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Everything posted by gotcha41

  1. Hotmail is upgrading free accounts to 250mB since June. I guess they are adding memory to the accounts one by one. The picture i've added proves it is really true what they are talking about. btw: mine hasn't been upgraded yet, hope soon it will be.
  2. I had an account with shyper.com but when I couldn't log in for more than 2 weeks I thought: that's the limit! And I still can't log in, so that makes it three weeks Unbelievable!I'm glad I've searched another free webhost (via free-webhosts.com) so I could discover the advances of Xisto. Now I'm quite sure it's my final destination.. Respect!
  3. Here is another candidate for gmail lieventhorre@hotmail.combtw: how did you collect so many invites? I suppose you have several accounts.. :)greetz
  4. I'm the lucky owner of a 'PS ONE' - console. I used to have a lot of pleasure playing it. But now it became outmoded because of the introduction of ps2-consoles and equivalents.. And I also don't buy new games because they are too expensive, aren't they? greetz
  5. I've heard of gmail and I know you can get an account by getting an invitation from an existing user. but the problem is I don't know anyone who has got an account yet... So if anyone is willing to do me a favour, I'm interested.. Don't consider it as begging because I don't want an account at all costs, only if you want to And I won't be disappointed either if I don't get one..Greetz
  6. I will use the special font for the buttons, which are actually just simple links, in the menu-bar of my site But I think I will use/have to use images to make the special font visible for everyone, as you suggested.. Anyway,Thanks for responding
  7. thanks for giving your opinion, wich is really useful, and responding so fast.btw I've voted positive for your 'reputation-thing'. I thought you should now
  8. I will ask my question again, hoping someone can answer it this time: will visitors of my site will be able to read the text ("animated" with the special font) even if they haven't installed the special font. If the answer to my question is 'yes', how does it work exactly? Does the browser deliver a sort of 'package' (-> the relevant font) with the site? :)Anyone?
  9. thanks for your explanation but it isn't an answer to what I really wanted to know; why did the maker of the script included the color of the background?! Such a script doesn't require the determination of the backgroundcolor, does it? In my opinion it is unlogical that it is included.. Maybe by accident? Anyone an idea?
  10. oh btw: what's the point of having "bgcolor=#FFFFFF" -that's white I guess- included in the script? Does it have a specific function or is it just a detail that doesn't effect your site/script/etc..
  11. thank you very much lib2day, I appreciate your help. I didn't knew I had to split up the code , but now I do
  12. you were right about the fact that the statusbar-effects aren't disabled. I tried another code and that one worked perfectly. But this one doesn't seem to work <!-- START OF SCRIPT -->[br]<!-- For more scripts visit http://http://www.netpedia.com/ -->[br][/br]<script language="JavaScript">[br][/br]<!--[br][/br]/* MjM'S JAVA CODENAME = FLASH[br][/br] This JavaScript Code was written by MjM for Hyperchat UK[br][/br] I am not responsible for any damage caused by my code.[br][/br] This code can be modified as long as the Author's Name is still attached.[br][/br] [br][/br] Email : MjM@hyperchat.co.uk[br][/br] [br][/br] Š Copyright 1996[br][/br]*/[br][/br]var yourwords = "Welcome to [-GotCha41-] ! ";[br][/br]var speed = 150;[br][/br]var control = 1;[br][/br]function flash()[br][/br]{[br][/br] if (control == 1)[br][/br] {[br][/br] window.status=yourwords;[br][/br] control=0;[br][/br] } [br][/br] else[br][/br] {[br][/br] window.status="";[br][/br] control=1;[br][/br] }[br][/br] setTimeout("flash();",speed);[br][/br]}[br][/br]// -->[br][/br]</script>[br][/br]</HEAD>[br][/br]<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" onload="flash();">[/br]<!--The script causes the flashing text in your browser's[br]status bar.-->[/br]<!-- END OF SCRIPT --> I'm not so familiar with html or javascript. I got the code from 1st Page 2000, where it works perfectly, but when I copied it to dreamweaver and published it, no effect is visible any more.. I have to paste the code into the head-content, do I?
  13. I have a question about the statusbar: can we use statusbar-effects on our "Xisto.com"-sites? I've tried to use such an effect on my site but it doesn't seem to work Would the cause be me or are statusbar-effects just not an option of Xisto...
  14. I didn't meant that to be ironical, I would like to give an explanation to what I said, but it would take a couple of hours to find the proper words.. (english is not my mother tongue). I was a bit surprised by the line disappearing under the text when moving over with your cursor.... Sounds silly but that's the essence of the reason of me saying :"strange effect you have got on your links" It was meant well greetz
  15. so downloading the fonts is the most obvious option.. Thank you guys for the webpages, I will certainly check them out!Now that I have some beautiful fonts, I wonder if I use one on my site, are visitors, who haven't got the font installed, able to read the text? Does the browser deliver a sort of 'package' (-> the relevant font) with the site..How does it work exactly?
  16. I have a little problem: I want to use special fonts on my site but I don't know so well how to get them..Should I download the font(s) (if so: where?), should I get it anywhere else (-> program, person etc..), or should I create it myself (?!).I could use some tips !ooh and wich ones do you consider as nice?btw: free is the main word
  17. I can't find the point of the joke, can you PM it?(So that the point doesn't get let out before others even READ the joke)I'm dying to hear it ! I bet it's a good one..
  18. It seems that you improved your lay-out by changing the text-size In the meantime, I also visited your main page (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and I have to admit, strange effect you have got there on your text links that's not an everyday occurrence
  19. Here in Belgium, cable is about twice as fast as adsl and I think the price is about the same. So choosing cable was quite obvious for me
  20. I don't like the appearance of the forum.. the letters are so small and hard(er) to read.. I'm not all for BMX-forums..Great content : interesting forums and nice structure you've got! I've registered right away.
  21. too bad you can't use it on your own site-> it's property of Valve and it goes about the steam-forum in particular. Your forum would stay well-organized much longer ! I think it's an original and pleasant way to introduce some rules in a forum.
  22. Did you create the template your own? -If it is your own I would say: nice work! -But if you downloaded it, there is nothing special about your forum (no content either..) and what's the piont off your poll then.. ?I gave you a 6, supposing you made the template yourself
  23. does the warn level decrease after a while or does it only increase? And could you lose your site by spamming too much on the fofums or do you just get kicked/banned from the forums?
  24. When I see the name Xisto, I think about a big company. Because, for me (not american nor englishman) the name sounds very international and above all, it's short and is not too complicated. BTW: I'dont have the tendency to read Xisto in my mother tongue, dutch, so that's a mark of a good companyname, isn't it?
  25. *Once again, someone found heaven via free-webhosts.com* It's amazing how many members found Xisto this way.. And stayed here off course But when you consider the features, it's kinda logical!
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