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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. its because of what you have described IP banning is rarely used.Most home internet users have dynamic IP'sststic IP's are often routers shareing a conenction across loads of users,or maybe a public router.when ip bans are used, they are only temporary, and designed to stop someone who may be attempting a DOS attack or something similar.you can try and track users with cookiesbut they can be deleted.there is no way of 100% fool proof locking someone out without also kicking off evryone else on that ISP / router / proxy.

  2. your external IP is confugured by your ISP DHCP server every time you re-connect (unless you have a static IP)re-booting your computer probably will cause your ISP to give you a different IP.we had a thread about this before which had to be closed because of the constant torrent of mis-information.Some scripts get your IP from your web browser, these are usually wrong when you are on a LAN. But dont worry, the server logs will have your true external IP, they get your IP from your TCP packets.

  3. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn7470-mission-to-build-a-simulated-brain-begins/

    the whole topic has just moved from philosophy to science.
    Thjey say this will take 10 years before its finished, and begins to work correctly.

    but what will happen.
    what if this pretend person becomes self aware... will it nuke the russianss like skynet will ?
    and what would be the ethics. coul we turn it off ? should we turn it off ?

    with 22 terra-flops, i dont know what this will achieve, but im sure it will be very interesting one way of anouther.

  4. So who is really shorter in length and whose time is really going slower?

    Relative to what ?

    relative to the ship, the plannel is shorter, relative to the plannet, the ship is shorter.

    And in reality, the ship isnt realy changing shape, just the space that ship lives in.

    if you reduce the length of a glass window by a factor of 10, the glass would shatter.

    but the lorentz contraction effect would not damage the glass, right ?

    i dont think i understand the question.

    all of my "How it works" boots are in the loft at the monent.
    they have a cool article about syncronisity beeing relative, and not absolute.

    and a kick *bottom* explanation of the thought experiment that shows it.

    it involes clocks ocupying all off space, and trying to synchronise them by beaming nformation as light, and timing the lights trip and thus canculating distances to use while synchronising clocks.

    clock1 sends clock 2 a lazer beam and starts counting.
    when it gets a responce it stop counting, get the current time, adds half the trip time to it, and beams the info off, clokc 2 recivs the time, corrects itself. its a great experiment, hurts your brain, if i w#find a link, ill post it.

  5. What you need here is memtest86.

    Memtest86 is a bootabkle floppy, (or CD) that will put your CPU and ram under a very high stress test.

    instread of crashing, it will report the address of the memory that fails under high load.
    repeating the test serveral times will shoe you which stick of ram is failing.

    or possably mya show your CPU to be at fault.

    you can download memtest here http://www.memtest.org/
    its free, (open source) and there are instruction on how to write it to a bootable cd, or bootable floppy on the site.

    if you have a copy of knoppix lying around, that has memtest pre-installed, just enter "memtest" at the boot console.

  6. Does this mean that we will be able to use Mac OS with all x86 machines?

    I doubt it, Apple's main source of income is its hardware.
    But most of Mac customers are attracted to the company by the Operating System.

    This is why the x86 port of MacOS was scrapped (in my opinion)

    MacOSX is based on BSD, which runs fine on x86. i doublt it would be much trouble to port current MacOSX to x86.

    If the Operating system could run on people's current PC hardware, there would be little incentive to buy the Mac computer.

    just my 2p. LOL.

  7. Ive seen that experiment !There was anouther one where they stimulated the part of the brain that is thought to control humour.the test subject was made to rad a childrens book about rainbows.every time she read the word "rainbow" they artifically stimulated that part of the brain.this woman was having a laughing fit. she couldnt believe she didnt find "rainbows" funny before... she couldnt understand why no-on else in the room rfound it funny.she couldnt explain what was so funny about rainbows... just like normal poeple cant explain why its soo funny when someone pulls a funny face... its just funny.when they stoped the artificial stimulation, she was very confsed as to why she found "rainbows" funny before.while in the artificial state, it it all seemed real.In college, there was an end of exams trip to amsterdam. (marajuana is legal in amsterdam) so i decided to have a go, see wha its all about.anyways, later in the bathroom, i was about to fill a empty bottle of water from the sink. i was spinning the bottle cap off, when the bottle cap flew off, bounced off the mirror, and landed in the sink...what I saw, was slightly different.. my eyes in my current state, reacting slower saw the bottle lid go to the mirror, then my eyes continued to follow the reflection of the bottle lid, and land in the sink on the other side of the mirror.for a few moments i sbelieved in GOD, the X files and everthing.and when i saw the bottle lid on my side of the mirror, i naturally assumed that this was the lid from the otehr side of the mirror.the next morning i felt a bit stupid, but maybe we are all currently in an unusual state of mind....if the soul is real, and after we die and go the the afterlife... then we will live without all of the chemicalls currently influencing us.without the need for sexual reproduction, and without testosterone, and other sex hormones, we would all probably look back an wonder why we wasted soo much time chasing girls... but at the time.. it just seems os normal.

  8. you can prevent un-privilaged users from vuiewing or running the file.you can prevent un-privilaged users from going inside a folder.but you cannot hide the file, there is no need to hide a file, except to clean up cluttered folders by hiding configs etc with the '.; char.as for hiding running processes, there is no reason you would want to do this.you seem to be talking about root kits, but thats a big no no here.

  9. i am currently running 32bit firefox with java and flash on my 64bit Gentoo.There are advantages to amd64 arch.for example, the AMD Athlon64 has an AGP controller built onto the processor die, instead of the motherboard.when i first built gentoo, i didnt know it existed, and so didnt compile a driver for it.when i discovered it, and loaded the driver amd64-agpmy games frame rate went up by 25 frames.

  10. So now im confused...again, i cant remember the name of this experiment, but i will describe it.a long time ago, some physisist had an idea...we know, that if we put a sound pulse speaker in the center of 6 different microphones each one meter away from the sound source, and each microphone is positioned like the sides of a dice... above, below, left, right, front back arounf the speaker.by measureing the time delay between the pulse beeing given, and detected by each speaker, we can calculate the wind speed.. because sound travels at the speed of sound, relative to the medium it travels in... AIR.so this scientist assumed, that like sound, light traveled in a medium, they caklled this medium the ether.the earth is traveling how fast, around a sun traveling at anouther speed, in a galaxy traveling at what speed ? i dont know about now, but at the time, we didnt know how fast we were moving.the scienist set up the same experiment as sound, but with light, with a light aource and a detector, over a set distance, and times the speed in all directions.and the result was.....Light moved at exactly the same speed in all directions..which porvied one of 2 hypothesis...a: earth is the stationaly center of the universe (obviosly wrong)b: light does not travel relative to a universal 0 speed, but the speed of the observer.i can accept this...but here's what reeealy bakes my noodle....how many hundred thousand miles per hour do scientists think earch is traveling ??give that speed as a percentage of the speed of light.. we will call it speed E (for earth)it is relativisticly possable for me to travel the speed of light relative to earth.are we following so far ?so lets say i doo that, and i launch my space ship, from earth, traveling in th oposite direction to the current universal direction of earth.in other words, i an traveling at almost the speed of light, relative to earth, but slower than the universal relative speed of light...out of some coincidence, an alien, on anouther world which was traveling at the same speed as earth, but in the opposite direction. and he lauched in the same direction of travel to his home planet... he is traveling the speed of light faster than his relative zero, which itself was traveling at a speed.then we both meet in space... i am traveling at almost the speed of light, in the same direction.... only his relativistis zero was several hundred thousand miles per hour faster than me... and he overtakes me...again, this is almost believable..how how does the universe know where i was born.how does it remember what my relativistic zero is.and what if, one day i take a walk to the back of the space ship ?is my new relative zero the space ship im stood in...or is it still earch... is it possable for me to walk back to the front of the space ship, or would i be walking faster than light ????i dont understand relativity, because i cant grasp the explanation of the world relative... relative to what ??? relative to me, the observer ?no, becuase relative to ME, I am alwasy moving at my own relativistic zero. i can always go forward.WOULD i die at 99.99999% the speed of light because my heart couldnt make blood go fast enough to reach the front of my body ?would the ships computer fail to function because electrons from the back of the ship coultdnt move forwards ?

  11. But I suppose if you add a little hardware to supply artificial sensory input of sufficient complexity hmmm...

    or the brain could imagine the sensory input.

    with halucinagenic drugs people can go screaming off down the road running away from an army of pik axe wielding fairy's. such a huge distortion or reality from taking less than a milligram of a drug, which is then serverely diluted in the body.

    the brain, with the right nudge (in this case a drug) is perfectly capable of living in a dream world. the drug itself has no concept of fairy's or how your brain works, the halucinations are generated by the brain itself.

    A thing about time. Time does not exist. If our earth is not revolving and there is always a constant day

    time does exist, we can see it bending when you do strange things involving high speeds.

    i cant remember what its caled, but there is a disk shapes particle accelerator.
    the particle moves round in a spriling motion, with a larger radiu as it moves faster.
    and is only accelerated at the 12:00 o'clock position by a magnetic pulse.

    as the particle accelerates, they have to take into account time dialation when timing the pulses (also increaced mass energy) , especialy when they got abouve the 0.9 * c speeds.

  12. i386 is 32bit, all x86 arch's are 32bit.x86_64 is 64 bit.you can use either 32but or 64bit with AMD64.HOWEVER..... 2 things to take into account.....64bit java does not yet have a mozilla pluggin.and there is no 64bit Flash pluggin yet.so if you use 64bit Linux, and you want java and Flash/Shockwave in firefox, you wll need to use 32bit Firefox, which requires the installation of a few 32bit compatability packages.in other words.... you can use either, it doesnt really matter too much at the moment.

  13. Its always the un-deserving who die.A frient of mine drives like a ****. after getting arrested for driving 110 mph in a 30 mph zone, he crached at 120 mph and didnt suffer even a scratch.ive laid in a bath tub on my back, drunk out my mind and choking on my own puke, but i had friends who came to check on me.****s with your mind.i watched a program called one life last week, about a girl, pregnant at 12 years old, mother at 13, diagnosed with cancer at 14, and dead at 15.so many dissabled who would give anything to walk, and here i am... sat in a chair of my own free will, working at a computer.ohh the guilt.

  14. It was kinda hard to know what you were saying through all the typos.

    sorry about that, im getting used to a new keyboard, its much smaller than my last :D
    Well...... so many different answers, and so many pickes fans.

    i cant give a definate answer, because the theory of relativity is just a theory.
    but the prefered answer is....

    Observer C is fine. Because observer C is traveling at the same relativistic speed at observer B, and to observer B, the light missed be several weeks.

    so one person got it right.... who was that ?

    ohh, just in case you havn't been reading all my other posts in this forum, this is not my own riddle, it was posed by my phyiscs teacher some years ago in college.

  15. I think this amplification process is the key. Interestingly there is a connection here with chaos theory because amplification is a key part of what defines chaotic dynamics too.

    if butterflys wings causing hurricanes on the other side of the world isnt a decent example of amplification i dont know what is... LOL.

    I hardly expect this description to satisfy someone who favors determinism, but this at least is a fair description of a detection event.

    i dont favor determinism.. i just dont believe in true randomness.
    if thats a paradox, then you could say im currently in super position... lol.

    As for your last quote, i have read 2 things that completely disagree, and am not educated enough to take one side or the other.

    I have to salute you because your confusion reveals deep understanding

    thanks. before i decied to take computer science at university, i considered physics, and read quaite alot of the material... but eventually decided i didnt have the brains.

    but the argument still remains... if my brain can support me, and my self awareness, could it not support anouther. its already supporting one, ME.
    maybe a better brain could support 2.. or three, or a billion.

  16. jet, what you dont seem to understand, is that mass and energy are the same thing.the fasdter you go, the more energy you have, and therefore the more mass you have.the more mass you have, the more energy is required to accelerate you.mass increaces exponentially.at the speed of light, you have infinite mass.and an infinite amount of energy is required to accelereate an ininite mass.its got nothing to do with friction.

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