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Posts posted by DogEater008

  1. Ok, This problem just occured few minutes ago. I check my forum and everything was like 2 days back. All the post i made from then was gone. I tried to restart the computer and clear my cache and cookies. It's stil lthe same.I got a friend of mine to test it out. I told him to go to that one topic that i said was missing, and tell him to view and post on it. He said it works. But for some reason mine is still the same.I'm using SMF forum client by the way. I have over 300 posts, but when i look at it now.. the total post counts is only 280. The page view counter said i got 3900 counts, but before this happan, i got 4500. A friend of mine registered like last night and another one today, there are suppose to be 24 members, but now i only have 22 members. Did the server restarted or something?Oh and one thing, today i uploaded a new set of Buttons for the forum to my FTP. I just checked my FTP, and everythign seem to be working fine, but i couldn't find the folder with the buttons anywhere. I just recieved another message from my friend, and he said the the post that we made is gone. And he has the exact same problem i do. (edit: now he said the post that we made came back 1 minute ago but not it's gone)This brought an attention to my mind. Today, a friend of mine (the one that registered last night), she tried to sign on but she told me it said her account didn't exist. While this happaned, everything worked fine for me. This is not a joke (even though it seem like it). Maybe you could try to visit my site and see if the post is over 300. =P. thanks. Sorry guys if i made some error in typing or didn't make any sense right now because i'm trying to explain it as fast as i can. I have some homework due tommorow.About the other problem i stated in the title is....I wrote a basic php mailing script to send that data that people entered into an html form and send that data to my email account. When i tested it today, the email was sent, but no data that were entered were sent. I need this to work as soon as possible because i'm using this for people to register for an event in my community. And my boss (i'm volunteering) asked if i finished it.

  2. oh.. i though you go to mySQLdatabase to download your backup files. Oh well, i guess i will have to backup everything and start over from scrap. I spent so much time on it too =(. Well, if any of you guys know a way to do this that does not require me to reinstall everything over again, please share it here. .

  3. hey, guys i have a quick question. If i'm planning on to restart my account and lose everything, but i made a backup of my FTP and SQL. If i reupload the FTP back to the way it was, will i get my site (forum, portal, gallery, etc) back the way it was without reinstalling the forum, portal, gallery, etc?Or do i have to start everything over again. =P

  4. if you're going to put music on your site, you should convert the mp3 file into 8kbits stream. It will reduce the size that way. If you worry about quaility, then have a low quality verison and a high quailty and let your visiters choose. And wow, your band is really good. i like the song. =Ptry http://www.biz.ly/ or http://www.freedomain.pro/
    it doesn't have any ads support.. all you need to do is put a link back to their site.

  5. man.. today, ,i went to circuit city, and they had the xbox 360 out for trail pllaying. It was awesome. The graphic was incredibly good. The graphic is like those 3D animated movies. That was my first time seeing a console game with such great graphic. it is very sad how i think xbox 360 will be out powered by playstation 3. It doesn't even support the next generation dvds. While playstation is using blue ray disk.lol..i didn't know dreamcast and xbox 360 have so many things in common. I still own a dreamcast myself. I love it. =P. I played shenmue on it.. can't wait till they release shenmue 3 for xbox =P

  6. no offence but ,, you are seriously desperate if you chose internet dating. I'm sure there are tons of females/males out there for you to date other then "net". I heard thsi story from my brother. He said that one of his friend met this one girl on ragnorok and they started to date. They even have little wedding in the game. She flew to his place and he flew to hers. ehh.. probably isn't the type of ending you would expect. But i still think it is sad for someone to meet their soul mate over the internet.

  7. wow.. 1TB transfer speed is indeed fast, but i think people are looking forward to having wireless connections now. As you all know, verizon offers wifi broadband internet so now you could access the internet anywhere just like a cellphone. Scientists and engineers are trying to find new ways for cheap broad band internet, instead of using wires or satelite but ... instead we use balloon ( i read this on bbc news).just like guangdian said, the problem we will face is not how fast the ethernet speed is, but if our computer could handle such speed. We would need to get more than 1TB of ram and a processor with a huge bottle neck speed. And for the hard drive, i don't think our next generation hard drive (instead of using movable parts, it will use flash memory) could handdle such speed.

  8. too bad the chinese blocked out some sites so their people won't be brainwashed.. or to keep them brainwashed by the goverment =P. Suck for you guys, not to have full access to the internet =P. just kidding. So, Sirius, where did you heard such a news? I wish the United States goverment would do something like that for our people. So i won't get stuck with this slow 56k modem.... arggg. can't do anythign with it. .takes me days just to download a few songs..

  9. lol.. what are they thinking. The new internet explore 7.0 might be good but not the one we're using right now. internet explore 7.0 is releasing with the new window operation systme code name longhorn.. (or vista).Yeah sure.. as they said.. 690,000,000 people use internet explore.. but as we all know.. most of the people on this earth are computer illerate. 50% of them probably dont' even know what an anti virus program is according to bbc news survey. Using internet explore is one of the reason why people get idenity theft over the internet. They dont' know how to protect their personal information and keep them safe from spyware by using internet explore. Firefox uses a different way of browsing, so it actully increases your speed which is better than internet explorer.PS. I still love opera, it's the best. =P

  10. Well. i think the new photo ipod is great... not sure if it could play divx or if you have to convert it into its own format. It would be great if it could play divx and all the other format.. so then i could watch my videos on it =PI recalled that someone talked about having usb 2.0 but not firewire?... Well.. to tell you the truth.. usb 2.0 can transfer up to 480 mega bits ...on the other hand, firewire can only transfer at 400 mega bits. Only mac support firewires unless PC users buy a Firewire PCI card for their PC. and 90% of all computers are PC. I think the reason why they didn't make it to support firewire because as most of you all know, apple is no longer using IBM processor, they switched over to intel. That means in the future, there will be MAC operation system available for PC. I'm guessing this is there first step.I wish somehow they could make the ipod have a removable battery. Instead of having to break open the case to change the battery, then reapply a new case. Each time they do that, it costs $105 including shipping and handling. I read on apple website that on average, ipod's battery life only last about 1 year. So... 105 x 5 years .. that equals to $525....

  11. ahh.. hello there.. welcome to Xisto. =P.. So.. it seem like you're japanese. Maybe you should give me japanese lessons =P.. just kidding.OH.. even though i'm not japanese but i might know a few words.. so i could answer your question jlhaslip. An otaku is a nerdy person (like someone that watches anime for 24/7) am i right?. .ehehe.. i'm sorry if my definition is wrong. =P

  12. it's a nice phone with camera and mp3,. I know someone that has it, but i don't know about the quality of it. From my pass experience with motorola phones, most of them are terribily built. I had a v180, and less than 1 year.. the screen died and the phone's vibrator stopped working. phone with mp3 player isn't very effiecent because of its battery.

  13. Do you obey these "laws" since you posted  Today, 09:18 PM??


    maybe because he's is in a different time zone from you.. lol



    well, to me, going to sleep that early is just too early. By the time i get home from school everyday is at 4 : 30. I won't get anything done by going to sleep that early. Going to sleep late and wake up early is good pratice for college. From what i heard from my brothers and friends that are going to college, you go to sleep at 1 and wake up at 6 or 7.


    I thought the average hours of sleeping is 8 (1/3 of the day)

  14. wow.. a normal 7200 rpm hdd can't even use up all the bandwidth of a 100mb hub.. lol.. 230 mb is kinda pointless for a personal network. Unlesss you have some hardcore data transfering between computers or alot of computers on a network.oh.. a few weeks ago, i read bbc news, and they were talking about the future of broadband internet. They will be using ballons as a broadband station (instead of having to use wire or satetiite). They said it will be faster and cheaper to maintain. But right now, they only could only get it to transfer at 11mb.

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