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Posts posted by moonwitch1405241479

  1. You have a few options here ;)I always run a server on my home machine for the sake of testing my site. (HTML doesn't require a server, where PHP does need one :D)Firstly, why buy stuff? I got an old laptop and run a server :DJust download Apache (which is a webserver, but you can easily use it for downloads too - just set up links on a page :D) And install it. Apache runs on windows, but if you want to save yourself heartache, get an older pc, not state of the art and install Linux with Apache as server, you can select FTP server too when installing :D and then you're good to go already. Also make sure your ISP allows you to run a server, if not they can stop giving you net connection. And check your upload speed (if it's slow, let's say lower than 512Kbps then don't even think about a server, it's FAR too slow to offer downloads). Also some ISPs (like mine) have a limited upload and download volume per month, also check into that.

  2. It depends on what kind of website you want to create. If you are talking about a forum such as this one, it's a premade one (https://invisionpower.com/features/apps) which you have to buy. The site (Xisto.com NOT the forum) is made by using Flash, graphics, php and CSS.

    Quite honestly if you are a true newbie, don't aim too high like the main Xisto page. I have been doing web design for some odd years in HTML and CSS only and I am just learning PHP. It truly all depends on what type of site you want to create. If you are looking for help on HTML itself W3 School is the best place to start :D

    If it's help in Dreamweaver you want, uhm well just ask. But we can't really give general DW help since the program is far too big for us to explain. And if you're not familiar in HTML and want to learn, I say stick to notepad to learn to write the code itself. I swear by that method.

  3. ever used the aalib pluggin for media players like mplayer or xine...

    ive watched entire movies... and played games such as quake2 in ascii art...


    now THATS impressive..!


    Hehehe, I watched Star Wars that way in school (for some reason our teacher loved it and we all could watch LOL). The benefit of this is actually that it doesn't require huge *bottom* computers to play ASCII art movies :D


    I just don't have the patience it takes to actually make graphics in ascii, I just don't. And now I think I need to shut down my poor computer (it's over 37 Celsius in my room and my CPU is not getting cooled anymore because the room temp is too hot)

  4. You did not actually move it from tutorials moonwitch so I moved it for you.No thanks need :DRudyI firstly moved your topic to a more suitable place :D Don't worry. I don't bite *much*Now, there's a huge different between flash (which is like name_of_file.swf) a picture (name.jpg, name.png etc), animation (name.gif if it moves, if it don't it's a pic) and between a vid (.wmv, .avi etc)Most sites don't allow posting of flash because it can be a security risk (CAN). Also it requires some pretty long code, for IE and Netscape it's different etc (even I have to look it up LOL). Pictures are easy (same goes for gif, jpg, png and all those)

    <img src="whateveranemithas.jpg">

    Videos are similar to flash qua code you have to insert, it's also long, I don't think it's allowed on many sites. What exactly are you trying to pour in there? And also MySpace my have limitations on what code you can use, what extensions (or file types) you can put on their site.

  5. Xisto works in exactly the same way as Xisto.


    As jet said, the rules here are the same when it comes to hosting. However rules here are more strict about the length of posts etc :D One thing, I don't want to go check (yeah, it's hot here so I can be lazy) but if you're hosted on trap, you can't get hosted here.


    Per day you are hosted you lose one credit. The amount of credits received depends on the lenght of your post, of course also repetition is checked (we've had people who copy some lorem ipsem filler etc for credits :D they got banned LOL)

  6. one thing you gotta admit...

    Microsoft is definatly leading the world in the search for the *perfect* shade of blue.


    and thats all i noticed afrom the longhorns screen shots... its a DIFFERENT shade of blue.


    thats all that seems to chanmge...

    windows 9X... blue.

    2K softer blue

    XP darker blue.

    Longhorn.. darker still blue.


    i wonder how many designers worked for how many hours to create the perfect shade of blue ?

    and why doesnt the desktop Blue match the BSOD blue ?


    and has MS patented that shade of blue yet ? or has IBM patented blue ?


    I don't think the "blue" is patented to M$. Although in this day and age (I am thinking about the software patent and crying for the loss of Kopete) nothing should surprise us. Longhorn is more a grayish blue, but I suppose it depends on which screenshots you see. One thing struck me. While everyone is going on and on about WOW THERE'S A CLOCK ON THERE and the desktop fillings in Longhorn... Linux (Gnome and KDE actually) have had that for ages... Karamba for KDE and GDesklets for Gnome. Some of the features M$ proclaims to be sooo wonderful no one will be able to live without them, have been around for a while in the Open Source Market. Yet, M$ "reinvents" them and everyone cheers.


    I have a perfectly working version of Ubuntu 64Bit lying on my desk! Fit for the end user, where's M$ with the 64bit XP's... still seriously in devellopment... It's sad, very sad...


    Now I quoted this piece of qwiji for the sole reason of the truth. He may have meant it to contain irony and sarcasm, but he's right. There probably IS a whole team of designers that think about "the perfect shade of blue". I also wonder who the heck came up with the idea of using the BRIGHTEST blue as BSOD... with white text.. it hurts my eyes every time I get it (believe me, in Windows it's frequent)


    *moon gets off her soapbox and goes to the soap bucket to clean*


    Read more M$ rants on my blog soon LOL (yeah, I think ranting is one of my "qualities"

  7. I have used so many clients over the years, it's hard to keep track of them. For the record, I only use free ware clients (except one, but that's for later on)


    My main requirements are the abillity to have seperated accounts, view HTML mail, and lightweight. Sadly the latter one seems to be the trickiest one.


    My first few years on the net, I spent in Linux. Thus I also used Linux clients. I started out with Balsa, which is a very decent client. It's fast, highly configurable. But there's no support for HTML mail. I found that a real shame, because this is a decent email client. But in this day and age, HTML is used far too often.


    After Balsa, I wanted that HTML support and installed Evolution, which is more a groupware suite than just an email client, it has tasks, a calendar, Contacs. The reason I mention contacts seperate from the addressbook, is because Evolution allows you to enter birthdays, and a whole bunch of info there. Also there's a connection to Exchange servers from within Evolution, there can be a data server set up. Needless to say, Evolution is a pretty big client, and I should probably not use it solely for emails. This is actually more for business people. Of course this client too is very configurable, you can choose if you want external images to load up, HTML or not etc etc. ALso important is a built in junk filter :)


    Next I used for some time, Netscape Mail. I also used Netscape as Browser, but then quickly changed to Mozilla and Mozilla mail. Both are practically the same, they just look a little different. Both have HTML support, they're ok, but I found them to be too small. Meaning, too little options. Of course this was over 4 yrs ago. It probably changed a lot by now.


    Let's see what else have I used as mail client. Kmail, from KDE. Which is comparable to Evolution only a bit smaller. I didn't care for it too much. It's now Kontakt, with mostly the same features as Evolution. Although I didn't find anything about the ability to work with Exchange or Groupwise.


    Now let's talk about the Windows clients that passed my computer :)


    First I used the awfull Outlook Express (I was a n00b then), after a lot of trouble, I did switch to M$ Outlook (not express). Which I also hated. LOL. So my search went on... I tried Incredimail and actually paid for the blasted thing.


    Incredimail was pretty nice. But after a while it seriously gets annoying. Not only that, but for recipients who have dial up etc, it takes AGES to receive the email, since it has a lot of graphics attached. I found the free version of Incredimail spyware-y. The paid version however is cool. What I did love about Incredimail are the notifiers. You can just X out and still have it running as background process. That's a feature that I also look for in email clients, however it is not that important. I mainly stopped using it because Incredimail is not the lightest nicest client for system resources, and it eats up BW (for my internet account I have 10GB BW a month to download and upload).


    Now my prefered client for windows is how else could it be : Thunderbird. For all the reasons I've discussed above. Sadly it is not easy onmy old system either, so I am waiting for my new computer and I'll just use TB again :).


    I also tried Eudora and Pegasus. I prefered Eudora of the two. But I don't have much experience in either. So a small review is too big LOL. What I did love about Eudora is the Identities, how that works, signatures etc. I found the way to add emails to your addressbook slightly clumsy and pretty damm hard to figure out if you're a n00b. (I test this by letting mom have a go at it LOL)


    Now, FoxMail looked nice, I may try it in Win some day :)

  8. THank you :)


    Ok I took my nap... See, take for example your drawing of the Mutant (mutant 3 - grub man) you have real texture in the drawing, The like skin with holes in it ... I think that's just awesome. Looks scarey too though :)


    For some reason I have less issues with charcoal then with pencil :) I don't quite get that, also I seem to have an affection for monolith, don't know why.


    When I was a kiddo, I didn't like drawing. I swear, I prefered writing and reading (I learned to write at 4). When I was 19, I took an overdose meds and nearly died (flatlined 4 times) and when I came by, I wanted to draw. LOL, Since I had voluntarily gone to the crisis center for 2 weeks and wasn't allowed to leave the ward (yeah I hated that) mom went and bought me some drawing stuff :) Now, I actually love drawing even though it's frustrating for me that I kinda suck at it LOL...


    I will practice more (I also enjoy a good draw on the pc, see attached graphic which was done with the mouse LOL) You can probably see in the graphic I am pretty lousy at drawing LOL. I just doodled this. In PhotoShop.


    Posted Image

  9. Well, I've been staring at the images of those links in pure amazement. I've also looked at your site :) You're awesome!!! (I will reply more later after a nap - my eyes are closing on me)Can I ask you a question? I would love to learn to draw better, mainly because I got this thing (best description I've found so far LOL)... I mean, sometimes out of the blue I can see a flash in front of me, like an image (sometimes it's a still, sometimes it's a movie) which is translucent over the reality.. I am not really making sense.. call it like an hallucination LOL But I would like to be able to somewhat draw those images, I don't know why, but I want to.... Any tips? (My main issue is people and their faces - my drawing also seriously lack depth)

  10. In windows I use SuperScan or ProPort. Both are nice. I also use NeoTrace, because I do want to know where attacks on my system come from :) And I do keep track of that. Simply for one reason, if they hit me once, it's ok.. like 3 times then I do report the IP.As far as scanning for open ports, I only do that on request. For example, while I was a member of a re-enactment group online, while chatting we would often get hack attempts. To make sure we were all ok, I scanned everyone's ports to see which ones were open. If you're given permission then it's not illegal. Otherwise, I would not go there.As far as Linux goes, I prefer to use linux for all of that :) I feel better in linux when it comes to safety.Ok that's it, I dozed off while typing this.. I am going to bed LOL

  11. Lynx is an old text based browser.  It is very useful to be compatible with this browser if you plan for your site to be accesed by the visualy impaired.  Most of the equipment for reading text on the web out loud is done through the Lynx browser.  Another of the lesser known but still fairly comon browser's is the Off-by-One browser.  It is an ultra light weight and extreemly fast web browser.  It is very usefull if you are on a slow dial up conection.


    Actually Lynx and Links are not that old LOL they still are develloped and standard on *nix systems. I actually use lynx fairly often :) If I run into ANY problem, I can get a floppy with unix on it (they do have em) and use lynx to search the net for solutions. :) Or most servers with *nix on it only have command line :) Which also includes Lynx mostly. I even use the text based email client, IRC client even :P and the mp3 player text based LOL.. Emacs games etc etc.


    I was amazed to see so many browsers and the fact that I do know a lot of them :) that was scarey when I come to think about it.


    If you want your site to be compatible with speech engines etc for the visually impaired then you're best off using a CSS file for it (define it with media="something") Ok I've been up for almost 4 days non stop now, so I have the right to forget things :P


    If you want a site that works with text based and graphical browsers, make seperate stylesheets for it. AND make sure your links work without graphics :P you can easily test it.

  12. Ah FontForge :) Good idea.. creating fonts myself. Yeah I heard PS works good in Wine. Sadly my disc is corrupted (I get an error saying the disc is not there when the install is loading) so I had to give up on PS as well. Thank Goddess for the GIMP LOL.. Only thing that I do hate about the GIMP is that it doesn't support Photoshop brushes, which I loved using. But in time I will learn and make my own brushes LOL. <goes to get fonts now and fontforge>

  13. See I am one of those people who, when told to NOT visit a site because it's gross, actually clicks on the bloody link and looks around. I am also known to, even when my stomach is on a rollercoaster,keep on staring and then eventually throw up LOL. I don't know why LOL

    That being said, I went to both sites. The burping sounds was nothing in itself, just boring. But the second poopoo site was weird to say the least. WHY on earth would anyone take a picture of what they just expelled from their bodies???? That I fail to understand. And to then post it on some site where the artistic nature of forming a shape with what you expell from your body, is adored?? No thank you LOL.

    Although the grossest i have ever seen was the photo gallery of a body modification magazine. I swear the stuff I've seen there was just too much (yes, I did throw up). Especially the part where they were taking pictures of scaring (where they remove skin)

    Here's the links.. PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!!!!!
    Anyhow, I refuse to link you guys up with direct pics of skin removal - you can find the heavy mods in the Heavy gallery (with some reading and clicking you can see free samples :)) the Extreme gallery is only suitable for ADULT audience!!!! OK? Remember that! I swear, I am not a newbie to body mods (I only have a tatoo and burnscars) I have seen alot but the Extreme gallery was WAY too much.

  14. All bow to the power of Foamy, the lord and master of the universe! Or fear his squirrelly wrath! So yep, I am a Foamy Fan LOL. I got the link to Foamy in my personal link bar in FireFox LOL :) My fave episode was the jiggle butt and the tech support one :) Foamy is actually the reason I started looking into Flash and how to make movies in it and then appz :)Nice to see another Foamy fan!Oh did you see Medicine Babies? Where Pilz-e decides to babysit to pay for his meds? It took me ages to actually understand Pilz-e LOL (I am not native English)

  15. Thanks Giniu.. I decided to stick with Linux, I finally have my entire system set up as I wanted. So I ain't gonna ruin it now :) Besides, the plan was to put Linux on this comp when I had the new one. Plans changed slightly. It will be ok. Photoshop was my main reason for wanting Win back... and GIMP is not that bad. Next thing I am working on in Linux is FONTS! Since I do use fonts (M$) for graphics. The linux ones are ok too, but I tend to use some specials :)

    PS.: Bonkers - moving toward XP isn't good idea - it is still almost same system but works a lot slower than 2k - only thing you get installing XP are some eye-candys and lower performance... so just ask yourself - why? :)


    Well, I had XP pro, on a 950MHz machine, 40GB HD, 256MB RAM, and it ran slower than this (PII 333MHz) in Win 2k Pro. Even when I get my new machine I will probably install Win 2k Pro again. Unless I get a XP Pro with the system (I refuse to use the Home edition, I've seen it and I hate it). Win 2K Pro is pretty good, the only difference is the eye-candy as Giniu said :)

  16. I added the universe backports to my synaptic manager, this is how I finally got my loved FireFox updated, themed and extensionized (yay, new word invention). I updated GAIM to 1.3, which works fine. Kopete however gives me the message it is already the latest version, although it's not. The latest works ok with MSN. I switched back to Gnome. Weird isn't it?

    When I first started in Linux, I used KDE, then Gnome. I spent some time in WindowMaker (I think) and BlackBox. Now THOSE are sooooo different. BlackBox is nice, just took me ages to figure out where what was. Right click does it all there :)

    Beautiful piece of written art :) Here's one I wrote :) Bear in mind that I am not English :)

    lost in words and thoughts. Feelings go and come back,
    my mind is one clot of thoughts and images,
    how does it start,
    where does it end.
    It ends if I choose it to end,
    that is what I am told,
    but I don't choose,
    it happens
    something takes over,
    a power I do not know,
    an urge I can not fight.
    And then it happens,
    the moment of release
    the moment of calmth
    of silence...

  17. We (Xisto) have a sister site http://forums.xisto.com/ where the service is the same, great bunch of people as well, but it's less technical stuff. More about everyday things, and a lot of threads about gaming. (I should NOT be typing all of this while partially asleep)

    Anyhow, if you think you won't have much to contribute here and you want to go for the hosting, you can give Xisto a try :) It's the same package I think (I am hosted here, and mostly on here) I hope that kinda helped you out :)

    Nice meeting you... Say is python hard to learn?

  18. First of all my system specs :Old IBM Thinkpad 390E- CPU : PII 333MHz- HD : IBM Dara 12GB- RAM : 256MB-- Current Partitions : hda1 which is labelled as / (root partition in Linux), swap partition and then hda5 (or E drive) with FAT32 which holds My Documents folder.Before you tell me this is the wrong forum to post, hear me out. The reason I have Linux installed is because it was my knight in shining armour.Here's the story. I am on an old laptop, I have ran Dual boots on this thing before (I know it's not the smartest thing to do, but I want both OS's and I am not that patient to wait for a new pc). I redid my partitions in Win2k Pro (which I had installed already), firstly I made a partition to hold the My Documents folder in FAT32, since this would make the My Docs folder accessible in Linux as well. That was no issue, I cleared space, shifted files around etc. I ended up with a pretty dual boot, win 2k pro and Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog (don't ask why I went for Ubuntu - I don't have a cd burner).Because I couldn't get my sound to work in Linux, I decided to remove it. This is where I went very very wrong. I just deleted the partitions blink.gif and thus thereby also deleting the bootloader config file (obviously that was bad - and I saw it AFTER the harm was done)At some point I was forced to reboot my system, I prayed for it to go well, however it didn't. I got an error 22 from the grub. (Sadly I also had the " great " idea of installing grub in the MBR). Thus my windows and linux were lost. I only had my FAT32 data partition left. So I tried to reinstall Windows. I let it go on, to install on the previous win partition (thus saving the e drive with my docs). It all goes perfect, the files get copied to the HD. But then there comes a point where you need to reboot, into some miniOS where the windows install gets concluded. And that's what doesn't happen of course. I still get the grub error 22.I installed Ubuntu again because it overwrites the MBR if I let it, but of course now my system is a single linux boot. And I do need windows (more specific Photoshop, Dreamweaver etc Yes, I can use GIMP, but I miss PhotoShop too much)In all honesty, I don't know how I could possibly fix it. My only comfort is the prospect of a new computer in july or august .Anyone ANY idea on how to fix it? Mind you, I do not have a cd-burner on this machine.

  19. Now, ive got to persuade every1 i want to talk to online, to start using ICQ. instead of MSN.

    so the ping command is probably infringing too :)


    Well I believe IRC was first, IRC also offers the option to SEE WHO IS ONLINE! It just *insert word here - sorry can't think of a nice word LOL*.


    Look, they

    re trying to push through the software patents here in Europe BIG TIME! I already signed the petition. But I know it's useless. What can let's say 10,000 signatures do? The governments see this as a huge income, therefore it will happen. The same goes for Belgian taxes on new pc's for piracy :) we now pay what, almost 35% taxes???


    Anyhow, back to what I quoted.... Wanna help me there too LOL... I prefer AIM over ICQ though. But hey what the heck, I'll sign up. My main thing right now is getting Nils to use the protocol too LOL.... And that will be harder :)


    Now I have M$ with even more passion then before.

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