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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. Compileing the kernel is exactly the same in all distro's

    cd into the kernel source.

    prepair the kernel tree for a re-compile

    make mrproper && make clean

    optional: copy a base config file
    gzcat /proc/config.gz > ./.config

    optional: id the base config was for a different kernel version, update the config file.
    make oldconfig

    optional: tweak the kernel config
    make menuconfig

    compile the kernel, compile the drivers.
    make bzImagemake modules

    install the kernel
    mv arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage /boot/bxImage-versionmake modules_install

    and finally edit /boot/grub/menu.lst
    to load the new kernel.

    Wow... 8 hours compile time just for the kernel !!!
    lucky me with my AMD64 3400+ :D

    i can usually get a Full KDE desktop compiled from stage3 in an afternoon.

  2. Parted can re-size your partitons without deleting the data on them.

    for example, if your windows partiton has 20Gb free, you could shink it by 10Gb, and make a new 10Gb linux partiton.

    Next time you boot windows, it would be exactly the same, but show a 110Gig disk instead of 120.

    As for the boot loader....
    The boot loader is installed to the MBR. moving everything to /slacky/ will only move the boot loaders config file /boot/grub/menu.lst

    when you install gentoo, this will be replaced by gentoo's grub config file.

    when you move back to slackware, you would delete everything gentoo, and move slackware's grub config back into /boot.

    In Theory, the boot loader should not be messed up.

    and if the boot loader does stop working, you can fix it with the command

    grub-install /dev/hda

  3. I didn't know that. You mean to say it looks just the same ... or it is the same?

    MacOSX is based on a free Operating System Called FreeBSD.
    Apple Boast about this since FreeBSD is famous amungst nerds for being stable, secure, fast, and probably the most dominent UNIX environment available.

    Im not saying this is a bad thing, But FreeBSD already ported to x86.

    As for controlling the hardware, i understand this point.
    HOWEVER... Apple could just say that by Buying your PC from apple, you are guaranteed compatability, whereas if you buy somwhere else, you will have to check compatability yourself, make sure you dont have hardware that is not supported yourself.

    If apple publishes the compatability list, places like Pc world could then Sell computers built with only MacOS compatable components.

  4. 1) Did you corrctly burnn the CD ? Dont burn the iso as a data CD, burn it using the special option (Burn ISO cd image)

    2) Is your BIOS set to boot from the CD? see your mmotherboard manual on how to set bios to boot different disks.

    you can re-install grub by booting linux (off a cd, or on an installed linux partiton) logging in as root, and entering the command

    grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/hdX

    where hdX is the disk that you want to install grub to, and assuming the boot folder is /boot (and if on a spererate parttion, boot IS mounted)

    hda = primary master
    hdb = primary slave
    hdc = secondry master
    hdd = secondry slave.


  5. I have a problem with Apple's attempts to limit the PC's that the new x86 port of OSX runns on.In the oldern days, Apple produced a product you couldnt gt anywhere else,a Desktop computer running the PPC architechture (a competing arch to x86).both x86 and PPC have there advantages.With there Unique product, Apple also gave a Free Operating system called FreeBSD, which it customised a little, and added a new interface ( Aqua )This was all fine and good.Then they Port OsX to the x86 architechture, meaning that MacOS can run on any computer following the intel instruction set (including AMD)Then they add loads checks, to make sure that you bought your PC from Apple, and didnt build it yourself, or buy from del.com.Surely this is anti-competative ?they could charge what they like for PC's. And you would still HAVE to buy from them because MacOS has been crippled, to only run on that machine.Apple is a hardware company more than a software company, MacOsX is just FreeBSD (Free) running Aqua.Now they are switching to x86, they are just anouther PC company like Dell or PC World, that are selling there computers pre-installed with a Free UNIX Operating system, with Aqua as bundled software.Once upon a time, Making a product portable was very important, now companys like Microsot and Apple seem to be doing the exact opposite.

  6. I want to install gentoo on a trial basis only. I don't want to lose either of my installations because they are heavily customised and working as fine and as fast as I could tune them to. Is there any way to try gentoo out as a regular install? I know going for a virtual machine is one option, but for some reason I dislike using virtual machines. Will it be possible to install gentoo and again change everything back to the way it was without any harm?

    you could.... boot the gentoo instalation CD, and when you get to the par about configureing the disks, instead of formatting a parttion, simple crate a new folder in your slackware pastiton called "slacky" and move everything in the linux partiton into "slacky" then install gentoo as normal.

    after you want slack back, boot gentoo install cd, then delete everything in the root linux partiton EXCEPT "slacky" then move the contents of "slacky" back to where it stared.

    OR you could use parted to resize your 128GB NTFS partiton to make space for a new Gentoo partiton.

    my friends installed gentoo as a dual boot on his family pc ... now he has a massive increase on the speed of everything

    i know !!! its amasing isnt it !
    When you know your system well, and set the optimisation to match your CPU, and set the USE flags up to vut out the bloat you dont want, the system just flys.

    I was compiling a new kernel, AND compiling a load of KDE components (compiling 4 things at the same time) the CPU was at 100% in use, but the desktop, web browser, and everything remained perfectly responcive, the desktop was acting asif the CPU was just idle. totally took me by surprise.

    Ive started shouting at other distro's and Windows fo beeing slow to react when somthings going on in the background, lol.

    And dont even get me started on Emerge Portage.

    All distro's should use portage !

  7. This tweak can be done to any Operating System, however the method of applying the tweak may vary from kernel to kernel.

    this guide was for the Linux kernel

    Ive not tried, but i assume the code should work exactly the same with other kernels like the FreeBSD UNIX kernel.

    What error message do you get ? post it here.

    maybe the instructions need tweaking a little for different distro's

    EDIT: OOps, i think i may have forgotten to mention that you need to be a super user to run some of those commands, try running

    su -<root passowrd>

    before you enter the commands that cause the error.

    I have tried experimenting with overclocking the graphics card,
    i didnt notice any change in performance.

    but i wasnt willing to over volt the card.

    overclocking is only good for shortening your hardwares life.

    i dont recomend putting such epensive hardware at risk.

  8. So can arts, and its already installed in redhat 9 :DOhh, and how did you get alsa to do software mixing ?i cant find any documentation on it.EDIT: Ohh, you mean dmix and alsa-jack.While these will perform a little better than ARTS, i still think setting it all up on such an old distro is a little beyond most newbies ablities.so im still sticking with ARTS, lol./EDITEDIT2:WOW.... ive been so used to needing arts for everything, i didnt notice that Alsa now software mixes automatically by default (or at least it does in Gentoo 2005.1 )Linux is advancing sooo fast i just cant keep up anymore, scary to think what kernel 2.7.x will hold :S

  9. I would consider Gentoo to be Linux (From Scratch + Package Management)

    There's nothing you can do in LFS that you cannoy in Gentoo.
    Plus, installing the base of LFS includes hours of typing out word for word endless cycles of..

    tar -zxf someAppcd someApp./configure --prefix=/usrmakemake checkmake install

    over and over and over.

    when in gentoo, you get all the customisbility, but you can skip the hours / days of build time with a simple

    emerge system world

    I would treat Linux from scratch as a learning experiance more than an every day use desktop distro.

    I built a few Linux from scratch systems. And now i have a much greater understanding of how GNU and Linux work, but im still a gentoo fan :D

  10. Jipman, Author of the web-based wacking challenges.

    And still I say that this one is much easier than number two. Try thinking of WHY that warning is there.


    wait...is challange 2 easier?


    I would say you may not even need knoledge of PHP, aslong as you understand the underlying basics of the html POST tag ( and how it interacts with CGI possably)

    Im still waiting fro the knolegde of how to telnet through the tor network to pop into my mind.

    Maybe someone should post a spoiler here? i think if people have not worked it out by now, they never will.

  11. I wouldn't be so sure on your place. Some Linux systems eg. Mandrake/Mandriva does not support Nvidia. I don't mean it doesn't at all, but installing the correct (any) drivers is very difficult and might still not work.

    The nVidia OpenGL GLX binaries contain some closed source texture compression algorithms.
    Because of this, the nVidia driver cannot be distributed WITH your installation cd's.

    However, All linux distro's will work with nVidia Graphics cards 100% when you download the driver from nVidia.com.

    to dhanesh:
    Read the first post, there is a guide on how to detect if your card supports FastWtires and Side Band Addressing.

    However from your confusion with the basic UNIX filesystems and commands, i would recomend you bcome more comfortable in linux befiore atempting this tweak.

    If you have one of the unstable VIA chipsets, you will need to know how to use a little command line to get your system running in graphical mode again.


  12. I dont like where MS is going with its operating systems.For example, i read that the vista kernel will not allow access to the CD-ROM drives, except though the kernel's filesytem drivers.This means it will be much more difficult to *rip* audio cd's into compressed mp3's.Put an audio cd into windows, and try to browse the disk, all you can see is shortcuts to the music files, you cannot drag copy the music onto thje hard disk.This is the current copy protection.CD-Rippers work by ignoreing the filesystem on the CD, and directly accessing the raw data on the disk.so to rip a CD in vista, you will need to install a *hacked* cd-rom driver of some sort that will allow direct UNIX style disk access ( similar to /dev/cdrom ).And im pretty sure this Trusted computing thing will prevent users from installing kernel level drivers that havent beem digitally signed by the pope.I agree that the end result is good, it makes it slightly harder to distribute copyrighted material, but it limits the users ability to do *cool things*for example, write encrypting cd's.I want my computer to do what i tell it to do, true, somtimes ripping cd's is illegal, but sometimes its not. Dont tred on everyones rights, just to slightly inconvinience a few criminals.

  13. It would be technically straightforward to provide an OpenGL ICD within the full Aeroglass experience without compromising the stability or the security of the operating system. Layering OpenGL over Direct3D is a policy more than a technical decision.

    Like i said, Its not difficult to use OpenGL AND DirectX at the same time.. Windows 98 could do it, as could Windows 2000, as can windowsXP.

    There is NO need to laer OpenGL over DIrectX, there is no Benefit in using OpenGL over directX.

    there is no need or point in....
    Locking OpenGL to an old version (1.4)
    Wasting CPU time *translating* Old OpenGL to DirectX

    Microsoft are sabotaging a rivals product, making it apear to be much xloser than it really is, shielding new versions of OpenGL from its customers, And attempting to gain anouther Monopely.

    They are not competing fairly, they are damaging inovation, and DELIBRATLY selling there customers a broken product, to turn them onto the MS version.

    When Vista comes out, benchmarks will show computer gamers benchmarks of OpenGL vs DirectX, show that DIrectX is 50% faster, in turn causing game customers to demand DirectX from developers, attempting to put an end to OpenGL, and make it even harder to port Software to other *NON MICROSOFT* platforms.

    MS has always *cheated* a little with OpenGL, for example, OpenGL is now on version 1.5 (version 2.0 if you have a super new card) But MS Windows still only supports version 1.1 of OpenGL.

    but now they have gone too far.

    Windows Vista will seriously degrade OpenGL by implementing it via Direct3D.
        "In practice this means for OpenGL under Aeroglass: OpenGL performance will be significantly reduced - perhaps as much as 50%, OpenGL on Windows will be fixed at a vanilla version of OpenGL 1.4, No extensions will be possible to expose future hardware innovations.

    HOPEFULLY, Ms will be bullied into fixing their policy on OpenGL.
    Both ATI and NVIDIA (Especially Nvidia, who are at the top as far as OpenGL is concerned) are talking with MS to *resolve* this issue.

    Link from NVIDIA's news site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  14. the x86_64 architechture is an extension of x86.
    the Athlon64 by AMD is truely a graat CPU, it can run 32bit AND 64bit code at the same time.

    I use 64bit Linux on my system, BUT macromedia have not yet released a 64bit flash pluggin, (and untill recently, neither had Java) So im using a 64bit operating system, with mostly 64bit applications, and the 32bit version of Firefox, Flash, Shockwave, and Java.

    In other words, 64bit is backwards compatable with 32bit software... but 32bit CPU's are NOT fforward compatable with 64bit applications.

    Another question: So, is Windows 64-bit better than Windows 32-bit? If so, how?

    yes and no...

    32bt computers have 32bit busses, the 32bit address bus is pnly capable of addressing 4GB of RAM memory at once, 64bit cpmputers can address MUCH more ram. (for the future)

    64 bit CPU's are more registers, if you use them, you can better optimise porgram code.

    basically, a 64bit cpu has doble the word length of a 32bit machine (google for wodlength and cpu's)

    so on my computer, if i compile the same program twice, once as a 32bit porgram, and once as a 64bit porgram, the 64bit version will run more efficianyly and faster.

    So if you were a linux user, and had a 64bit CPU, i owuld recoment using 64bit linux.
    But was a windows user with a 64bit CPU, i would recomend you stick with 32bit windows.

    The difference between 32bit and 64bit operating systems is invisible.
    no different features, just differently optimised asseemble code / machine code.

    Windows is DEFINATLY not ready for 64bit.

    i think windows-XP-64 was so windows doesnt seem too far behind when Linux / Unix users have been using 64bit for a while now.

  15. im a gentoo user !!!!!Gentoo is pretty much the opposite to OpenBSD in manyways.Okay Okay there both Unix like, and both make excellent servers, But Gentoo is Bleeding edge, very up to date, patched, and secure.Can be an excelent server or desktop machine.OpenBSD usually runs quite old versions of software,only uses code that has been checked checked, and re-checked at the code levels for mistakes, bugs and holes. And is 100% aimed for use as a server.I dont need that level of securety, and i use my machine as a desktop more than a server, so if anything i would go for FreeBSD or DesktopBSD.

  16. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    There are currently 2 different API's for controlling a graphics cards processor,
    1) THE INDUSTRI STANDARD OpenGL by SGI (https://www.opengl.org/)
    2) Microsofts DirectX.

    Currently, Graphics cards are compatable with both OpenGL and DirectX.
    OpenGL is a cross platform API, and can (and is) used for many games consoles, pc's and Apple macs.
    DirectX is a microsoft only API, which only works with products bought from microsoft.

    OpenGL was the first, and untill quite recently, wiped the floor with DirectX.

    In my opinion, DirectX caught up, and started producing similar performace and quality to OpenGL around the time of the release of windowsXP. (remember Half-Life 1.0 on windows 98 ? ran smooth on OpenGL, and with several seconds of mouse lag on DirectX)

    Today, OpenGL and DirectX are very similar in speed, and quality.

    Competiton is a good thing, But Microsoft need to re-think there stance on OpenGL for windows Longhorn (vista)

    Currently, in windowsXP, DIrectX is given a slight advantage by beeing built into the Operating system, OpenGL is a seperate module, and optional. But in Vista, they are planning to plain and simply kill off OpenGL.

    Windows Longhorn (Vista) will..
    1) NOT allow OpenGL applications to access the graphics card.

    2) OpenGL applications will run on a *virtual graphics cars*, the Craphics card will use DirectX to Emulate OpenGL, causing an estimated 50% reduction in performance.

    3) Untill recently, DIrectX had the more advanced Grphics Library, OpenGL recently released version 2.0, (only very new, expensive graphics cards support OpenGL 2.0 at themoment) which was to put OpenGL back in the lead.
    Longhorn will LOCK the openGL emulation to un-optimised Vanilla version 1.4

    Why i REALLY hate MS for this plan...

    1) It is obviouse that MS is forcing developers to use ONLY DirectX. (for the performace, not openGL is crippled)

    Developers like OpenGL because it is portable, OpenGL allows games to be poerted to Games COnsoles or other operating systems like MacOSX, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris....

    But DirectX can ONLY be ported to MS's X-Box.

    2) Since OpenGL applications will nolonger have direct access to the graphics card, then Graphics manufacturers may stop making OpenGL compatable graphics cards.

    if this happens, Microsoft will have complete monopoly modern computer games.
    Only MS producs will have accelerated 3d graphics.

    Okay, okay... so what's MS's excuse for sabotaging a rivals product on its operating system ?

    the answer is.....

    Windows is not capable of using both DirectX and OpenGL at the same time.
    Meaning starting up an OpenGL application would cause the special desktop effects lik transparent menu's to be tempreraly dissabled.

    GRRRR... !!!

    1) When OpenGL applicatons (screen savers / full screen games) are running, the user wont be looking at the cool new pointless fading effects.

    2) I would rather have a NON-trasparent "start" menu than 50% graphical performace drop.

    3) WHY?
    Why cant windows use 2 different graphics API's at the same time ?
    Xorg in Linux can !!!
    surely this is a weakness of the operating system, and should be fixed rather than exploited to remove a rival company.

    Im no lawyer.... but SURELY this is going to cause a huge, and totally un-winable Anti-Trust lawsuit for microsoft.

    what do you guys think ?

  17. Righty.Unless you have a really cool sound card, it will not support hardware mixing.Your sound card can only play one sound at a time, and therefore the sound cards device node can only be opened by one application at a time.The solution is.... Software mixing.In the oldern days, the KDE software mixer wasnt up to much, so most applications were designed to grab exclusine access oto the sound card.thankfully, the KDE audio mixer (arts) is alot better now, almost no lagg etc etc.You realplayer cannot open the sound device becasee ARTS (the software mixer) has exclusive access to it.There are 4 possable solutions (i would recomend 3 or 4)1) dissable arts, let whatever program you are using at the time have complete direct access ot the sound card.2) set arts to release the sound card after a period of inactivity, (maybe 5 seconds)so that KDE and your media applications can share the sound card. (i dont recomend this)3) Find a pluggin, or configure your media software to use the arts sound server. (i recomend this)4) if there is no "Use ARTS sound output" option for your media player, use the arts sound wrapper.for example, if the name of your porgram is realplayer, run the command "artsdsp realplayer" The arts sound server will now *look* like a real sound card to your media applications, and sound will mix nicely.In Linux, programs are usually designed by default NOT to use arts, because not everyone has KDE installed and running.using option 3 or 4 will allow all your noisy applications to play sound at the same time, (like MSwindows does)enjoy.

  18. The reason i made the buffer so small was to add an extra hurdle to the challenge.I believe one way around it is to store the shellcode in an environment variable.The origonal chalenge here, is to simply "Make the server do somthing it shouldnt"So you dont nessecerily need to spawn a prompt to succeed.Jipman managed to overflow the EBP register, and jump execution to a different part of the main() function.I believe 20 bytes is plently of buffer to insert shellcode to cause the program to exit cleanly with EXIT_SUCESS.Although a shell exploit is possable, i will be very very very very impressed if you succeed. That is way beyond the scope of the challenge.good luck :D

  19. Maybe a more accurate comparason of Linux / Windows to cars, would say that Linux is a Kit Car, or a mancufactured car that comes with full documentation, and perfectly follows industry standards. The car can be modified, tuned for any specific needs. parts can be removed / changed.Windows is like a fully enclosed car, the bonnet is welded shut, any attempts to open the bonnet is an attempt to steal the intelectual property contained within / copyright theft.Although the car compny may be nice enough to tell you that its a petrol car, with 4 4-stroke cylinders, the specific details are secret. It is illegal to modify, hack, change the car.The second example, the windows car is absolutly fine for most of the population.Most of the population dont care how it works, dont desire to modify it, wouldnt know how to modify it, and wouldnt know what to do if it broke down anyways. The car is designed to be an all round car... it does everything OK, but is not the *BEST* car for a specific task ( fuel efficiancy / max acceleration / safety ) A car cannot be the most fuel efficiant car, AND the fastest.But, for the mechanics (the nerds) who have the knolege and desire to customise there machine, the second car is just not acceptable.Take the lastest Linux Operating system, for example slackware.Slackware can be set to be windows-like... using high resolution graphical desktop with all the shiney pretty animated desktop things that look nice, but are ultimatly useless.The latest version is usually more efficiant and secure.Slackware could easily be configured to run on a very very old i386 (predating the pentium1 machines) on 8Mb of ram, to run a network firewall / router.or a file / print / mail serverthis change takes only seconds to configure.Hands up anyone who thinks they could get MS most secure Operating system (winXP sp2 / longhorn) to run on an i386 with 8megs of ram.If you just want to take the kids to school then go to work, use the second car.If you want to compete in Formula1 or rally driving, you NEED access to the engine, you need the first car.If you want to drive your car accross the surface of the moon, your gonna need to make some very drastic changes, an electric engine for one (or an air tank for your carb) you need the first car.

  20. ne of the basic premises abt vedic cosmology is that the universe is eternal, it was never created and will never be destroyed,

    then how do you explain the fact that the universe is expanding ?
    yesterday the universe was smaller than it is today.
    last week it was smaller still
    last year smaller still
    millenia smaller still.
    600,000,000,000 years ago smaller still...

    so at some point in time, it must have been a point, or non existant ?

  21. WindowsXP doesnt actually store passwords, it uses a destructive algorithm called MD4 to create a hash ( a fingerprint ) or the passwords ( in the files reported by BabyTux ).So you cant just read them. However they can easily be brute forced, WindowsXP converts all login passwords to UpperCase before hashing (which is pretty stupid, it halfs the securety)Make sure your passwords are 7 character or longer, and are not made up of dictionary words.

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