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Silent Soul X

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Posts posted by Silent Soul X

  1. Well usually i have an idea before i start on the project. Then I get out my sketchpad and just sketch the basic design and get a feel of the layout. Then I start the designing process in Photoshop, once i get the basic design, i then add the details to it. Then i usually show my friends and get some comments and critisism on it and change it (which i always seem to do) but don't change it to much. Then i add content. Test everything myself and make sure it's working and then get my friends to check it out. Once i think it's good and is working i then advertise it on forums for people to comment on it.Well thats my basic thoughts on how to design a webpage

  2. 5 gb is a lot for a free host,if you have 6 mp3's at around 4mb each thats 24mb if one person downloads them all. So if you divide 3500mb (i did this so u still should have enough room for images and other stuff) by 24mb u get 145.83. So that means 145 people could download your six mp3's before bandwith would start to be a concern. Well it all really depends on how many mp3's u have and how big they are and also how much media u have. So i suppose if you're getting heaps of heaps hits and have a lot of other media, u'd need the extra bandwith, but i suggest if u are i'd buy paid hosting.Silent

  3. Personally at the start i would sell them cheaper and then once u get going with ur boss slowly increase the price, becuase if u give him cheaper prices he won't be scared away and also he will want more work from you. That being said i've never worked in web designing/graphics designing (yet), but i hope to start soon, once i get my website and some other tasks i want to complete.Silent

  4. Well it's css that you use to make them coloured i'm pretty sure, i've never tried it myself, since i think it only works in Internet Explorer (someone correct me if i'm wrong). I did abit of searching (well not really went into http://www.pixel2life.com/ and found out some websites to help you with colouring your scrollbars)


    I hope they help you

  5. nice work i like it, and yeah when i was creating it i could see there would be some problems with it being transparent and not fitting in with certain colour scheme's. Just out of curiosity how did u create the animated Xisto logo, because i really like it. Other then that i think u've created a very nice one and it's very versatile, since i can see it going with a range of colour schemes.When i get my site up and running i'll might even use ur's if thats k, or i'll make one to go with my colour scheme.Silent

  6. woah some nice finds of free domains and hosting. I'm currently trying the Dotworlds.net one becuase all i really wanted was a free domain. Heres the ones i registered http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, i'm currently waiting for my activation e-mail :), so i'll see how it goes and update if it really does work.


  7. Yeah even if you have to double post just ask a mod or admin Nicely. I've done it (when i had to triple post once :(), it may take a bit longer then just pressing the edit button, but its probably the safest way to go to stop those idiots that really are recking the community by doing this...... I HOPE UR HAPPY!


    Btw just out of curiosity, is there anyway we can track who they are because i think a good ban should do nicely or just give me their address and other personal details and i'd like to deal with them (and i'm sure many other would like to do the same)..... i know OpaQue is too nice to give out someones details since it would breach the privacy policy and would end him in some trouble.


    But jeeze whoever did this think about it, it's free hosting. They are giving up their time to help people like us who can't afford or just don't really want to pay for hosting yet.


    You've done the right thing guys by stopping them :)


  8. For recording sounds off the internet or anything really thats being played through my speakers i use Audacity, it's a great Free program that i was using to trim my music and add fade outs and stuff like that. It's quite amazing for a free program how powerfull it is. You can check it out here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/audacity/ (btw its for windows)


    Also check out this part in the Audacity Help for dealing with recording it also tells you some programs if you are running Mac http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I hope that helps you with recoding ur streaming radio :)


    Cheers Silent

  9. Yeah, i've heard 3D Studio Max to be the most powerfullest and one of the most popular 3D programs. I've never used it but i've had a look around and there seems to be hundreds of tutorials for it, so i'd suggest you go with it. But it depends how much you want to pay for it. I was having a look at the pricing they show on Discreet (the creators of 3D Studio Max) and for 3ds Max 7 it costs US$3,145.50. You may find it cheaper somewhere else or i'd suggest u buy and earlier version if you can.Since you're looking for a beginner software i'm not sure if something around $3,000 is something you'd give to beginners. I've never actually used the program but i may be wrong. From what i've heard it's an amazing program and fairly easy to use, it all depends on how much you want to pay for it.Personally if i was looking for beginner software i'd look for something free, there is one which i think is called Blender3D, i've never also used that one. I'd suggest u try that and get the hang of i before you go out and spend $3000 on something ur wishing to learn. It all really depends on how much money you've got or your willing to spend.CheersSilent :)

  10. Well i've got cinema 4d, mainly for making abstract renders but it can be used for a whole lot more. It depends on what you want to do with it. If you wanted to create models I'd go with 3D Max, even though i think it's a bit more expensive.Cinema 4D is a completely different program to photoshop even though if you combine the two you can create awsum art works. Just think Cinema 4D as the object creator and Photoshop as the special effects creator.Now i haven't really used Cinema 4D that much i've only created two abstract renders. But i think if you were going into the character modelling and guns and stuff i'd go with 3D Max, since thats what most people seem to use.I hope i helped a little :)Silent

  11. It could also be used for a nice sig, but i agree with ignition, make it blow up or something and then the words Silent Creation come on screen, and also if you want to make it look a bit more advanced add that cloud moving idea and that would make a nice and funny sig/banner. Becuase once the animation stops it's a bit boring but with the clouds moving it would give it a bit of life.Well thats my help :DSilent

  12. i've heard that studio traffic to be reliable even though i haven't signed up for it, but yes i've been having a look around through google and it's quite a concern to find so many sites claiming it was a scam, i joined up a while a go and once i found out this info i haven't gone back.

    I myself use 4daily.com as it's great and i know people who have been payed by them. I'm currently have $6.48 and only need another $2 until payout ($8) which is easy since when you start they give u $4 in upgrade points to keep for the rest of the program and you earn 4% which equals $0.16 a day, u can also upgrade and earn a lot more. Also there are now bonuses that when u click on you can earn 4 credits or $0.04 cash, to encourage people to actually watch the sites. If you also look in 4daily's forums and look under "Earning Strategies" you can see many good tables and info on how much you should invest to get a nice payout.

    Here is my referral link if anyone would like to join up http://4daily.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t (are u allowed to put ur referral links in this forum?)

    if you aren't, just go to http://www.4daily.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t, but if you are allowed can you please sign up under my referral link, since i really am referring you to this great service. :D

    Thanks Silent

  13. I totally agree photoshop has all the features you need in an easy and friendly way to use and really is quite easy to learn. It also is very powerful and has extremely useful features for the expert level users. I've been looking at a magazine i bought called "Australian Photoshop" (has over 240 pages) and it's amazing what people can do with the program (mainly the photo manipulation, i love, i've attached down the bottom, my favourtie image form the mag). It also has great tutorials which got me started and now i think i'm a relatively k designer :D.


    I've never really tried paintshop pro, i only ever used to open images in it and crop and thats all (that's all i could do when i was 6, i'm 14 now) but i agree with your point there RainbowPheonix with the layout/design, i've re-opened it for the first time in about 4 years and i agree the layout isn't very user friendly, it might just be that i'm used to Adobe's but i just don't like it really.


    Posted Image




    Well thats my opinion :D

    Your Faithful Photoshop User, Silent

  14. i'll try and make one for us, it will be pretty crap but oh well, i'd just like to say thank you and give something back to the community/hosting.

    same for some reason i couldn't edit so sorry but i made the logo sort of if any wants to use it

    again sorry couldn't edit my post, but i think i found the exact font used it's called "Brie Light" and u can download it for free from here DaFont - Brie Light

  15. Yeah that's what i find i look around at other site's layouts to see what works and what doesn't and also i check out there code, many times i've referred to greycobra's/project-angel's code to see how everything works.I've also download some templates to look at but never use, seeing as so many other people have access to it and also i just find you feel a lot better if you know u, urself created the masterpiece and your visitors will notice that.

  16. Yes i do believe the psp can sort of be used as a portable dvd player, with it's special UMD's (Universal Media Disc) (60mm wide). On average a UMD disk can contain up to two hours of DVD quality. The disk can hold 1.8GB. So hopefully we will be seeing ways in which we can put our own movies on UMD. Otherwise if you have to buy a special UMD movie disk, it could become quite costly and would seem rather pointless, in you buying them since DVD's hold a lot more and i think more universal than the UMD's will ever be.

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