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Posts posted by nanna

  1. Hello LislyA big welcome to Xisto.Like you mention everyone here are very friendly and very helpful so if you got a question or you need help with anything dont be afraid to ask.You mention you attend school and you want to become a professional but you didnt mention what.It would be nice to know what your hobbies and interests are.As you have seen there are plenty of topics you can post in to earn your mycents so why not get posting.Well i look forward to seeing you around and reading your posts and learning more about you.

  2. Well you may find this strange but i dont know much cars or trucks the only thing i know is that there are lots and lots of different types.Learning to drive has never interested me i think because they are to many cars and other veichles on the road and to many mad drivers on the roads.When ever i go in a car be it a taxi or in a relations car i really dread it i dont enjoy the journey one bit i have a fear of being in an accident i am very unconfortable in cars.You may find it stange but i dont have this fear on public transport i do use public transport a lot.My other way of getting around is my bike i feel safe riding my bike too and now a days most places have cycle paths which i think is the best thing ever that way cyclists dont get in drivers way.So drivers and cyclists are more happier.

  3. Hello Shadowx I installed Spotify on my laptop ive not had it long just over a month.I like spotify its nice to have music playing in the back ground while working on my laptop and the adverts dont bother me after a while you dont notice them.The only thing i must say is i would never think of paying a monthly subscription for this service.I think paying for Spotify you should be able to get all music songs from all artists that ever lived.I noticed you cant find all songs and artists one example like the beatles you cant get orginal songs from them.So if your paying for a service i really think every song and artist should be available to you.This just my view on spotify it was interesting reading your post about Spotify.

  4. Hello CasperWelcome to Xisto if you any questions im sure someone here will be happy to answer for you .You will find that everyone at Xisto very friendly and helpful.If im not wrong is minecraft a computer game as ive heard people mention minecraft.I wont be able to help you with any questions to do with computer but any thing you want to know about cooking dont be afraid to ask i am also an animal lover.So start posting to build your mycents up there are plenty of topics to post in.I look forward to seeing you around and reading your post and learning more about Minecraft.

  5. Hello MitralWelcome to Xisto.You will find everyone here very friendly and everyone very helpful.It would be nice to learn a bit about you like your intrests,hobbies what you do for a living and where you are from.You wont have have trouble posting in the forums as there is plenty of interesting topics to post in and plenty of posting will earn you your mycents.Well i look forward seeing you around and reading plenty of posts from you.

  6. Hello everyoneHere is an update on our Esmé.Sorry that its late but i have been very busy the last few weeks having our son his partner and Esmé living back with us.Esmé was discharged from hospital on the 8/1/12 she was in hospital for 4 days.And as i had suspected on Esmé discharge papers from the hospital she had been treated for pneumonia.After being discharged from hospital Esmé was not 100% for 2 weeks.And now the poor thing is now teething very bad she has her molars on both sides of her gums coming through and she is a lot of pain with it and every night she is waking up because of the teething.Hopefully when this teething lark has passed that will be the last of her being under the weather and back to her normal self.

  7. Hello Sheepdog We have had this happen several times both Mrdee and i. We dont understand whats going on either.We have it a couple of times where we couldnt get on Xisto for a whole day.It is a pain as i cant get on everyday because im busy with the family or doing things around the home and when i do get to come and post i dont like being told this page cant be found so i understand what your saying.Lets hope someone who knows why this is happening will post a reply.

  8. Why do we dream and what makes us dream i have often wondered this.I think dreams are strange things and do they really come true like it says because if they do im still waiting for mine to come true.I know i dream every night as i have the same dream every night and that same dream a few times a night.The dream i have is going to the toilet in what ever the dream about and then i wake up and i need the toilet.Weather im dreaming about a family gathering or im travelling in something in the dream i will squat down some where or i could be sitting on a toilet or in the dream and im in bed i would be wetting the bed it is all so real it is unbelieveable.Another thing i dream about often is loved ones i have lost.The dreams ive had of loved ones ive lost can sometimes be things we have done in the past like when i dream about my mum and dad the dream will be about where we used to go drinking or where we used to go on holidays these dreams are so surreal.I also have lots of dreams about my mum in law and my father in law the dreams i have with my mum in law in make me very happy unfortunately i only had my mum in law in my life for seven months and she was the best mum in law in the world.And when my mum in law is in my dreams i hear her talking to me as though it is real.One of my latest dream was involving our puppy Marley.Marley is a golden labrador and around his nose and mouth he has a black circle i dreamt that the black circle went down his back in a black stripe just like stripe in the gremlins film this dream wierd i know.What i would find interesting is to find out what some dreams mean as i think their must mean something or find out the reason we have some dreams.If somebody knows more about dreams and why we dream please reply to this post.

  9. Hello RonaldghazeA very big welcome to Xisto.Well you got plenty of topics to post in on here and some very interesting topics.You will also find everyone very friendly and everyone very helpful on this forum.So if you have a question or need help with anything dont be afraid to ask.I look forward to reading posts from you and learning a bit more about you and your interests.See you around sometime.

  10. Hello Leegrace Welcome to Xisto here you will everyone very friendly and everyone very helpful.You will find many and very interesting topics to post in on this forum to earn your my cents.I am a animal lover i have 5 dogs and 4 cats i also love cooking and i am from england and i speak english and flemmish.It would be nice to learn a bit more about you like what your hobbies are and where you are from.Well i look forward to seeing you around and reading posts from you.

  11. Homemade Curry SauceIngredients :50gr Butter2 heaped tblspoons flour plain or self raising or corn flour1 to 2 tblspoons Depending how strong you want the sauce Curry Powder or Curry Paste500ml to 750ml MilkMethod :1. Put butter in a saucepan and melt.2. Add curry powder or curry paste and stir into the butter.3. Add the flour and stir into the butter and curry mixture.4. Add the milk in gradually stirring all the time until you have reached the thickness of the curry sauce you desire.I serve this curry sauce with fried chicken,rice and vegetables.Also beef burger,chips and vegetables.But you can serve it with anything you think it will go with.Bon Appetite.

  12. Hello AndyoumeWelcome to Xisto.You will find everyone on here very friendly and very helpful.You will also find plenty of topics to post in to earn your mycents,It would be interesting to have a bit of information about you and where you are from and any hobbies you have.I look forward to seeing you around and reading more about you.

  13. Dag HorusHere are a few worst things about moving to England the streets here are dirty.The cost of living is very expensive and wether your working or on benefits earnings are very low here.The biggest and worst thing is missing our family in Belgium we are lucky now adays we can chat with some family members on Facebook and on Skype and hubby phones one of his sisters every Sunday.And i must not forget the lovely belgium food we miss like fricadellen.I have been to a a couple of places in Holland Sluis and Middelberg.If we could go back to Belgium tomorrow i wouldnt have to think twice about going.

  14. Welkom terug naar Xisto HorusYes i know dutch but im more familiar with flemish than dutch my husband is from belgium west flanders and we lived in Bredene together for 8 years with our 2 children before we moved to England the worst thing we ever did was move here.You will find everyone at Xisto very friendly and very helpful.You will find many interesting topics to post in i look forward to reading your posts.I look forward to seeing you around in the near future .

  15. Hello AjeeshA big welcome to Xisto you will find everyone here very friendly and very helpful.I would find it very interesting to learn about ayurveda as i have never heard of this before and would like to read more about the work you do.You will find lots of very interesting topics that you post in to earn your my cents.Well i look forward to seeing you around Xisto and look forward to reading your posts in the future.

  16. Our youngest grandaughter Esmé had been unwell before christmas with a lung infection and a viral infection.Last week we had Esmé sleepover for a few nights and she was her normal self.On Monday this week my sister invited Esmé and her mum and dad over hers to have a late christmas celebration and stay over for the night and open presents with her.Everything was going ok till dinner time Esmé only ate a little of her dinner a little while later esmé vomited.When it was time for Esmé to go to bed she was laid in her travel cot.Our eldest daughter who was staying with us over christmas had gone to my sisters for the evening the time came for our daughter to leave my sisters when she heard esmé crying so she looked in on esmé and she had vomited again.Early tuesday afternoon i phoned our son who was still at my sisters to find out how esmé was and he told me he had phoned the doctors and was waiting for the duty doctor to phone them back as there was no improvement in Esmé.At about 4.30pm tuesday afternoon our son phoned me to say their were at the doctors waiting to see the duty doctor and when they had been seen he would phone me back to let me know how Esmégot on at the doctors.On coming out of the doctors our son phoned me he said the doctor had listened to Esmé'schest and said her lungs and chest were clear the doctor and looked in her mouth and said that Esmé had a viral infection and she couldnt give esmé anything for it as there is nothing that works for viral infections.On getting back to my sisters she invited our son and daughter in law and esméto stay another night as esmé werent well. They gave esmé some dinner but she ate nothing at 7pm they laid esmé down for the night with a bottle of milk.During tuesday evening our son phoned me and invited me over to my sisters for lunch and to spend some time with esmé wednesday our son would call in for me on his way back from our local village as he had to pick up a few bits from the shop in the village i said that was good i would wait for him to call in for me.Wednesday morning my sister phoned me to see if i was still going there for lunch today i said yes she said Bruce will call in for you on the way home from the village.I heard nothing else.At 2pm our son phoned me to say he hadnt been out yet as he only got up at 1pm and they woke Esmé up then too as she had slept from 7pm the night before till 1pm tody they did her some weetabix which she had a spoon or too and gave her a bottle of juice which she just spat out and she went back to sleep so their laid her in her travel cot.At 5pm their woke Esmé again to give her a bottle of juice and something to eat Esmé was burning up they took her tempreture several times the readings ranged from 39+ to 40+ our son phoned me and i said and my sister said dont wait get her up to A+E straight away.Aswell being since Monday evening she has done nothing but sleep.A paediatrician came round to see Esmé they took her tempreture it was 39.6 they examined her and said it werent a viral infection it was a bacterial infection they bput her von a sailine iv drip as she was dehydrated and a iv drip of antibiotics and also sent her for a chest x-ray as she was coughing a lot the paediatrician wanted to keep Esméin overnight to see if the drowsyness is being caused by the high tempreture.Eventually they took Esmé down to the childrens ward where she was put on oxygen as the oxygen in her blood levels had dropped low.The results of her chest x-ray came back she has a very bad chest infection.And they will be keeping her in for at least 48 hours.In my mind i think it might be more serious as pneumonia as from a chest infection she not going to be drowsy like she is and when our daughter in law left the hospital she was still drowsy.now Esmé is in the best place the way she is.But she neednt have been laying in the hospital if the doctor had done job properly yesterday and examined correctly.This seems to be happening a lot at our doctors surgery.Tell me someone how these so called doctors get through medical school.Our son and Daughter are not going to leave it like it they are going to put a complaint in about the doctor misdiagnosing Esmé.I will keep you all updated on how Esme is doing and about the complaint when its handed in.

  17. Your age gap is small compared to mine and my husbands my husband is 7 years old than me and we have been married 25 years.And who says long distant relationships dont work mine is the prove of the pudding as they say.26 years i was on holiday in Oostende in Belgium where i met the man of my dreams on thing led to another and we went out on a date so for me this was a holiday romance.My holiday came to an end and i went back to england.A month later i went back to Oostende for a holiday where mrdee and i became a couple again the holiday came to an end for me.when i was back in England mrdee and i kept in touch by phone and letter writing and i went back and forth to Bredene the home town where mrdee lived with his parents.One Sunday in November 1985 Mrdee phoned and asked my father for my hand in marriage and when my fater said yes all you could hear down the phone was mrdee shouting with joy.We got engaged on 24/12/85.I mustnt forget to mention when i was in england and making phone calls to Mrdee i ran up a phone bill in 3 months of over £300 the things we do for love looooooool.In Febuary 1986 i moved to Belgium where we lived together with Mrdee's parents before getting married on 4/4/86 and this year we celebrated our 25th wedding Anniversary.As you can read long distant relationships do work.

  18. Hello DipankarA very big welcome to Xisto.I myself am a newbie around here i am also new to this computer lark i still have a lot to learn I have my own blog although the last two months i havent worked on my blog as i have been very busy as my labrador had eight puppies and they have now started going to their new homes.On the 27/12/11 the last of the puppies go to their new homes i will then have time again to work on my blog.By the the way im from england the furthest i have ever been is Belgium and Holland.Well back to this forum you will find everyone here very friendly and very helpful.I look forward to seeing posts from you their are plenty of topics to post in.I will be off now but i look forward to seeing you around.

  19. Hello KarloWelcome back to Xisto i hope you enjoy it back here like you used to do in your teenage years;How long ago is it since you were here last im a newbie around here and im a big animal lover.You will find everyone around here very friendly and very helpful.I look forward to seeing what you have to contribute to the forum.Well im off now and i look forward to seejng you around.

  20. Well the puppies have reached 7 weeks on monday.They all love their food i give them puppy dry complete food which i moisten with warm water i did try them on it dry but they prefer it moist.They have all taken to weaning very well mum dont feed them no more she hasnt for about two weeks now.All the puppies have names now we have : Buster-Shaz-Buddy-Redgy-Vinnie and Princess.We sold the last two puppies today.Three of the puppies are going to their new homes next week.Buster is going to his new home tomorrow ( Sunday ).Vinnie is going to his new home on Monday and Princess is going to her new home Wednesday.The last three puppies are going to their new homes on the 27/12/11.I think it is going to be a sad moment when the puppies leave as we have grown very attached to them.I will post recent photos of all the puppies in the week.

  21. Hello FiresnowWelcome to Xisto.I hope your not thinking of lurking in the back ground on this forum as im sure you will find plenty of topics to post in.You will also find everyone on here very friendly and very helpful.I will look forward to seeing you around on here and i look forward to reading your posts.

  22. Well people you are not going to believe this our cat Ebony gave birth to 5 kittens this afternoon.We didnt suspect Ebony being pregnant until about 2 weeks ago this is her 2nd litter and will be her last litter.This afternoon mrdee and i had a nap with our eldest grandaughter who is staying over till tuesday.Upon waking up i went to the kitchen followed by lucky and dido on entering the kitchen i heard what i thought was tiny meows i looked to where Ebony was laying and i could see a kitten so i quickly cleared lucky and dido out of the kitchen before they had chance to bark at Ebony as they usually do.I went back to the kitchen not just one kitten but three kittens were on the bench so Ebony had decided to have her kittens on the kitchen work bench instead of the laundry basket i had made up for her and showed her a couple of times.I called mrdee to the kitchen i placed the laundry basket on the work bench and mrdee placed Ebony and the three kittens in it and i went and prepared one of the spare bedrooms to put Ebony and her kittens in i put a litter tray in there for Ebony water and food.I went down to the kitchen and carried Ebony and the three kittens in the laundry basket to the spare room.I then went and scrubbed the kitchen work bench clean and sterelized it.I went upstairs a little while later before i got dinner and there was five kittens with Ebony in the basket all cleaned up and feeding.An hour ago i went to check on Ebony and the kittens there were still only five kittens but Ebony had been and eaten and drunk some water.And it looks like three have got new homes already.

  23. Hello Sheep dog and Velma

    Just to ease both your minds the person in my avatar picture is not me sorry to disappoint you both lol.

    On the picture is an Ostend fishwife in traditional dress.

    The picture was taken at the opening of the "soused herring" season, so the woman is indeed eating a fish.


    Soused herring, also known as matjes herring, or with its true Dutch name maatjes herring (Dutch: maatjesharing or maatjes for short) is a young herring, of which the roe and milt has not developed yet, hence they are not yet able to reproduce.


    They are pickled in brine in oak barrels and then eaten with finely chopped raw onion and, on the opening of the season, they are also washed down with a glass of jenever (also known as Dutch gin, an alcoholic beverage distilled in Holland and Flanders, with a similar recipe to gin, but with the addition of (hence the name) juniper berries).


    Soused herrings are a delicacy in Holland, Flanders, Germany and Sweden, and Wikipedia has a nice article with further information and pictures of the herrings and the way they are served in various countries.

    The (very interesting) article can be read at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soused_herring.


    Now to go back to the puppies Buster has a new owner and yes i do want to keep in touch with the puppies and their owners being its the first ever litter and last litter we will have.

    im getting very attached to them all i will be upset when they leave.

    We still havent decided which chocolate lab boy we are keeping yet its still hard as at the moment there is no difference between the two boys.

    We let the puppies wonder around the front room today its the first time out of the whelping pen.You should have see the puppies they were all so excited they loved it.We are going to let them out tomorrow all day just putting them in the whelping pen when its feeding time with mum.

    On Friday we are going to start weaning them by replacing one of the feeds from mum.Can any of you let me know what is the best thing to give the puppies for their first meal.

    Here in england you have puppie dog biscuits which i think will be a bit to hard for their fist few meals,or you can buy tins of puppie dog meat which will be soft enough but i think it would be to rich and heavy and i think will give them an upset tummy for their first few meals.

    Any advice on weaning them for the first time would be very welcome.


    Can just ask you both is it normal that mum Dido has lost a lot of weight since having the puppies.And if this is normal will she put the weight back on when she stops feeding the puppies.

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