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Everything posted by lhunath

  1. Not really, I use Dreamweaver in Coding mode only, disabled any code generation stuff and write it all myself. It's as though I'm working in notepad but at least I have some tag completion, which is very handy, and some colouring to keep the order and make it easier to oversee your code.
  2. You did know that the quality changes according to the quality settings you set when you save the picture... right? And technically, PNG works alot like GIFs.. palette based, that is..
  3. Lol... of course Windows is more popular. And the main reason people use it is because they're used to it. Nothing else. Not because it's easier or more user friendly or faster or whatever.. =/
  4. Wow, 100%? I doubt that will ever be possible. Software has bugs. You can't go around that. And if you want to stay as W3C Standardised as possible, just use Opera. I don't think there will be many more compliant browsers any time soon. Firefox does a nice job too, though..Yet, I can only cross my fingers and hope for the GBrowser to be the ultimate browser I've been waiting for xD. Bleh, Opera is satisfying.
  5. Right, I don't know what's going on here exactly, but I've mailed gazzin to enquire for information conscearning this issue. Could you tell me what bothers you about Xisto being hosted by Gazzin in the first place? By the way, I don't know how thoughtfully you read the bandwidth & disk usage calculations, but you do know that they're set up to prove the fact of overusage, rather than prove the truth? First of all, there is no way that Xisto will ever require all the space that is offered per account. Very few users actually get above a usage of 100Mb as disk space and 500Mb on bandwidth. Therefore, Xisto will not get into trouble for this. Knowing this, take also into account that OpaQue stated that whenever a problem would arise and the resources would turn out to be insufficiant that his credit card will immediately be debited to upgrade the account and provide for a fitting service. He stated upgrade the server, but if it's true that the server isn't his, he'll mean upgrading the account. Now, think about this a bit more cleverly than just reading what somebody said and blindly agreeing, because I can so see that you haven't thought a bit about the calculations. Isn't it more than completely logical for Xisto to start with the Plan1 package? Why would OpaQue pay for more, only to have a huge amount of resources that he wouldn't be able to re'sell'. He's paying $6 now, because $6 is sufficiant. And it would be very stupid of his to pay more if he didn't need any more. So allow me to quote you and toss it right back at you,
  6. I know very well that he's using a form and that mailto uses a clientsided email client. Which is exactly why I posted it. Using forms like this is rather silly, and if you really want to do it, then you should indeed use PHP's mail function. I think you should use mailto since it gives more power to the user, whereas a form is not userfriendly. Although you need to keep in mind that the mail PHP function is disabled on alot of servers out of security conscearns. And if you want to send fake mail, just use your own email client at home? Why make it all so hard?
  7. You can't use PHP or ASP for dynamic content......It outputs HTML, nothing else. It's serversided....
  8. How about vacations / holidays? Shouldn't there be a way of, like at the board, set yourself at away, with a reason, and if that away time doesn't exceed a month or so; it should be permitted?
  9. I don't see how any basic could be a good language for game programming. Sounds to me like some noobish implementation of the DirectX lib to make noobies that can't wait to start with the most advanced stuff until they know what they're dealing with, still have a chance at building something and showing something off as though it were their own.*whistles at the insinuated irritation towards it*
  10. Bull.Linux is just as easy as windows, windows is just as graphically powerful as mac, and as is linux. They're all just diffrent approaches to the same thing.What you state here is old. Mac used to be the best for graphic programs, but that was because of it's reputation, and because linux & windows hadn't many programs & support for that. They do now. That time is long gone, my friend.
  11. That's what I thought, but what the heck, if they want to go and replace all < with < 's and > with > 's, then fine with me; I won't be the one writing it
  12. QBasic is nice, but completely limited. You can't do a thing with it. You ought to try and move to Java, it's a very advanced and still easy language.
  13. exactly what I was thinking *sigh* =/
  14. For game programming, C++, of course, but Java is my fav language. Not as amasing in performance as C(++), though.
  15. Using what client? (and.. unlikely that a proxy will support that..)
  16. For total noobs, I recon? Flash MX 2004, DarkBASIC, ... For somebody who knows what he's doing? C / C++ Java (perhaps, perhaps =/) & OpenGl I'm assuming Application Games? Not webbased etc..? Flash is kind of webbased, though.. or just PHP if you're looking to make a webpage that's an interactive game..
  17. It's only possible if the other pcs on the network use your pc as a router / proxy / gateway. Or whatever server pc (on which you'll need to install this program). If you are connected in the same way, parallel to them to a router that gates you to the internet, then there is no way you can, unless if your router allows QoS or bandwidth managing. (You could check if it does).Otherwise, if you really want to, I suggest you go buy a hub to put in front of your pc, and a second network card to connect your pc to the internet with, and set it up as a gateway with DHCP..
  18. Lol! His ignorance, I recon. *whistle* :)Vlaams block my arsche.
  19. How does that display the html code...? :/
  20. if you run your code $a = str_replace (array ("[url]", "[/url]"), array ("<a href=>", "</a>"), $a); on test, then the output will be: [.url=test.html]test</a> (Ignore the dot in the thing, it's just to make sure this forum shows the url stuff instead of making it a link..) Look at your code. It will replace with <a href=>. Two problems: 1. There is no http://forums.xisto.com/ in your string! Look, only an , so no replace will be made. 2. Should any replace be made, how is your PHP going to know that it has to put the test.html inbetween the = and the > in your Anchor tag? Easiest is just using some regex.. function bbcode($a) {$sRes=eregi_replace($a,"\[url=(.*?)\]","<a href=\"\1\">");return $a;} ( I don't know for sure but you might have to escape the escape slashes themselves as well for the PHP engine to pass them to the regex... in that case, (if it doesn't work like this), use this: eregi_replace($a,"\\" ,"<a href=\"\\1\">") ) Php Regex Manual The best regex tutorial
  21. <pre> <p>lalalalalal</p> </pre> will show: <p>lalalalalal</p> rather than: lalalalalal I think that's what you need?
  22. Wow, for one, when you put it online, you're using the Online MySQL server. Your username there is not root and you do have a password. At home you probably used your own MySQL server, I'm guessing, since I see little other ways. But you need to change your connect statement so that it can connect to the host's MySQL server. Are you sure you didn't get an error about that..? Change your mysql_connect to: if(!($db=mysql_connect("localhost",$myUserName,$myPassWord))) die("An error occured while trying to connect to the MySQL Database :" . mysql_error($db)); And keep in mind that you should always check for errors like this, after executing a MySQL (or any other function) statement. Don't suppose that everything always works out flawlessly. This way, at least you know where things went wrong. Oh and, if you use select_db, you should select a database, not a table form a database. I'm not sure how your MySQL database works and what it's named, but it looks to me like you're using mysql_select_db to select a table, whereas you need to put your databasename in there (usually something like [username]_[databasename]).
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