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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. You say computer can be reduced to a set of rules that they must follow, but the human mind cannot. You are correct im making assumtions, (i am assuming the non-existance of what christians call the soul)

    I believe that the human brain can be reduced to a set of rules... the rules of physics.
    maybe even quantum mechanics.

    Just because we dont know all the rules of the universe doesnt mean they dont exist.

    As for your point about the imaginary person not being able to do anything without the real person imagining them to do it...

    well here is a very interesting non-proovable debate.

    A computer has a set of instructions that it follows, a large number of different running programs. One of these programs is the virtual machine, all the instruction says to do, is run a virtual machine, imagine anouther computer... but the virtual machine itself has its own, completely different set of rules, its own different programs.

    i would say that the real computer has the ability to kill the imaginary one, but the imaginary one is dependant on the survival, electrivity, and processing power of the real one, but i would still consider it a seperate computer.

    When we dream, could you argue that the peopl we imagine are somtimes out of our own control.. i would not consider them as alive as a human, but maybe as mentally aware as an ant or slug ? (are ants and slugs self aware ? i dont think so)

    Im not saying that it is humanly possable...
    but if we contructed a coputer, and programmed all the laws of physics into, and simulated a small universe, and kick started evolution (playing god) would the microbes in this artificial universe be any less real than those of our own universe ?

    in an insane universe where electrons are spinning in all directions at a time... and quantim mechanics... maybe non of it beeing real is the most sane answer.

    some interesting links i found...

    and my favorit, a study showing how very simple rules, and produce very complicated outputs, neither completely predicable, or turuely random (just like your brains running on simple one neuron kicks anouther neuron)

    phto's in action...
    if all 3 blocks above are block, leave white, otherwise colour black.

  2. As i right this, im swatting at a huge fly buzzing round my head using a hair brush, but i assure you, as far as i know, i am not insane.One night, after a few exams, too tired to sleep, i was laying in the dark listening to my Mp3 player with headphons. the song was by a band called "Red Hot Chilli Peppers", the song was called "By the way"Its the first time ive heard that song in years, ive only ever heard it in rock city whilst quite drunk.Instead of the usual memor that come flooding back, in my half asleep state, possably dreaming i was 80 years old, still had the mp3 player, it still had the same songs, because computers with USB slots didnt exist anymore. And i was listning to be, beeing reminded of my youth.So i wake up, and start consdering the possability that time has suddenly reversed 60 years.( i read a study once about how tiny quantum particles being affected by future events, causality before cause, the end conclusion was that time doesnt move forward smoothly, it goes backwards a bit, forwards a bit, a bit like a mad random quantum pendulum, ofcourse, being slaves to time, we dont notice, as time goes backwards, we move backwards, memory are un made, etc etc etc)So knowing i was about to jump back to beeing 80 years old, i wanted to have anouther experiance as a 20 year old. I cant wake up my parents (they will think im mad) and tell them i need to talk because in 40 years they will be dead and i wont get anouther chance.time is running out... what to do ? Thats when i saw my radiator, a bit the corner of it, (hurting my tooth a little, when im 80 i may no have any teeth)Now thinking about what ide just done, i had to get up, turn the lights on, and think how normal this is. i know im not insane, im just thinking, beeing philosophical. (the fly is now on my monitor)I went into the garden (it was about 3am by now, we have had a new sofa delivered, the old one is in the back garden) it would be fun to sit, watch the summer sun rise, in a big comfortable sofa, in the back garden, contemplating life the universe and everything.This is when i started thinking about computers, and virtual machnes. X86 emulators.Inside a real computer, you can run a virtual computer.The virtual computer isnt real, but it can do real things, real maths etc.Th only rule, is the virtual machine cannot have more memory, or be more powrfull than the host computer. (its more stupid)Virtual machines can in turn run virtual machines, the same rule applies.this virtual machine isnt even running on a real machine.the pretend machine, is pretending to run a pretend machine, and yet the maths are real, accurate, and correct,What if, we froze time, and magnified a living human bran by a trillion zillian times.and spent all eternaty making an exact copy. same electrical resistance, same wireing, same everything. we make a perfect copy of a brain. both braisn in the same fireing pattern and electrical and cheical activity, not a single electron out of place.wont both brains function ?Now, building this brain is too hard... lets simulate it in a computer, pefrect simulation, perfect physics engine, perfect everything.wont the brain continue to function ?the chemicals in the brain arnt real, the brain cells the the chemical are acting on arnt real, but the simulation simulates the reaction perfectly.the brain continues to function.Now get rid of the computer.Lets say there is a super intelligent beeing with a super intelligent mind.This super intelligent mind Imagines anouther mind, much less intelligent... but it imagines this mind so acuratly, that this mind functions... its self aware, it feels love, is scared to die... the imaginary mind is not real, but the self awareness, and the mouitions are real.What if I, (and you, and our whole universe) are the imagination, of a super intelligent mind, which is in turn the imagination of an even grater mind... GOD for example.We Could all be self aware, but we are nothing more than the imagination of somthing else.The whole universe is a mind... or possably the imagination of a mind.an Insane mind, born deaf, blind, no sensory input... fed through a drip, gone insane, and imagined the universe in its diluded, drunken self.I dont hear voices in my head, but some do, they call it a mental ilness... are those voices self aware ? even on some much lower scale than we are ?the dilusion, of a delusion of a delusion.If i think to hard, ask too many questions, willl the deluden mind that imagined me be locked in an insan asylum, and have me silnced with drugs ?

  3. In single user mode, securety is non existant.
    However, to boot into single user mode, someone would need physical access to your computer, to enter the single user command before linux boots (in the grub screen)

    If your computer is left un-supervised around people you do not trust, you can add a password to grub like you said. but someone could circumvent grub with a bootable rescue CD / rescue floppy.

    so a password on grub is not enough, you also need a password your BIOS, to stop people from booting CD's or floppy's

    But the bios password can be circumented by taking the case off, and re-setting your bios.

    In Other words, Unless you weld your case shut, anyone who has hands on access to your computer can circument securety.

    For more info, read.

    to answer your equstion....
    as root run the command

    marla root # /sbin/grub-md5-cryptPassword: helloworldRetype password: helloworld$1$zShlv0$twgu4mY7e72psiK1PEbxe1

    the output string at the bottom is your encrypted password.

    open up /boot/grub/menu.lst with a text editor, and add the line

    password --md5 $1$zShlv0$twgu4mY7e72psiK1PEbxe1

    to the TOP of the file, must be the first line.

    ofcourse replace the encrpyred password i gave with one of your own.

  4. So...Things as they are now, People either Got windowsXP with there new computer, or they upgraded from windows98 / 2K with a coppied cracked version of XP OR built there own computer, and put a cracked coppied windowsXP on it.Things as they will be....People get windows XP2 / windows 2011 (or whatever Longhorns official releace name will be) they will have it for a year, then use a hacked / cracked version.Lets say for example, windowsXP cost £70.then (if i was a windows user, which im not, lol) i wouldnt mind a yearly fee was £12 or less, and thet guaranteed to release anouther version of windows within 6 years.That would be okay.Before oo much more ranting goes on, does anyone actually know what the yearly fee is ?

  5. I don't care what anyone says there is no such thing as 100% Anonymous Internet surfing. Sure this method may make it harder for people to be tracked but not impossible.

    Okay, Nothing is Impossable.
    but Think of how hard it is to brute force strong encryption.
    now take into accound the data has been strongly encrypted several times over.
    now take into account that the data passed though several random nodes.
    how many different possable combinaton of differen noed are there 100 to the power of n, where n is the number of times it was re-encrypted.
    now take into account the fact that none of these servers keep logs of this traffic.

    strong encryption * n * 100 to the power of n... with NO server logs.
    the encrpyted data only lasts for the split second it takes to pass through the node.

    read the documentation on the site.

    I am the first ot admit my education in encryption only goes as far as Computer science cource in College.. But this annonymous method looks sound to me.

    Do we have any cryptography experts here at astohast forum ?

  6. From what ive read, these 512 meg cards take a major performance hit from the memory controler, and you would be better off finding the same GPU / memory clock with 256megs instread of 512.buying a 512 meg SLI card is like using a concorde to nip down to the corner shop to get a pint of milk, and loaf of bread.Remember, your monitor only scans vertically at 60 htz, so any game running over 60 frames per second is just pointless waste of cpu cycles.These 512 megs cards seem to be more of a *Proof of concept* than anything usefull.PLUS, by the time they start making games, with a minimum system requirement of 512meg graphics cards, you should have grown out of games, got a full time job, and not have time for kids stuff anymore.

  7. What if there is no meaning.The only meaning to it all, is the desire to pass on your DNA.The only reason you have a desire to pass on your DNA, is because things that dont desire ot pass on DNA, dont do it, die, and therfore no-longer exist.Beeing Social is fun because because it gets you a place in a social hierachy, with potential mates (for sex)Fruiends are fun ecause of safety in numbers.Death of a family member is sad because its part of yuor DNA, making Death a sad experiance is natures way of forcing you to help your family, keeping the DNA alive.What was that phychologists name ?? Froid ?He was right.. everything you do, evertything that drives you is designed to make you pass on your DNA.The meaning of life, if anything is the attempt at immortailty via re-production.

  8. Ive got a Sparkle :)Yah, the fans sucks !!!when you turn the computer on, the fan is poorly weighted, is off-center and vibrates he whole card, makes a nasty noise. after a minute or so, the fan seems to center itself, and runs vibration free.my Geforce FX 5700 LE does not have an i2c bus, so it wont be able to shutdown on overheat.I een tried doubleing the GPU clock, and there is no performance increace...runs 50 frames per second normal, 50 overclockied in UT2004 with all graphical settings at maximum quality. And Anti-Aliasing 2X Gausian.so im going to stck as it is. Maybe i will replace the GPU fan if i find myself ina computer shop.

  9. But what if somebody evantualy finds a way to trace you back from node to node?

    what if someone fnd a way to make someone else burst into flames with a mere thought from the other side of the world? LOL, i dont think its possable without re-porgramming all the nodes to delibratly trace you.

    lol. Read the documentation on the web-site under how it works.
    Unless soemone re-programmed every node to not re-encrypted each packet before re-transmiting, and keep a huge log containing the packet sniffed contents of every packet passing through the node (which would eat up terrabypes of disk space quite quicly, and would need a hell of a lot of cpu power) i dont think anyone is going to be tracing yyou any time soon.

  10. By far the best port scanning tool is nmap. https://nmap.org/

    It can perform very sophisticated stelth scans, and firewall mapping.
    even things like ftp bounce attacks, and fully untraceable idle host scans.

    If a hacker tries to get into your system, they will be using nmap.

    Using nmap on a computer that you own (or are in charge of keeping secure)
    will give you a good idea of what a hacker will see when they attempt to break in.

    Like others have said here, You cannot protect yourself unless you know how the bad people are going to be attacking you.

    good luck.

  11. IcedMetal.
    In C++ functions can have return values, after these runctions have executed, they pass back a result. The result can then be used asif it was it was in the place of the function.

    take the function...

    bool PosativeNumber(int n) {    if n>=0 { return true; }    else      { return false; }}

    it returns true if the number you pass it as a parameter is a positive number, false if it is a negative.

    so in an if block
    if(isPosative(-10)) {  //do somthing}else {   // do somthing else}

    isPositce will return false, and the else code will run.

    in other words.. the computer wil act like the above code was just a plain
    if (false) {

    return types can be anything.

  12. Linux is not an operating system or server, its a kernel. https://www.kernel.org/

    Linux can be used as the basis of an operating system, (called GNU) and GNU can run a variety of servers.

    There are hundreds of different GNU/Linux projects, called Distro's.
    go to distrowatch.com and have a look at some of the most popular distro's read reviews, and pick a distro that most suits your needs. you can then download that distro from its home page (givven by distro watch page)

    By server, i assume you mean Apache. http://apache.org/.
    Most distro's come with Apache on the CD, so you dont need to get it seperatly.

  13. You are at comcast.net

    bash-2.05b$ whois

    Comcast Cable Communications, IP Services EASTERNSHORE-1 (NET-24-16-0-0-1) -

    Comcast Cable Communications OREGON-7 (NET-24-20-0-0-1) -


    # ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2005-05-21 19:10

    # Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.


    some whois reports are better than others.


    anyways, totally wrong :)

  14. Any application that can be configured to use a SOCKS proxy (which is almost anything)It works with any connection, its lightning fast on my 600kbps broadband, but ive no idea how it would perform on dial-up.its pretty cool, every different site i visit reports me as having a completely different IP, at the top right of each of my posts, look at my reported IP addressEDIT: just remembered, only MODS can do that :)my first post is my real Ip address, reported as 62.254.0.X (nottingham england)my second posts IP is reported as which is Harvard University in America !!!my third post is (Amsterdam in Holland)

  15. UPDATE !works like a charm, and easy to set-up.in gentoo linux, i just opened up a terminal...emerge torand it was done, then configure my web browsers, and other internet applications to use a socks5 proxy at went to whatsMyUIp.comfirst i was in Japan, revisited the site, and i was reported to be in America, an then Sweden.And the whole thing is lightning fast ! i can barely tell the difference between normal web surfing !this ROCKS !

  16. The problem with Proxy servers....

    1) they usually only work with http, getting one to work with MSN messenger is neer impossable !
    2) although they stop the site you are browsing from knowing who you are, your Internet service provider still knows exactly what you are doing.
    3) i hate proxies.

    What if....
    What if you first ran a local filter proxie, it doesnt do anything major, it just scrubbs any identifying info from your web traffic, things like browser identification, cookies, revelaing DNS info.

    then this proxie connected to anouther local service.
    this local service encrypted all your traffic, and sent it out to anouther computer somwhere in the world, then re-encrypts it, and sends to a different node.

    your traffic bounces around these random nodes, being encrypted, and forwarded a few times, then after serveral bounces, the final node de-crypted the traffic, and sent it to its true destination.

    All your Internet Serive Provider knows, is they you sent unknown data (encrypted) on an unknown port, to an unknown random server.

    And the end server you connect to , only knows the very last node that the data canme from.
    as far as the website, chat server, IRC server, MSN messanger server, EVEN GAME SERVER like Unreat tournament or counterstrike.. all these serbver know about the connection, is an IP address, or a random encrypting node.

    it would be completely impossable for anyone, at any node, at the Internet servidce proider, or at the end server to know where or who you are... only the end server, and end node knows what the origonal message was..

    but the message was re-encrypted at each node, and the path of nodes the data took is completely random.

    This i total 100% annonymous web use. (provided you dont give any personal data out... dont use email addresses you created non-annonymously etc etc.

    well guess what... this actually exists !!!
    and how much does this amasing service cost ???


    its completely FREE, and best of all OPEN SOURCE !!!!

    (and there's even a windows version)

    there are currently 100 encryptig nodes world wide, and as this progect was just slashdotted, we can expect the number of volenteer nodes to increace !

    Does anyone still doubt open source innovation ???

    go get it here !!! https://tor.eff.org/

  17. ive been googleing, its definatly a portocol tweak by msn.

    The latest release version of kopete is 0.10
    ive seen reports that the latest development version of kopete works, but ive ben having trouble getting it, its not accessable via the usual CVS.
    It uses somthing called SVN.

    I like the written art. i had a quick visit to your Other-Net homepage.

    The line "Hell is here in our mind" got me thinking.

    you use "our" as in plural, and "mind" asin singular, reminded me of star trek, the borg, loads of drones all with a single collective mind.

    also a bibe quote i heard in the cult sci-fi comedy red-dwarf

    I am Legion, for we are many.

    Wow... apart from the first 5 lines, ive gone completely off-topic.. oh well :)

  18. And qwiji - you're going to kill yourself man.

    its funny you should say that, im a bit of a joker.
    and i suppose it would make me smile knowng that after im dead, i'll give the docter performing the autopsy a little giggle :)

    a joke from beyond the grave :)

    I didnt think it would hurt much, as far as i was aware, its just the end that has all the nerve endings.

    I know decent tatoo places will not work on you if you are drunk, so dutch courage isnt an option.

    im going to amsterdam this summer, wether i get it done depends on how much peer pressure i get :)

  19. I have this problem with kopete.

    i recently upgraded to the lastest version of gaim currently marked stable for amd64 in the portage tree (version 1.3.0)

    and that works fine.

    Ive also noticed a new version of kopete was added to portage, so ill try that too.

    We are getting quite poetic here in this thread. Perhaps we should move it to a Poetry section LOL

    I WANDERED lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,
    When all at once I saw a crowd,
    A host, of golden daffodils;
    Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
    Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

    Continuous as the stars that shine
    And twinkle on the milky way,
    They stretched in never-ending line
    Along the margin of a bay:
    Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
    Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

    The waves beside them danced; but they
    Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
    A poet could not but be gay,
    In such a jocund company:
    I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
    What wealth the show to me had brought:

    For oft, when on my couch I lie
    In vacant or in pensive mood,
    They flash upon that inward eye
    Which is the bliss of solitude;
    And then my heart with pleasure fills,
    And dances with the daffodils.

    LOL. do we have a poetry section here ?

  20. Windows will mess up your MBR.Did you create the NTFS partiton with linux ? if so, you will need to un-do it, then re-do it again (windows uses a non standard partiton table, but dont worry, linux can use windows partiton tables too)Im speaking from experiance with windowsXP, but im sure win2003 will be similar.upon attempting to install windows to a partiton greated for it buy linux, it refused.i then selected to delete the partiton, then create a new partiton, exactly the same as the origonal linux created one.. then all worked well.unfortunatly, you will need to re-install your MBR, but this is a painlesss experiance.

  21. ive just installed the latest GAIM, that still works fine, so it must have been a random un-anounced protocol treaking by MS.

    i've never used AIM before, maybe i will give it a go.

    It will be pretty much impossable to convice my frinds to all use anything other than MSN.
    MSN is pre-installed with windows, and has games. lol.

    wow, jyst glanced at my clock, its 17:17.. last time i glanced at it, it was 11:11.. freaky.

    the most scary patnt issue is with ffmpeg library. if that goes, you can say goodbye to almost every media player.

    The linux users can still use OGG audio / video, but there are so many WMV / MPEG's out there, that wont be watchable (without win32 codecs and a windows licence)

    Hopefully, one day, MS will b in trouble, and reall regret making its OS so insanely incompatable with everything else.

    from http://ffmpeg.org/

    Signing petitions will not suffice. Contact your local EU representatives and educate them why software patents are a bad idea in the first place  and why they must attend that parliament session to vote against them. Make it clear that they need to stop the machinations of the EU council  and reaffirm the power of the EU parliament, the only democratically elected EU institution. For in-depth information and starting points to get active visit the software patent page of the FFII (Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure) and NoSoftwarePatents.com.
    Wish us luck, we will need it.

    FOSS has gone from strength to strength. Its truely an amasing thing, especially in education.
    with all odds againsed it, it is creating better software than major coorperations, Even is windows server was free, everyone would still use apache.

    and if all this gets killed off, just so microsoft can make even more money, im going to be serverely un-impressed.

  22. The american patent office is full of monkeys !
    Thats the only explanation.

    prior art obviously have no meaning anymore.

    i cant remember the link, but i did once find a web page full of links to stupid MS patents.

    within the last few years, MS was granted a patent of the "sudo" command.
    (named somthing different ofcourse)

    basically, they patented the idea, of a system that allowed non privilaged users to execute certain scripts / programs with high privilags.

    UNIX has had this for decades in the form of the sudo command, and user groups.

    Im pretty sure Windows is the only OS that doesnt have a sudo command (or somthing similar) yet they were granted a patent.

    Now, ive got to persuade every1 i want to talk to online, to start using ICQ. instead of MSN.

    The patent covers anything resembling a network that lets multiple IM users see when other people are present

    so the ping command is probably infringing too :)
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