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Everything posted by shaldengeki1405241473

  1. Blindly supporting Kerry is just as bad as supporting Bush. Conspiracy sites have little to no credibility, so they're worth almost nothing when it comes to proof. Now, I'm not saying I support Bush- nothing could be farther from the truth. I've just grown resigned to both sides being amazingly foolish and idiotic at critical times, and I'm wondering how the rest of America can allow for this idiocy to occur.Since I live in a Republican state, but in the only Democratic county in the entire state, I think I have a pretty good idea how both sides size up. And I have to say I'm disappointed in both sides for degrading themselves to mudslinging and herding the rest of America around like sheep with misinformation and slanted figures. I would have thought we would have been able to move past this by now.
  2. >_> No, it isn't me. What're you talking about?How have I been? Fairly well, I suppose. BTW, MB doesn't support php. O_o;; At least, I can't find it. How have you been?Anyways... yeah. Most of your posts have to be decent. As in over 3 lines. And ten of them for a minihosting account. Please read the rules before asking... >_>
  3. And the chances for finding a cure for AIDS or HIV without the help of stem cells is looking slimmer all the time- we're always finding treatments that will delay or slow the development of AIDS or HIV, but nothing that can cure it with just one treatment.The same goes for cancer- by studying stem cells and how they reproduce, we could eventually find the reason why cancer causes cells to divide uncontrollably and thus pave the way for an eventual cancer cure.
  4. I used to listen to pop all the time, and classical, since I do play the piano and cello. >_> But recently, I've been getting more into rock and Jpop for some reason. O_o;; I think it's one of my Japanese friends that's influencing me.
  5. I've heard a lot of both good and bad things about GTA. One one hand, you've got an addictive game that allows massive amounts of freedom. On the other hand, you've got a disturbingly violent video game that allows you to shoot up almost anyone you want.I dunno, it's not the kind of game I'd buy even if I had the system for it. I'm not saying it's overly violent or the best game evar, that's just my personal opinion.
  6. My father switched to cable because he was annoyed at the massive downtimes that our DSL provider had. I was getting annoyed too, because I'd be working on something critical and all of a sudden Firefox would just tell me the connection was refused. XPHere in Iowa, cable is much, much better than DSL. Too many people here have DSL.
  7. I was born in Chicago, Illinois. After seven years of living there, my family and I moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.And after just two years of living there, we moved to Iowa City, Iowa, where I've been living for the past, oh, three years. It's so boring here... ;_;
  8. Yeah, but I'm too lazy to find it, even though it'd only take me approximately thirty seconds to locate it. XP
  9. Indeed. Then again, if you're going to kill someone, some would argue that these could be turned into weapons that would slowly kill the victim. I mean, how would you like it if your heart slowly turned into your liver? XD But yeah, if stem cells are allowed to be researched openly, we could find ways to counteract these weapons using the same types of stem cells.I voted for, because the benefits vastly outweigh the damage these could do. Plus, the opposition to this really doesn't have much of an argument- Stem cells now come mostly from embryos that would have been discarded and destroyed anyways (from infertility clinics) or from donated umbilical cords. With the proper regulation, we could prevent stem cell research from turning into a race to see who could clone a human first. (Though some people claim this already has happened, it hasn't occured in the open yet.)
  10. This is probably old news, but I'll post here anyways.Even if it is Mozart's skull, the legend of his music will remain. Sure, it'd be interesting if it actually were his skull, but I don't see how that would affect the international community in any significant way, as opposed to the effect his music has had on the world.
  11. I just thought I'd ask. Supposedly, in South Korea a woman's spine was repaired with stem cells, and she was able to walk again after many years of paralysis. I'll try to find the link to this if I can.... but yeah, please post your reasoning as to why you voted the way you did.
  12. I've been getting periodic injections of HTML code from my colleagues, who apparently find it fun to build these websites you all seem so obsessed with having. :PI'm out of date as well. It turns out I've been away from HTML for too long, and have forgotten most of it every time I go to a colleague's website.
  13. The people who change their passwords every month are paranoid.Unless they work in a security-integral environment, in which case it's justified.But still, having a completely meaningless 13-character password that you change every month is just paranoid. >_> Plus, if you don't use the same password for a few accounts, eventually you'll end up forgetting them and having to write them down somewhere.Which is even more dangerous, if someone gets ahold of it.
  14. Yeah, the Dreamcast died out pretty quickly... It's a shame, 'cause there were some pretty entertaining games for it.
  15. Yeah, I know a ton of people who play WoW, but my laptop doesn't meet the memory requirements to play it. ;_;Does anyone here play Ogame? Or does that count as a MMORPG? O_o;; In case you need the link, it's https://en.ogame.gameforge.com/
  16. I played a ton of CS: CZ over the summer when I was in China... but now I don't have the CD for it, or the CD key, so I feel deprived. ;_;I dunno, I don't see too many open CS enthusiasts around my hangouts, but HL2/H2 players are in abundance nowadays. >_>
  17. I dunno, just staring at a computer screen is generally entertaining enough for me to stay awake. I have to force myself off the computer every night (or early morning XP)
  18. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd go get Linux, since I've heard so many good comments about it. >_> I mean, I haven't tried it before, but a couple of my friends have it and have suggested it to me before.
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