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Posts posted by polarysekt

  1. pretty much any prog you use for 3d is going to be a bit confusing for the first-time user...i think when i first tried out maya, lightwave, 3ds max and such i was quite a bit thrown back by the vast number of functions, toolbars, and right click menus...usually the best way to start is to follow a few tutorials just to get yourself started... sometimes quickstarts help...obviously if it's free its not like you wasted any money buying something you don't understand... perhaps though if you want to dabble more professionally, i agree to try out maya or 3ds max, although i think even a temporary license for 3ds max is about $1000usd ...however, it's quite gratifying to be able to make your way through some of these programs, if you want to try out 3d modeling or animation, or even level design... however... there's quite a learning curve as you not only need to get the hang of keyframes, interpolation, 3d modeling, wrapping to a skeletal framework, not to mention physics and the like...my only tip would be not to expect much for a year or so... if it were that easy to create badass movies in 3d, we'd have plenty more to choose from... mostly, it's a lot of work... unless of course you have a team that can design models and terrains/levels... plus you usually want to design your own textures and so on...you might not go too wrong in getting one of those fat textbooks to hold while you get to know such a program, or at least printout a .pdf or help file...just remember, if it were that easy, it wouldn't be that revolutionary or interesting... take 2d platform games... now that they can be made by one person in about a week, they're not that impressive anymore...just a thought...

  2. i hate realplayer because i could swear i just appears on my machines... probably comes bundled with a bunch of crap... but when there's enough free multimedia players, i too see very little use to it whatsoever...

    i like iTunes because i can fairly easily convert from .wav files to .mp3 and whatnot (as reason outputs in .wav and .ai only) but it's a slow loader... so i dont like using it...

    as wutske said:

    Media Player Classic (I use this as the default for QT en RM movies)

    either way... i avoid wmp as well... and as such i dislike most file formats... and i'm coming to terms now with FLAC lossless...

  3. i guess it depends what the options do... and/or what defaults are set...obviously there's meta-refresh and settimeout() but i'd think a little deeper explanation of the problem would be necessary...for the time being you could google those terms...

  4. It's a glass cleaning product, usually denoted by the color blue... for a wonderful streak-free shine...it's also a joke from a romantic comedy (not my genre, but it was on hbo)... "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" --the grandpa or someone pretty much uses windex consistently as a solution for everything... the biggest joke was that ol girl had a fat pimple on her face and ftfo... somehow i guess she gets over it, but then her new husband says after the wedding that he had a giant pimple... and when she asked how he took care of it? "windex"...i guess it makes sense if you've actually seen the movie only... but it is a funny concept that windex can do anything...on a side note, i once disbanded a line of ants decending upon my apartment stoop by windexing their trail back to the hole in the ground from where they came... I guess it erased their scent, because they didn't come back...

  5. adding the "/prefetch:#" to your command line just changes the hash number passed to your application...

    according to the literature, winXP already prefetches anyhow, so this would have no significant gain in performance unless you ran firefox with differing plugins...

    in other words, your firefox.exe is already being prefetched. if you specify a different number, it is merely going to a different file, and probably just taking up space in your prefetch cache...

    "The /prefetch:# flag is looked at by the OS when we create the process - however, it has one (and only one) purpose. We add the passed number to the hash...
    ...I suspect that the 'add /prefetch:1 to make rocket go now' urban legend will never die"

  6. you gettin close with those 12 posts kx???lol im totally just playin...but seriously... 280 credits omg... i think i'd have to quit my job lol... but it is a good ambition... although, hell, 10% of that would be quite nice for me... lol... 28 credits : )actually, it would be nice to avoid account suspension for an entire month : )

  7. Well, KDE 4 is set to release a stable version on the 11th of January...

    I know I'm totally looking forward to it...

    Is anyone else out there a KDE fan?

    Does anyone plan on using the Mac or Windows port? lol...

    Ahh I can't wait... and of course we have the public release of openSUSE 11 on June 19th... though I'm sure I'll be checking out the January 17th alpha 1 release : )

    : ) and i thought christmas was over : )

  8. Visual C++ 2008 allows you to program right off the bat....I also downloaded the PSDK from microsoft though i can't tell if that mattered...anyways it's been working just fine, and I'm pretty sure it has full 64-bit support... and I know the last version of DevC++ I used was still quite experimental in the 64-bit department...not to mention you no longer require MSVCRT.DLL if you compile with VC++ as opposed to the mingw system... they said they were working on a custom runtime, but I haven't seen an update, especially with Dev-C++... in years...

  9. I believe in evolution, because it's the best prevailing theory at this point... just as I would have believed in the Continental Drift Theory before they came out with Plate Techtonics...

    I think it's a quite viable explanation of speciation, taking into account genetics, which only now are we beginning to understand... mapping the genomes of animals, tracing roots, sifting garbage DNA, and finding intermingled species... (like the fruitfly and some bacteria)....

    However, I'm not directly in defiance of most religions... just those who use stories to prove their theories...

    I just can't see taking the bible too literally... even religious fans have come to terms with evolution as an explanation of the adaptability and survivability of life, as well as extinction, both slowly and in spurts...

    I think it's lame to consider it in any way associated with "CHURCH" as in the "Separation of Church and State".... that would be similar to me arguing that space travel will lead us to the creators who lie in wait just outside a certain point in our universe, and would disrupt the experiment... so we must stop!

    instead, I think we should pursue and teach what is commonly believed among majorities of scientists... I've never had much faith in missing links, because I think it's incredible enough that we've managed to find as much preserved remains as we have so far...

    my kicker was always the amount of traces of inferior life we are left with in our own bodies....

    Fetal Development: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    plus it seems very feasible given that our bodies are just an upper level organisation of parts that are found in many animals, especially when you trace back a speciation chart...

    check out some of these topics:


    what i really think is the problem is our dependency on older or archaic myths that permeate our society through various traditions... i see this example more clearly looking into the middle east, where all but religion is suppressed and holding on to various beliefs leads to action with very little reason...

    just some thoughts... although after watching apes murder other apes of the same species, i'm led to think one of two things... either they as well can choose... and they will be "judged"... or good and evil are just human terms to allow our society to develop in the way that the controllers want... mostly derived from religions of some sort...

  10. I can't complain about Xisto... it's basically a free php-enabled server with no ads...i came back here when i f****d up my credit and my paid server dropped me...plus, i'm not usually interested in hosting a page for anyone other than myself... it's a good place to practice php and other server technologies and techniques...

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