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Posts posted by polarysekt

  1. yeah xboxrulz nailed it... most linux distros use UTC and then adjust accordingly based on your current locale... most also tell you that they're doing so, as it would of course disrupt your other operating systems' times...Windows, as far as I know, doesn't support this... (suxors)I don't exactly know your setup, but on my KDE i can simply click on the panel for the clock and adjust the settings there... good luck...

  2. The most common example is the guy who goes back in time to kill himself, but just as he's leaving a man shoots him in the eye, disabling his sight... he's then forced to try to shoot himself being unable to see but results only in him shooting himself in the eye...as far as backward time travel is concerned I as well would doubt it... while you may be able to analyse a picture of the past, I don't think you could change anything... but it might be useful to send a giant mirror out to the edge of the universe ....the only problem is that due to relativity, forward time travel involves one party turning around... while the others continue as normal... but that's merely the displacement of time while holding the speed of light constant....there really are too many paradoxes to such a problem, although there were as well many involved in the fundamental theorems of the calculus... additionally there's the one:as you approach a wall, you must first cross the midpoint... however, from that point, you must again cross the midpoint... and so on, approaching the wall... according to most number theory, there exist an infinite number of subdivided midpoints, thus seemingly making it impossible to reach the wall... however common sense tells us that we can just walk on over there...the point is the way you look at it... plus i think it's safe to say that one "step" will eventually put you much beyond the midpoint...perhaps it's our binary logic that holds us back... ternary boolean anyone?

  3. Does google adSense allow a non-popup or otherwise non-obtrusive way to advertise??? it's the popups that really turn me off to these types of things...Also -- I too have noticed many of these services are scams... I once signed up for Banner-Mania... I finally earned enough for a check, and then suddenly my user account failed to work and I received no further correspondance...Also -- I think it's mandatory to include a SS# or EIN# in order to really receive money from anyone... although I think federal law is about $600 before required filing...

  4. Hi --as I uninstalled WindowBlinds -- which in my opinion straight up sucks... I noticed it removed entries to my AppInit section of the registry...I've some experience in dll attachment, and I was wondering if anyone knew of a good resource for modifying a client application's window creation...Although I understand somewhat how the .dll is loaded into the memory space of the applications upon initialisation, I was wondering if anyone else had pursued this angle, and/or would know of any resources online to this effect.I'm not just looking for any old Google link here either...In any case, I was looking otherwise for either an open source or GPL solution to this problem, otherwise I want to hack it myself...A few other notes - I understand that this "breaks" under vista or other 64-bit interfaces, but I'm not currently worried about that... This is mainly for personal gratification -- and I don't intend to sell any code developed...If worse come to worse, I'll just go through and hack it myself... any response would be appreciated... thank you

  5. What kind of BIOS do you have?Also - it's very common for most BIOS(es) after 1997 to allow for this option... Even my old Phoenix BIOS which won't even support most HDD's can boot off the flash...speaking of FLASH - - if you can find online a FLASH update for your BIOS -- wherein you actually write new code to this area -- you may be able to look into more options...Additionally - - if you can boot off of a CD or FLOPPY, there are plenty of utils out there that could boot up, and then proceed to your USB flash drives... I've noticed this is common in many releases of linux... good luck..

  6. i didn't see where you initialised your TCHAR variables... you've declared them as pointers (pointing at NULL) -- so you're probably just trying to send data into the VOID...try initialising them with: pszRomname = new char[256]; pszTitle = new char[256]; pszHardware = new char[256]; _stprintf(pszRomname, L"%s", romname); _stprintf(pszTitle, L"%s", title); _stprintf(pszHardware, L"%s", hardware); // insert them into your list ... // but don't forget to call // delete [] pszRomname; // delete [] pszTitle; // delete [] pszHardware;also, your recursion is a little big...don't forget you can increment pointer variables and and check the current pointer against ':'

  7. I would say the free version of Microsoft Visual C++ Express... here's my other (quite a bit more detailed) post about how to get native (non-framework) apps to compile...

    I had to put down the DevC++ ... trust me...

    This post shows how to get it all to work...
    (2 downloads, 2 files changed, 3 settings changed - it's easy, trust me...)


    Again, I would recommend this as a free IDE as opposed to DevC++ which has yet to be updated since about 2005 anyways...

  8. Since you're using the win32 platform already, I would recommend Microsoft's Visual C++ Express 2005 -- It's completely free... but the initial version is a bit lacking in features...

    Here's the App (you might require validation):






    In order to create ordinary win32 applications (withOUT the .NET framework) you need to download the Microsoft Platform SDK... Here's that one:




    (the prettier links all redirect to this asp...)



    Anyways - once you get that installed into a good, firm location, you should proceed to your Visual C++ install directory...




    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\VCProjectDefaults

    the file you want is: corewin_express.vsprops


    locate the line:



    and you want to add the win32 api dependencies as well, so make sure it reads:

    AdditionalDependencies=âkernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.libâ


    notice they're separated by spaces only


    now enter the folder:

    C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\VCWizards\AppWiz\Generic\Application\html\1033

    it's pretty freakin deep, but go all the way and find: AppSettings.htm


    on lines 441-444 (if you don't have the info, search!) WIN_APP and DLL_APP are disabled... just script comment them out...


    // WIN_APP.disabled = true;

    // WIN_APP_LABEL.disabled = true;

    // DLL_APP.disabled = true;

    // DLL_APP_LABEL.disabled = true;


    notice all i added was the //



    the last thing now is to run Visual C++... if you've already done so you need to restart it to make sure the changes you made to the settings are applied....


    you'll need now to add links for the LIBRARIES, HEADERS, and EXECUTABLES....


    Go to TOOLS->OPTIONS...

    Open the Projects and Solutions node on the left... and Select VC++ Directories...


    on the right you will need to modify the dropdown combo selection to access the three areas in question...


    Library Files


    (install dir:default is \Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK) \Lib

    so include the Lib folder...



    Include Files


    (install dir) \Include





    (install dir) \Bin




    Save your settings there... and try to make an app!


    Oh yeah... until you set yourself your own framework, you must access win32 apps from the "Console Application" project... When you select this, you need to access Application Settings before creating the project, and there are a few more familiar options available... Windows application is probably what you'll want...



    hope you check it out... i moved finally from DevC++ a little while back, because it so indirectly used the MSVCRT.dll -- Visual C++ steps directly to the important API .dll's -- also - it's FREE : )

  9. I have to BUMP the C++ ->there's enough libraries out there to help you along with a good, raw systems programming language... and OOP is quite intuitive for major design and code reusability...check out SDL, OpenGL, DirectX, OpenAudio and various other engines (3d & physics) -- you'd be surprised how easy the programming foundations are once you get a general feel for the flexible nature of c++I disagree with most pure assembler as it limits you to a particular processor in most cases ... unless you #ifdef out various machine-oriented calls - which of course you may have to start doing with the recent influx of 64-bit technologies...anyways all i can say is that you'll grow out of 3rd party creation software... very proprietary in nature... eventually you'll get stuck on a mod or a tweak, but by then you'll be trapped into game maker...i disagree with Visual Basic or Visual Studio .NET for that matter for the same reason... Yes, Microsoft is insane, and have nearly outdone JAVA with programability, but you're so limited forcing an end user to download some kind of runtim just to even try out your software...plus, even if you would plan to move to one of these multi-platform options... such as JAVA... C++ is an intuitive step...If you're looking for a compiler, there's a version of Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2005 you can download for free... then you could install the platform SDK and enable pure win32 applications... If you're using a version of linux, c++ is generally included, but you would probably already have some familiarity with it...anyways, good luck - - and you'll find the best things have the steepest learning curves to provide maximum reusibility... : )

  10. the system is pretty slow these days. I am not sure what it actually does there besides the Hardware detection, font & driver loading. Perhaps, I need to change the Hard Disk?

    In case it's an issue... winXP preloads and indexes externals by default... That was bottleneckin me for a bit... I'd rather just stall out an explorer or konqueror window...

    the main prollem i've had with xp is completely extracting old drivers when i upgrade hardware, various portions of my hdd becoming overused... especially reg locations... and random instabilities... plus it's not cool to swap pci or other cards without the whole remove, boot, move, boot, replace method... : ?

  11. I'm getting a little rounded up here... why would you need to specify an IP address if you're using a DHCP? That alone should determine your local addresses...as far as the access to external sites is concernced, I think you would be looking into proxies -> also -> if you have a static ip address, you should run a nameserverP.S. :> ipconfig /renew should getcha a new ip address off your dhcp...

  12. I compose my own scores for my games... and honestly I think it would only be the low budget games that would use such a resource...However... there's a whole lot of "musicians" - who I'd rather call "LOOP MONKEYS" that wouldn't mind coming across a little bit of royalty free music to cut up and mash with some beats...

  13. I would recommend a deep knowledge of C++ or similar programming structures. I personally hate any kind of runtime requirements that most development environments require for execution.For starters - why don't you at least look into C++ and SDL - the Simple DirectMedia Layer... From there you could learn OpenGL, and perhaps DirectX for Microsoft proprietary formats... etc... But I would steer clear of progs such as "RPG Maker" and such forth...C++ baby...

  14. The speed of light is generally a limit equation involving mass... As you approach the speed of light, your mass approaches 0... (this is of course theory, but widely accepted...)borrowing from the same concept, einstein puts it this way:"Einstein showed that the rocket power needed to accelerate a space ship, gotgreater and greater, the nearer it got to the speed of light. So it would take an infinite amountof power, to accelerate past the speed of light." - from Stephen Hawking's "Space and Time Warps" lecture...also... about the constancy of the speed of light... it differs from the way most people describe relative velocity....in other words, when you go 60 mph, everyone seems to travel 60 in the opposite direction (if they are standing still...) - if they go the same speed they appear motionless (like a car beside you on the highway...)HOWEVER, if you travel at the speed of light - light still appears to travel at the speed of light... harder to explain...However, it would be more practical to warp spacetime to travel large distances, which under the ordinary curvature of spacetime would predict your new position in a way that puts you faster than the speed of light...and here's another excerpt just for fun:"One can show that to create awormhole, one needs to warp space-time in the oppositeway, to that in which normal matter warps it. Ordinarymatter curves space-time back on itself, like the surface ofthe Earth.However, to create a wormhole, one needs matter thatwarps space-time in the opposite way, like the surface of asaddle. The same is true of any other way of warpingspace-time to allow travel to the past, if the universe didn't begin so warped, that it allowedtime travel. What one would need, would be matter with negative mass, and negative energydensity, to make space-time warp in the way required.Energy is rather like money. If you have a positive bank balance, you can distribute it invarious ways. But according to the classical laws that were believed until quite recently, youweren't allowed to have an energy overdraft. So these classical laws would have ruled out usbeing able to warp the universe, in the way required to allow time travel. However, theclassical laws were overthrown by Quantum Theory, which is the other great revolution in ourpicture of the universe, apart from General Relativity. Quantum Theory is more relaxed, andallows you to have an overdraft on one or two accounts. If only the banks were asaccommodating. In other words, Quantum Theory allows the energy density to be negative insome places, provided it is positive in others." - same lecture....

  15. If you change the color scheme, I would suggest you retain the same system... i.e. - the tips of the wings seem to be a darker version of the inside of the wings, and then a white body... black can probably remain, as it seems to define your outlines and eyes...dark (color) for wing tipslight (color) for wingsvery light (color) for body...EDIT: less light (color) for darker body color... woops...i.e. insert a variant of Red, Green, or Blue for (color) - as right now it looks like...dark (brown)light (brown)white...EDIT: grayyou dig? just a suggestion... I only say this because i use this fairly general scheme to draw 3d boxes and buttons - the white usually stays constant, as well as the black...also... for the sky, the gradient works well, although you may want to further enhance by either continuing with a hot/cold opposition, color/compliment, or perhaps cold/cold or hot/hot...i am by no means an artist... although... I've found the scheme works pretty well...what was that font you used for your name... that's pretty cool (not the gradient on the layer, but the actual typeface...)in addition, you could design them like fire.... the white body, yellow wings, and red tips... or a blue body... depending on how well you know the electromagnetic spectrum of visible light you can do many variations from violet to red or vice versa....as for the sky - the blue resulting from a diffraction of light through particles of O3 is usually quite natural... but you could generate a cloud field... to show perhaps why those geese are flying in the first place... (clouds seem to show that crappy winter weather is coming... although... they may have already arrived at their destination closer to the equator...)peace...p.s. never used inkscape... but many drawing programs include a cloud generation plugin (with color options...) and/or... you could add a sun and a lens flare for flavour.... (of course, the sun is usually hidden by clouds... lol)

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