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Everything posted by wow

  1. sounds like you have a swf to fla decompiler. I would have to have a look at it to be sure. I've found to types of decompilers for flash one type only decompiled the swf into fla frames along with the image library. the other one decompiled the action script for the frames that required it, but dont take my word for it I'm just learnning I dont think you can.
  2. Also never install your apps to boot on startup if so msconfig them out,and only run them when needed.
  3. I have a nasty ad popup. Have anyone here has the winfix2005 ad popup? And if so how did you remove it?If I were to use regedit what would I be looking for? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported.
  4. Hello, Webviper Seems you have all the tools...lol. Wish I had the serials to some of those...hahaha. I'm not sure what kind of logo your looking to make, but I have made some nice 3-D logos with Xara 3-D. I have also used it in conjuction with some of the softwear you mentioned. Heres the address: http://www.xara.com/us/products/xara3d/
  5. Hello, sakalIn Dreamweaver, hitting the Enter key makes a full paragraph break. To make a single line break, hit Shift-Enter.Dreamweaver will only allow the user to make one space between characters with the Space Bar. You can add more spaces (called "Non-Breaking Spaces") by choosing the Character tab in the Insert menu, which is directly above the work space, and choosing the Non-Breaking Space button, which is the second from the left.Don't use the Non-Breaking Space to align text into rows or columns, that is best done with a table. If you use nbs to align text, it will look different from computer to computer, depending on how that person has set their text size and screen preferences. Using a table ensures that your neat rows will still be neat rows, no matter what computer.As far as the templet goes as far as you rename the file you'll always have the original.I suppost you have red the help section lessons in the dreamweaver IDE. I would goback, and reread the part on tables.
  6. Hello, sanbeandYes, I figured that part out,and I can run my work or the samples,but only locally.I just installed apache http server,and have not installed the comm server there yet.I could use some help getting this all setup so I can go public.Can you helpwith this?
  7. Hello, jlhaslip I got the thing to work thanks for the fast reply.I'm going to have to mess around in there awhile to figure out the file structure.Whats the differance between the public.html folder, and the www folder?At any rate heres my page I just wanted to get something on there to get started with so its just my logo and a menu nothing big. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. I'm a first time user of Xisto.com cpannel.I have ftped the html file, and the animated image gif file onto the server.I have two questions.Why cannt I get the image to display?And how do I remove trapes head on the page?I'm getting the big red X place hold for my image.This code works on other host that Ive used It must be how the file path is, and the way the file structure is on the server.Would any of you be willing to give me a hint how this works? Feeling really Dumb...lol WoW
  9. Speaking of sql injection.How is that done?Can you post a tutorial on it?Not that I want to do it ,but as you say to beware,and how to write a script that makes it hard pressed for who ever to do this.
  10. Hi, roundI would like to see your fla file on that.Flash makes a communications server you can get the developers version for free at the macromedia web site it will let you connect to another flash movie.If your trying to connect over the web you must run the communications server within an http server from what Ive red about it also smartfox makes a portable gamming server that will do the same.Ive tryed both, but I havnt yet tryed going public yet
  11. I havnt really installed any mods,just a new skin ,and gave it a working over...lol.Has anyone here added chat to there forum?Can it be found,and done for free....hehehe wow likes free.
  12. HelloAnyone in the forum here have flash communications server installed on thier machine along with an http server,and got it configured to deploy swf applications. I'm just getting started with the setup,and would like a list of users that I could call on for help from time to time.If there are some of you out there what http server are you using with it,and do you have an applications server running with it as well? Hoping for some Replys WoW
  13. wow

    Need Free Ftp Client

    A free ftp? well I think that would be your browser I use mine all the time as an ftp.
  14. This is the forum I admin,and you will find our chat systems we are testing at the moment there as well feel free to use our chat systems,and forums is a no ad site,and no censoring. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported.
  15. I have tryed to upload my avatar image it is 64 x 64,3k in file size,and gif format why isnt the image displaying?
  16. psp7Dreamweaver mx 2004Fireworks mx 2004Fash mxFlash mx 2004 proswf to fla decompilerFlash comunication serverPower DVDKrakgoldwaveadobe readerDev C++Neroapache http serverthe rest is on desk.
  17. I'm using Power DVD also. I was looking for a dvd player that I could use to capture frames from my dvds to use to make animations for flash pages.It plays movies ok,Ive only figured out how to capture every other frame which seems to work ok as well unless you do it manually then I was able to cap each frame, but I didnt feel that was necessary to get a good animation.
  18. If your looking to build flash programs then you can find the new IDE here. http://www.adobe.com/downloads.html?promoid=BIOD If your looking just for the flash player you can find it there as well.
  19. What are you trying to do install a http server?
  20. I dont know what file you need to get, but you can edit your php file with notepad.
  21. wow

    Paintshop Pro

    That is an eazy one. You have more format options available to you plus it comes with animation shop
  22. I got a few replys to my last two animations,and I will try to answer them all in this one post.First off I hope I didnt get anyone angry that I posted in this forum about flash. 2nd maybe I should have asked what a sig was? To me images are graphics regaurdless if they are animated or static. Flash is object orianted.An object is an image may it be a button or what ever.In the case of a button the button image is asigned action script with makes it interactive to the user.such as an image map which is no more then a graphical interpitation of a hyper link. The softwear that I used to do this is as follows.I used a dvd player that has the capability to capture frames from a dvd.The player I used is called PowerDVD.You must turn off the overlay feature in the player otherwize you will cap what is called a blank.A blank can be any color,but most of the time they will be black.I set the capture to auto capture ever 1 secound which is the lowest this player will offer you to do .If you feel the need to capture every frame you must do that manually.After I had captured all the frames I felt I needed to make the animation I used psp's animation shop 3 to build the animation. I suppost I could have compressed the file size more,but I elected not to.Then I exported the animation to the flash IDE. In flash there are two ways to do an animation frame by frame or tweening.In this case it is frame by frame.Once in flash I then compiled it which gives you the formats that you have selected in the publish window in this case I selected swf,and html.The swf file is the compiled file of a fla file.The html file is your web page code that has the flash player embeded in it.Both these files are then uploaded to your hosting server.If you need more info on this feel free to pm me.
  23. This is my latest it isnt embed into the flash player yet ,and is still being refined. Forgive me for using geocities.....lol https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/
  24. This is the first movie clip I done when I started with flash.I used psp7 and caped some frames from a water ad. I caped the sound wav with goldwave.Made the animation with animation shop 3. Exported it to flash ,compiled it into a swf file, and embeded the flash player in my html. I have also done the same by ripping frames from dvd's. Anyone that would like to learn this feel fee to pm me there isnt no image safe from wow...lol http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Notice from BuffaloHELP: We have dedicated Flash Animation section. Moving.
  25. Hello, arboc7I started to learn the flash IDE a few months ago, and I seem to beable to get around in it well now, and understand the action script. Ive upgraded to flash pro also. The php files in this project I also understand the code in these files as well.I'm a complete newbie to mysql, so that means I'm a newbie to dynamic pages as well, but Ive red about it, and understand the concept.I'm thinking I havnt got the php config file db setting entered correctly.I have the project published, but it doesnt seem to be connecting to the db.It's not adding users to the whos online list. Would you be willing to see if you can get the project to work? I can compile the swf file for it,and the html file ,and sent them to you or leave you a download for the two files. The other php files you could get from the link I have posted.I would welcome your help indeed.
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