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Silent Soul X

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Posts posted by Silent Soul X

  1. Hey i was just wondering is it possible, since i have two computer (looking at buying my own, the other two are family owned) and a ps2 all wanting to be connected to the net, i bought a switch. It is a 5 pot switch and i have one port spare. See my adsl modem is connected to the switch and then my two computers and ps2 connect into that becuase they are in the in the same room. Ok now to my question i was just wondering since, i want to have my own computer in my room and able to connect to the internet and network ( i live in a two story house, my room is upstairs so i would need like a 50 metre cable to it), is there anyway that i could like plug a wirless adapter into to the switch and then into my computer upstairs? Or what else could i do if that won't work that would be cost efficient (if too expensive i guess i'll just buy a 50 metre cable, even though it's going to be messy in the house), thanks everybody :)

  2. i first learned html, when i needed it really (now i know why i really needed to learn it) i was designing a webpage and i was having trouble with some of the tables, so i looked at other people page source and looked at how they did it i also looked at W3C for help. I still haven't really learned html but i'm on my way everytime i have a problem (and i usually do) i learn a lot more. So yes i'm a bit lazy and should fully learn html instead of looking it up when i need it. But o'well i suppose thats just how i wanted to learn it, and not go into great detail to master it. I also have school so that limits my time to search into html. Well thats my Html life story :)

  3. Yeah i loved suprnova it was my main site for my torrents now sometimes it's a struggle to find what your looking for one then one website most of the time i have to check out 2 or 3 sites before i find a file and then it's only got like 3 peers 0 seeds. But on suprnova it used to get the job done. And as agentmax said you spend more time searching through all the crap before you find what your looking for. But a good torrent site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if you haven't already been there, they have a nice range of torrents but it's no suprnova :P. Maybe the MPAA should be doing better things then hastling torrent sharers.

  4. Yeah that could work, i've also seen something like what ssjojo's trying to do on Avcreations before they updated their site. They used vbulletin for their forums so i'll search more into that and see if i can maybe find a link between the code and how it works and create a tutorial for phpbb or invision, also can you let me know (ssjojo) if it works becuase that could come in handy when i need something like that :P

  5. yeah i've found so many sites are going for the eye type effect and then having sort of wings on it (like Eye Digital Emotion's logo), and i'll post up some of my pictures that i made and see what you guys think, i'll also get working on a couple of drawings in my notebook. As for the Dreams in Digital idea i'm thinking of going with a eye sort of image that looks like it's dreaming and then create something from there on, btw thx everyone and i'll get my pics up soon

  6. Well here you go i haven't tried it but it should work. Graphic-Designz try doing that tutorial and see how it goes it's a tutorial specifically made for phpbb forums and so that you visitors can login on any page, i think thats what you want, also it's got a note about how you can incorporate it on a certain page/s if you want those pages restricted to only forum members. Also if you are going to put in a nav i'd suggest you put a Register Here link on the bottom and then link it to your register page, just for easy navigation on your website. I hope that helps you, also it's got other tutorials on showing latest posts/topics etc on there :P

  7. yeah i just wasn't sure if i made a logo and it really didn't have anything to do with dreaming in digital or anything, that it would look really off. Well i'm either going to create my eye with DiD in the middle of it or i'm going to make this little sort of metal face thingy, also just for fun i've been making just random one's with the polygon tool and some of them are looking quite nice, so i'll decide which one i like the best. I just wanted to know if people thought that the logo specificly (dont know hot to spell it :P) had to be about the dreaming theme or if it could be a different but effective logo. Thx everybody :P

  8. Ok well i'm not quite sure but here this may help you it's a tutorial on how to make your own membership system. Here's the link Biorust - Membership System Tutorial (i did not write this tutorial at all and have never tried it but it should help you if you want to make your own).


    Here's also a script that has already been made that you just have to edit PUMA User Management & Content Protection you can download it from there for free :P, if i found anything else that may help you i'll let you know :P


    EDIT: what type of forums are you running and do yuo have a link to your website?

  9. Hey everybody,I'm trying to think of a good logo that would go well with my site. The site name is Dreams In Digital. Now i know how to design and everything, all i need to do is get some idea's or inspiration of what my logo should be. I don't have a preview of what my site looks like becuase i'm going to re-design it, but all i really need is some idea's of what my logo should be. K, now to the Questions, What does everyone think of when they hear Dreams in Digital? I'm asking this becuase i want to know what everyone thinks and then i can turn those idea's into a graphic of some sort for my logo. Also if anyone has any good idea's of what a good logo would be (it doesn't have to be a picture, just idea's will do). I'm kind of looking for something like on all the major graphic sites like greycobra has the cobra image. Thx in advance everybody :P

  10. I've found Ares to be a nice program and is increasing in size every day (number of people using). I've moved to it because sometimes in Kazaa i've found heaps of bogus files for recent songs, so i moved to Ares and so far there have been no bogus files (you know, the ones that have that weird sound in them), thats because there is a special tracker or something in it which will stop this files from appearing so you don't have to worry about it :P

  11. Hey, i know many people will be thinking off expandable content but my questions is different. Ok here it is i have my website Dreams in Digital and you can see that i want to make my middle area expand if the sidebars is longer so something like this:
    Project Angel

    see how the sidebars go down further then the main content box, so the main content box expands to make it level for the footer, i was wondering how do i do that. I know my question is really hard to understand if you don't get me first time but, i was trying to think of an easy way to put it but i couldn't can someone please help me ;)

  12. Yeah i agree, i like google too much, i'll only change my mind if they piss me off and then they will pay mwhahahahhahahha.............. sorry guys i just took my pills then, but anyway, I don't think my site will ever be really popular unless i make some great graphics tutorials and get lots up on Good-Tutorials then i might get some hits and people will remember my site. But i can't see that happening as i don't have much imagination for creating tutorials ;)

  13. yep i tried it in both firefox and in IE, and i cleared the tempory files in both and still the same. Also just checking when u have a look at either of them in Firefox does it have a large grey section under my meant to be footer?EDIT: ok i found out the problem it was Norton Internet Sercurity, see i had ad-blocking on which of course blocks out all the ad's. And see 88x31px is a common ad size it must have been blocking all images that size. Hence thats why i could see the 90x30px buttons. I hope this helps anyone else who has the same problem that i did. Btw thx for all the help you guys gave it was great to get a quick and speedy answer and also to see people actually out there who tried my sites to try and help me. Well Done Eveybody! and thx

  14. Hey i've been making my first ever website and i really need some help becuase at the moment i'm stuck. Ok here's my problem In my left column you see the affliates when going to here Affiliates 90x30 and as you can see i've set the affliates size to 90x30, you are probably wondering why and heres why. Ok now go to Affiliates 88x31 see when they are set on 88x31, they don't show up for some reason. But when you go to the one with the 90x30, they do.

    What's wrong with my site i've checked it but couldn't find anything wrong with it. If someone could please check my coding or something because it's really annoying. I know it's not a real big problem it's just it may become one later or something and thats why i want to find out whats wrong. Has anyone else had the same problem? I've been looking over other people's coding and couldn't find anything wrong. Thanks in advance for anyone that can come up with a suggestion. Oh also i've tried the same thing using .htm instead of .php and still the same thing.

    Thx again Silent

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