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Silent Soul X

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Posts posted by Silent Soul X

  1. I mainly use Azureus, as i found that my downloads were going faster in it compared to bitcomet. I just use it mainly for movies and albums and software. But in the future i'm going to try out the new and way better way of using a program like bittorrent check it out! Exeem-http://www.exeem.com/

  2. yeah i've got a wap site at the moment and it's got some .gif images that only html phones can look at (mainly becuase it's for me and my friends) and we all have HTML compatible phones. I also use wappy to redirect it to my wap site which i created by hand using wap code (i used WAPtor, it's a great program and once you know some basic html you can very easily make a wapsite with a bit of changing here and there with some code). Also i think it is now possible to convert your html websites to .wml files i'm nto sure but someone said you can.

  3. Yep the pictures are up and running, i think there must have been a problem like for 5 mins becuase i tried it on 2 browsers (firefox and IE) and still go nothing but it's all good now. So to my review since i can see you websie properly, It is a nice professional website and looks quite nice. In your stats box thing i think you should change the font colour becuase it's a bit hard to see or make the background a bit less opacity. Also with your navigation i'd suggest getting a background image or using a gradient because that plain blue sort of doesn't look right. Also fix up your "Rights Reserved" tab becuase it's got came text (ExaMplE) and nothing is more annoying then that, i don't think you did it on purpose tho. But other then those few flaws (and every site has them in the first publication) it's looking really nice and keep up the good work. Oh also i'd rate your site 8.5/10 since i can now see how good it looks ;). Good Job!

  4. I'd have to sort of disagree with you but it just comes down to personal preference. I found that the story is good, but very linear (just shoot and kill, but it seems the same in all games like that). And the sound and visuals are pretty good. But i found that it gets so repetative that after 2 weeks i haven't touched it for about 2 months. I like the story it's an excellent one and how you can chose what character you want to be (which in fact does actaully change the gameplay). The weapons are pretty good with a wide variety of them but in online/multiplayer it can get annoying with grenade launchers. Also with online it just seems to be if you know where the health packs and where the bigger guns are you can win the game. It doesn't really require skill that much as if you pick up the huge chain gun you can just mow people down.The levels are also very good with the variety in them. So overall i'd give this game a 6/7 out of 10 as it gets very boring (well thats what i found). Btw if you disagree with me on anything just remember it's personal preference, so don't go flaming about my verdict :)

  5. Well when i went to your site at 5:22pm EST (Australian) the pictures weren't showing up so i'm not too sure about how it really looks but all i can say is if the text is on that background lighten it or something becuase it's too hard to see also with the hover links, don't make it exactly whit i'd use a little grey/white so it's not an exact change from black to whitem, we'll that just my opinion for now, and remember i can't see any pictures at the moment so i might be totally wrong about how it really looks so far. Good Luck anyway! :)

  6. Thanks guys and i was going to get a domain from Dot.tk but i decided it's probably much better just to stick with my Xisto.com one because i have more control over it and also vladimir, how long did it take to get around $100 and how many hits did u get around, also do you have a link to your website so i can check it out thx :)

  7. I have fun designing web pages becuase i find it another challenge that is fun to do, also i have found that it has helped my in certain areas of doing other tasks in programs and just a general understanding oh how it works, and yes i agree it's ment to be fun and also i agree that black is being used to much in web designs. But i suppose it just depends on the content of the website

  8. I'm from Australia and i get 512/128kbps and umm i get 40gb. I'm with Netspace and we pay $AU69.95. We found that is a very resonible price for us and another ISP was chargin for the exact same price a 512/128 kbps with only 20GB. And so far i've found it to be a fast and relible service and at the start we were having some trouble with our password and we called them up and in 10mins it was fixed (we were just typing a wrong character, it looked very similar to another character)

  9. ISP email, stands for Internet Service Provider E-mail. So in that case most ISP's give you a free e-mail account for example,yourname@isp.netSo who is ur ISP, becuase in that case if they didn't give you a free account i'd ask them about it. Some free hosting sites get you to use them becuase then they know it's a real person. Becuase some people could create heaps and heaps of multiple accounts using hotmail and other easy to get mail accounts. That's why is a more secure way of getting good customers. And yes i've seen it done before. I hope that helped you! :)

  10. From what i gathered, google sandbox is a way of keeping brand new sites down the ranking in searches, to stop spam sites mostly from being right at the top. See a spam site would have numerous purchased links which would make it rank high up in searches. These spam sites would then gain heavy sales before google realises and bans them. And once that happened the spam sites would just keep on doing it quickly increasing their profits. Thats why supposedly google have released this sandbox filter to stop this from happening, so that brand new sites can't be at the top for a certain amout of time (it varies from between 1-6 months, with 4 months being the most common.) See it gradually starts wearing off much like sinking sand. You start off with it fully installed and then gradually it will be gone.

  11. Ok i'll try out blender and see how it goes (since i'm only 15 and don't have a job it sounds pretty good for free) and would be perfect becuase i haven't really done anything with 3D programs yet and since i don't have to pay anything i could then practice on it and then once i think i'm capable of creating quite good 3D renders i might considering going for 3D studio max. Does anyone have any cheap prices they've seen for it???

  12. Hey everyone and thanks, i know he doesn't look that professional but he's only 15, and i'd say if i stuck with him long enough he might become a real serious business man. As for the copyright issues, thanks Ploforia, i'm going to take up your idea of giveing him a low resolution copy so, he can still see what it is but it's pretty poor to use. I think that would be the best method as then he won't be able to rip me off that much and, i'll test him. I suppose it's all about experience. For the first project i'm going to be working on it will probably be a basic logo for a company or somehting. Thx again everyone for your help :)

  13. It's a pity i don't have g-mail at the moment, but as Stryker said if it has a good interface, customer support and definelty a good spam filter, thats all i would really look for since i only use about 10% of 250mb (25mb). I mean seriously can one of you guys who has gmail or another large (1gb or up) email host tell me that you have used atleast 50%, and if you have i wonder what type of emails you recieve. Becuase on average most emails i recieve are around the 10kb and under mark and the largest file i've ever recieved is 60kb (a newsletter with heaps of graphics) and thats not including attachments. Just out of curiousity what is the limit on gmails attachments?

  14. I totally agree with you there heim, If a company brought out a console that could have some of the features that a PC has, but still user friendly, then they've got a winner there. As it would be cheaper for the not so regular or expert users but who still like some of the features of the PC. Becuase compared to a PC, a console is a lot cheaper. But then if they start adding too much it would become too expensive or not user-friendly and that just makes the console look more of a rip-off of a PC and worst. So all i can say is give the console some more features and keep it cheap and i'll be happy. :)

  15. I've been following this program awaiting it's arrival ever since the closing of suprnova, Does it really have spyware becuase , then i'll wait until the Lite version comes out. I have to say from the information i've seen it's looking good. I think this is going to be the new kazaa of P2P once it's all setup and all the flaws are smoothed out. The whole concept of Bittorrent but in a Kazaa style is amazing. It has combined the best two programs in P2P. Here is some info about it. (sorry about this if this advertisement isn't allowed)Searching: Upload the file while you are downloading it Download from multiple sources Open .torrent files with eXeem™Publishing: Publish your home made movies, programs, etc. Publish files with just few clicks Publish in different categoriesBrowsing: Browse through the last 1000 published files Sort files by type, size, etc. Browse through different categoriesSearching: Search for 1000's of files Sort search results by type, size, etc. Limit search results with max. and min. file size

  16. My verdict would be pc as it is more powerfull. The variety of games but also it is so versatile. It's where i store all my music. I can burn DVD's and also use it in a variety of purposes as for chatting online (MSN), finding information, it has helped me heaps during my schooling years so far and the most important thing is i can design using Adobe Photoshop (which can lead to a profitable business).But on the otherhand the console is pretty good as such since it's a fun multiplayer investment. Where as with a computer you would have to network computers and that would be fairly costly. I know theres alwasy the other alternative of Internet gaming on PC but if your not with a good ISP, it may let you down. Also there is Network gaming on consoles which i have for my PS2, and i'm greatly pleased with the free service.With that being said my verdict still goes to PC, as it really is a media centre and so versatile and can make a profit with it (i don't think i've ever seen some make a profit by playing a console unless they are into designing, but still leads back to computer).thx for staying with me on that one

  17. yeah, his site is http://www.kylefx.com/ but i'm not sure about it since i found out he is only 15 (the same age as me) but if he's a descent fella well yeah. And as everyone says it's hard to trust someone, thats why i'm going to probably accept and see what he does and how much i get and stuff like that. And for what type of employment i think it would be only like once a month or so. Is there anyway how i can protect myself from my designs getting stolen if i decided to go with it and he's not legit?

  18. Well it may be useful for research to help athletes out but i don't think it would be useful for anything else because i mean shoes are shoes, just make them nice and comfortable, thats all i care about not so that they've got a chip or anything in them. I mean if your going to make something useful atleast make it something everyone would use

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