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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. whenever im googling, i often stuble accross a blog, with a hit counter of maybe 15, even though its weeks old... one of those 15 is me, 7 of the remaining 13 probably someone who stumbled accross it by accident when googling, 3 of the remaining 6 are the bloggger himself proof reading for spelling mistakes, and the other 3 are his friend Bob.Lots of people are bloging, even when they dont realy do anything that interests anyone.Blogs of developers are interesting to users of the software, Blogs of rock-stars would be interesting,, (however i dont think a blogging rock star could be taken seriously, lol)But when i find a blog from some kid names suzan, who blogs about goint to school, and the some guy blah blah blah blah... i just have to think... get a life, stop fooling yourself into thinking you have a life, my publishing your non-life, then aqssumign the 15 hits you h#get are by genuinly interested people.Am i not right ???

  2. does the file "/usr/share/vim/vim63/syntax/syntax.vim" exist ?

    is so, you ca use a symbolic link.

    cd /usr/share/ln -s vim63 vim61

    next time an application tries to access " /usr/share/vim/vim61/syntax/syntax.vim" it will be routed, ad filesystem level to " /usr/share/vim/vim63/syntax/syntax.vim"

    this is more of a quick solution, a better way may be to find an incorrect config file, and correct it. look for vim config files hidden in you home directory, or in /etc/

  3. Many exploits, especially againsed network services are buffer overflows.

    often, what buffer overflows are detected, a payload file containing the correct conditions to cause the overflow, and inject the correct machine code into memory are generated.

    this payload has to be carefully crafted to cause the correct jump to the correct address.

    the problem is, especially with closed source applications, is that every porgram is the same, (same exe for the same porgram version)

    so why not run an application similar to pre-link to make each rpograms internal structure slightyl different?
    a vunerable software version would still be vunerable, but no 2 computers could be hacked using the same payload, and an attempts o use an incorrectly crafted buffer overflow payload would hopefully crash the server (which is better than getting hacked, and forces the admins to apply the updates / patches)

    i stared thinking about this after reading the man page of prelink.

    DESCRIPTION      prelink  is  a program which modifies ELF shared libraries and ELF dynamically linked binaries, so that
          the time which dynamic linker needs for their relocation at startup significantly  decreases  and  also
          due  to  fewer relocations the run-time memory consumption decreases too (especially number of unshare-
          able pages). Such prelinking information is only used if all its dependant libraries have  not  changed
          since prelinking, otherwise programs are relocated normally.

    OPTIONS:      -R --random
                  When  assigning  addresses to libraries, start with random address within architecture dependant
                  virtual address space range.  This can make some buffer  overflow  attacks  slightly  harder  to
                  exploit,  because  libraries  are  not present on the same addresses accross different machines.
                  Normally, assigning virtual addresses starts at the bottom of architecture dependant range.

    this may be useless to manual hacks, but againsed automated virii, this could be a powerfull tool in slowing the damage, and lowering the body count.

    Okay, you would first need to port it to win32, but the idea is there.

  4. Whats memory timing all about ????I have an amd64 computer, FSB = 400 Mhz (requires DDR PC3200 memory)i used to have one 512 DDR PC3200 memory module, but bought a second one. (Kingston memory)when i added the second memory module, the pc became very unstable.frequently crashing in windows, and reporting constant kernel panicks in linux.i ran memtest86 on the machine, which confirmed my suspicions, that the new memory module was not functioning correctly.I returned the module to the shop, they said they needed to test it before replacing it.they only had a 333Mhz FSB machine to test it on, and the module passed all of there tests (they ran a screen saver, and a defrag in windowsXP)I left them the module with there technician, to get it tested at full speed on a FSB 400Mhz machine.. (im hoping it fails, otherwise ive wasted £30.Anyway, one thing i noticed when i added an extra memory, was the bios reportde a different memory timing (it reported 1T where it usually reports 2T)this setting is automaticallt detected by bios and cannot be altered by users...the FSB clock was still 200Mhz (effectinve 400mhz thanks to DDR)and it got me wondering.... what is this 1T timing ???when they tested the chip, they only put the one memory module in the computer... maybe my computer failed because it had 2 memory modules ?????thanks :(EDIT:It turned out to be a bios issue, my motherboard was incorrectly detecting the DRAM latency timing.Also, the 1T setting is considered unstable, and should only be used if you are over clocking, OR your memeory is rated at higher clock rates than your motherboard.

  5. altering jump instructions with hex-editors used to be what all the 7337 h@)(0r$ were doing back in the Amiga days.anyone have an amiga ?i remember when you booted a game (cos thats what you did, games didnt run inside OS's)a crached game would show up a page bragging about who pirated and crached is.."Crystal Cracked" were quite famous.this bragging page would often have very amasing graphics, cool music.eventually, the bragging page became more important that the cracking.and this is how demo's came to be (or thats how the legeng goes)they also used to post the hpone numbers of the BBS servers that these hackers used to run.damnit.. i really was born 10 years too late.in the amiga days, we didnt have any of this Geforce FX 6800 SLI PCI-E crap !We had the "Angus" Chip, and if you were rich, you upgraded to "Fat Angus"and if you were really rich, you could go crazy, an buy a super charged "Fatter Angus" chip.and if you were a billionaire, you could rpobably afford 2mb or ram for $300.ahh the good old days.

  6. Ive just been tweaking my system, more for fun than anything else.Up untill very recently, i used to keep my swappyness very low, my swap space never went less then 98% free, but recently im computer went completely un-responcive for 2 minutes whilts recompiling a multi-lib enabled glibc, kde, and a few other programs. (i have half a gig of ram)i had been compiling for about an hour, and didnt want to kill the compile process, so instead i just sent it to sleep.but this didnt help much, because my very low spawwyness seting means the sleeping process (and all its memory) was not swapped out.so now ive been experimentiong with a much higher swapyness setting,ts quite difficult to work out which is better,ive been thrashing my system about with a few simple porgrams ive written, but its not helping muchAs for the windows part... well, number of linux users here = low...number of linux users here who do much kernel treawing.... very low.but im sure there must be some windows users have been tweaking swap.

  7. In england, a burglar knows the home owners dont have guns.so the criminal is very rarely armed. if the criminal is armed, he knows all he has to do is show the gun, and the home owner will back down, no-one is seriously injured.in america, the burglar knows that the home owner may hae a gun, and he knows that the home owner WILL shoot him if he sees him.The home owner is scared the burglar has a gun, and will shoot him if he can.you have 2 guys creaping about in the dark, both think they will be killed, unless they shoot first... some1 is going to get shot !burglars who carry guns dont want to add murder to there breaking and entering charge.In england, the only people who get shot are the gang members who carry guns themselves.its common sence.

  8. WOW....
    why are VB windows executables made up of 75% NULL.
    that doesnt happen on the GNU c++ compiled ececuatbales.

    yeah, ive completed it too, but i used the *nix strings command instead of a hex-editor.

    are we supposed to PM the answers, or post them ???

    lol, ahh, found a second set of passwords and usernames after i relxed grep and discovered the typo.

    passowrd is ###############

  9. Do any of you guys tweak your virtual memory / swap settings ?(either with windows, or linux kernel)have you noticed an increace in performance after your tweaks ?if so, how did you tweak, how much ram do you have, and on a typical use, how many applications are you running, how heavily do you use memory on your computer ???In the linux kernel, there was a huge debate about how "swappy" the kernel should be.one hal said the kernel should not swap at all, untill it was needed.. keeping the ram use high, filling it with buffers when it wasnt needed. (the normal linux way)the other side said the kernel should swap often Like windows, keeping the ram useage as low as possable.The advantages of the first argument, is speed. Provided you have a sencible about of ram, (hich is very cheap) application loading, switching and execution is fast... but suddenly slows then 100% ram is used from application data (not buffers) and suddenly the coomputer has to start swapping.The advantage of the second arguments, a slightly slower performace, but will allow more memory useage before th computer hits the wall, of 100% in use ram.the end result, (of the llinux arguemnt) was that users get to decide there own swappyness. (default is 60%))have any of you linux users tweaked this value ? (in the file /proc/sys/vm/swappiness)have any of you windows users tweaked swap settings in the performace tab of control center ?

  10. System RequirementsOperating System: Win XP or Win 2000 SP3+
    Browser: IE 5.5+ or Firefox 1.0+
    Availability: For users in North America and Europe (during beta testing phase)

    :( doesnt work with linux ? :D
    im quite surprised, it jus looks like a suped up proxie to me, couldnt be that difficult to port to linux.

    to pc_astray:
    i sent you a pm... No problem with you post, its just that the rules say you should only get extra hosting credits for things you write yourself. As you forgot to use quote tags, the system will have given you too many hosting credits. the note i posted is not aimed at you, its to stop other mods from re- adjusting your credits again.

    sorry for the mis-understanding.

    Ohh, and if you catch other people plageriseing material, please hit the report button under the post.
    i guarantee that a moderator will take a look.

  11. EXCELLENT !!!!

    Very Very Impressed.

    If you read my spoiler, there is an example of how to do it with an optimised brute force.
    In the first post i claimed that to complete this challenge you dont need a compiler, porgramming skills, or knoledge of c++.

    And mastercomputers has provided an excelent example of how.

    The de-crypted web page was this http://www.case.edu/its

    What did you think.. too easy / too hard ?

    The challenge is still open to anyone else who can give a way of guessing the password other than that provided by mastercomputers or myself.

  12. Very interesting point.Hackers wrote Unix., BSD, Linux, Hurd and GNU.Hackers reverse engineer windows only device drivers, making them available for other OS's.Hackers discover MS mistakes, i suppose if MS delibratly put a backdoor into there software, it would be un-missable to the hacker community.Its just the small percentage of script kiddies, who are mis-labeled as hackers by the media who give them such a bad name.Not too long ago, a vunerability poped un in Open Office's MS.doc format reader that would allow code execution. A ahcker discovered it, submitted a patch, and fixed it. The hacker who discovered it must have know much about buffer overflows, and how to us them to write virii, yet no virus was written, no evil done. knioledge of evil used for good :DThe computer enthusiasts ready do have a lot more control over the market than most people would guess.and the work of these enthusiats is becomming very mainstream, take firefox for example.It used to be considered trendy (in computer nerd circles) to use Linux.now thats pretty average, and to still be trendy you need to use BSD, or a more hard-core cool distro of linux, like slackware, gentoo, or Linux-From-Scratch.the nerds shall inherit the earth :( lol

  13. there are 2 rules...1) dont dicriminate.2) respect other beliefsBut how do you respect ones beliefe, when ones beliefe that a perfect god demands discrimination againsed a group (homosexuals)You cant allow such an influential organisation like the church to discriminate,but you cant tell someone that there god is wrong, without offending them and breaking rule 2.maube its time for a new new testiment ???

  14. This example assumes you already know basic c++ functions and classes.
    it is by no means a complete c++ tutorial, but should give you a good idea of the power of c++.

    In this tutorial, i will be using virtualisation, abstraction, and polymorphism to draw a simple picture.
    the code is not complete, because i dont want to tie it into any specific operating system.
    i will use onlt standard template library finctions, and graphics requires the use of OS specific API's/

    We are going to write a program, which holds an array or different shapes.
    and (if complete) would draw thenm ot the screen.. (for this example, the will just output somthing like "I am a circle, radius 12, x=20, y=50"

    It doesnt sound impressive, but we will be using a single array to hold different classes without using a container. In other words, its like having an array that holds some integers, some booleans, and some strings. it is normally not allowed.

    first, before the code, some simple definitions.

    Virtual functions:
    A virtual function is a function which apears to exist to some parts of the code, but aprears not to exist to other parts of the code.

    a Pure virtual function is the same, but has no function body. if a class has at least one pure virtual function, then it is considered abstract. meaning it cannot be used directly, but can be used as a template for other functions.

    Take a look at the following example program

    #include<iostream>using namespace std;class base_class {public:[tab][/tab]void function1() {  cout << "function1 of base_class" << endl;[tab][/tab]}[tab][/tab]virtual void function2() {  cout << "function2 of base_class" << endl;[tab][/tab]}};class sub_class : public base_class {public:[tab][/tab]void function2() {  cout << "function2 of sub_class" << endl;[tab][/tab]}};class sub_class2 : public base_class {};int main() {[tab][/tab]base_class BASE;[tab][/tab]sub_class SUB_A;[tab][/tab]sub_class2 SUB_B;[tab][/tab]BASE.function1(); // outputs "function1 of base_class"[tab][/tab]BASE.function2(); // outputs "function2 of base_class"[tab][/tab][tab][/tab]SUB_A.function1(); // outputs "function1 of base_class"[tab][/tab]SUB_A.function2(); // outputs "function2 of sub_class"[tab][/tab][tab][/tab]SUB_B.function1(); // outputs "function1 of base_class"[tab][/tab]SUB_B.function2(); // outputs "function2 of base_class"[tab][/tab]return 0;}

    virtual function2 in the base class apears to exist, except to the class sub_class, because this class defines its own function2, it over-rides the virtual function.

    we could have made function2 a pure virtual function be declairing it like so....
    virtual void function2() = 0;

    a pure virtual function exists ONLY to be over-ridden.
    you cannot declair an instance of a class containing pure virtual functions, and so if this had been the case, the line

    base_class BASE;
    would have caused a compile error.
    a class containing pure virtual functions is called abstract.

    Polymorphic objects. (the clever pointer)

    In C++, the pointer rules have been relaxed.
    a pointer of type XYZ can point to any class derived from XYZ

    the following code example is perfectly legal in c++

    class commom{};class tree : public common{};class bird : public common{};class car : public common{};class pan_galactic_gargle_blaster : public common{};int main() {[tab][/tab]common* array[5];[tab][/tab][tab][/tab]array[0] = new common;[tab][/tab]array[1] = new tree;[tab][/tab]array[2] = new bird;[tab][/tab]array[3] = new car;[tab][/tab]array[4] = new pan_galactic_gargle_blaster;[tab][/tab]return 0;}

    MAIN example, combining the 2 examples above.
    Armed with the ability to have an array of different types, and the ability to over ride functions,
    we can do some very clever things.

    we are going to write a simpe drawing program.
    it will be an array of different shapes, the base class will have a draw() function
    which draws different shapes, depending on how it is used. (polymorphic, to change shape! lol )

    // include the usual stuff.
    #include<iostream>#include<vector>using std::vector;using std::cout;using std::cin;

    now we need our common base class
    class shape {protected:[tab][/tab]int x_position;[tab][/tab]int y_position;[tab][/tab]int width;[tab][/tab]int height;public:[tab][/tab]virtual void draw() = 0;[tab][/tab]void setX(int x) {  x_position = x;[tab][/tab]}[tab][/tab]void setY(int y) {  y_position = y;[tab][/tab]}[tab][/tab]void setW(int w) {  width = w;[tab][/tab]}[tab][/tab]void setH(int h) {  height = h;[tab][/tab]}};

    This is ab abstract class because it contains a pure virtual function draw.
    the size variables, and manipulation functions are common to all shapes, so they go in the base class.

    now lets add some shapes/
    class triangle : public shape {public:[tab][/tab]void draw() {[tab][/tab]  cout << "i am a triangle" << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]height:" << height << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]width:" << width << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]X:" << x_position << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]Y:" << y_position << endl;[tab][/tab]}};class circle : public shape {public:[tab][/tab]void draw() {[tab][/tab]  cout << "i am a circle" << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]radius:" << height << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]X:" << x_position << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]Y:" << y_position << endl;[tab][/tab]}};class rectangle : public shape {public:[tab][/tab]void draw() {[tab][/tab]  cout << "i am a rectangle" << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]height:" << height << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]width:" << width << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]X:" << x_position << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]Y:" << y_position << endl;[tab][/tab]}};class dot : public shape {public:[tab][/tab]void draw() {[tab][/tab]  cout << "i am a dot" << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]X:" << x_position << endl;  cout << "[tab][/tab]Y:" << y_position << endl;[tab][/tab]}};

    each class needs to override the pure virtual function in the shape class.
    if a class failed to override the draw() function, then that class would in turn become abstract.

    finally, let se out super cool porgram in action.

    int main() {[tab][/tab]vector<shape*> shapes;[tab][/tab]shapes.push_back( new triangle() );[tab][/tab]shapes.push_back( new circle() );[tab][/tab]shapes.push_back( new rectangle() );[tab][/tab]shapes.push_back( new dot() );[tab][/tab]shapes.push_back( new triangle() );[tab][/tab]shapes.push_back( new circle() );[tab][/tab]shapes.push_back( new rectangle() );[tab][/tab]shapes.push_back( new dot() );[tab][/tab]// set all the shapes member variables (idealy, use random)[tab][/tab]for(int n=0; n< shapes.size(); n++) {  shapes[n]->setX(1);  shapes[n]->setY(2);  shapes[n]->setH(3);  shapes[n]->setW(4);[tab][/tab]}[tab][/tab]// draw the picture ![tab][/tab]for(int n=0; n< shapes.size(); n++) {  shapes[n]->draw();[tab][/tab]}[tab][/tab]       // clean up, prevent memory leaks.[tab][/tab]for(int n=0; n< shapes.size(); n++) {  delete shapes[n];[tab][/tab]}[tab][/tab]return 0;}

    the vector MUST be a vector of pointers to shapes, and not a vector of shapes.
    the the intelligent pointer that knows what functions to call.

    and just for fun, the output of the compiled program.

    bash-2.05b$ g++ TEST.cpp -o TESTbash-2.05b$ ./TEST
    i am a triangle
    i am a circle
    i am a rectangle
    i am a dot
    i am a triangle
    i am a circle
    i am a rectangle
    i am a dot

    Even advanced C++ isnt too complicated when you understand whats happening.

    Any questions / comments / surgestions ?

  15. 35% taxes on computers !!!so lets say you buy a top of the range PC, (over here in England that would rpobably cost £1000)Then decided you were now obliged to get your hands on £350 worth of pirate software, your already paid for it !!! why go into a shop and pay for it again ?then you get caught, but contest the fine and go to court..i wonder how the judge would find you... guilty or not guilty ?

  16. There are Linux versions of Doom through to doom 3 available nativly for Linux.not too long ago, Cedeger was reported to be working together with Valve to get Half Life-2 and CS:S working well under linux, im not sure hpw porgres is going, maybe its finished, see the cedeger homepage.As for other programs, Try to learn the linux equivelants rather than emulating.if you dont have time to learn, or cant find a replacement, then dual boot, or run windows98 in an x86 virtual_machine on linux, this needs a real version of windows98, but will emulate any software perfectly, unlike wine.

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