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Silent Soul X

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Posts posted by Silent Soul X

  1. Yeah i've got an i-river, but i'm thinking of getting a good Hard Disk Player, either the I-pod or an i-river or a creative Zen touch. I've been looking at which one to choose and at the moment i'm thinking of getting a i-river becuase at the moment i have 256mb i-river mp3 player and it's lasted for a good 1 and a half years. But if someone knows otherwise about i-river or another good brand i'd love to hear about it.

  2. Hey i was just wondering if google adsense is really any good? Has anybody here tried it becuase i would like to know if they get results. Becuase if so how much money do you earn roughly, i'm asking this becuase if i can get enough hits and money using google adsense i would like to buy my own doman name and hosting. thx and i know this is probably a bit noobish but oh well

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