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Posts posted by polarysekt

  1. My Dad's old Windows 98 system was having issues to where it wouldn't even shut down without turning off the power strip. My answer was to buy him an iMac, but he is keeping his old system up and running until he's sure he doesn't need any more files.

    Man you should just burn your dad a copy of Knoppix Linux - it will easily recognise the FAT32 filesystem and it will boot off a CD... Plus your settings won't get corrupted because it drops a read-only image to your RAM...

    Heck, even if he had NTFS on a win2k or xp, you can still mount it as read-only... plus - it comes with cd burning software, and/or very nice networking capabilities... (And I would guess a computer running windows 98 would still have one of those slit things... oh yeah.. a floppy drive...)


    this is the edit: you can change settings while it's in RAM, but they won't save anywhere.... it should very nicely autodetect almost all of your hardware... including any ancient video cards that might be in there....

  2. Point in case.
    A global solution type will never out do a specific solution type, assuming both were written reasonably well.

    A global solution may try to tackle problems that you don't need to (inneficiency), or not tackle problems that you do need to (not enough features and support).

    Or it may just plain not to as good a job handling a particular problem on a large scale than you, I or someone else can on a scale of building it for a more dead-on specific purpose.

    I agree... and I compare it to the use of JAVA when only one platform needs supported... or .NET when all you need is a dialog box... etc...

  3. ...Some die, such as a chinese girl, from playing too much, and they basically end up killing all their brain cells or something (I don't know how the death is caused).

    I believe (or heard from a friend who heard from a friend) that the girl killed herself because her online friends abandoned her... or unallied.... or whatever... but I think that could have happened to any user of AIM in the same way...

    either or, and I don't really want to flip back to quote - but I agree with the idea that it is more generally people who are violent in nature take to the games more eagerly... and their expressions of violence may have come about one way or another... the games are in fact, just a scapegoat for the fact that kids are neglected these days in this corporate world of electronic babysitters... If you want to burn a witch, look at the parents... even the lazy stoner who majored in psychology because it's easy would know that neglect, especially before the age of 7 (a group that is becoming increasingly more aware of both video games and computers) will lead to psychological problems all the way through middle age (which I believe is also increasing...)...

    Although, following through with the whole addiction to violence and video games or music... I believe it's all mumbo jumbo...

    It's like calling Marijuana a gateway drug... In my experience with the drug culture throughout adolescence - marijuana was just easier to get... than alcohol even... The kids just wanted to get smeared any way they could...
    They were going that way anyhow... Ain't no one peer pressured into a one way trip to psychadelic hell... In most cases it seemed to stem from either an addictive personality or depression... (In fact, the terms bogart, and "geeze there's a lot of heads, let's toast this outside" come to mind)

    I fell the same goes for music and games... violent people are drawn in by such games... and although I love GTA (I remember when it was an overhead view...)... I'd rather not even confront a person with whom I'm in conflict... But I won't hesitate to triangle my way out of car, kill a cop or two, jump back in, and pick up a h00ker for health and then kill her to get my money back... (in the game)...

    I mean, I could blame my pill addiction on Pac-Man... (That Richard D. James aka Power-Pill - Pacman EP actually made me think of that... heh...), the fact I love Amanita Mushrooms on Mario, etc - but the reason we were playing it in the first place was because we were too high to actually do something constructive...

    The Marilyn Manson and Slipknot crowds... you know those kids were outsiders repressing feelings of hatred anyways... They were gonna pop because they were losers... Look at the columbine kids... They were outkasts, and they merely listened to Marylin Manson because he was singing the same song... (I think it was "Get Your Gunn" [with 2 n's] anyways - but not like I know what that means...)

    Yeah, I went all over the place, but I think the fact remains... My buddies who play endless amounts of games have this insanity hand-eye coordination with which I can't even begin to compete... I really wish I had a good reference for that, but I swear I've read it in Discover (or one of those other trendy science magazines...).

    All in all, if people really have a problem with it, tough... Killing witches is only going to make martyrs... Why do you think they kept the death of Osama Bin Laden under wraps... (still?) Why do underage kids in the United Puritan States of America think drinking and smoking is so cool...? It's illegal... That's why... Banning a game or music is going to attract a subculture of the same people hacking under the light of the moon to provide the same games... And the same kids will find them...

    Conclusion: I don't even remember... My brain cells were eaten by the drugs I ate when I played all those video games...

  4. Almost sounds like the sound card got damaged if thats the case, you might have to replace it. I doubt the speakers shorted out. But to make sure check your connection with them as well.

    I agree - start at the monitor end - make sure the speakers are on, make sure they work (plug them into a discman?), make sure your sound card is at least being registered by Windows (i.e. - unknown device in device manager, or does it attempt to install the drivers for your card?), and make sure the soundcard isn't somehow dislodged (which it shouldn't if it's screwed in).

    If your card is toast, you can get a SoundBlaster 24-bit for like $15 these days... at WalMart even!

  5. I actually like the new IE7 design a lot more - although it's pretty much the same - the menu bar is still a Toolbar32 - although in addition to their Rebar, they seem to have added an InternetToolbarHost (to hold the links toolbar) and a DirectUIHWND (for the tabs) - that menu bar HAS moved, to the lower right, and the navigation controls are moved slightly.It's unfortunate you cannot move the "menu" to a more familiar location - but the addition of all the things that brought me to firefox in the first place will keep me an IE user (although I debug my site from several browsers).All in all though, it's much less cluttered, and fits right into the Windows GUI.I only argue in favor of IE to provide objectivity. It almost seems "trendy" to use firefox, in the same way kids believe anarchy is trendy. I just think it's good to see both sides of the picture. Although, speaking of pictures... has anyone else had problems with transparent .png's in IE?

  6. While I agree with most posts in this thread, if you said your computer was expendable, I'm assuming you have another.

    as jedipi said:

    If you don;t have one and you have another PC, install that hard diskto your another PC as slave drive.

    When you do this, just ensure that you have the jumper on the back of the drive set properly (most will have printed on them master, slave, cable select) - and attach it accordingly in your "non-expendable" computer.

    On your standard motherboard you'll probably have two IDE channels - and most systems may have a few open. Each channel should have a master / slave attachment for the back of the drive. If you set master, you should use the "end" of the cable. If you choose slave, you should attach it to the "middle" of the cable.

    Make sure you attach power from your power supply and boot up.

    If you don't know what you're doing I'm sure you can google directions to install a hard drive. It's almost as easy as a PCI card.

    The reason I'm telling you to do this instead of the alternate OS bootup method is that it would allow you to both put your data on the newer computer (which more likely contains better software/hardware for data tranfer anyways, i.e. a cd burner or something) - and the fact that Windows 98 uses FAT32 which poses no problems when accessing from other computers.

    Once you've transferred your data to the new computer - you should probably wipe the old hard drive and reinstall the system on your old p2.

    Don't forget to set your jumper properly when returning your HDD to the original computer.

    P.S. - If your important data is corrupt as other parts of your drive may be, then you may have other problems and another question.

    good luck - and watch out for static.

  7. I have just started programming in c++ and have a DOS game set up that would benefit greatly from some graphics/animations. unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea how to go about this, and to amke matters worse, have no idea as to how to add graphics in general. so my question to everyone else is:how do I add graphics to my dos application?
    if it helps I am using the Dev-Bloodshed compiler, and would be willing to switch.

    looking for help,

    I don't think DevC++ compiles for DOS. As far as I know it compiles console-mode programs, but I'm pretty sure they require the win32 libraries - check your compiled executable for dependencies and you may find "MSVCRT.DLL" - if this is the case, your program won't even run in DOS with your compiler.

    I would recommend you give up the oldschool and move to a more supported GUI. There are plenty of multiplatform libraries out there that are very simple, and work well with DevC++.

    Check out SDL - the Simple Directmedia Layer. You can find it on Google quite easily, along with how to use it in DevC++ - assuming you're not using the Package Manager (which I don't recommend).

    As for DOS, you'll get like .002% support and user base - and you'll be stuck with pretty much useless code that has trouble even in windows. (I was mad when I was no longer able to use INT 10, 13, and 33 for keyboard, video, and mouse) - but if you want DOS - I too would recommend an old borland system - although... eck - it's like black and white CRT television.

  8. Yeah, as it was said above, a .dll is nearly identical to your standard PE, including both code and resources.

    This is really apparent when you actually dip into the c++ code for such a library.

    Although this is a very basic overview... this is a snippet of what a .dll may look like.

    // dll// polarysekt, 2006//// use requires "pskt.dll"// link "libpskt.a"#  include "windows.h"   // .dll is a windows thing// i think BUILDING_DLL is MSVC-specific ??#  if BUILDING_DLL#	define PSKTCC __declspec (dllexport)#  else /* not BUILDING_DLL */#	define PSKTCC __declspec (dllimport)#  endifBOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved ) {	  switch (reason) {		   		  case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:			  break;		  case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:			  break;		  case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:			  break;		  case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:			  break;			  }		return TRUE;		};namespace pskt {		     	void PSKTCC psktSplash ( ) {		// code function here	};	 	}; // pskt namespace

    That's a very basic, and quite incomplete skeleton, however, it shows that a .dll is not much different from your average program in c++.

    as it was said above, your entry point is not:

    int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { };


    - which browsing the MSVCRT source will explain a little better.

    Then, after compiling this to a .dll - varies per compiler, although DevC++ and MSVC make it pretty easy - there are a few ways to access the functions - although the easiest is to use a .lib -> hopefully I'm sending you somewhere. If you really want to get advanced, and/or want plugin-style or support for undefined or 3rd party .dll's - then you'll need to use pointers (and of course that requires a little knowledge of function pointers - and goes beyond this small reply.)

    But this was not intended to be a .dll tutorial, mainly a snippet to send you in an investigative direction....

    If you really want to get started with .dll's there are a few programs that I use occasionally - however, these programs are shipped with Microsoft Visual Studio, and it is beyond me whether you have access to the program.

    If not perhaps I waste my time, but here goes if you want a small glance into the code...

    The first utility - just to send you in the right direction would be the Dependency Viewer - if you open a .dll with this you will be shown exported functions (assuming you've gotten that far in your basic c++ studies) - which are in fact very similar to standard functions, although the code is compiled in their own library. All of this has been said above or can be found elsewhere.

    One thing you may notice however, if you investigate several .dll's - is the dependency upon gdi32.dll, user32.dll, ntdll.dll, kernel32.dll - etc. - these are in essense your windows. Pretty much every call that needs made on your system will address one of these libraries, and you can search them for more specific function. (not to mention this was a brief off the top of my head list)

    Another thing you may notice is who has used Visual Basic - as a link to the vbvm is referenced in these programs. For the .NET - it's MSCOREE or something - and DevC++ (ming32w or whatever) compiles with the MSVCRT dependency.

    In any case, that's the beginning (as you can quickview a file and get the same information).

    Another way is to open the .dll file as Resources in Microsoft Developer Studio - this will allow you to view any icons, bitmaps, dialogs, menus, or any custom or other resources in a .dll. This actually also includes the viewing of resources in "explorer.exe" - as it was said, a .dll is executable.

    As a final interesting note, a common introduction to .dll's includes the "cards.dll" on windows systems, which is very handy for a simple deck of cards. Open it as resources and you can view all the bitmaps.

    Since I lost track here - the result of .dll's allows programmers to break the large task of programming an application into components. Each of the components can change internally (i.e. faster algorithms, better memory management, etc.) while the basic calling interface remains the same.

    In very simplified terms, this is why your windows 95 application using common controls can be quickly ported to windowsXP, using the newest common controls (even those not yet created) - most simply through a .exe.manifest....

    P.S. - Explain your intention a little further about the downloadable prog or the system prog... peace.

  9. Yeah the firefox comment was thrown in very last minute - however - it was more to show that regardless of your hatred for internet explorer - it's very hard to avoid if you're using a microsoft system.I perhaps didn't mention the whole story as my conjecture was aimed at the trendiness of firefox. Although I've uninstalled firefox on my main system, it is an integral part - as should be other browsers such as netscape and opera, and the billions of others sharing the market - for testing web compatibility.I would hold true my view of Internet Explorer to any user by whom I am consulted on computer matters. My basic line of reasoning is that internet explorer is easy enough for the basic user and that same user would not be performing web designing tasks.I would also like to add one GUI note about the internet explorer as it pertains to Microsoft's grasp upon its own baby operating system. (If you're a programmer you've been here before - Menu Item Bitmaps? who would have thought to call GetSystemMetrics( long ) twice for the width and height of the check mark, and then create bitmaps in memory for the call to SetMenuItemBitmaps( long, long, long, long ) - of course you have the menu handles. You may have also seen this commonly in non-Microsoft or Multiplatform software, but how are the resources stored? Are they stored in the PE or some external common interface that works across platforms.)Another note:I've always been a fan of detachable toolbars and menubars although I had found it difficult to find information on creating a detachable menubar.After finally reading Microsoft Documentation on Internet Explorer GUI elements, I came across an article outlining a method for creating a rebar with a toolbar without images - to be used for this very effect. In the same way - the development of internet explorer (which would seemingly be one of the most used apps on a computer, although this is not backed by anything - nor would this include above the moderate user) in ways introduced elements to the Windows Operating System in general.The way I see it, Windows XP actually does the tasks I need the best, and straight Out of the Box - in fact, they take pride in their OOBE--This wouldn't be the proper place for a discussion on Operating Systems anyways, since it seems to be assumed we're speaking of Windows and a hatred for Internet Explorer.I still remember when ActiveX controls came out - they bragged and bragged about how you could use an internet explorer toolbar in your own app. Insane.Now there's plenty of hefty ways of achieving this goal - COM - .NET - I'm not going too far here, though I'll return to my point:I have more faith in a platform specific program in terms of speed - crossing platforms tends to call for more abstract interfaces and wrappers... All of which I decline to discuss here, although more layers need present when more variables become unknown.Perhaps my argument wears thin at this point, but my stance remains the same: no, I don't hate internet explorer(although i'm still open to other browsers - and even though i don't hate it, i still may use another browser in the future --- perhaps tomorrow).

  10. I came across your article by chance, however, I had a second so I checked out that app you mentioned.

    I didn't actually run the app because one line in particular caught my attention before downloading.

    * may not work with any other version besides USA (exe)

    the link was session-based so i'm not posting it - though i found it in about 4 seconds with google.

    Back to the topic, the program description says it's a mod for the game, and that it may not work on other versions of that game. This confirmed my assumption that this was not a general program that interfaced solely with directX on your system... they mention disabling menus in the game - this would only lead me more to believe it is either hard-coded with memory offsets and/or if a plugin set is available or would be, it would be a lot more work than even the average gamer could accomplish.

    by the way, .exe's can be manipulated, although it's best to know what you're actually dealing with. at the lowest level, you can edit strings and other obvious data in the executable, as long as you don't overrun commands or other data. However, even this becomes more difficult depending upon both how the string might be encoded (ANSI,DBCS?) - and whether it's NULL terminated '\0' - I could continue to delve into simply the topic of basic .exe modification (but that would turn into a cracking tutorial which i needn't write).

    For the task you mention, however, you'd probably be better off learning programming yourself and creating a program for use with Scarface. At this point you would probably need to learn the data format for your San Andreas program and program the conversion methods yourself.

    I'm basically telling you I don't see it happening unless (correct me if I'm wrong) there is already such a program with identical features for the Scarface game, and there is already a data converter or importer for the said program.

    Hope this helps...

  11. I prefer IE7 to any version Firefox thus far.While the Firefox tabbed browsing interface had me hooked, along with the whole multiplatform open source gig - I found a few minor problems with it that eventually (when IE7 was released) pushed me away.For one - I run multiple computers, and I'm not rich. Some computers are less than 1ghz - and speed is as always an issue (I don't like waiting). Firefox so sluggishly decides to load on these machines it made me gag.Perhaps if you've got speed to waste, firefox is cool - although if you know what you're doing as much as the Spread Firefox campaign will have you think you do about browsing, you wouldn't allow the spyware to enter your computer in the first place, let alone install toolbars and all sorts of useless crap.Basically, without trying to sound like a paid employee of Microsoft (whom I both dislike, yet deal with out of necessity) - Microsoft made the operating system. Their programs are optimised for windows. Firefox introduces a minor level of abstraction with all their XPCOM and whatnot. I'm not going to get directly into the coding conventions (as Microsoft's is sealed anyways), but I tend to have more faith in a rich, powerhouse (although greedy and sinful) company with more employees than members of my city who are being paid to assure their work is both solid and updated on schedule.By the way, have you ever run Windows Update from Firefox (correct me if I'm wrong, but I couldn't get it to go... if it's possible... it doesn't seem simple).Internet Explorer doesn't cost. However, the only angle on not using Internet Explorer may come from alternate browsers being available - I could say it's a catch-22, but this is a ramble by now anyhow!A few things that locked me back into MS-Products:IE7 has tabbed browsing, a search bar to which google or any other popular site can be quickly registered, and even a "safe mode" in case someone else (of course it wasn't you) obtained spyware.Feel free to argue with me, but Internet Explorer hasn't failed me yet (besides a crap support for transparent .png's - but that would be arguing against myself now wouldn't it) - and it's quick startup and speed is especially noticeable when I click a menu in a program before I realise it will have to open a browser window.That's my view...

  12. Google for the software Hide IP Platinum. That sits in your system tray and everytime you click, it makes your browser use a free anonymous proxy from a large list of active proxies, that the site maintains.

    Funny thing about Hide IP Platinum (which would be funny about using an anonymous proxy in any other way) is that the big boy sites (like Google) will attempt to present their content locally to the ip address.

    I was thrown off by this because HideIP randomly was running again once (I may have restarted, i dunno - ha), which I didn't know, but my Internet Connection is wireless and far away - when I went to google (my home page cuz it loads mad quickly) - it was all boxes as if strange, unrecognisable (or unsupported) characters were being displayed. The little I know about networking (which is nothing) led me to guess I was getting corrupted packets ? (not my thing, i'm serious) and I was viewing garbage.

    I noticed the HideIP icon spinning in my system tray, and went to My Ip... I noticed I was registering as Shanghai, China - so naturally I guessed I wouldn't have had this problem had I downloaded or installed the particular character set necessary.

    Either way, this probably doesn't help in any way, but I thought it was an interesting note (and an example of my own stupidity :).

    (P.S. - I recommended this prog to a friend who was banned from a local bulletin board site, although I don't really need to hide my ip o:)

  13. you can try Google's AdSense ( i think that's the advertiser ), which is a pay per click,

    or maybe http://www.banner-mania.com/ -> for popups / rich media, on a pay per load basis (no clickthru neceessary)....

    banner-mania's been a little jenky the past two days, but i'm sure it will clear up this weekend.....

    finally, i like Adhearus... search for that one, as i used it for my old tripod account, but never got around to adding it to my new(er) site...

    if that's something you were looking for, then glad i could help, otherwise sorry...

    ahh crap... sorry about the google repeat .. but banner-mania's pretty slick... i just never get my hits high enough to make money, lol

  14. yeah, you're probably right... i have a copy of .Net 2003 (well like 5cds) sitting right here on top of the cpu, and perhaps i should give up on the oldschool...Good ol $80 course at the community college to not only besides, for my nearly nondependant apps, i'm trying to move into exclusive c++ (not managed) through which i would require msvcxx.dll (or whatever it's called) and that would be about it... (makes for good autorun apps)... and also... I really want to design for dual platform (linux & win32)...well it's late here... buzz is wearing down and now i'm tired.......

  15. Well, personally, I'm partial to GRUB, which you would find with the linux side, and I've found it easiest to first install Windows, which it sounds like you've done...Second, as much as I would like to say you should just drop linux onto the second partition, you may find that linux will want more than just one partition...I don't know what distribution you may have personally, but I use Red Hat... It's available in 3 .iso files from their website, https://www.redhat.com/en , and as long as you don't want a permanent subscription to the red hat network... it's free... I'd assume you can burn .iso's so I'll get to it...Just start by popping cd1 into the cd tray, and restart...(by the way, you may have to configure your BIOS to allow the cdRom to come before your hard disk in your boot order...)The setup is just as pretty as any windowsX installation, but you ARE required to partition your hard drive a few more times (this is slightly complicated, especially if you're a beginner linux user, but there should be default settings you can choose [yes, it's that userfriendly these days]), but as you may notice, your ntfs is recognised by the installer...from there, you can pick your bootloader etc... i like grub... and it will create the partitions for linux, and then... when you reboot, everything should streamline together............ select your OS and go....im sorry this lost more and more detail as i went but i need to take care of some afterhours drama... women + alcohol = headache for me** when i say complicated, i mean more in terms of how much space to get to each... there is actually a plethora of info on what sizes to allocate for what depending on intended usage, but a quick google can bring that up....

  16. eek, sorry for the mixup... I was actually referring to the two gui's that come with most linux bundles... granted I use both win2k (for heavy commercial apps like reason and 3ds max) and linux (for all else), and tend to prefer linux, as I sometimes go out of my way to say :P... But I guess I should have been more specific and to the point that this post was directed primarily towards linux users alone...It's all cool though, as I tend to graze over the important details...I guess I should have also included the option of the straight command line interface in my options....**on a side note... that quote in your sig, mic_earth... It rules...is that yours, or would you know who said it?basically i wanna stick it in my gaim profile, but i'd rather not follow it with an "- anonymous"**and hell, while I'm at it... I might as well append to my inquiry which distribution people prefer... whether it be red hat, suse, debian, etc...but, while I'm here I wanna say that although I'm die-hard for linux, gnome drives me insane, and i like kde because it seems more unniversally supported...peace,polarysekt

  17. It is tough, since many virii attack SVCHOST... but one that some AV utils miss is w32.hidrag aka w32.jeefo...




    + This Mozilla Firefox - Friendly online scan tracked it down when some of the freebies failed... but as far as removal... ? It infected 13,200 something of my executables, including some of my personal products...


    My solution:

    I backed up all my non-executables and reformatted... Guaranteed to work... lol


    Oh, and btw, in addition to those, I shared my win2k harddisk (the other runs linux) on my network and scanned with my only registered version of Norton AV 2005...


    Even ol Norton's only solution was to attempt to delete infected files, not limited to, but including: SVCHOST.exe, LSASS.exe.... you get the idea...


    Hope you got a backup of your stuff!!!!!!!!!


    I bet you'll do so from now on though!





    omg... i continually forget things... (yes, it may have to do with the hardcore psychoactives)


    Switch to LINUX... KDE rules, and there are so many fewer virii anyways... Plus, the only things I'm unable to do (and that is taking into account even win32 programming) are using such programs as Reason, AcidPro, SoundForge, and 3ds Max......


    that's why I dual boot, but if I could, I would 100% dump that MS nonsense...



    Merged by m^e: When you are making consecutive posts under the same topic, do not put up separate posts to increase your post count. Use the EDIT feature to add in to your old post. I believe, you are entitled for a new post only after a third party has put in his/her comments - only then you can go back and make another post. For all else, EDIT POST is the way :P

  18. Okay, this should be my last question of the day, but...I once found a decent little skeleton prog that included simple MFC-like classes to organise the dirty work behind windows...I would work on my own but -> I'm lazy & I know it's been done...And now that I search I am unable to come up with anything...I use DevC++ because a.) it's free, and b.) it looks "cute"and also, I do not want to base any program on the MFC if at all possible...If anyone knows of a good source for something of this nature... you know what to do...BTW - i think i saw the original in a bundle with a book on like DirectX or somehting (which I don't use as I've switched my graphics ops to OpenGL for Linux portability..)Well, thanks if you can help, but also... does anyone know about GLUT and GLEE? I haven't gotten into them myself, but I've seen an example win32 program with an entry point at Main() -> NOT WinMain() ...I thought that was very nifty, but I'm a little confused about how that all works... Any ideas, thoughts, comments, or links?Oh, and also... I'm definately not looking to use .dll's for class objects... I want to find source I can manipulate...That is, unless it's about GLUT or GLEE or whichever one was the slick one that allowed for multi-platform development....BTW - KDE / GNOME (that reads: preference over the other one that exists)

  19. So of late I've become increasingly interested in the whole bitTorrent trend, and I was possibly looking into dabbling in a release of my own...I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Python, and if so, which IDE should I use... I have Emacs (of course), but it's more hackerish than userfriendly, and I'm so noob with python i need to use a p*ssy prog that spoils you with dropdowns and context-sensitive help...Maybe I'm a dreamer, but oh well...Thx in advance...Oh yeah, this is for win32 development, as the people I would distribute my version to know just about nothing when it comes to computers... lol

  20. So I tried the Apache thing, but ran into problems:

    1.) I connect through a router to my DSL...

    - Initially I was confused by the fact that my "ipconfig" util showed an ip with 192.x.x.x, but I did some research and found I was a retard...

    - Then, I figured out how to direct requests from my router, port 80 to my specific computer, but...

    I think that's where I'm stuck...

    I had some trouble finding a tutorial that didn't use a domain name... I don't have one, nor do I need one... I'd rather redirect through some jenky service like cjb.net...

    But, I cannot access my page through the router...
    LOCALHOST/ -> works...

    Whatever... f*ck it... lol -> how do you think I ended up here... I'm lazy, that's why...

    But, if anyone knows how to use Apache to serve off a computer in the local intranet through a router and then into a dsl modem... please drop me a line... I've already broken a few things around my computer over this. ( I prefer that to hair pulling )

    Thx - Peace

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