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Posts posted by polarysekt

  1. when i access mine via web i get a server not found...then when i go to filezilla to see my files, i get a:Status: Resolving IP-Address for ftp.kh3c.astahost.comError: Invalid hostname or host not foundError: Critical errorError: Could not connect to serverworked yesterday, but I'm not really going to complain because i just happened to copy it all down locally to do some work anyways...only funny part is that i use it as a home page, and since i go through multiple routers, its not uncommon for my connection to screw up... although i noticed my chat and torrents were working just fine... so i came here...oh well, all 2 of my visitors will have to wait.... (both are computers on my network : )

  2. I don't think that humans can evolve anymore.
    Natural selection calls for the survival of the fittest, but with humans there are invalids everyday being born and kept alive and integrating into our societies. If only the most athletic and intelligent of us were to live on and mate, surely evolution would progress. But since invalids continue to mate with others, we will remain stagnant in the evolutionary chain.


    I totally agree... i can barely see how humans could evolve far enough at this point to speciate... as in, form a new species which would be incompatible sexually with current humans... if anything, we're mostly blending together, and I don't think we can have much progress without at least genetic enhancement before or during conception...

  3. NASA needs to develop some sort of electromagnetic field to eliminate the possibility of a solar flare nuking our space pilots...additionally, i think we're still stuck on the fact that at any moment a ship could be pierced by incredibly fast although small particles that are whizzing around, ungoverned by air resistance...other than that, besides the obvious downsides to the beaurocratic operations of NASA, I see inherent good in searching for other places to plant our life... but as for mars, and the moon... both of which lacking in a solid electromagnetic field, and therefore unable to support a decent atmosphere, it may be next to impossible to get a civilisation there in a reasonable amount of time before we end ourselves on this planet...with that said, i still think many ambitions of NASA=good... although we still need to take better care of our home here, as we can't use space exploration as a cop-out...in any case... i'm glad computers have come to their current level today, as otherwise, I don't know what I'd make my "craft" ;; )added here:in addition, I think we should promote the development of competing organisations, as this competition seems to drive change and optimisation in most programs... just as the US vs USSR competition drove us so far earlier in the program... internal competition could drive us to new and unanticipated levels...in any case, I don't think any one organisation needs to hold a monopoly over space travel and exploration in general...just some thoughts

  4. i see the importance in both setups: a dual-monitor and a single monitor dual-computers...the dual monitor setup works well if you want to see both a music playing app on one, and a fullscreen game or something on the other... rather than switch desktops to change tracks you just fly over to the other monitor...i do like the single monitor setup as well, because then i don't have to devote peripheral hardware to my server, which I touch maybe a few times each month... I've seen a few contraptions that allow you to share the mouse and keyboard as well...

  5. How many music file can fit on a 320 gb hard drive.

    Obviously it depends on both the bitrate and the length


    (192kb/s would yield 192000/8 bytes per second [24KB/s] and each minute of music would yield 24*60 KBytes [1,440 KBytes, which I guess would be just a little too much for a floppy lol] )


    so, using the equation:


    (average bitrate)/8 * 60 * (total number of minutes)


    you could figure out how much space your music would take.... (in Kilobytes, where I'm calling a KB 1,000 bytes)... depending on whether you consider a kilobyte to be 1,024 or 1,000 would alter slightly your result...



    obviously to figure out how many minutes of songs you could put on a 320 GB hdd, you could change the equation around to yield:

    ( 320,000,000 / 1440 ) = number of minutes for 192 kb/s music




    320,000,000 / ( avg-bitrate/8 * 60 ) should yield the number of minutes you could store on such a drive... where obviously the avg-bitrate will vary... as well as the number of minutes per track, which you would possibly have to average (throwing out of course samples and whatnot that are about 1 to 5 seconds long...)


    all in all, a good guess would be


    (size in GB * 1,000,000) / ( [avg-bitrate kb/s]/8 * 60 ) = number of minutes


    then you could divide number of minutes by a close average.... say 3-4 which is a good radio length approximation... and you could find your answer... which would of course be approximate, and which is why i generally ignore the table they like to put on the packaging which states how many songs or pictures you could store...



    maybe this helps? lol

  6. as a matter of fact... they require some heavy usage of newer api's... on my old win2k sys i needed like SP5 or better... and xp i think needed sp2 or better... so i really don't think there's a chance it would even run on a 95 or 98 system... (especially since that was around when USB picked up on the PC side, and what use to Apple are you if you don't even have a usb iPod...)

  7. I didn't realise you could actually design your own characters and such when you make warcraft maps... I never even ran the map editor... nor did i play through the single player all the way... Warcraft III was my excuse to have six computers in my bedroom (and a few in the living room as well) - except for my non-gaming roommates...Though recently we've switched all the way back to ordinary starcraft... awaiting the release of starcraft 2.... i love rts games... but i prefer to control larger armies... like in starcraft... as opposed to smaller, hero-centraled micromanaging games such as Warcraft III...oh well... i cannot either wait for Starcraft 2 -- although it sounds like their won't be any races, it is prolly gonna be hellaz balanced... : )

  8. Yeah, you have to admit it's quite impractical to use anything that's not WYSIWYG... As far as efficiency... Although it would be very possible to code things entirely in notepad and then upload them to a server to test, this would be quite impractical given the high rate of speed at which things move on the net.. especially business...I guess it also depends on whether you just want a business card type placement on the net, or something with new features all the time to re-attract traffic...For a hobbyist, there's nothing wrong with coding your html and php in "kate" and testing on your apache server using whatever browser you please...Although for a business, you'd almost certainly have to stick with something that's efficient and timely... even if you're just creating for a business...

  9. I disagree... why not have a function popup the required arguments and variable types... I use MSVS2008EX for my win32 development and it works just fine... You can always create an empty project.... Plus they make the OS, so I trust their headers / vista compatibility / as well as their linkers and compilers..Besides... it's not like the res editor's even included or anything sweet like that....

  10. Speed of application start is a huge factor in my determination, especially on my machines that run lower than 1ghz processors... Ideallly, the Native Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 seems like it should fit more snugly in the platform since they have the same creator...as for another browser version to determine, this may help, as I, too have become increasingly annoyed by the subtle differences among browsers... the transparent .png's really set me back, because I was at the time determined to convert my graphic art into that format exclusively... Something about the .gif just doesn't sit well with me... but it's a battle of business, so of course the proprietary formats will come in hard...

  11. If you edit it in memory you could just have a program load as a BHO to explorer.exe that does it; it also has the advantage of being able to change it to reflect something realtime...like cpu utilization. That would be a cool project...

    you're right... my gears are spinning perhaps a bit in this direction... contact me if you have any more interests : ) ... though i'd look into hooks as well as memory management....

  12. The .bat virus I saw looked pretty weak... to be honest... I still don't understand most intentions in creating these types of viruses either.... for example if the shell were to come up and start trying to delete every random character garbage after another...in any case... what is the point of a virus? it's not like you're really gonna make any money anyways... seems similar to spray painting and egging houses... just pranks... which i guess is why it's usually kids that make em...honestly, it's very rare that an application would arise where it would be good to plant a virus on someone's machine -- it's not like "Hackers" or "Swordfish" usually....

  13. I've been in the mix for about 15 years or so...I started with QBasic on my old DOS-5 machine... we were a little bit late getting into the whole computer fad...Now, I'd say I'm probably about 7 or 8 years into C++ - which I still prefer... win32/64 and kde development at the moment...other langs include VB 3.0 / 4.0 / 6.0 ... VB/C++/C# .NET ... JAVAscripting: HTML, JS, VBSCRIPT, PHPdefinately not old enough to be a part of the ALGOL crew... lol...

  14. Species: TechoColour: GreenGender: MaleAge: 1812 daysLevel: 19Health: 27 / 12Mood: very unhappyHunger: dyingStrength: titanicDefence: godlyMove: breakneckIntelligence: master genius (91)~ i haven't really done anything in almost a year, but i'm glad my pet is still kickin lol....handle: kindbuddhapet: chakandgodfreytip: multiple accounts allow you to gain more of the daily freebies... [thank you HoTMaiL/yahoo]+ to transfer money, just put cheap items in your shop for the amount you want from your smaller account don't worry - no one will buy the crap, and if they do, you've just pwnd a suxor+ design a script to collect your freebies, and send them along to the master+ or sell the free items from the subsidiarieseither way... it's not too difficult to get a cool million... after that... it's about investment

  15. How do you make it go back to normal, like onhoveroff?

    I would use... OnMouseOver and OnMouseExit if you're looking for a hover-only effect...

    funny thing is i think i came across the stretching feature on accident one of the first few times I used an IDE... They love to stick the dimensions of the images in there for you (as it somewhat preallocates the space, especially on slow connections)... and i think i plugged in a different image manually... like with notepad or kate... and it stretched....

    lots of things just come out of nowhere...

  16. My only question here is... why would you worry about the Windows aspect... in other words... I've yet to see a LiveCD distribution of Windows in any form as of yet... but there's always exceptions to what I've seen I guess...Basically... If you want Windows 95, 98, Me, 2k, XP, and Vista.... that's only about 6 cd's anyways... but most cd's i've found would just run the standard installation environment...Of course you can use GRUB to bootfrom=/sda1/*.iso ... but i believe you need to reference the kernel as well... as far as windows is concerned... I have no idea how to segregate the kernel... But in all reality... I see very few reasons to need to boot various versions of windows... Usually they are built upon one another and at least somewhat backwards compatible... however... unless you have some sort of tool to make a snapshot of a windows installation into an .iso... i barely see how this would help... For real, you may as well just install a few versions of windows onto your hard drive... though I think you have to do it in ascending order from versions... like 95 then 98 then Me then 2k then XP then Vista... although I doubt you'll be able to use NTFS unless you can make several partitions...I would probably just put XP and Vista onto the hard drive... for ordinary booting... then if you really want something else... like linux, set up your floppy with grub and bootfrom the .iso's on your disk... Additionally, I believe you need to point to the kernel as well... which is part of where I lose track of the Windows portion.... like i said...--=-=-=-=apart from that, I would agree with previous posts that you might just have to use VMWare to boot from images... which I would say would be ripped from cd's or at least saved from a complete setup and installation... which is where you'd be stuck again with windows to just one computer... hell, I can't even switch out hardware without windows blue screening me... I usually have to do the old "REMOVE, boot, shutdown, REPLACE, boot" just to swap out various PCI cards... unless I stick them in a previously empty slot...but if you do find something more helpful... please keep us all updated... : )good luck

  17. if you don't mind me asking.... would this be for your email... or someone you hate? lol... seems like a funny joke to "accidentally" sign up an ex-girlfriend for billions of newsletters...in any case... is there any particular topic of interest in these newsletters for which you're looking? or do you actually want to bomb someone's email account with spam :rolleyes:

  18. I'll admit it's sometimes a bit slow... (on the hosting end)... although it's still my top pick for free hosting sites.... ever since I switched back to free when I overdrew heavily upon my bank account... and there do seem to be an abundance of noobs scurrying around posting this or that half-baked tutorial... but aside from that, I like it here... perhaps though... I could post a bit more often, as I've less than 100 posts in... almost 3 years lol... luckily i wasn't hosting until earlier this year... as I have in the past gone absent for 30+ days on end...How hilarious it would be to have like -500 posting credits : )

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