Vista? I Linux! It's just, I don't expect Vista or Longhorn to appear when Billybob Gates says it will LOL. It's MS tradition to be late. I do like the new name better, mainly because it's shorter to type :)

  10. I found FP makes pages sluggish, because it produces very poor code. I agree that DW is scarey at first, but giv e it a try, look up a tutorial if you have to (the Macromedia site itself is wonderful for that one). I found DW meet all my needs, though I admit to using TopStyle Lite for editting CSS for IPB Skins (just is smaller and starts up faster) For simple sites, I just stick to Notepadd ++ which is like notepad but offers syntax highlighting for a lot of langauges, ConText is equally good btw. I just dislike FP a lot, and even though I have the full Office Pro with FP, I never install it. I once did, to write a tutorial on how to FTp your site to Xisto from within FP, but I hate the program.When i had classes in webdesign, HTML first. We had to WRITE the code on PAPER so we had to learn the tags etc. THen we were allowed to move to Glimmer, Vim, Vi, Emacs even LOL, or Gedit. (All text editors in Linux, but Emacs, it's an environment.) After a while we could use what we wanted for building sites, but on the finals Glimmer or Vi had to be used. I prefer Vim still :) Our final was this : recreate the slashdot.org site with everything, you can copy and reuse the graphics. But the site has to be hand coded (the teacher had copied ALL graphics, made a tarball out of them and we had the tarball and a screenshot of the site)

  11. Original setup for security:- Norton System Works 2005- Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta- McAffee AntivirusCurrent security setup :- Spybot Search and Destroy for spyware- Adaware for spyware- Kaspersky Antiviris, Antihacker and antispamNorton is a system hog and I found it useless, I don't need it and it just keeps on running. So that one got erased pretty fast, which increased the speed of my computer a bit. McAfee Antivirus took ages to complete it's scan, and I know Kaspersky was good so I uninstalled that and installed Kaspersky Trial (I can't buy it in Belgium for some odd reason)Kaspersky found spyware, mind you MS Spyware beta thing had been running and updating daily for an hour, so it *should* have done the trick I would think. NO, it's just a stupid memory hog and a crap program. I don't know how else to say it, but I wouldn't even recommend MS AntiSpyware if THEY PAID ME for it. Gods no, it's the WORST I have seen in its kind.I installed Spybot and found 70 pieces of spyware. That says it all to be honest, because MS' piece of crap ran daily at 6AM and 6PM.

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