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Everything posted by wow

  1. wow

    Hey just joined

    Hello, xtreme I am from the USA ,and I am 46 years old I dont mind a game or two now and then myself. lol I bet you could teach me a few things at that I have never played the game you speek of maybe sometime we could try it out. Thank you for your reply. I look forward to your input , and ideas.
  2. Thank You ameribass in just the short time that I have been here that what you say I find to be very true. BuffaloHelp ,and Dooga was very prompt in responding to my needs. I havnt gave much details about myself,and maybe I should make an effort to do so.First off I dont claim to be any kind of an expert by no means. The softwear that I have,and use most of the time is as follows. Dreamweaver MX 2004, FireWorks MX 2004, Flash mx Pro 2004, Goldwave,PSP 7, A DVD player I use to cap frames from DVD's , a flash decompiler these are the ones I use the most. I have messed around with C a little, and Java the IDEs I used there were J Builder, and Dev C++.I also have used vb6 enterprise edtion. I was talking with BuffaloHelp about the group, and site I belong to earlier So I will post the site address here anyone is free to vist or chat there, but by me posting this addy it is not my intent to take away from this great site you have here.I must thank you once again, and I look forward to meeting the crew that maintains this forum. I use two differant names on the site that I posted here in this post those names are [ hat ] ,and [ foo ] so if anyone does pay us a visit, and you see me give me a shout. lol I left out the link sorry. The link is http://www.drunktech.com/ Notice from BuffaloHELP: Do not double, triple post! If you need to add to your post simply use the REPORT button and tell us what to add. Merging.
  3. Yes, notepad would the simplest,and everone probally has it on thier machine already.I like free stuff.I use macromedia dreamweaver ,and use its editor.
  4. Yes, I think flash is a good platform for chat,but I'm not talking about using someone elses work,and for a beginner to learn the flash IDE,and its action script along with php,and mysql starting off with the bare bones of it is the way togo if you want to know how it works,and how to read code,and understand what is going on.This is what this post is all about ,and I welcome anyone with thier input newbies as well as experianced programmers.I and a group that I've been working with have a few chat systems setup at our site already,but these are mostly other people work and we have just added some to it in some cases.You can get a copy of flash chat for $5.00 you will receive the php files,and swf files with the package,but if you really want to edit it you need to decompile the swf files back into fla files.But to learn from these complex chats would be not such a good idea to me. I look forward to your reply. Thank You
  5. Hello, RoundThank You for responding.Please dont missunderstand what I'm trying to do.I'm trying to get the bare bones of a flash chat to work, or maybe I should say to just get it setup on the server so it can work.From there I will worry about putting addons to it.I have been able to find alot of addon code such as gallerys...ect.I have fooled around with this code a little bit now,and was able to addon movable avatars, just to see how it could be done or even if I had the skills to do so.I started to work on a gallery also, but I never tied either of them into the db or made the tables for them. The avatars I did do were just hard coded in as a test.I did have another look at this tutorial,and see that the action script he has listed on the tutorial is a little differant then that of what he has applyed to the fla files frames.I edited those frames last night ,and have not tryed it out yet to see if its going to work or not.I'm pretty much a newbie at mysql,and sql at this point in time. My flash skills are growing.My strongest areas of skills lie in graphics, andanimation.As far as reading ,and understanding code those skills are growing as well, but having said that doesnt mean that I'm still not a newbie at the process ofworking with theses tools.If you feel you could help me out with this project I would be a happy coder....lolI look forward to your input ,and welcome anyones comments.
  6. If you dont like to read that much, and would like to get a good understanding to just get you started you can try the free video tutorials here https://www.vtc.com/ You will need quicktime to view them, type php into the sreach box on the top right of the window scroll to the bottom select your tutorial, and when your done with the free videos there is a list of the rest of the course at the bottom that will give you an idea of whats left to learn. Good luck
  7. Has anyone here done a flash/php/mysql chat project? I have a few flash projects I could use some help with getting one of them to work.I would like to start with a simple chat that I picked up at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'm able to edit the fla file ok, and know a little about php, and mysql, but this is the first time I have done a dynamic site, and could use some help with it to get it installed on the server,and get it to work.I have tryed on my own for awhile now with it, and it seems I'm on the ratty edge of getting it to work, but with no luck as of yet.If someonre here has the knowlage in these areas,and would be willing to help me get this thing working I sure could use the help.
  8. I got the access problem resolved now. Thank you for your help.Can I get my forum permissions set so I may edit, and delet my own post?I would be more then willing to cleanup after myself.......lol
  9. I have followed your instructions BuffloHelp. When I clickon myphpadmin button it doesnt bring up a login window for me to enter the data base name, and my password. It takes me to this page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ where it says Welcome to phpadmin 2.6.4-pl1 Wrong username/password. Access is denied. I let it set there awhile this time, and waited to see if a login popup window would popup it never did.Do you have any idea why its not giving me the login window?
  10. I am able to login to my account using wow.trap17.net ,and then my password.I can see the db name asigned to the db I created 1367 above the delet, and myphpadmin buttons.If I press the myphpadmin button from here I get Wrong username / password access is denied. If I logout ,and try loging back in as 1367 and my password I get Invaild login format I also tryed using 1367_wow.trap17.net ,and my password, and get the same results. Invaild login format. Im sure this is something simple can you steer me passed this point So I can login to myphpadmin so I may add tables to the db.
  11. Thank You Dooga very promped I just signed up for the ad banner account uploaded my project files,and created a data base. This is my first time building a dynamic page.I could use some help on how to access the myphpadmin to run my query.When I clickon the myphpadmin button I get access is denied could you give me a hint on what I'm doing wrong? Do you offer a tutorial here on how to do that.........lol.
  12. I am looking for free web hosting that has php, and mysql.I am learnning flash, php ,and mysql. I have started a flash/php/mysql project,and need a server to test it on,and more then likly I may need some help from time to time setting it up on the server.If you would be so kind to direct me to the area that you would like me to make my post about my flash/php/mysql project I will get started posting to get some points built up. Thank You in advance wow
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