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Posts posted by polarysekt

  1. On Windows I've moved to pidgin... which was the old gAIM... but apparently aol got pissed for their name... however... on KDE I actually use both Kopete (which is QUITE slick) and GAIM...All in all... the one time yahoo messenger snuck onto my computer when someone installed the DSL apps... it was not a good thing... most of them were just a waste of time and resources...

  2. Not to mention I've had a HELL of a time trying to get my Access pages to come up properly in any browser other than Internet Explorer... Not to mention none of the intended client computers had Microsoft Office... this WAS at a workplace where I tend to avoid using pirated software...I since converted their databases to XML which was at the time fairly easy... but that's to say.. this was probably like 5 years ago now...In any case... I agree... PHP + MySQL is pretty slick... and of course, free : )

  3. I'm sure he can...at least the French in his signature is grammatically and syntactically correct. If not, I probably can...I speak a fair amount of French ^^

    not to mention he's from Toronto... which is to say he's barely south of the French speaking cities.... I know few canadiens who know only one language...

    moi, j'aime beaucoup le francais... mais je n'aime pas utiliser <<charmap>> ou <<ALT>> pour ecrire les accents... et je ne sais pas l'argot (comme les mots des ordinateurs :rolleyes:

  4. yeah i moved away from windows internet connection sharing quick when it wanted me to set the IP of my server system to -- which happened to be the unchangeable IP address of the modem to which I was already connecting wirelessly...plus, i still wanted to host my little apache server on said system for access by other networked computers... but every time i would enter the IP... good old router info came up...

  5. Get resource hacker ... its free. you can replace and export icons, avi files and much more


    resource hacker




    wow... definately seems easier than cracking open an installation of MSVC++ : )



    by the way... i checked it out... and you helped me find something i've been looking for recently...


    XN Resource Editor




    now i can easily use MSVC++ Express 2008 ... not that i develop anything for windows really.... but interesting...

  6. and...if you're stalling out hard drive installation because you need windows for one or two things with which Wine fails miserably, you can always install linux over a Windows installation... assuming of course that you're able to properly "shrink" the hard drives for enough space to install /, /home, and swap...that's what i did on one computer... as I still have trouble getting Reason to work on Wine, and the other linux tools available for music creation are somewhat less comprehensive than I would prefer...of course, my system loads GRUB which then allows me to select WindowsXP or openSUSE...but for all intensive purposes, i don't trust cd's for any kind of data... they scratch if you look at them, or something comes up, and they fail to boot... : )

  7. for 1 -- what is the filesystem on the drive? since you mentioned windows i would almost guess you might have formatted it with ntfs...also... linux doesn't allow the chmod command on filesystems that are mounted as read only.... my only suggestion for now would be to try to mount your drive as read/write with permissions for the user with which you login... however, this doesn't work too well for ntfs drives, as most distros of linux support r/w on ntfs drives only partially, and without warranty... obviously, ntfs is a proprietary format --so really, if it is an ntfs drive, but you want it compatible for read/write with both windows and linux you should look into the fat32 filesystem... as long as you dont want to cram 4gb files on there (i mean 4gb per one file, not total) -- fat32 should work just fine...however, i distrust Microsoft's format utility, because (at least with the windows 2k version I tried) likes to screw up after wasting about a half an hour... you might want to look into a linux partitioning utility... i think the one for ubuntu would be "qtparted" --- which you should be able to find with your software updater...on the other hand, since i use openSUSE (10.3 now) -- i just use the parted utility which is actually encapsulated by YaST2...<<<MAKE SURE YOU UNMOUNT THE DRIVE BEFORE YOU TRY TO FORMAT IT>>>I myself have two external hdd's... one i formatted fat32... and the other i formatted ntfs (well, actually the person who gave it to me formatted it in this way...) -- unfortunately i'm stuck on the ntfs drive because it fails repeatedly to format fat32, saying it's too large... which of course is funny, because it's about half the size of my fat32 external... all in all, I gave up because of time, and because I just plugged it into my windows xp system, and have avoided linux for now...I would reformat it for real, but it's quite timely to distribute my files across my network to the various computers with little space to hold the files... basically i'm poor and running low on quality disk space, so I have to split it up across computers, and reassemble when I reformat the hard drive as ntfs...all in all, since you said it was a USB stick... i'm pretty sure you should have little or no difficulty formatting it fat32 as it shouldn't be too large...if you filesystem is in fact fat32 already... then you may just simply have to look into your fstab and see if somehow linux didn't decide to mount it as read-only...as far as the device is concerned... i'm pretty sure they could care less what operating system you're currently using...hope this helps at least a little...

  8. Assuming you've already tried removing the viruses in question via "Safe Mode" and/or through your "Administrator" account... I would almost have to guess that the virus is somehow set into an important .dll that's loaded even through safe mode, and/or it has created/hacked another user account on the computer, and set access only to that user...however, something tells me this is yet another thing I hate about windows and their continual plight to provide seemingly endless security breeches in their software...I know it's quite trite at this point but the ultimate solution has to be a *nix OS... ;)

  9. ^bumpanother vote for SuSE -- And another note for linux noobs --- if you have plenty of HDD space free, you can actually install fairly easily with a dual-boot setup using Lilo or Grub... but you may want to research how much space to dedicate to "/" "/home" "swap" and/or any other partitions that might seem appropriate... I generally use a different HDD for each, leaving a slot for my CD/DVD+-RW drive... Assuming you don't possess an extra IDE or ATA expansion card....However, probably the most recommended way to try is downloading a Live-CD or DVD, where the DVD version would obviously have plenty more features...I started with Knoppix back when it was version 4.0, and I had some good results, especially with the ease with which it mounted my NTFS drives and properly detected "most" of my drivers... however, I noticed the knoppix-installer option left my system a bit sloppy... and I never really tried the 5.0 version...Nowadays, I tend to refer people to the Kubuntu LiveDVD, which can be downloaded as a .torrent... And also gives a graphic installer option.... and of course, it comes with KDE, which I ultimately prefer to GNOME... initially because of the bouncy icons and Konqueror (image thumbnails, easy internet browsing, etc...)If you're really stuck on "microsoft" apps... there's always wine... I just installed a few older systems with linux and wine to run Starcraft and Warcraft III (possibly Starcraft 2 ?) ---Although if you're still calling software by its company name... (I knew a girl who insisted her photo editing software was called "adobe," lol) - you may just want to stick with what comes easy... although if you want to avoid virus/malware/spyware, and/or the propagation thereof... you should look into finding yourself a comfy release of linux (save for Lindows which just sucks...)...and don't forget to look up and install "restricted packages" for proprietary formats, Java, flash, and the like... (Note: she never called Flash adobe, nor reader for that matter ;)Anyways, as you progress in experience, you'll find *nix to be the OS of choice by far too many reasons... And I prefer .RPM / YaST2 to most other install managers anyways... (Kubuntu is Adept... apt-get, or whatever...)In any case... check out LIVE CD releases of various distributions... and Kick the Windows... screw backslashes "\" ! lol

  10. honestly, from the transitive property, it appears that πi = -πi ...that is of course assuming your equality statement is correct... that is... e^(πi) = e^(-πi)or e^x = e^x, where x = {πi,-πi} --- however, my work with non-reals is essentially non-real....I don't know, though, unless this was done computationally and non-reals were in some way approximated, or somehow the result of raising e to a non-real gives some sort of approximate answer involving merely a distance from 0...good luck... but I will attempt to check your equality statement...by any chance could you explain to what this pertained?

  11. Personally I'm still in favour of Kubuntu, as I prefer KDE to GNOME... (although my main distro remains openSuSE)... But I plan to upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon on my Kubuntu system quite soon...However, I usually wait slightly past RC1 releases because of what you mentioned -- mostly lack of support... Since the official release seems to be a few days away (October 18th, 2007??) I would probably wait just a bit longer... unless you have a quick backup/ rollback procedure, or you just really like to stay on top of things : )perhaps I shall do a full install on a test system with Gutsy on the 18th... tho it's gonna be hard to peel me from the openSuSE releases in general...Additionally to your list of new features, the ".deb" support has caught my eye as I was having trouble finding certain softwares easily available for Kubuntu... And straight Debian never as much appealed to me... The main example being my trouble with "The Matrix" screensaver...Anyways... I will probably post again (maybe later tonight) if I get my other system up and running... although if anyone knew beforehand whether I would have to re-download the restricted-formats for Amarok, K3b, XMMS, etc... that would be nice... as my test system has no simple connection to the internet other than dragging the whole machine closer to my router... : (

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